sports supervillain

839. Violent Beating

I saw Ye Fei running towards the underground parking lot in a hurry.

As soon as the man appeared in the parking lot, Clarkson waved to Ye Fei and said, "Boss, this way."

Ye Fei nodded to Clarkson to lead the way, and the two quickly rushed to a corner of the parking lot. Zubac, Nick Young and Stephenson cornered Chris Webber and gagged him from yelling.

Without further ado, the fans will leave, even in such a remote place, it is not safe.

Ye Fei didn't waste time, just came over and gave Chris Webber a muffled punch.

"Aren't you happy to open at the judges' table?"

Grabbing Chris Webber's collar, Ye Fei pulled it over and punched him hard: "If you give someone 10 points, you'll give me 9 points. Are you brave? Are you trying to force your presence? Do you think I took There's nothing you can do? Ah..."


Kick Chris Webber against the wall.

"What are you doing in a daze, I know you have tolerated him for a long time, beat him up for me, I will bear the consequences, but don't hit him too hard, don't beat him to a disability, lest he depend on us."

Ye Fei's teammates, who were already ready to try, beat him up.

Chris Webb wailed again and again.

Just teach Chris Webber how to be a man after a lesson, and Ye Fei waved his hand and called gold to withdraw: "Withdraw."

"I know you are upset. You can do whatever you want. I will pay for all the medical expenses. If you want to call the police, you can call the police. I can handle it anyway. I advise you to swallow your anger so as not to bring yourself any discomfort." Necessary trouble."

Chris Webb, who was rolling on the ground, was furious.

When Ye Fei finished his work and led the team to leave, he called 120. Make sure no one comes over and beat him to death before they leave the parking lot.

Believe in his sense of propriety, Chris Webb will stay in the hospital for at least half a month.

Immediately, I called my beauty agent, Lin Ziqiong, and told her the whole story. Lin Ziqiong said angrily: "You, I really don't know what to say about you. You are so troublesome. Well, I will help you." You handle the follow-up things well, and be careful yourself||."

When she was about to hang up the phone, Lin Ziqiong said: "I support you, if I knew I would have punched you twice, the man who dares to bully me is looking for death.

Ye Fei's heart is extremely sweet.

Call the team owner Jenny Buss again, she still needs to deal with the league affairs.

Jenny Bass said quite protectively: "It's okay, none of you can touch you, well played, Ye, you can go and play at ease.

In the slam dunk contest, Ye Fei wanted to go on stage and beat up Chris Webber.

Anyway, I am also a public idol, and I am in a public place, so bear with him. But do you think that Ye Fei really intends to let Chris Webber go so easily, and not beat him up, to be worthy of the title of super villain in his alliance?

It was finally a sigh of relief.

Ye Fei led his little brothers to the bar to have a carnival together, of course he didn't forget, so he called him over.

Players who have been defeated by themselves have no villain value to brush themselves.

Ye Fei is willing to communicate more with them, at least maintain a not-so-bad relationship. If the team needs it, he can find one or two outstanding teammates for him to help him launch his impact towards the Triple Crown.

Chris Webb, who was severely beaten by Ye Fei, could only lie obediently on the hospital bed after receiving treatment in the hospital.

He couldn't swallow it.

Prepare to call your assistant for help and call the police.

They haven't had time to act yet.

Xiao Hua showed up in Chris Webber's ward with people from the alliance.

"I advise you not to call the police. We have the right to hold you accountable for what you did on the judging panel today. I know it's wrong for Ye to hit someone, but you asked for it. If you really want to give us at this time, add If it’s troublesome, we don’t mind blocking you, and then causing you some trouble.”

Xiao Hua was serious, with extremely serious eyes, telling Chris Weber that he was not joking.

Chris Weber was extremely depressed.

The league doesn't always want to block violent incidents on the stadium. Now I was beaten up by others, and you even deprived me of the right to call the police, and even made threats.

Are you a little too much?

"All the expenses during your hospitalization and all the expenses needed for medical treatment will be borne by someone, so you can rest assured that you will take care of your illness and don't make trouble for yourself."

Seeing Xiao Hua and others who came and went in a hurry, Chris Webb was even more angry.

Before he could figure out his revenge plan, he saw his assistant rushing in in a panic.

"々Chris, something is wrong!"

Seeing that on the IPAI brought by my assistant, the most popular topic on Twitter was about being beaten up, but the comments below did not show any sympathy or comfort, which even made Chris Weber tremble.

"I just want to say one thing - well done! Whoever beat you up, I give you a thumbs up!"

"Who did it so quickly? We squatted in the parking lot for a long time, and saw an ambulance coming in behind. We didn't expect someone to beat him up first. It's beautiful."

"It's right, I want to rush up to the dunk contest and circle you on the ground like crazy."

"Does anyone know which hospital he is in? Team up and beat him up again. I will pay the medical expenses."

"If you want to beat Chris Webber, bring me one, even though he showed us (Lee's) a wonderful dunk, but he dared to target me, Ye Shen, there is nothing to say, just do it!"

"Didn't you beat him to death? The attack is really light. If I meet him, I will definitely kill you half to death.

"No matter who did it, I will support you. If you need any help, please contact me. I am an excellent lawyer."

"I have friends in the police station, I can help you settle some things, and whoever wants to do it as soon as possible, damn bastard, just deserves a beating!"

What is an alarm?

Chris Webb has no idea.

The only thing he worries about now is, does he still have a chance to live?

Such crazy fans, who knows if they will make even crazier moves, he shouted to his assistant: "Hurry up and arrange more bodyguards for me, if the situation is not good, arrange for me to transfer to another hospital, I am very panicked !”.

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