sports supervillain

827 Be Careful, He's Going To Pretend Again!

"My, my, my..."

Ye Fei was afraid that the fans would make trouble, so he hurriedly shouted at them: "Don't rush too crazy, pay attention to safety, I will give you another one later."

The fans were like a spring breeze, and finally a little fan grabbed the ball and raised it up to signal to Ye Fei: "Thank-you! I love you, God Ye!"

Ye Fei responded with a warm smile: "Come on, come play in the NBA!"

Perhaps even Ye Fei never imagined that a casual sentence would create a future superstar in the NBA. Seeing such a heartwarming scene, Ye Fei's fans gave warm applause.

"It's so warm, Ye, like the warm sun in winter, I really like you, God Ye, I love you!"

"Super super super super handsome! It's so cool! I'm completely lost!"

"Ye, I love you, I want to give you a monkey, too "two one three" warms you up!"

"Whoever tells me that Ye Fei is a villain again, I will be anxious to you, is there such a heart-warming villain?"

"You act like I'm going to beat CXK hard, but the way you send the ball is like the bright moon illuminating my heart that day."

"Ye, you'd better put on a good show, don't be a good person and make me cry."

"It's so heartwarming, Ye Fei, well done, awesome!"

The players who sat on the sidelines and watched the three-point shooting contest originally wanted to beat Ye Fei violently, but now they all applauded.

It caused an embarrassment for the upcoming Klay Thompson.

I have finished pretending to be a forceful person, and you have also done a good person.

What am I going to do now?

Klay Thompson felt the pressure and stepped on the field bravely. The only way to relieve the current embarrassing atmosphere is to fight to the death.

In fact, Klay Thompson has always been a big-hearted player with excellent psychological quality. In terms of emotional control, he is even better than Curry.

Can withstand pressure at critical moments.

Klay Thompson did not disappoint Ye Fei.

Although he only scored three goals in the first point, he scored all five goals in the second point. In the next few points, Klay Thompson's state became better and better.

Four goals were scored at the top of the arc.

At the 45-degree bouquet point on the left, Klay Thompson scored four more goals, and the atmosphere on the sidelines boiled instantly. Klay Thompson has scored 23 points. He has a good chance to reach the final, and even surpass him, becoming the No. 1 player in the preliminaries. one.

At the last point, Klay Thompson took a deep breath, adjusted his rhythm and shot again.

The first ball was hit firmly.

Go for the second goal.

There is still a third ball.

Determined that he has a chance to advance to the final, Klay Thompson let go of the shot, the fourth ball was hit steadily, and the last bouquet.

Klay Thompson soars!


Counterattack at the last moment, Klay Thompson finally scored 29 points, tenth in the preliminaries and advanced to the final.

The fans on the sidelines were completely jubilant.

As soon as I saw Ye Fei pretending to be so aggressive, someone immediately reversed and overtook, even Ye Fei couldn't help asking: The mission seems to have not failed, why did the pretending to be slapped in the face come so quickly?

Fortunately, the impact is not great.

The three players who finally entered the second round of the three-point contest were Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and Ye Fei.

The three-point final matchup that fans are most looking forward to is still on schedule.

Kyrie Irving's performance in the first round was actually good enough. Losing to two players with 28 points and one with 29 points, Kyrie Irving was not wronged.

Klay Thompson, who won the first place in the preliminaries, will definitely be the finale. Curry and Ye Fei have the same points. To decide who will appear first, there can actually be a lottery.

Before the staff came to arrange, Ye Fei said to Curry: "I advise you to vote first, otherwise after I vote, you will not even have the desire to compete. Really, I still have a record of 14 consecutive hits Break it for you.


Curry gritted his teeth with hatred: "Boy, don't be too arrogant, I will make you lose ugly.

"That's right, so you go first, it's better that I don't even have the desire to compete, if you can score more than 31 points, I will surrender.

Ye Fei continued to fool around.

In fact, the order of appearance does not affect Ye Fei's pretentiousness, but Ye Fei teased Curry and disturbed his mind.

If he can really play second, he will definitely be able to pretend better.

Curry couldn't help being ridiculed by Ye Fei's fancy words. As soon as the staff came over, he stood up and said, "I'll come first, he will come second!"

Before turning around and following the staff to prepare, Curry rushed to Ye Fei and said: "You wait for me and prepare to surrender!"


Ye Fei said to Nick Yang: "I will ask Nick to help me make a white flag!"

"Boss, I am good at this, I will do it for you right away..."

Nick Young said flatteringly.

"Are you stupid?"

Clarkson raised his hand and slapped Nick Young on the head: "Is the boss someone who needs to surrender?"

Nick Young asked weakly: "What if he really scored 31 points?"

Ye Fei said calmly: "Then I'll go up and score 32 points."


Curry's performance in the first round was already quite good. In the second round, he appeared on the stage with anger. Curry's sharp eyes did not have a little "cute" cuteness.

Game start.

Curry, who was focused on the game in front of him, shot the first ball very quickly, and his aim was just right.


The ball hits the net hollow.

Curry made the first shot.

Second shot.

Go on.

The first point was five balls, and Curry hit four balls, including the flower ball.

Curry got off to a good start.

Finding the touch for Curry is really a terrible thing.

At the second point, Curry scored all five goals.

The fans on the sidelines couldn't sit still.

After two points, Curry has scored 11 points and is heading for 30+ points.

arc top position.

Curry hit all three goals in front of him, the fourth ball bounced out of the frame, and the flower ball went in again.

16 points to the account.

45 degrees to the right, the flower ball point placed by Curry.

The first bouquet goes in.

Go in second.

2.2 The third one is also advanced.

The fourth is still in!


Curry is crazy!

The emotions of all the fans in the audience were mobilized by him. Under the eyes of everyone, Curry's fifth flower ball hit the basket and bounced, sliding out of the basket.

Unfortunately, he missed the ball, and Curry was a little annoyed.

But quickly turn our attention to the last point.

The key five balls.

Curry scored the first goal with a steady mind, followed by two goals, and missed the fourth goal again, but for the last bouquet, Curry hit the buzzer.

30 points.

With Curry's total score in the second round, a new NBA three-point contest scoring record was born.

I saw Ye Fei walking onto the field calmly.

The fans couldn't help exclaiming: "Be careful, he's going to pretend again!".

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