sports supervillain

822. Blowing The Air Conditioner On The Sidelines

Ye Fei came on the stage slowly, instantly attracting exclamations from the fans on the sidelines.

"It's too much! It's really too much! Anyway, this is the home of our Pelicans, you look down on my brother thick eyebrows so much?!"

"Please, can you be a human being? Come up without taking off your training jacket?"

"I think it's okay, Brother Nongmei's suit and leather shoes are still flying off, come on, bring me Ye Shen's Armani suit and leather shoes!"

"It's appropriate. As a Pelicans fan, I have the urge to beat you up. Brother Nongmei, please hang him up."

"Sit down for me, Ye Shen didn't understand the routine operation, don't forget last year, it's not the same as a hammer if you don't take off your training uniform, right?"

"You're not hot yet, so why take off your training jacket in a hurry, we'll talk about it after the competition."

"God Ye, are you serious about winning five championships? Please treat the "May 10" with respect to your competition, and respect your opponent a little bit?"

The happiest player was undoubtedly Barkley, who was sitting in the commentary booth, applauding Ye Fei directly.

"Young man, it's awesome, young man dares to show off, how much he looks down on Brother Nongmei. Ye, he must be the most qualified MT in the team, and his ability to pull hatred is top-notch!"

Kenny Smith continued: "Looking at Anthony's look, maybe the game will be very exciting."

"Big Eyebrows" Anthony Davis has a serious expression on his face. He has always been considered as the successor of "Stone Buddha" Duncan. At least he is better than Duncan in controlling emotions.

He has yet to draw a technical foul for laughing.

Ye Fei came over wearing a training jacket, and seeing Anthony Davis pretending to be calm, he said, "Hey, brother, do you have any objections to wearing this?"

"As long as you like it, don't lose and have a rematch. I won't agree."

Ye Fei chuckled and said, "I'm quite confident, I'll just warm up and get ready to start.

Anthony Davis fought back his anger.

The referee whistled and Anthony Davis rushed out quickly, while Ye Fei stayed on the spot, holding the ball to warm up before starting.

"You are really, really too much! Ye, let me tell you!"

"Give others a few seconds first? Don't, the trophy of the skill challenge is going to be cold, Ye Fei is too deadly!"

"The difficulty level of the game is too low, force yourself to increase the difficulty, be appropriate, don't kill yourself.

"Let you take two steps, even if you tie, I will be counted as a loser?"

"It's fine to wear a training jacket, and you have to run first for the opponent. Ye Fei, I'm afraid you have never lost."

"I really can't stand it anymore! Brother Nongmei, come on, beat him!"

"Yes, support Brother Nongmei, and turn Ye Fei over."

"We in New Orleans don't want to lose face? Beat him like oil.

Although it is the All-Star Weekend game, there are many fans hosting the game on the sidelines. "Big Eyebrow Brother" Anthony Davis is their city hero, and Ye Fei is a little too much.

It's too much to bear to wear a training suit to appear on the stage. The game has already started, and they deliberately let Brother Nongmei take half a step, which is really disrespectful to them.

However, the scene that the fans expected did not happen, and Anthony Davis' lead was fleeting.

Ye Fei passed all the levels without any mistakes. When he reached the last level, when he made a three-point shot, Anthony Davis, who made a dribble error, had not passed halftime.

He raised the ball and didn't make a shot. After Anthony Davis walked through the half court, Ye Fei pulled up to shoot again.

Anthony Davis was anxious to regain the disadvantage, and a hasty three-pointer bounced out of the frame.

Ye Fei's shot is a steady first step to send the ball into the basket.

Too bully.

Even though Ye Fei won the game, the fans still booed a lot.

The more you hate the better.

Seeing the ever-increasing villain value, Ye Fei returned to the sidelines contentedly, not to mention that he was able to force himself to the point, and there were unexpected gains.

Anthony Davis, who lost the game, still smiled and greeted the fans on the sidelines, and then went to the sidelines of his teammates.

After the first round of competition, there are still four players who will start the second round of competition.

Isaiah Thomas vs Gordon Hayward.

Kristaps Porzingis vs Ye Fei.

The match between Isaiah Thomas and Gordon Hayward took the lead. Thomas, who was aiming to win the championship, was in better condition and kept leading all the way. He didn’t give Hayward a chance, and he hit a three-pointer steadily, advancing to the final first .

Thomas clenched his fists and showed off his biceps, looking at Ye Fei in a swaggering manner...

"I'm waiting for you in the finals, warm up quickly, don't make so many excuses when you lose!"

Menacing and aggressive, Thomas forcibly raised the air of gunpowder, while Ye Fei remained calm.

Still wearing the training jacket, talking and laughing with Porzingis all the way to the starting point.

"Brother, let me tell you in advance, do you want me to let you take a few steps, don't say that brother bullies you then."

The smile on Porzingis' face gradually froze.

"I am serious."

Ye Fei continued.

For the first time, Porzingis had the urge to beat Ye Fei violently: "It's okay, just like this, you may not win money.

"Tut tut."

Ye Fei was speechless again and again: "When the time comes, I will lose too badly, so don't blame me for being merciless."

"bring it on!"

Porzingis can't wait to fight Ye Fei, and he still believes in his basic skills.


The referee blows his whistle.

Porzingis saw a figure rushing out quickly, and in the subsequent game, he kept seeing Ye Fei's back, and the distance between Ye Fei and him was getting farther and farther.

He had just finished a layup and was about to shoot a three-pointer at halftime, and he had already heard the cheers of the fans.

Ye Fei raised his arms high to enjoy the cheers and cheers from the fans.

Porzingis regretted it inwardly.

What kind of kohlrabi to pack.

How miserable is being abused now, are you comfortable? 3.4?

Ye Fei successfully advanced to the final of the Skills Challenge. His opponent was last year's runner-up and this year's strongest 175 player on the surface, Isaiah Thomas.

In the first two rounds of the Rookie Challenge, Ye Fei was really a pretending little prince, with sparks and lightning all the way.

Wear a training jacket and let your opponent choose a topic.

The one who didn't need him, was abused by him to the point of wanting to break up. The time Ye Fei spent in the second round was even shorter than Thomas.

Thomas was so confident that when he walked to the starting line, he said to Ye Fei: "I advise you to take off your coat, I don't want to bear the name of being invincible."

Ye Fei sneered: "Do you still want to take off your coat? You should be lucky that you didn't meet me in the first round, otherwise now you can only blow the air conditioner on the sidelines!".

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