sports supervillain

791. Hat To The Highest

Boban Marjanovic, who is 221cm tall and weighs 132kg, is the only man in the league who can dunk standing up.

Ye Fei, you are very good at jumping and capping.

Come on, I was the highest in the league last time, let's see what you can do.

The height gap is the most obvious advantage in basketball games. The reason why Durant can't solve his jump shot is because of his height and wingspan. The players facing him are basically shorter than him. Feint a shot, and you have to jump up to defend. Once you jump up, he jumps up and shoots again, and it's too late.

Boban has an absolute height advantage against anyone, as long as he is stuck inside, it will be difficult to guard against.

His debut did give the Pistons offense a lot of help.

On the first attack, Boban Marjanovic got stuck under the basket, received a "two-one-zero" pass from Reggie Jackson, faked his hand, tricked Randall into defending, and went forward Take a step, the signature one-handed catch the ball without jumping, smashing and dunking, and press the ball into the basket.

The height is too disadvantageous, and Randall can't guard against it.

Then it was the turn of the Pistons to attack. The outside players continued to throw the ball to the inside Boban Marjanovic, forcing the Lakers to shrink the defense line and play high and high to attract the defense. Boban scored the ball and Morris caught the ball. The points soared steadily.

Pistons scored 5 points in an attempt to reverse the decline on the court.

The Lakers attack, Ye Fei points the ball to Clarkson who is following up in an air cut, facing Boban's defense, Clarkson chooses to throw the ball, the ball slides out of the basket, Ye Fei grabs the offensive rebound, and finds Stephenson who is open outside, Three-point shot or not.

The Pistons are on the court, Drummond gets stuck, and Marjanovic receives the rebound. Handed over to Reggie Jackson to advance past halftime, the Pistons had two tall towers on the field, and it was no big deal to fast break, and fell into a positional battle. Drummond gave up his position, and Boban Marjanovic directly dropped down to ask for the ball.

Get the ball, look behind, the defensive player is no longer Randall, Ye Fei holds Boban.


Ye Fei provoked extremely arrogantly, but Boban didn't pay much attention to it. Some players are really good-tempered, and they will basically not get angry if you tease them whatever you want. Boban was not angry, but his hands were not polite. He dribbled the ball and pressed it in. After Ye Fei couldn't stand it, he made a false move to collect the ball, but Ye Fei didn't get up.

Boban moved his feet, trying to get up from the other side and continue to enrich the people.

Ye Fei stood there, unmoved at all, Boban finished a set of moves, Ye Fei still didn't move, Boban chose the safest way, turned around to get stuck, hooked the ball to the basket

Boban used this trick to eat all over the league. He has an obvious advantage in height, and no one can touch the ball raised high.

However, just as he hooked the ball to the basket, a figure quickly rose up, stretched out his big hand, precisely blocked the path of the ball, and blocked Boban's shot.

"OH——, Mygod!"

The sideline commentator let out an exclamation. It was an unbelievable scene that Boban's shot was so high that he still couldn't escape Ye Fei's block.

Ye Fei's feet popped up like springs, and he made a jaw-dropping block.

The highest player in the league also did not escape Ye Fei's sanction, and his blocks were too terrifying.

Ye Fei's block shot instantly ignited the passion of the fans.

"Xiu'er, is that you? Ye Fei, the highest Boban in the league, can slap his shot away with a single slap. Could it be that Yao Ming is the only one who can avoid Ye Fei's block?"

"Where did the monster come from? Boban, who is 221cm tall, can still easily block his hook. Who can escape Ye Fei's block."

"Just ask who else!"

"Ye Fei is not targeting anyone, anyone in the league is rubbish."

"Let me ask, who else in the league can escape the sanction of Ye Fei's blocks, saying that if you want to rule the game by blocking shots, you must rely on blocking shots to rule the game, who dare not accept it?!"

"A player with a height of 210+ was treated like a monkey by Boban grabbing the ball with one hand, but Ye Fei couldn't find him all the way. I, Ye Shen, also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it!"

"One big hat doesn't count, another one!"

Ye Fei is sure to fulfill the wishes of the fans.

The game continues.

Boban was blocked and played more cautiously in the subsequent games. He is not the kind of player who has a strong offensive role. He has no chance to shoot blindly. He is not as reckless as Drummond.

It's not easy for Ye Fei to hit him again.

Chances are bad, Boban will pass the ball, or to Drummond on the other side. …

Ye Fei defends the inside line and is not very easy to defend against going out. Once Ye Fei makes a save, it is likely to miss Boban under the basket. He has no advantage against Ye Fei, facing the rest of the Lakers inside players

It's like a father beating his son, the height advantage is too obvious.

When Ye Fei defended and threw out, Boban looked for an opportunity and stole one under the basket.

The Twin Towers stood on the court, and the Lakers obviously couldn't open their inside offense. Of course, Ye Fei didn't insist on attacking and causing damage, and the Lakers players who floated outside and had a bad touch were undoubtedly sending rebounds to their opponents.

The appearance of Boban really has a miraculous effect, but it also forces a crazier Ye Fei.

The Pistons attack, scoring in and out continuously, Ye Fei keeps assisting in defense, Tobias Harris hits the penalty area, attracts Ye Fei to defend, then distributes the ball to Boban in the three-second zone, catches the ball and jumps up to shoot, Boban made sure shots. With a height of 221cm and a jump shot, even a center player with a height of 210+ may be looking at the ball and sighing.

Ye Fei came suddenly, jumped up in front of Boban, raised his hands high, and directly caught Boban's shot.

God fuck.

Oh my God.

Ye Fei actually managed to catch the hat Boban, so he shouldn't be too invincible. The Lakers fans on the sidelines covered their eyes one after another, unable to believe the scene in front of them.

How to fight this?

The two strongest inside players in the team are all on the court, and the highest player in the league is humiliated by 2.2 Ye Fei. What do you want the rest of the players to do?

Grab the ball, throw it forward, and quickly counterattack. The Pistons are on the field with two high insiders. Facing the rapid offensive of the Lakers, they can't defend at all. Seeing that the Lakers play more and less, they easily score layups.

After running for several consecutive rounds, Boban was exhausted and out of breath, so Van Gundy quickly replaced him.

Changing horses and generals frequently, still can't get too good results.

Even Boban Ye Fei easily grabbed the cap, how dare the rest of them make a shot. Under the pressure of Ye Fei's defense, the Pistons' offense was even more difficult to open, and the Lakers took the opportunity to open the score.

Back from the intermission, the Pistons still couldn't find a way to deal with it. The game entered garbage time early, and Ye Fei clocked out of get off work in the third quarter to help the team easily win the opponent.

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