sports supervillain

62. Full Dunk Ability (4 More!)

When Zhang Manyuan's exclusive report came out, people were surprised.

In the arena, what people saw was Ye Fei's ferocious appearance. No matter who he met, he would turn into a super beast. What was left to the people were more crazy roars, passionate shouts and celebrations, but they did not expect that Ye Fei would be so warm in private.

Sunny, handsome, and with a touch of humor, the male god attribute is MAX, especially the photo that was carefully taken, which has attracted countless fans to collect it.

During the interview, some of the words he said became classics.

"I didn't expect Ye Fei off the court to look like this, the warm male god likes it so much.

"It's really interesting that sentence shows the demeanor of a Chinese player, Ye Fei, come on."

"The funniest thing is that people say that I play badly. This is easy to understand. It's like children fighting. The one who can't beat will definitely scold the other. It's a wise saying, don't be too funny!"

"Sunshine and handsome, his smile is amazing, and he is so humorous, he is the male god in my heart, husband Ye Fei, I love you! 23"

"Although I don't watch basketball, it doesn't stop me from liking Ye Fei. She's so handsome, she almost makes me cry. Is there anything?"

"No one would have imagined that Ye Fei, who is so cruel on the court, would actually look like this off the court. The attributes of a male god are beyond the table, and I really like Ye Fei."

"Those who slander Ye Fei, I don't know what kind of mentality you have. What's wrong with my male god Ye Fei? He plays so well, he's so handsome, he's so warm, and he's so humorous. You guys are beautiful!"

All of a sudden, Ye Fei attracted countless fans, and her charm value soared crazily.

After this exclusive interview report was reposted wildly, the previous reports by Rosen and others were self-defeating.

Didn't it mean that Ye Fei doesn't accept interviews to play big names?

What about this exclusive interview?

Discredit Ye Fei as a rogue villain, but Ye Fei is so warm now.

The video of the interview was released, and I don’t know how many people licked the screen. Do you have the nerve to speak ill of others?

Rosen wanted to take the opportunity to get angry, but in the end, Ye Fei fans sprayed him all over his face.

And Ye Fei is becoming more and more popular in China, and even won the title of super male god.

In just two short days, Ye Fei's charm value once again exceeded 100,000 points.

Change ability value.

Ye Fei is not in a hurry to change skills, after all, an S-level skill can cost over a million at every turn.

It is the most cost-effective to increase the ability value.

All are added to the dunk column, and the two items of vertical take-off dunk and reverse dunk are fully counted.

Now Ye Fei's dunk ability has reached full value.

【Dunk ability

Vertical takeoff dunks: 100

Interpersonal dunks: 100

Fancy Dunk: 100

Reverse dunk: 100]


What I want is this kind of feeling, what I want is such cruelty, I want to deduct a piece of the sky.

There is no offense that cannot be solved by a dunk, if there is, it is two.

The full dunk ability will allow Ye Fei's two dunk skills to be brought into full play.

As Ye Fei's performance is getting better and better, in future games, Ye Fei's defensive strength will be greatly improved. It will not be like before, wantonly roulin the basket, but it will be improved to full dunk ability, plus Fancy dunk, death dunk and lob king, how many people can stop Ye Fei?

What you want is such domineering.

I just want to detain it, but you just can't stop it.

If you don't accept it, then you will be detained.

In fact, Ye Fei still wants to exchange for an S-level slam dunk skill, but the current villain value is too difficult to obtain. After harvesting 50 villain points from Derek Williams

It was not until yesterday that the villains of Robinson and Faried were obtained.

Faried is better, at least he has 61 points, but Robinson only gave himself 23 points, isn't that a bit of a mistake?

Ye Fei couldn't help complaining to the system.

The system fought back mercilessly again, making Ye Fei want to cry.

"A fringe player who is cut off at any time, how much villain value do you want, and how much villain value do you want? You don't know that I feel ashamed for you? What do you use your full power for? Your stadium BB machine Skills are not for you to play around with, but Shadow Iron Elbow is for you to play with?"

The system continued to fire: "If the other party doesn't provoke you, you won't take the initiative to provoke him? Scolding him is not good, you won't beat him, beating him is not good, you just hurt someone, and he still doesn't hate you? If you don't even dare to beat someone , you still have the nerve to say that you are a super villain, you are not ashamed, I have the urge to kill you.

Reasonable and well-founded, speechless.

Ye Fei chooses to avoid his edge. Although the system is right, Ye Fei still can't use too ruthless moves, but he will definitely target the kind of NBA players who are easily irritable and can't get along.


First of all, they want to perform, they are easy to be irritated, and they are easy to find Ye Fei to make their presence felt. After all, he is currently the most popular rookie player in the league. Only 390 champion Towns is not as popular as him. He is still a rookie, do you think the NBA veterans will easily let him go?

Another point, which is also the most important point, is that they are about to be laid off, and if they don't hurry up to recycle them, where can they be found in the future?

The ability has improved again, which makes Ye Fei full of confidence.

Recently, the topic about him must have been constant. Zhang Manyuan's exclusive interview has made more media pay attention to Ye Fei. At the same time, he also understands that he has the opportunity to interview Ye Fei. There was also that handsome cover photo, which was reposted crazily. Even many big stars chose to use Ye Fei's photo as the background, which made him famous.

More importantly, Ye Fei will have an extremely important and interesting match to play next.

On November 9th, the Lakers will play away against the Knicks. New and old grudges, grievances and grudges will be understood together.

Everyone knows that Ye Fei started from the Knicks, but was kicked out by the Knicks executives in the end.

And Ye Fei is now famous, and his performance is getting better and better. The Knicks executives are the most beaten.

This is Ye Fei's first return to the Knicks game after being waived. Will he kill the old one?

How will the Knicks respond?

This highly anticipated game was hyped up before the game, and it was even more uproarious. .

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