sports supervillain

569. Champion, We Are Olympic Champions!

Who will attack last?

The answer is obvious, Ye Fei is definitely the best choice.

The U.S. men’s basketball team will definitely take precautions. How to play this attack well, Director Gong has a headache, Ye Fei whispers a few words in his ear, and he immediately draws on the tactical board. During the period of playing with Long's guidance, Ye Fei has benefited a lot in terms of tactics. He believes that this tactic will surprise the American men's basketball team.

Pause back.

The Tianchao men's basketball team served from the sideline, Zhou Peng stood outside the boundary, and the other four players lined up near the free throw line. After the whistle sounded, everything moved. Yi Jianlian screened for Ye Fei, blocked the follow-up Green, bypassed the defender and slipped to the left 45 degrees to catch the ball.

After getting the ball, Ye Fei dribbled a step to the right, as if he was looking for his teammate, but suddenly put away and started.

He shoots right away!

There is plenty of time, there is no need to be so anxious at all, the opponent didn't react at all, when Durant and Green chased and defended, the ball had already flown away from Ye Fei's fingertips.

"It's unbelievable. Ye Fei took the ball and shot it immediately. The shot was a bit rushed, and he completely... scored the ball! Ye Fei hit a three-pointer! Great shot, beautiful!"

Wang Meng completely disregarded the embarrassment of Zhenxiang's warning, and roared excitedly.

Ye Fei actually scored the goal!

The 41st point of the game in this section.

120 to 118, the Tianchao men's basketball team overtook the score by 490.

Although there was still 14 seconds left for the opponent to attack, Ye Fei's three-pointer was really beautiful. Even Swift and the others, who had been trying to restrain their emotions on the sidelines, couldn't help standing up and shouting for their man.

Being caught off guard by Ye Fei, the old coach K could only request a timeout and arrange the final attack.

This is the end of the game.

Ye Fei will not let the fruits of victory fall into his mouth.

"Prevent their three-pointers, don't let them have a good chance, let them break through, don't foul, remember not to foul!"

Ye Fei told his teammates on the sidelines that he wanted to prevent the last attack of the American men's basketball team.

He wants to get the gold medal in the Olympic men's basketball competition.

Let those arrogant American basketball superstars taste the taste of failure, and he will nail them to the pillar of shame just like the former "Pampas Eagle" Ginobili.

The Tianchao men's basketball team deployed the strongest defensive lineup and adopted man-to-man defense.

This is an awkward timing.

The American men's basketball team did not dare to attack until the last second. They had to (cddc) shoot in advance, just in case, if they missed the shot, they still had the opportunity to grab rebounds and launch a second offense.

Durant, who got the ball, saw that he had a chance to break through, and immediately took the ball to the penalty area. He wanted to cause damage.

Zhou Peng, who followed the defense, did not mess around, and gave Durant a chance to make a shot, but just tried his best to block the shot.

He certainly can't block the opponent's shot.

But there is also Ye Fei.

He had already guessed the opponent's tactical intentions, chased and defended immediately, leaped forward, and after a high jump, he grabbed forward with both hands, and the desperate death grabbing the hat reappeared. Durant threw the basketball, Ye Fei was firmly in his hands, ending the offense of the American men's basketball team and cutting off their last hope.

At this moment, Durant has only one thought in his heart.


Anthony's roar made him react, and rushed to Ye Fei immediately, but he dodged it flexibly, and it took almost two seconds.

The foul play sent Ye Fei to the free throw line.

All the American men's basketball fans can only pray for one thing at this moment, that Ye Fei will never make a free throw. The fans on the sidelines are making a huge noise hoarsely, but it still doesn't help.

Ye Fei hit the first free throw steadily, and the Tianchao men's basketball team remained invincible.

Make the second free throw.

Even if the opponent makes a three-pointer, it is difficult for them to have a chance to comeback, and the time is only the last 3.5 seconds.

The American men's basketball team had no choice but to shoot a three-pointer in the final attack.

The soaring morale of the Tianchao men's basketball team defended desperately. In a hurry, Irving caught the ball and made a jumper, and a three-pointer shot out of the frame.

Yi Jianlian received the rebound and threw it hard to the empty king.

"Win! We won!"

All the Chinese male basketball players rushed to the field and surrounded Ye Fei. They celebrated happily, excitedly, and excitedly, venting their emotions.

"Champions! We are the Olympic champions! The Chinese men's basketball team defeated the powerful American men's basketball team and reached the highest podium in the Olympic Games. Let us congratulate them!"

Wang Meng's roar made all the Tianchao fans go crazy.

The Chinese men's basketball team is the champion!

Still an Olympic champion!

People all over the country were jubilant. They didn't realize it at the moment, as if they were dreaming. They never thought that the Chinese men's basketball team could win the Olympic gold medal.

Even the eldest nephew felt unbelievable, and kept hugging Ye Fei and asked, "Tell me if it's true? We really won the Olympic champion?!"

Ye Fei confirmed it several times, and he kept asking.

Ye Fei could only laugh helplessly.

The Tianchao men's basketball team celebrated wildly, and Ye Fei joined them after recovering.

Dayao was as happy as a fat man over three hundred catties.

Not like.

He was.

Since leaving the professional arena, he has almost turned into a female Zhao Riyue, with a serious body fat.

None of this is the point.

The point is that everyone is really happy, and finally won the Olympic gold medal that they dreamed of, even dare not expect, how could they not be happy?

As for their opponent, the American men's basketball team, they seemed extremely disappointed.

They didn't expect that they would lose to the world's second-rate Tianchao men's basketball team, to be precise, to the omnipotent Ye Fei.

But this is an indisputable fact, a cruel reality that they must accept.

They were still a little dazed until they got to the podium.

The Tianchao men's basketball team, who came to the stage to receive the award at the end, were all smiling, with happy smiles on their faces, and they received the Olympic gold medal excitedly.

Then watched the bright five-star red flag rise slowly, flying high in the sky of Rio de Janeiro.

Ye Fei felt extremely proud.

After the flag-raising ceremony, the American men's basketball team left the venue in despair. The old Coach K is retiring, as long as Ye Fei is around, he is not willing to play against the Tianchao men's basketball team.

"Ye Fei, slow down, don't come down!"

After the eldest nephew called Ye Fei to stop, he rushed over and hung the Olympic gold medal around Ye Fei's neck, smiling heartily.

"Wait a minute, give me back my..."

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