sports supervillain

55. Sad Reminder Scott

Open the big lucky draw, and most of the rewards this time are related to dunks.

Let Ye Fei understand that the current system still wants to develop itself into dunking. After all, on the basketball court, it is extremely hateful to have a vicious dunk on someone else's head

Ye Fei is still very excited despite having completed many lucky draws.

Eyes fixed on the turntable, muttering words, if Lin Ziqiong found out about this scene, she would definitely scold Ye Fei for being crazy.


This time the call to stop worked, as soon as he said stop, Ye Fei pumped out the king of empty catch skills steadily.

Another S+ skill.

S-level skills are extremely terrifying, let alone S+ skills.

For example, Ye Fei's current death dunk skill should not be too cruel. Even a big center like Kaoshen can only serve as a background board in front of Ye Fei's death dunk. Just getting Ye Fei to jump up basically announces their sad fate.

Ye Fei excitedly opened the skill details to check——

[King of lobs]: S+ dunk skill, after equipped, the success rate of lobs is 100%, increases the tacit understanding of teammates, reduces unnecessary mistakes of lobs, improves the accuracy of teammates' passing, and the king of lobs BUFF bonus , Teammates are more willing to complete alley-oop cooperation with the host.

It seems like a very tasteless skill, and it is still a passive skill.

290 But as long as you understand the essence, you will know the cruelty of this skill.

First of all, it is a 100% empty pick success rate.

This is extremely scary, and it is also very suitable for Ye Fei today.

As Ye Fei's performance gets better and better, it will definitely become more and more difficult for him to form a connection with Kobe.

Kobe passed the ball to Ye Fei, and the opponent would try their best to interfere. But with the ability of the king of lobs, as long as Ye Fei flies, it is a perfect lob.

Secondly, it is the increase for teammates.

Everyone knows that they want to pull off a nice lob match. Tacit understanding is extremely important, and at the same time, the stability of passing has reduced unnecessary mistakes. With many BUFF additions, Ye Fei will become the real lob king in the NBA.

Therefore, obtaining such a skill made Ye Fei very satisfied.

At present, his ability to attack with the ball is too poor. He is good at dunking when he is free, but he has to be fed by his teammates. Now that he has the skill of the king of lobs, his chances of eating cakes and his strength will be greatly improved.

Ye Fei couldn't help laughing.

Just happened to be seen by Lin Ziqiong who walked in, she walked over tremblingly (cdaf), with that beautiful face, and the OL uniform that couldn't cover her perfect figure, Ye Fei couldn't help swallowing saliva.

"What are you watching? Haven't you seen enough every day? I don't know what you're laughing at. You don't know that I'm almost annoyed to death by you. You still have the mood to laugh at me here. Don't you know how to restrain yourself?"

Ye Fei casually said, "I can't get enough of it in my lifetime..."

With Lin Ziqiong's playful eyes, Ye Fei hurriedly said seriously: "If there is any trouble, please tell me.

"Don't you know that it's a good time to hate people for a while, and it's a lot of trouble? You made Scott ugly at the press conference, but do you know the consequences? There has been news that he will be in the future The game, reducing your playing time, or even if you play, the contract I negotiated with great difficulty was blown again. Do you think I am angry? It is all your fault.

Ye Fei smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, Scott won't be jumping around for a few days, he can't take care of himself now, so he doesn't have time to trouble me.

Lin Ziqiong asked: "Really?"

"The next game you will know if what I said is true.

Scott was indeed in trouble at this time.

Because of today's press conference, he was very upset, and he was going to find little Bass to help him get ahead. It was mainly Bass Jr.'s idea that Scott was invited here, and the two coincided with each other.

They want to trade Kobe Bryant in exchange for a younger and more promising immediate combat power, and then together with several potential new stars like Randall, win the championship.

As long as this thing is done, Bass Jr. will hold the power alone.

But unexpectedly, Jenny Bass would suddenly appear and bring along Ye Fei, a halfway killer who came to Cheng Yaojin.

Originally, many shareholders stood behind Bass Jr., but Ye Fei's strong performance has saved the sluggish Los Angeles Lakers football market and brought a huge Chinese market.

Under the huge commercial interests, everyone knows who to side with to make money.

As a result, Bass was under a lot of pressure. Scott came to him for help today. He was desperate to get rid of both Ye Fei and Kobe.

Choose Buss Jr., that is to say, Scott stands on the opposite side of Jenny Buss and Kobe.

As soon as the news came out, Scott, who hadn't had time to make a move, met Jenny Buss who came to the door.

"Byron, let me tell you, this team now has the final say. Don't think that I don't know what's going on between the two of you. You'd better be honest with me. Lead the team to play well, and in the future You still have a place in the Lakers, if you dare to act recklessly, then wait to be wiped out.

Scott is sad.

Jenny Buss warned me here, and Buss Jr. urged me there. Originally, he didn't choose to stand in line, so he could survive anyway, but now he is not a human being inside and outside, trying to survive in the cracks

This is not the saddest thing.

The infighting in this team is well known to everyone, but there is one person that no one dares to provoke.

That is Kobe.

If it wasn't for seizing power, Buss Jr. wouldn't have moved Kobe's mind.

After all, over the years, Kobe has brought not only honors to this team, but also a lot of money and benefits. He is an extremely important part of the entire team, and his words are very important.

Jenny Buss didn't pressure him to play more minutes for Ye Fei, but Bryant went straight to Scott the next day.

"Yesterday's press conference, I mean, Ye, is my brother. Let me tell you clearly, give him more time, and don't make trouble behind his back. I will cover Ye, and he will live a happy life." If I'm not happy, I'm not happy, and if I'm not happy, I'll be miserable on the court, and I don't even want to play, do you understand?"

What's all this about?

It's useless to find a little Bass as a backer.

And because of him, Jenny Bass targeted him.

What's even more exasperating is that this team has no way to compete with the presidents. It can't even move the players, and even a rookie like Ye Fei, he can't deal with it.

How miserable is my life as a coach?

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