sports supervillain

540. Australian Kangaroo With Explosive Hammer

The Australian players on the field were even more miserable.

Especially **, thinking that Ye Fei had Kobe and other powerful teammates to help Ye Fei in the NBA. Apart from Ye Fei and Yi Jianlian, who else can play in this Chinese men's basketball team?

In his view, there was none.

Without the help of your teammates, no matter how good you are Ye Fei, you have no chance of winning against the mighty Australian men's basketball team. For example, in the first U.S. men's basketball game against the Tianchao men's basketball team, didn't Ye Fei perform well enough?

He even set a record for the highest single game in the history of the Olympic Games on the head of the American All-Star Dream Team.

But in the end, the Chinese men's basketball team still lost to the US team.

**Tuben thought that they could also win the Tianchao men's basketball team, but Ye Fei was alone, so why should they be afraid.

Unexpectedly, they have been oppressed by the Tianchao men's basketball team, and they have nothing to do with Ye Fei. What makes them even more unacceptable is that their inside defense cannot play its due role at all. It's fine if they can't defend Ye Fei, even Yi Jianlian is domineering over them.

Although the Tianchao men's basketball backcourt and forward players contributed too little on the court. But under the leadership of Ye Fei, the two-tower tactics of the Tianchao men's basketball team made the Australian insiders very irritable and hard to defend.

Not to mention Yi Jianlian and Ye Fei, even Wang Zhelin and Ye Fei, who were full of slots in the first few games, have begun to make achievements.

The Australian men's basketball team frequently changed their defensive tactics, but none of them could limit the performance of the inside players of the Chinese men's basketball team. If it weren't for the second half of the second quarter, when Mills started to show off his power, shooting inside and outside, scoring consecutive points, at the end of the half, the point difference between the two teams would not be only 1-4 points.

58 to 44 is the halftime score of the two teams, with the Tianchao men's basketball team in front.

Unexpected result, no one expected that the half-time game would end like this.

The Australian men's basketball player walked back to the locker room with a dejected look on his face.

Before the game, he even said wildly that he would beat his opponent in this game. Unexpectedly, in the first half, he was completely rubbed on the ground by the Tianchao men's basketball team. The inside players of the Australian men's basketball team are almost in a state of stealth, and they cannot see both offensive and defensive ends, so they have little contribution.

I don't know what kind of chicken soup the head coach of the Australian men's basketball team fed them during the intermission.

After returning to the field, they looked resolute and full of confidence, playing more proactively than in the first half. Mills, who played well in the first half, took the lead to stand up and take the initiative to take up the banner of offense.

With the help of Baynes' cover, Mills threw off Guo Ailun's defense and rushed towards the basket. Yi Jianlian couldn't keep up with the speed, and was a step slower when changing defenses.

Mills went straight to the basket, and Ye Fei wanted to help him defend, but ** used his body to entangle Ye Fei.

Although Ye Fei used his body to crush **, when he jumped up to block the block, he was still a step slower. Mills took the lead and picked the ball into the basket.

"Defense, Defense Minister!"

The Australian men's basketball team let the two insiders retreat to the backcourt to defend first, and the other three players turned around on the spot to fight back. Suddenly resorted to full-court pressing tactics, which was unexpected by the Chinese men's basketball team. Guo Ailun stumbled and dribbled the ball across the half court, and when he wanted to pass it to Ye Fei, he made a pass error.

Dellavedova succeeded in stealing the ball and immediately handed it to Mills to push for a quick counterattack.

The Tianchao men's basketball players retreated too slowly, and Mills drove straight in, making a one-stop layup.

After chasing 4 points in a row, the Australian men's basketball team gained momentum. Although the full-court press did not work anymore, the defense gave enough pressure.

Ye Fei took the ball to the basket, and three defensive players surrounded him to attract the opponent's defense. After jumping up, Ye Fei found Yi Jianlian in the air.

Although the opportunity was good, but in the face of Dellavedova's supplementary defense, Yi Jianlian shot slightly heavier and the ball bounced out of the frame.

Baynes received the rebound and handed it to Mills to push forward quickly. The ball was also free of defensive attention and placed on Mills.

Mills did not choose to come by himself. Seeing Ye Fei assisting him, he handed the ball to Dellavedova.

Taking a step in and shaking the defense, Dellavedova made a mid-range shot.

After a 6-0 offensive climax, the Australian men's basketball team saw the hope of a comeback and played even more aggressively. Crazy full-court press [almost caused a mistake by the men's basketball team.

The ball finally came to Ye Fei's hands without any risk. He didn't look for his teammates and chose to take the ball and attack by himself.

Started at full speed, turned around beautifully, and after passing two people in a row, Ye Fei made a fake fax shot, and pressed the ball into the basket with one hand through **te.

...asking for flowers...

After the goal was scored, Ye Fei started to exert his strength. He would not give the Australian men's basketball team any chance.

When it was Australia's turn to attack, Mills was still the absolute core of their offensive launch point. After Mills sought cover, he got a one-on-one chance with Yi Jianlian, but Ye Fei didn't take the initiative to defend it. He didn't seem to care about this side.

After Mills swayed away from the defense, he slid past Yi Jianlian, picked the basket with a low hand, and sent the ball to the basket.


Ye Fei slashed out from a diagonal stab, nailed the big cap with one hand, and pressed the ball firmly on the backboard, finally holding down the momentum of the Australian men's basketball team scoring consecutively.


The Tianchao men's basketball team has switched from defense to offense, and Ye Fei still chooses to play by himself.

Take a tentative step forward, pretend to cut into the basket, suddenly receive the ball and retreat, and pull out from outside the three-point line.

Although Ingles reacted, his block had no effect on Ye Fei.

The three-pointer soared, Ye Fei scored 5 points in a row, helping the Tianchao men's basketball team to stabilize the situation on the court.

Afterwards, Ye Fei got out of control and didn't give his opponent any chance at all. With full firepower, Ye Fei played a dominant performance on both offensive and defensive ends, holding down the Australian men's basketball team.

Ye Fei played more and more fiercely, which has caused headaches for the Australian men's basketball team. After the end of the third quarter, besides Yi Jianlian, the Tianchao men's basketball team also stood up to share the pressure for Ye Fei.

After Ye Fei attracted the opponent's defense, Li Gen and Ding Yan Yuhang, who came off the bench, found open opportunities and hit three three-pointers from the outside line again and again, opening the gap in one fell swoop.

Australia's opening rhythm was all messed up. Although Mills was struggling to support, he was unable to support himself and could not change the situation on the field at all.

At the end of the three quarters, the Tianchao men's basketball team leads the Australian men's basketball team by 18 points, which is like smashing the Australian kangaroos.

Their lineup advantage was not played out at all, but was suppressed by the Tianchao men's basketball team.

The mentality of the Australian players is a bit bursting. Their strong bodies don't have any advantage when facing Ye Fei. What's even more frightening is that the Tianchao men's basketball team can shoot from the outside.


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