sports supervillain

509. Defeating You As A Villain

"I admire your courage, and I also appreciate your recklessness.

Ye Fei responded to him coldly, with even more murderous eyes. T-T managed to piss himself off. Since entering the playoffs, Ye Fei has played very low-key, and only in the matchup with the Warriors, he showed a little bit of a villain's true colors. Green knew he couldn't afford to mess with him, so he didn't let Ye Fei play his villainous nature.

Ye Fei thought that he didn't need to show the attitude of a villain, and he could still win the championship. But it seems that if I don't tell them, my identity as a super villain. All kinds of cats and dogs show their presence in front of her, Ye Fei really doesn't like this feeling.

If this is the case, then let them feel the powerful attitude of a super villain.

Ye Fei walked to the free throw line and made a solid free throw.

The Cavaliers sent the ball from the sideline. After Irving quickly dribbled the ball to advance through the half court, he did not hand it over, and the rhythm changed suddenly outside the three-point line. Stopped and started quickly, accelerated the start, and made a beautiful change of direction to get rid of Clarkson, and rushed towards the penalty area at full speed.

Ye Fei didn't rush over at the first moment. The moment Owen took off, he immediately rushed over. After leaping high, he hit his head and face with an angry cap. He pressed down hard on the ball with his right hand, pressing down with the ball overturned.


Owen fell heavily to the ground, Ye Fei didn't even look at him, turned around and said to T-T: "This is my warning, it's for you and for your teammates, and next is my response to you."


T-T yelled: "Come at me if you have the ability, I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Ye Fei didn't respond, he thought fists were more useful than trash talk.

The ball was hit by the Cavaliers from the bottom line, the Lakers served the ball from the bottom line, Clarkson took the ball across the half court and handed it over to Kobe.

Ye Fei asked for the ball in the low post, Kobe didn't hesitate and lobbed the ball into Ye Fei's hands.

Behind him was still T·T defending, exhausting all his strength, desperately trying to push Ye Fei out, but found that everything was in vain, and instead gave Ye Fei a better chance to make a move.


Ye Fei slammed into TT with all his strength. Even if he was known as the iron man of the alliance, TT couldn't bear the impact of Ye Fei and suffered instant pain. Ye Fei's revenge has only just begun.

Turn on the bulldozer mode and run towards T-T crazily. The ravaged TT is not convinced. Responding with a fierce defense, the two entangled.

Ye Fei found the right time, pushed T·T away and exploded.

T-T rushed towards Ye Fei frantically, pressing his whole body over. Ye Fei didn't hold back at all. After a shadow iron elbow, he immediately connected to the shadowless kick, and the terrifying and fierce Erlian hit T-T firmly. He lost his balance instantly and fell to the ground from the air.

Ye Fei was not affected in any way, and ended the offense with a folding dunk, which was a perfect ending.

TT's body is really durable, and Ye Fei's two combo attacks did not hurt him.

He lay on the ground for a while, then stood up again, his eyes wide open, glaring at Ye Fei.

"What to look at, you asked for it, if you don't accept it, just keep coming.||!"

Facing Ye Fei's strong provocation, how could T-T stand it.

Looking back, although he didn't have the chance to single out Ye Fei with the ball inside, he still used his body to hit Ye Fei hard. Always looking for physical confrontation, Ye Fei has no time to play with him. On the defensive end, they didn't pay attention to him, and focused on his teammates.

James used Love's cover to throw off the defense, Stephenson failed to keep up, Larry Nance was swayed by him, James struggled to take off, a fierce one-handed dunk, trying to smash the ball into the basket.

Ye Fei turned around and rushed towards James. After jumping high, he pressed his hands on the ball and the two confronted in the air. James, who exploded with all his strength, still couldn't stop Ye Fei's ferocious block.

As strong as James, under Ye Fei's block, he still couldn't stabilize his figure, fell to the ground quickly, stumbled, grabbed his teammates, and avoided the embarrassment of falling.

"Come on, don't you want to challenge? Now I will let you see the way the villains play. No one can easily shoot in front of me!"

Ye Fei yelled at the Cavaliers players, but T-T knew that all this was caused by himself. Ye Fei is also targeting himself. He knows that he will anger Ye Fei, but he is not afraid of Ye Fei.

What made him desperate was that Ye Fei made the Cavaliers extremely desperate in the next game.

Ye Fei, who hasn't started playing super villains for a long time, finally bared his terrifying fangs.

He was on the offensive end and didn't score much, but he made Love, T-T and other players miserable. Ye Fei was like a crazy meat grinder, hitting their bodies frequently on the inside. Even James' body can't bear the ravages of Ye Fei, let alone T-T and Love and other players.

The Cavaliers are acceptable on the defensive end, it's just a physical pain. On the offensive end, it wasn't just physical pain, Ye Fei also made them suffer mentally.

A frenzied shot of the cap, even the ball was covered and knocked to the ground, preventing the Cavaliers players from easily killing into the penalty area.

James is inside, and the physical confrontation is very disadvantaged, let alone Irving and others.

As long as Ye Fei catches them, they will fall to the ground.

Ye Fei no longer restrained himself on the court, and completely let go of his fight, showing his villain's true colors.

Not only is it giving the opponent a ferocious hat, but the steals are extremely cruel, which is unreasonable at all. As long as Ye Fei catches the ball, he pulls fiercely, whether it's a person or the ball, they will all be pulled towards him.

With such a brutal defense by Ye Fei, the Cavaliers played on their backs.

T‧T, who was still clamoring for a duel with Ye Fei, was hit by (Li Li Zhao) Ye Fei several times, and then he was tortured so much that he didn't show his temper at all.

In the end, he started avoiding Ye Fei's attack, not daring to attack him head-on.

If he wanted to take revenge, he could only secretly sneer behind his back, and he didn't dare to provoke Ye Fei again.

Ye Fei didn't let him go, and spat all kinds of trash talk at them.

Having been defended so brutally by Ye Fei, his mentality exploded. Now I don't even have any mood. At first, I played pretty well offensively, but it got worse and worse after that, and I couldn't compete with the Lakers at all. Ye Fei used the villain's posture to defeat the knights mentally, which led to their complete collapse.

In the end, the Cavaliers couldn't stop it. Ye Fei in villain mode lost another game to the Lakers with 98 to 107 in the away game. The total score was 0 to 2, behind the Lakers.

Worse than losing is that their mentality has problems. .

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