sports supervillain

304. I Will Crush You All

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei took the ball in the low post without any extra moves.

Seeing Gobert sticking up, he dribbled the ball and made a strong attack, and hit Gobert unstoppably with all his strength. Gobert didn't hide, but also came over. Before Ye Fei didn't use all his strength, he could resist for a while, but when Ye Fei hit him, he couldn't stand it at all.

It was just a bump, and Gobert was knocked to the bottom line abruptly.

Ye Fei took advantage of the situation and made a strong move. He didn't give Favors a chance to defend, and dunked the ball heavily into the basket.

Gobert was caught off guard, not expecting Ye Fei's impact to be so fierce and painful.

The bump hit his chest firmly, and it was burning hot at the moment. Gobert rubbed it for a while before he recovered a little.

But Ye Fei's impact has only just begun.

When defending Gobert, the same is looking for opportunities to give Gobert a hit. Afraid of being whistled by the referee, the collision was not very hard, but Gobert did not feel well.

Just after recovering, there was another burst of pain.

Ye Fei's body was as hard as a rock, and it hit Gobert—and it hurt him a lot.

And Ye Fei didn't intend to let him go.

In the Lakers' next round of offense, Ye Fei rushed near the free throw line and went straight to the basket. After Gobert retreated to a reasonable collision zone, Ye Fei hit him with all his strength again.

Even though he was prepared, Ye Fei tried his best, under the support of the bulldozer under the basket.

Like a speeding car, it hit Gobert, knocked him to the ground, and flew more than one meter away.

Gobert, who fell to the ground, finally recovered after a while.

Gobert, who stood up slowly from the ground, still had a very painful expression, and covered his chest with his hands.

This bump is really fucking painful.

Ye Fei's body is as tough as a thief.

Gobert was hit by Ye Fei and was very uncomfortable.

He complained from the referee: "This is obviously a foul. I have stood firm. Why don't I call him an offensive foul?"

Seeing that Gobert was making trouble for Ye Fei, fans of Li put pressure on the referee.

"Foul, this is a vicious foul, why didn't the referee blow it?"

"Are you blind, the referee? Why didn't you give such an obvious foul? This ball must be an offensive foul."

"Idiot referee, are you fucking out of your mind? Why didn't the ball go to that damned Lakers player, who dribbled the ball and hit someone?"

"It must be a foul, what are you shitty referees doing?"

"Everyone was knocked to the ground, isn't that an offensive foul? Referee, what kind of plane are you doing, a bunch of rubbish referees, you don't deserve to whistle this game.

"The opponent fouled! Is there any problem with this offensive foul?"

The arena at Jazz's arena was designed to enhance the shouts from the auditorium.

When the fans booed and shouted wildly from their seats, the noise would be terrifying.

Jazz fans are among the loudest and most passionate fans in the league, but they are starting to get restless. You can't even hear what your teammate is saying, you just see his mouth opening and closing, the buzzing noise all around, sometimes you feel like your head is going to explode.

It is conceivable how much pressure the referee has.

But the referee's penalty for this ball was very accurate, and Ye Fei did not foul.

This made the fans on the sidelines boo even more frantically.

The game continues.

Gobert suffered two full-force impacts in a row and felt very uncomfortable. They didn't dare to trouble Ye Fei at all, so they avoided Ye Fei's fight.

But Ye Fei is determined to make trouble for him.

Didn't you have fun beating yourself just now?

Now Ye Fei is coming back with revenge.

More than two minutes later, Ye Fei finally got a chance, and Gobert happened to appear on Ye Fei's offensive line.

Ye Fei started at full speed and rushed towards Gobert.

It was another full blown attack.

It hit Gobert solidly, and he couldn't avoid the ball.


Gobert fell to the ground in response, clutching his chest and lying on the ground in pain.

This goal completely ignited the emotions of the fans on the scene, and they shouted frantically.

"That kid did it on purpose. Don't you call him a foul for this ball? It's obvious that he is carrying the ball, but he hit someone, and you don't give him a foul?"

...asking for flowers...

"Is this fucking a ball or a hit? Are you referees eating shit? Don't you care about this ball?"

"He actually acted wildly on our territory, the warriors of the Utah Jazz, give me a slap in the face and kill that kid!"

"Foul, malicious foul, send him out!"

"Everybody hit the ground, why don't you call him an offensive foul? Shit referee, what are you doing?"

"Kill that annoying kid, how can you make him so arrogant?"

"You villain, get out of here, we don't welcome you! Are you still indifferent to the referee?"

It was another wave of frenzied pressure. The referee had no intention of calling Ye Fei a foul at first.

After all, this ball Ye Fei moved a little too much, but it was still due to the rules.

But the fans at the scene, with the attitude of wanting to eat them, made him finally give Ye Fei an offensive foul to calm down the emotions of the fans at the scene.

The Lakers players were instantly unhappy.

Kobe went to the referee for the first time to argue, but it didn't change the result.

Ye Fei didn't speak, and didn't bother the referee.

It was just an offensive foul, and Ye Fei didn't care.

He just needs to have fun.

And they didn't know that the referee gave Ye Fei a foul, which completely irritated Ye Fei.

If the referee didn't say anything about this ball, Ye Fei might restrain himself and stop messing with Gobert.

But after this penalty, Ye Fei didn't intend to let them go so soon.

The referee will not call Ye Fei a foul for every ball.

Ye Fei wants to see how many times the referee can blow himself, and how long he can keep them.

If they don't pretend to be all kinds of meat and vegetables, and don't hit them and get hurt, Ye Fei won't let them go.

Ye Fei yelled at the fans on the sidelines: "Come on, let your booing be more violent, I see you can make the referee make such fouls a few more times, I will show you how good your inside players are." Vulnerable."

Turning around, Ye Fei roared at Gobert and Favors: "If you have the ability to fight like a man, I will knock you down. Are you ready?".

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