sports supervillain

205. Conquering The Widow

Leaving the Thunder's home court, Ye Fei hurried to the cafe where Scarlett Johann was.

Eating is just an excuse, the important thing is dating.

There must be an atmosphere, so this kind of coffee shop with a high sentiment for couples will undoubtedly bring the two closer.

Scarlett Johann was a little nervous, but the moment Ye Fei appeared, she breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and stretched out her hand excitedly to greet Ye Fei.

Ye Fei walked over quickly: "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

"It's okay, the food here is pretty good, just order whatever you want."

Ye Fei didn't intend to be polite, and went out to eat with a beautiful woman, how could he let her spend money?

And just after a big battle, Ye Fei is also a bit hungry.

If there are no surprises, there will definitely be a fierce battle. Only when you are full can you work hard.

While eating "683" things, chatting and laughing at the same time, Ye Fei's seduction skills have been greatly improved, and Scarlett Johann has been teased to the point where she doesn't want to.

"Did you really dedicate that ball to me tonight? It wasn't to anger that nasty guy?"

Ye Fei seized Scarlett Johann's hand: "Of course, if you look into my eyes, my shot is for you. I didn't pay attention to that guy at all. I wanted to give it to you." A more handsome dunk, the opponent's desperate defense, I didn't have a good chance, do you still like it? I will give you a better dunk next time.


Scarlett Johansson completely fell for it.

Under Ye Fei's crazy offensive, when the two of them came out after eating, she was already tightly wrapped around Ye Fei's strong arms, leaning against Ye Fei's body.

With an intimacy of more than 90, Ye Fei can take her to have sex, but he is not in a hurry.

"Shall we go for a drink?"

Scarlett Johann replied weakly: "Yes."

Taking her to find a relatively quiet bar, after a few drinks, Scarlett Johann has already let Ye Fei do whatever he wants.

He is handsome and attractive, and he is easy to get a girl with just a few touches.

Seeing that the time was right, Ye Fei didn't waste any time.

"Scarlett, let's go."

Of course she knew where Ye Fei was going to take her, but her heart belonged to Ye Fei long ago, and she would never refuse, walking into the hotel with Ye Fei one after another.

As soon as she opened the door, Scarlett Johann rushed to Ye Fei and kissed her affectionately.

Of course, Ye Fei gave the most enthusiastic counterattack, and everything will come naturally.

"Ye, love me, love me like a wolf

Ye Fei would definitely not refuse.

"I will."

A big battle broke out in an instant, and after more than an hour, amidst Scarlett Johann's begging for mercy, Ye Fei was willing to ask for gold and withdraw.

Scarlett Johann before the climax hugged Ye Fei and said incoherently: "Ye, I love you so much, I love you, you are so strong, I love you"

Intimacy reaches full value.

A system prompt sounded: "Congratulations to the host for completely conquering Scarlett Johann and gaining 100,000 charm points.

The complete conquest of Scarlett Johann brings not only the improvement of ability, but also a great sense of accomplishment.

Find an opportunity in the future to humiliate Durant severely.

Now Ye Fei's charisma value has reached 300,000 points, and he exchanged 300 ability points.

After this game, Ye Fei's final statistics were good, but he played very hard.

Durant can't defend himself alone, but his defense will make the skills of the king of mid-range shots fail to be fully utilized.

Breakthrough binding ability needs to be improved.

Without any hesitation, Ye Fei directly maximized his breakthrough layup ability.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Fei also maximized his three-point shooting ability and pushed himself into a hurry, just to make you look good.

I extended the range to beyond the three-point line, let me see how you can defend.

The current Lakers need Ye Fei's singles, singles with the ball, and singles facing the frame.

When these abilities are raised to full value, as long as Ye Fei is fully utilized, he will be invincible one-on-one.

And it's from outside the three-point line, all the way inside the three-point line.

This Lakers team relies too much on Ye Fei to score.

Now Ye Fei's inside defense is unshakable, but the Lakers still can't win. One reason is that the offense is not good and lacks offensive points. Another thing is that the outside defense is not good.

There is no way to limit the opponent's outside arrows.

At the end of this game, Ye Fei is still needed to defend Durant.

Ye Fei doesn't have enough dominance to let go of the outside line, and he defends out, leaving the inside line empty...

In this way, it is better to spend more energy to attack and accept several women in a row.

Ye Fei on the court will not exhaust his body so easily.

The autonomous attack ability is basically full, and Ye Fei puts the target on the dribble. The reason why he doesn't dare to play a few games now is that his dribbling is not invincible enough. If he can achieve the combination of man and ball, Ye Fei's offense will be upgraded to another level.

For the last 56 points of ability, Ye Fei puts the two-handed pass.

Now that he has the mid-range shooting ability, Ye Fei often takes the ball with both hands to attack, improving his ability to pass the ball with both hands will bring great help to his teammates.

The 300 points of ability are all used up, and Ye Fei's strength has been greatly improved.

As far as the current attribute is concerned, if there is another fight with Thunder, it is not certain who will win or lose.

If he can get a three-point shooting skill, or a skill to avoid blocks, Ye Fei's grasp will be even better.

Under the defense of many people, his ability as the king of mid-range shots cannot be fully utilized at all.

But skills are rare things, and Ye Fei is not in a hurry.

He set his sights on Scarlett Johann next to him, she was such a charming and torturous little fairy, and made Ye Fei hard again.

With a beauty by her side, of course she couldn't live up to her ardent and enthusiastic expectations. 4.4

Scarlett Johansson was once again crushed by Ye Fei.

"Ye, are you ready again? You are so strong!"

Scarlett Johannson did not refuse, but responded enthusiastically: "Ye, I will give everything to you. I don't expect you to give me anything, but I hope you will not abandon me. I will treat you well for the rest of my life. You let me Willing to do anything."

With such an affectionate confession, what else can Ye Fei say?

"I will, I will treat you well forever, love you forever, love you..."

No language is as useful as practical actions.

Ye Fei, who strikes again, proves how much he loves her like Scarlett Johann.

Another unforgettable night...

Ye Fei, who won Scarlett Johann, was in a happy mood, but before he woke up, Ye Fei received another piece of good news.

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