sports supervillain

1330. The Supernova Who Was Brutally Beaten

"You can't do it, the strongest supernova in Europe, that's it?"

Ye Fei, who slapped the ball out of the sideline with a big cap, shook his head at Luka Doncic, and said mockingly: "A rookie comparable to Lebron James, but that's it, rookie, welcome to the NBA, please remember One point, you can be the king in Europe, but in the NBA, please remember my name Ye Shen, I am the invincible super master of the NBA, you can only become my defeat."

Luka Doncic's personal ability, there is no doubt that after he became LeBron James, he has performed the best among the youngest rookie players in the NBA.

LeBron James holds many of the youngest records. As the No. 1 pick in 2003, LeBron James averaged 20.9 points, 5.9 assists and 5.5 rebounds in his rookie season. Since the 20th century, he has become the NBA super rookie with extremely explosive performance.

In Luka Doncic's NBA career, his performance in the first few games was even more explosive than Lebron James. In only 7 games, he got the first 30+ scoring record in his NBA career. In the first 7 games, Luka Doncic did not score 20+ in only two games, and one of them scored 19 points.

In terms of scoring ability alone, the current Luka Doncic is not inferior to LeBron James, and even slightly better. And Luka Doncic's comprehensiveness is no worse than LeBron James. While averaging 20+ points per game, he can also send nearly 6 assists and grab almost 8 rebounds.

Although the defensive ability may be worse than that of LeBron James, Luka Doncic can still hand over about one steal per game. He is tall and long, and he is very good at using his physical talent. The defensive end creates pressure on the opponent.

Luka Doncic and Lebron James can become the strongest rookie in the NBA at the age of 19 since the 21st century. Ye Fei's rookie season, although his performance was much more amazing than them, but he was bigger than the two.

In particular, it can be seen how outstanding Luka Doncic's strength is. Although he has not played 10 games, Luka Doncic's "best rookie" voice is extremely high, and even many fans have begun to mock him The Atlanta Hawks beat the management.

after all.

They traded down, and the selected Trey Young showed some reactions that did not adapt to the rhythm of the NBA. He has struggled in recent games.

Luka Doncic made great progress all the way, but (cdfd) encountered an insurmountable rookie wall in today's game against the Los Angeles Lakers.

To be precise, Ye Fei is like a rookie mountain in front of him, because Luka Doncic, who had just mustered up the courage to challenge Ye Fei, was humiliated by Ye Fei's big hat, and in the subsequent games, he was on both offensive and defensive ends. They were all hanged and beaten by Ye Fei.

In the second quarter of the game between the two sides, the Dallas Mavericks management, who was aware of it, deliberately reduced the meeting between Luka Doncic and Ye Fei, and arranged more pick-and-roll cooperation.

DeAndre Jordan, the coveted "Jordan" last season, finally signed a one-year $24.1 million contract with the Dallas Mavericks during the offseason.

Jordan's ability to eat cakes is not bad, and he can create a little threat in the pick-and-roll and help Luka Doncic relieve a lot of pressure.


In this quarter of the game, Luka Doncic was barely able to hand over the data of 2 points, 2 assists and 1 steal, and missed all 6 shots. Throughout the first half, Luka Doncic struggled with no sports scores.

Although Ye Fei didn't make much effort in the first half, he still sent out 26 points, 15 rebounds, 9 assists, 9 steals and 8 blocks.

Comparing the data of the two, we can see how badly Luka Doncic was bullied by Ye Fei.

In fact, his situation on the court was a bit worse than the data comparison. He was beaten by Ye Fei in all directions, and he was also ridiculed by Ye Fei with all kinds of trash talk, because his life was extremely uncomfortable.

He has never played such an aggrieved game. During the intermission, Luka Doncic walked into the player tunnel and saw a billboard. He kicked viciously to vent his inner dissatisfaction.

The players of the Dallas Lone Ranger hurried over to comfort them.

This scene was just captured by the TV broadcast, and countless fans made fun of Luka Doncic.

"Don't push so hard, the billboard is very painful. Is it okay? After watching the fierce competition in the previous few games, I thought that another super star was born. Once he meets Ye Shen, he will immediately become a paper tiger?"

"God Ye, please be a human being, Luka Doncic is still just a child. Don't bully him so badly, and use billboards to vent."

"Is this unbearable? Ye Shen hasn't exerted his strength yet. LeBron James and other superstars, Ye Shen, the league's number one super villain, have all been subdued by the sanctions. The strongest supernova in Europe is a fart. The game, and yours."

"Poor kid, it's all your fault that your big brother has been praising you, and the old driver must take the blame. If he hadn't praised you, Ye Shen would definitely show mercy, but your temper is a bit difficult to make a big deal, and you will talk to Nowitz more in the future. Kei learns to learn that billboards are innocent."

"NBA's number one super villain, really lives up to his name. The European superstar, the future superstar of the NBA, the first time he met you, he kicked the billboard angrily.

Murderous, very villainous, I just want to say - well done. "

"That's it? That's it? European supernova, the future card of the NBA, can it withstand the test of Ye Shen, the number one super giant quality inspector in the NBA? Just mentality is not enough, what are you bullying the billboards? If you have the ability to bully Ye Shen."

There are not many people in the NBA who can bully Ye Fei.

Back from the intermission, Luke Doncic still looked embarrassed. In this game, if the Dallas Mavericks have no players to stand up in time, they can basically surrender

Because Luka Doncic, who is the core of their future team, had the first attack in the second half and was hit by Ye Fei again.

Ye Fei made an extremely simple and rough steal, and took the ball away from Luka Doncic abruptly.

Luka Doncic was almost dragged to the ground, he lost the motivation to chase, and the rest of the players were too far away to catch up.

Ye Fei returned the ball to Derrick Rose who was following up. Rose, who understood, circled the ball behind him, and then smashed the ball on the backboard.

Ye Fei, who quickly followed up, received the rebound ball, made a beautiful one-handed gliding battle ax stretching the abdomen and pulling the bar to smash the ball, and smashed the ball into the basket hard.

Ye Fei once again completed both offensive and defensive ends, slamming Luka Doncic. .

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