sports supervillain

1290. Harden's Food Tour Of Magic City

The Ye Fei event hasn't started yet, yet another NBA star rushed to Shanghai to start his trip to China.

Knowing that Ye Fei was back and ready to start activities, James Harden hurriedly sent a message.

"Hey, brother, I'm in your homeland, you don't welcome me, arrange for me?"

I don't know which expert gave me some advice, so he said in a little bit of mandarin: "You have a saying, which is to show the friendship of the landlord. In your territory, you must entertain me."

Ye Fei said, there are no nightclubs in our country that are as fun as yours.

"You are a big liar. You obviously have a lot of interesting things here. Don't bully me for reading less. You must take me with you and have fun. You have a lot of delicious, fun, and beautiful things here. You must arrange them. Me, otherwise I will go to the Los Angeles Lakers to hold your thigh and win the championship."

Ye Fei really couldn't resist him.

Is spending time with James Harden as good as picking up girls? Obviously the latter makes Ye Fei more happy, but as a Chinese player, Ye Fei must put James Harden in place and let him see that we are waiting for Huaxia. The way of the guest.

Ye Fei went to wait for James Harden downstairs in the hotel where he was temporarily staying.

Seeing Ye Fei standing alone in front of the hotel, James Harden asked suspiciously: "Brother, where's your car? Why don't you arrange a good car to pick me up? Where's your car?"

after all.

According to Ye Fei's current worth and status, at least a luxury car will pick him up when he goes out.

"Come on, follow me, I'll show you a different kind of luxury car."

Ye Fei pointed to the two motorcycles he had arranged and said, "This is the sharpest means of transportation in our country, and there is a song dedicated to it."

"And you don't know, there used to be another means of transportation, motorcycles, which are magic tools for picking up girls."

I understand everything naturally.

When Ye Fei taught James Harden how to drive a motorcycle, he mentioned a little bit, and James Harden yearned for it. He wanted to experience the beautiful love story behind the motorcycle right away.

According to the current traffic rules, James Harden cannot experience such a different feeling in the city streets. Hearing Ye Fei's words, James Harden's restless heart slowly calmed down.

"Here, put on your helmet.

Ye Fei handed James Harden a helmet with a touch of green: "There are thousands of traffic regulations, safety first. Protective measures must be taken well, please wear your hard hat."

"Ye, I feel the deep malice from you, why is mine green?"

James was puzzled.

"Green safety, green environmental protection, green health.

Ye Fei comforted: "If you want to live a good life, how can you not bring some green? Don't worry about it so much, I will take you to eat delicious food later. The largest restaurant chain in our country, don't worry, all consumption today, brother Pay the bill.

"Is there something delicious?"

James Harden asked excitedly: "Where is it? Go, go, go, take me there! I have heard that there are countless amazing delicacies here, take me to condole."

Walking through the streets and alleys of Shanghai with James Harden, Ye Fei pointed to the blocked luxury cars and said: "If I drive to pick you up, just like those people, I will be blocked to death in Hong Kong. At the intersection of street lights, look how chic and free we are now, come, let me teach you to sing a song."

While manipulating the motorcycle, Ye Fei sang with James Harden: "Ride on my beloved little motorcycle, I'll never be stuck in traffic, ride on my beloved little motorcycle, and I'll be home soon...  "

James Harden was infected by this brainwashing melody, and hummed along in his not-so-fluent Chinese dialect.

I ran into many fans along the way, and the two walked and greeted them along the way. Riding on a motorcycle, James Harden felt unprecedented happiness.


Ye Fei pointed to a small shop with a dilapidated entrance and an average environment, but there were many customers, and said to James Harden: "Today I will invite you to have a big meal here, and you can order whatever you want, bro. money?"

"That's it?"

The face of James Harden, who was happy along the way, suddenly changed: "Is there a mistake? Brother, you are talking about the largest chain of gourmet restaurants in the country. Why don't I look like it?"

"Shaxian Hotel."

Ye Fei said eloquently: "There are countless branches all over the country, a hundred times more than those fast food restaurants like KFC and McDonalds in your country. Believe me, it is definitely not to be missed."

Being dragged by Mr. Ye Fei, James Harden had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit down. Ye Fei arranged a duck leg meal for him, but at first he hated it in every possible way.

After trying a few mouthfuls, James Harden devoured it. He didn't feel satisfied with one serving, and wanted to have another one.


Really fragrant.

々Don't rush to get full. "

Ye Fei stopped him and said: "Today must be arranged so that you are comfortable, let you see what is called Huaxia's way of hospitality.

Before leaving, James Harden gave the boss a thumbs up: "As expected of the largest hotel chain in China, the taste is very good."

Ye Fei awkwardly dragged James Harden away.

They rushed to the next location, one of the most famous food streets in Shanghai - Zhapu Road Food Street. Ye Fei and James Harden found a good place to watch and sat down, beckoned to the assistant for help, and bought a bunch of food , placed in front of the two.

Ye Fei pointed to the Roujiamo and said: "Come on, try the Roujiamo, the ancestor of the hamburger. After eating one, you will forget the taste of the hamburger, and you will be too greedy when you go there [don't blame it.

James Harden gnawed on the Roujiamo, nodded again and again, obviously overwhelmed by the deliciousness that he had never seen before.

Pass him a few big meat skewers, and drink two bottles of cold beer.

"Beer and BBQ, isn't it better than Coke and French fries?"

Ye Fei raised the beer bottle in his hand and touched it with James Harden: "Come on, good brother, let's be happy together!"

In fact, it is not wrong to eat egg-filled pancakes, it varies from person to person. James Harden was on the street, eating a small barbecue and drinking beer with Ye Fei, and was photographed by reporters, but the fans praised James Harden one after another, praising James Harden for his integration into Chinese food culture. two

As long as you have the strength and perform well, like Jokic, you drink several liters of Coke every day and drink yourself like walking pork belly. No one will say anything about you, and some people will even drink Coke and play basketball. Words that can become stronger.

Ye Fei and James Harden gorged themselves on street food and pointed out the window. .

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