sports supervillain

1279. The Strongest Power Leveling In The Finals

The Chinese audience at home in the Staples Center Arena made a gesture of 6 with both hands, and shouted frantically at the camera: "Ye Shen is invincible! Ye Shen 666!"

"I am the Lakers champion! The Los Angeles Lakers are invincible! Ye Shen cheated!"

"Three consecutive championships! The new Zijin dynasty is coming, looking forward to the arrival of the five crowns!"

The craziest thing is the online fans, especially on the other side of the ocean. Through the TV broadcast, they are extremely excited to see Ye Shen leading the team, winning three consecutive championships, and playing such outstanding statistics.

"66 points, 16 rebounds and 16 assists, the data is enough to prove that I, Ye Shen, have 6 points, and I will deduct 6 points for everything I do."

"Ye Shen is not incapable of scoring, it just depends on whether he wants to or not. This game is enough to show how terrifying my scoring ability is. The scoring record in a single quarter of the nba playoffs——shredded! nba finals scoring Records—shredded! Give me shredded everything!"

"Finally see the new hope of the men's basketball team, Ye Shen, Xiong Qi! Looking forward to next year's Men's Basketball World Cup, you can lead the national team to win the championship at home, the NBA surpasses God's man!"

666666, 6 is over, 666666, 6 has to fly, Ye Shen, yyds, nba champion is the strongest power leveling, invincible!"

"Being in the NBA for three years, playing in the NBA finals for three years, and winning three NBA championships, is basically a semi-single-core team leader. Who else? The statistics are not enough to show that I, Ye Shen, have 6. Let's celebrate it together.

"You did a good job. God Ye gave all the championships owed to our national players by the NBA back then. And this is his third year in the NBA. His dominance is so terrifying. I want to know, what will he do?" How many championships have you won?"

"The ruthless record-breaking king, one finals, three records, even if he didn't win the championship, Ye Shen can still be proud of the entire league, Ye Shen, the strongest player in NBA history, who is not convinced||?"

There is only one winner in competitive events, and some people are happy while others are sad. With his terrifying performance, Ye Fei led his team to win the NBA championship again, won three consecutive championships, and started a new Zijin Dynasty.

As their opponent, the Cleveland Cavaliers were extremely sad.

Especially the head star LeBron James.

Full of ambition and with a dream in mind, he returned to the Cleveland Cavaliers, trying to bring back a championship trophy for the city, but was defeated by reality time and time again. For three consecutive years, James was defeated by the Los Angeles Lakers led by Ye Fei, and missed the championship trophy again and again.

Counting his return to the Cleveland Cavaliers, the first year of the Finals with the Golden State Warriors, James and his Cleveland Cavaliers made four trips to the Finals, and four total runners-up.

Lebron James can be called the active player, the strongest power trainer in the finals, he is currently the player who has played the most finals among active NBA stars.


His record will sooner or later be eliminated by Ye Fei.

Moreover, James has formed the Big Five from the Big Three at the beginning, but he still failed to go any further. Ye Fei wanted to lead the team with a single core with the boss at the beginning, and now there is barely one Carmelo Anthony, an All-Star player.

However, Ye Fei was able to break out of the Western Division with strong opponents, entered the finals three times, and won the championship three times.

If James can be counted, he is the strongest booster in the NBA finals, because with his team, there is a high probability of reaching the finals. Ye Fei, on the other hand, can be regarded as the strongest booster for the current NBA champion, and a team with Ye Fei will definitely win the championship.

In an interview after the game, Lebron James was very sincere and apologized to the fans.


Because of Ye Fei's comparison, he was destined to not be so easy, so he was forgiven. Even some Zhanhei jumped out again and dissed James frantically.

"The strongest power leveling in the finals, I'll just haha. If you make it to the finals ten times, you'll have to kneel at least nine times when you meet God Ye, and once more, it's up to God Ye, who is willing to let you down."

"The Big Three won the Big Five, but they still can't win a championship. Others, Ye Shen, last year, single-core did you too much. The superstars have a hammer, but it's still not the same. You can't win the championship, scumbag , I really look down on those star players who stick together."

"The strongest power leveling in the finals is a fart. Others Ye Shen is the strongest power leveling champion. If you enter the finals, it's not the same as not winning the championship. Ye Shen, as long as you enter the finals, you will win the championship. Are you angry?"

"This year's five giants can't win the championship. How many giants should we form next season? How about forming a top ten? No matter what time, there are five All-Stars on the court, and they can enter the finals in minutes. However, in the end It's not useless, God Ye | The God of the eternal championship."

Is grouping useful? Is it not good to lead the team to win the championship? Or do you admit that you are not as good as Ye Shen, and you can only defeat him by grouping? Although this is the case, I look down on players who are crazy to group together. I am very happy to see you again Overall runner-up, please continue next year. "

"You have ruined your teammates, but you haven't achieved yourself. Next year, let's see who else is willing to fight with you. If there is no accident, Irving will definitely leave the Cavaliers. Let's see how your network in the James League is."

Although Lebron James is considered a relatively great player in the NBA. Regardless of personal honor or team honor, he has gained something. And his explosive playing style has really attracted him countless fans.

He chose to join forces to win the championship at the peak of his career, becoming the most unbearable black spot in the hearts of countless fans.

"Answer" Allen Iverson, Steve Nash and other players have stuck to it for a long time, until the end of their careers, before thinking of forming a team to win the championship. What the fans give (Zhao Hao) is mostly blessings, not like Treat James like this.

one way or another.

Whether you like James or dislike Ye Fei, neither can change the established ending.

Ye Fei pretended to be X again.

He led the Los Angeles Lakers in five games, defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers, and successfully defended the title again.

While accepting the championship, there was hardly any suspense, and Ye Fei won the fmvp of this year's finals. This year's trip to the finals, and even the playoffs, Ye Fei's performance is really crazy.

In every game, Ye Fei can score five-double data, and the average five-double data per game is not enough to prove Ye Fei's crazy abundance.

In the last game of the Finals, Ye Fei scored 66 points, 16 rebounds, 16 assists, 12 blocks and 12 steals, breaking NBA records three times.

Ye Feifmvp deserves his name.

With this battle, Ye Fei was honored and made a god in the Japanese war.

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