sports supervillain

1270. You Are Playing Me

In the process of fighting for a rebound again, Ye Fei collided with three Cleveland Cavaliers players. Ye Fei, who was dragged to the ground, clutched his knees and returned to the sidelines with the support of his teammates.

Los Angeles Lakers fans said, I have seen this scene.

The fourth game of the Western Conference Finals is still the familiar fourth game. After sending another player off the field, it was Chris Paul in that game, and it was Kyrie Irving's turn in this game.

Ye Fei fulfilled his mission, decisively pretended to be injured, and conceded a victory in the game.


Ye Fei repeated his old tricks and once again staged a good show from the beginning.

At this moment, Kyrie Irving's heart was full of ten thousand characters: Ye Fei, you are playing me.

Attentive fans finally found this interesting scene, and they were all excited about it.

"Worthy of being Ye Shen, the league's number one super villain, Ye Shen, clearly wants to play Kyrie Irving. Once the Cavaliers win, Kyrie Irving will feel so bad. Winning is not terrible, and it is embarrassing to be short of anyone. Ye Shen, I want to play Owen is firmly nailed to the pillar of shame."

"I watched this episode, and the Los Angeles Lakers lost in the end. Ye Shen, in order for the Los Angeles Lakers to win the fifth game, it can be said that they took great pains and racked their brains, and it's 397 to do this again. It's a scam."

"Don't think about spoilers, I know Ye Shen won't appear on stage again later. Ye Shen wants to tell the Cavaliers players, I've worked so hard to perform, can you give me some strength?"

"I beg the players of the Cleveland Cavaliers, can you give me some strength? You see Ye Shen can only act brightly, I am afraid that you will not win the game, but if you are a little bit better, it will not embarrass Owen so much."

"The acting skills are touching, God Ye, I want to give you a copy of "Actor's Self-Cultivation", but you feel inexplicably happy in this wave of performances, I don't know how Kyrie Irving feels."

"The harm is not high, and the insult is very strong. The Cleveland Cavaliers are embarrassed if they win, and they are even more embarrassed if they don't win. Ye Shen's performance in this wave is simply not too disgusting.

Ye Fei is really a bit of a mentality.

As soon as Kyrie Irving got the sixth foul off the field, he used the excuse of recuperating to sit on the sidelines and watch the game, with no intention of returning to the field at all.


Ye Fei's exit did not affect the performance of the rest of the Los Angeles Lakers players, and the young players continued to fight harder and harder. Lebron James and other Cleveland (cdea) Cavaliers players were a little embarrassed for a while, but they were attacked by Los Angeles Lakers players and played a wave of offensive climax.

Fortunately, they stabilized slowly and lived up to Ye Fei's expectations.

It's just that the young Los Angeles players who let go completely scared the Cleveland Cavaliers players into a cold sweat. In the last quarter, Lebron James didn't dare to rest for a second. He finally unlocked his super full James state and led the team to seal the victory at the last moment.

The Cleveland Cavaliers finally defeated the Los Angeles Lakers 118 to 113 at home, and won the first victory of the finals, chasing the total score to 1 to 3.

They are still standing on the edge of danger and may be taken away by the Los Angeles Lakers at any time. And the next game, the contest between the two sides, will return to the Staples Center Arena.

At the end of the game, the faces of the Cleveland Cavaliers players were filled with joy. They were relieved and finally won a crucial game.

Only Kyrie Irving is very upset, he feels the deep malice from Ye Fei, should he act so obviously?

Kyrie Irving didn't care about being targeted by his opponents. Owen felt hurt because of the distrust from his teammates. He felt that at this time, the joys and sorrows between people are not the same.

Kyrie Irving is losing momentum in his pursuit of a championship with the Cleveland Cavaliers.

He is ready for the next game and continues to play soy sauce.

Although it was a pity to lose this game, all the players of the Los Angeles Lakers looked relaxed. They packed their bags and happily returned to Los Angeles to prepare for the upcoming fifth game. Ye Fei, the boss of their team, threatened to win the fifth game of the championship, the fifth game that cannot be lost.

The fifth game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Cleveland Cavaliers will start on the night of the 11th, leaving only two days for the two sides to adjust.

The adjustment is for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

At this time, the Staples Center Arena of the Los Angeles Lakers had already prepared the celebratory elements for winning the championship.

The outside of the arena is filled with celebration elements of the Los Angeles Lakers winning five championships.

Los Angeles Lakers fans waited for this day for a long time, they spontaneously organized and gathered outside the Staples Center arena to celebrate the Lakers' championship in advance.

Compared with any other finals, this time the finals is the finals they are most confident of winning and they can shout the slogan of the new dynasty in advance.

Because they have Ye Fei.

A superstar who can change the direction of the game by any means by himself.

Fans may not know what kind of surprise Ye Fei will use in the fifth game to bring the victory that Los Angeles Lakers fans want.

But they are extremely determined, the Los Angeles Lakers will definitely win today's game, they will definitely win today's game.

When the Cleveland Cavaliers bus drove into the arena, the Cavaliers players could hear the deafening shouts outside the car windows.

"The Lakers championship! Congratulations to the Lakers for three consecutive championships!"

"Congratulations to the Los Angeles Lakers for defeating the Cleveland Cavaliers 4-1 and winning this year's championship!"

"I am the champion of the lake! The Zijin dynasty is rising!"

"4 to 1! We won this year's championship, the Lakers must win!"

"The Lakers are going to go! Ye Shen is going to go! Take down the Cavaliers today and win the championship that belongs to us!"

The voices of the Los Angeles Lakers fans were very arrogant, which aroused the fighting spirit of the Cleveland Cavaliers players, but even the two super cores of the team, Kyrie Irving and Lebron James, were not absolutely sure that they would win today's game victory.

It's just that they are determined to fight with their backs and give it a go.

The Cleveland Cavaliers players who walked into the Staples Center looked dignified.

Returning to their familiar home court, the players of the Los Angeles Lakers are extremely relaxed, especially Ye Fei, who is the super core of the team, has a relaxed and freehand expression, without any trace of tension on his face.

Before the game, he also interacted with the home fans, secretly flirted with his women, and waited for the match to start.

Neither side made any adjustments to the starters.

Ye Fei was the last to make his finale appearance.

To meet him away, there may be boos all over the sky. When he returned to his own territory, only screams and cheers greeted him.

Ye Fei's already happy mood was doubled.

The notification sound from the system doubled Ye Fei's happiness again. .

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