sports supervillain

1250. Five Wins

Although there are a bunch of All-Star players in the Cleveland Cavaliers, their trip to the playoffs has stumbled all the way.

In the first round, they met the fifth-ranked Indiana Pacers in the East. After seven fierce battles, they passed through danger and were almost knocked down by their opponents. In the Eastern Conference semifinals, they met LeBron James' favorite bully Toronto Raptors, and they easily advanced 4-0.

In the Eastern Conference finals, they met the Boston Celtics, who ranked second in the Eastern Conference this season, and the opponent still played in a weak lineup. They were dragged into the tiebreaker again.

If it hadn't been for the critical moment of the playoffs, the "Full James" buff in LeBron James' body would wake up, and he would go berserk in two consecutive games, and the opponent of the Los Angeles Lakers in the finals

Maybe the Boston Celtics.

Compared with the Cleveland Cavaliers' road to promotion, the Los Angeles Lakers are easier. In the first round, the New Orleans Pelicans won with ease and swept their opponents 4-0 to advance.

In the next two rounds of matches, two consecutive 4 to 1, sending out the second and third younger brothers who were once the third youngest of the Thunder, easily broke into the finals and launched an impact on their main consecutive championships.

In terms of the overall strength of the two teams, the star-studded Cliff 477 Blue Cavaliers are even stronger on paper, but the team's mentality and appearance are better than the Los Angeles Lakers.

Finally assembled a five-star lineup. Although the All-Star players in my team are older and most of them are not in their prime, they are all better than the group of recruits like the Los Angeles Lakers.

After the regular season, they only got the fourth record in the Eastern Conference. The playoffs have been going all the way, and problems continue. The Cleveland Cavaliers have been questioned, the team's main core players Lebron James and Kyrie Irving have been controversial, and even off-court anecdotes about Lebron James' new and old loves have spread in the NBA.

The Cleveland Cavaliers lost to Ye Fei's Los Angeles Lakers in the Finals for two consecutive years.

In the first year of competition between the two sides, Ye Fei was still growing under the wings of Kobe Bryant. He was barely a dual-core team and met the Big Three, but the Cleveland Cavaliers failed to beat their combination.

In the finals of the 2016-2017 season, Ye Fei single-core led the team and overturned the Cleveland Cavaliers again. Single-core vs. Big Three, Ye Fei still had the last laugh (cdcj). And from the finals of that year, it can be seen that Ye Fei has gradually grown into a superstar, and his growth rate is extremely fast.

The two sides met again this year. The Cleveland Cavaliers gathered the Big Five, and Ye Fei had only one helper to rely on. Carmelo Anthony, who hadn't fully adapted to his position, barely counted as the Big Two. A dual-core vs. Big Five contest.

Therefore, the prospect of the Los Angeles Lakers is not so optimistic. Even though Ye Fei showed unparalleled dominance in the playoffs, people are still optimistic about the Cleveland Cavaliers, who have more players.

"Don't look at the Los Angeles Lakers coming all the way, it seems to be playing very easily, that's because they haven't encountered a strong opponent. Basically, they are dual-core, or pseudo-Big Three teams. What do they use to fight against the Cleveland Cavaliers, the king of the East? Owns the Big Five.

"The Los Angeles Lakers are barely considered dual-core. Once Ye Fei stretches his hips, they will be cold in all likelihood. The rest of the players are simply unreliable. James at least has Kyrie Irving to rely on. Is it possible that Ye Fei is still counting on Gua Ge Do your best to turn the tide, do you think he is still the same brother Gua from Denver back then?"

"The playoffs are a long process. The Cleveland Cavaliers didn't play well in the front, but LeBron James gradually opened up. He scored quasi-triple-double data in two consecutive games. I believe LeBron James The state will be even better, and he can give Ye Fei an extremely heavy blow in the playoffs."

"The Cleveland Cavaliers are the championship, the Cavaliers must win, and the little emperor is invincible! Lebron James will definitely help us win the championship. He will become the eternal hero of this city, and he will always be the king in our hearts. "

"It's not that I don't believe in Ye Shen. Basketball is a five-person sport. Ye Shen can take away at most one or two core players from the opponent in a game. The Cleveland Cavaliers also have two or three All-Star players, and the Los Angeles Lakers young players. It may not be able to withstand it.”

Even the famous NBA commentator Stephen A. Smith and others stand for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

"Lebron's strength is unquestionable. You can see that in the last two games of the Eastern Conference Finals, he turned the game around by himself. Although the Los Angeles Lakers have a leaf who can also change the trend of the game. But you don't want to Forget it, make it to the playoffs, especially to the Finals."

"The Cleveland Cavaliers also have a good brother Dwyane who has fought side by side with LeBron and won the championship several times. They also have Kyrie Irving who may go berserk at any time. In every position, their The overall strength is better than that of the Los Angeles Lakers, and I believe the Cleveland Cavaliers can win the championship."

Compared with Ye Fei, who is a villain who just does it when he sees it, hates everyone he meets, and doesn't give face at all. LeBron James is quite compatible in the NBA, otherwise he would not be able to successfully team up, and even create a six-star lineup. Many stars would rather join with a basic salary and team up with him, which shows how outstanding his ability as a socialite in the league is.


Chris Bosh, Sean Battier and many other stars who once teamed up with him have stood up to support Lebron James.

They really don't want to see Ye Fei lead the Los Angeles Lakers to reproduce the glory of the Zijin dynasty.

Kobe Bryant, Jerry West and other famous Lakers are looking forward to a miracle. During the time when the Los Angeles Lakers were preparing for the game, they frequently went to the training hall of the Los Angeles Lakers and gave Ye Fei and other young players a lot of good things. suggestion.


There are still relatively few people supporting Ye Fei and his Los Angeles Lakers, especially some more professional media and platforms.

On some websites, it is believed that the probability of the Los Angeles Lakers winning the championship is no more than 30%, and some excessive websites even give the Los Angeles Lakers the option of winning the championship.

Ye Fei, who has never been low-key, saw this scene, and he took the initiative to ask his beautiful reporter team, together with the Los Angeles Lakers PR team, to hold a grand pre-match press conference.

At the very beginning, Ye Fei said loudly: "The Los Angeles Lakers won the championship in five games, and we only need five games to win the championship!"

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