sports supervillain

1236. I Can Touch Porcelain

James Harden clapped his hands in annoyance, and mumbled a few words in his mouth. He hunted geese all day long and was finally blinded by geese. James Harden stepped back and fouled with a three-pointer, which should have been his best trick, but Ye Fei used it on himself.

"I will touch porcelain too."

Ye Fei took the shrimp and didn't forget to ask for the pig's heart, so he stabbed James Harden in the heart: "Is the three-point retreat I learned from you handsome? Isn't it beautiful this time? I can't even see it myself." , I know you can touch porcelain like I do, but you can't make that shot."

Worthy of being the number one super villain in the league, James Harden couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Fortunately, the relationship between the two is acceptable, otherwise Ye Fei would probably be ruthless.

The end game must be discussed with Ye Fei, and let him deal with Chris Paul. When I saw it, did he still have the arrogance of the locker room?

Half of the game was not over, and he committed two fouls. During the intermission, Mike D'Antoni still did not make substitutions and adjustments, and continued to leave James Harden on the court. James Harden was free to lead the team alone for the second time.

It would have been much better if he had kept Chris Paul on the floor. Chris Paul, who was eager to win the game, was in a very hot state and was not targeted by Ye Fei. He was playing against Clarkson, Rajon Rondo and others, leading the team to bite the score on the court.

They are currently behind, mainly because James Harden, who was severely restricted by Ye Fei, had two fouls on his back. And on the offensive end, Ye Fei completely locked Harden.

It was very difficult for James Harden to take a good shot. The ball was either intercepted by Ye Fei or blocked by Ye Fei. Even if he wanted to touch the porcelain, Ye Fei would not give him a chance. So far in the game, James Harden has not scored a single point, none of the other data has been recorded, and there are quite a few mistakes.

Mike D'Antoni is too stubborn in terms of employment. Ye Fei is a little bit, regretful and sad for the star who was ruined by him and did not achieve higher achievements.

Rigid and stubborn coaching methods must have no future. It's like Byron Scott who coached the Los Angeles Lakers [now he can't get an invitation from any NBA team.

Knowing how to be flexible, coach Luke Walton, who learned from Steve Kerr, a disciple of Popovich, learned to be flexible, followed the team to win a championship trophy, and the second championship trophy is already on the way .

Mike D'Antoni's employment ideas pushed the Houston Rockets into the abyss of defeat little by little.

James Harden, who continued to stay on the court, did not help the team much. If it weren't for Eric Gordon, who scored several difficult ultra-long three-pointers in a row, the point difference would have been widened.

Although James Harden, finally in the first quarter, with 3 minutes and 52 seconds left, with his super high acting skills and superb touch skills, he caused a foul by Clarkson's thugs in the past, and walked to the free throw line, steadily Scored two points.

But in the past two rounds, James Harden was deliberately targeted by Ye Fei again.

The rest of the Los Angeles Lakers players pulled away, and Ye Fei sank to the low post, attacking with his back. Although James Harden had a solid base and strong resistance, he still couldn't withstand the impact of Ye Fei. Resisting James Harden, Ye Fei didn't rush to make a shot. He feinted and found his body to resist before making a shot.

The ball goes into the whistle.

James Harden confiscated his body and paid another foul. Coach Mike D'Antoni finally couldn't sit still and hurriedly made substitution adjustments, replacing James Harden

Before the first quarter was over, James Harden was fouled three times. In subsequent games, his playing time will inevitably be affected.

Ye Fei suddenly thought of a trick, a way to better complete the task.

He felt himself, more and more fond of, the foul-drawing style of play. A simple two-pointer or three-pointer is not in line with his current outstanding ability. Only by getting 2+1 and 3+1 in a row can he show Ye Fei's status as the number one super villain in the league. style.

James Harden rested on the sidelines, Ye Fei didn't need to fight again, and gave young players more opportunities to train. In the finals, when they played, they would not be so nervous.

The Houston Rockets replaced Chris Paul again, although it was a helpless move, the effect was good. Under the leadership of Chris Paul, the Houston Rockets once again stabilized the situation on the court, and they still have the momentum to recover the point difference.

...asking for flowers...

He was already injured, and Chris Paul has played for so long, Mike D'Antoni is undoubtedly overdrawing his player's career.

After the first quarter, the Houston Rockets, led by Chris Paul, narrowed the point difference to within double digits, but Ye Fei was not in a hurry.

Troubled by fouls, James Harden didn't return to the court until more than 6 minutes into the second quarter.

Ye Fei followed him on stage.

The two returned to the court, and within three minutes of the match, Ye Fei made James Harden sick again.

Grabbing James Harden's pass error, Ye Fei steals the ball and follows James Harden to the half court without allowing the rest of the players to change defenses. Ye Fei finds James Harden and rushes into the penalty area. James Harden, who dared to be careless in the slightest, paid great attention to his movements, but was still caught by Ye Fei.


Ye Fei used James Harden's hanging arm trick, and immediately hung his hand on James Harden's arm. The moment the referee blew the whistle, James Harden knew

His own foul must be explained here, so he simply ruthlessly tried to hug him with the ball.

However, Ye Fei twisted his body, grabbed the ball with one hand, made a smart move to look back at the moon, and threw the ball to the backboard with one hand. The ball hit the backboard obediently and bounced into the basket.

Another 2+1!

James Harden's mentality was a little burst. He never liked to complain, so he asked the referee to argue a few words, but it didn't help.

He picked up his fourth personal foul.

After all, there was still more than half of the game to be played, and D'Antoni didn't dare to take too many risks. James Harden, who was replaced again, looked at Ye Fei who was walking to the free throw line, and couldn't help but curse inwardly: You are a pit!

Not only can you know how to touch porcelain, but your skill in touching porcelain is almost superb. Even he, the king of touching porcelain in the nba league, should be ashamed of himself.

If you knew it yesterday, don't engage in those fancy things, and the retribution will come immediately today.

James Harden is absolutely disgusting at the moment.

After making an extra penalty, Ye Fei, who retreated to defense, deliberately came to their bench and gave James Harden a meaningful smile. .

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