sports supervillain

1156. Not Very Harmful

The sidelines suddenly became chaotic, and the warrior players surrounded in the middle were trembling, but once he lowered his head and licked the drink on the ground, he would never be able to raise his head in his entire life.

The Warriors fan thought about it and wanted to play some tricks. At this moment, Ye Fei motioned for the Lakers fans around him to get out of the way, and then he beckoned to the cleaning staff: help bring the mop over. "

"Lick it clean, you think it's too shameful, then you just drag this place for me, isn't that too much to ask?"

Ye Fei looked at the troublesome Warriors fan: "Since you bet with me, you must have the consciousness of losing the bet and be prepared to be punished. Please do it now, or something will happen later. I'm not responsible."

Perhaps the punishment of mopping the floor was really light, and the Lakers fans on the side couldn't stand it. Some chattered, but Ye Fei glanced over, and they didn't say anything. Ye Fei gave such a step for the Warriors fans to step down, and he has no reason to refuse.

"I do."

Turning around and taking the mop handed over by the cleaning staff, the Warriors fan started to do it: "I will keep the auditorium floor of this stadium clean. I'm sorry, I dare not bet with you again! Your back The three-point shot is too sharp, and I am convinced of the loss." 110

It doesn't matter whether he is sincere or not, with such a sentence, Ye Fei can let him go temporarily.

And the final is about to start, Ye Fei has no time to waste with this kind of scum: "Mop the floor well, if I am not satisfied, I don't mind letting you lick the floor here. Don't be so eye-catching Looking at him, the final final is about to begin, do you want to see me show another three-pointer with a back?"


As soon as Ye Fei said his words, the fans on the sidelines responded enthusiastically. After interacting with the fans for a while, Ye Fei walked over slowly just before the final.

However, Ding Wengdi warmed up on the sidelines early and made full preparations for the final final. It is obvious that this time, he wants to win the final championship.

"Don't warm up so hard, the end result is still the same."

Ding Wengdi was a little puzzled.

"Because in the end you will be killed by my super invincible Tianxiu's back three-pointer. This is the fate you can never get rid of. No matter how hard you warm up, it will be in vain.

Ding Wengdi was caught off guard by Ye Fei's sudden act of coercion. Fortunately, he is white, otherwise he would be full of question marks like Nick Young.

"You don't care about the game at all, and you want to win the final championship. God will only favor children who work harder. The victory in this game will definitely belong to me. Your shitty back three points There is no way to hit the ball again."

Looking at Ding Wengdi who was confident and confident, Ye Fei could only say: "Please open your eyes wide to see how I threw the ball into the basket with my back. This time I will make you feel convincing."

Ding Wengdi didn't speak anymore, because the game was about to start, he wanted to shift all his attention to the final.

After the trash talking, Ye Fei casually picked up the ball and waited for the game whistle to sound.


Ding Wengdi rushed out immediately, and there was even the slightest suspicion of running away. Ye Fei didn't care at all, but the moment Ye Fei kicked the ball and started the game, the game had already been declared over.

Although Ding Wengdi took the lead, Ye Fei came from behind and left Ding Wengdi behind in the blink of an eye.

Ye Fei is not only extremely fast, but also without any mistakes. On the contrary, Ding Wengdi, who was left behind by Ye Fei, made a fatal mistake and failed to pass the ball into the target basket twice in a row. The gap between him and Ye Fei widened.

Ye Fei, who ran beyond the three-point line early, made a shot without the first time.

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you here, let's shoot a three-pointer together, I want you to experience what despair is!"

This wave of operations by Ye Fei is not very harmful, but extremely insulting (cdeh).

But Ding Wengdi, who wanted to win the final championship, could only endure this insult and rushed to the three-point line.

If other people are on the field, if they want to wait for me to join them, take a big gamble and see who is lucky enough to win the best championship, Ye Fei will definitely make others want to make a move, or make a move at the same time as him.

Ding Wengdi actually wanted to trick Ye Fei, trying to get the ball into the basket before him.


It's a pity that the god of fate did not favor him.

Ye Fei didn't even look at the basket, he flicked his right hand casually, turned around and left, raised his hands high, signaling to the fans to celebrate, he didn't even bother to shoot a second ball.

Ding Wengdi missed the first goal and wanted to make up another goal.

This time he finally seized the opportunity and threw the ball into the basket.


However, the game ended earlier, and Ye Fei, who directly activated the skill of [Super God's back three-pointer], didn't give Ding Wengdi a chance.

One blow kills, one strikes the soul.

A three-pointer with a back body, rebounded into the basket, and killed the suspense of this technically challenging championship.

Ye Fei's wave after wave of miraculous operations completely ignited the enthusiasm of the fans, seeing him win the Skills Challenge Championship again, and in this incredible way

They have been unable to calm down.

"That god, Oudi, can actually throw three back-up three-pointers, God Ye, don't be too rebellious!"

"This wave after wave of pretending to be aggressive, really worthy of Ye Shen, the title of King of Kings, cheating, what are you doing in a daze, you will deduct 6 from me!"

"I really didn't expect that the champion of the Skills Challenge would be accepted by Ye Shen like this. It's really unimaginable."

"Another post-up 3-pointer that doesn't even look at it, it's not too good! I can't believe that there are players who can be so good.

"Damn it, it's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting. Ye Shen's wave of murder has made Ding Wengdi faint in the toilet."

"Young people don't talk about martial arts, but they still want to sneak up on God Ye to see who is the clown in the end. Sebbins, I'm just asking if your scalp is numb from this wave?"

"Just a random toss like that, the winner of the Skills Challenge, three back-up three-pointers, and directly won the championship. Who would think that God Ye is pretending to be fake when he said he didn't want to participate in the three-pointer contest?"

"I didn't expect Ye Shen to shoot a three-pointer with his back. Since it is so terrifying, I want to know, will he make such a shot from time to time in future games?"

Whether there will be another three-pointer in the next game or not, it will be said at that time, Ye Fei will take the stage first and take away his championship trophy. .

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