sports supervillain

1127. Ye Fei's Limit

After defeating the San Antonio Spurs at home, the Los Angeles Lakers have to rush to Dallas non-stop. With only one day of rest, they will start their four-game road trip

In the away game against Dallas Mavericks, Ye Fei came to meet old friends. In this game, Ye Fei doesn't need to develop new shot-blocking skills.

Because Dirk Nowitzki is a representative of one man, one city, his friendship with his boss Mark Cuban has made countless players envious.

Ye Fei and Dirk Nowitzki are good friends. Dirk Nowitzki also taught Ye Fei his signature unique skill --- Golden Rooster Independence. Every time he arrives in Dallas, Dirk Nowitzki As long as time permits, Dirk Nowitzki will treat Ye Fei well.

With such an excellent mentor and helpful friend, how could Ye Fei let him become the background board of his own history-record in the twilight of his career?

On January 14th, in the away game against the Dallas Mavericks, although Ye Fei still wanted to show off blocks, he didn't go for the record.

He didn't even want to take away the victory of the game.

This year, the Dallas Lone Rangers failed to stabilize their position in the face of competition from the rise of the western powerhouses. There are too many veterans in the team, and Dirk Nowitzki's state has declined significantly. Although they are still sticking to it, they are getting farther and farther away from the playoffs.

Ye Fei wants to send the Dallas Mavericks a win.

The record for the most wins in the regular season is kept in his own hands. Basically, no team can break it. Ye Fei doesn’t need to break the record. As long as he gets the first place in the league, there is no difference between losing 10 games and losing 20 games. He is willing Give Dirk Nowitzki some hope.

After all, for veterans like them, there is one less game than the nest.

In this game, against the Los Angeles Lakers, the Dallas Mavericks started with Dennis Smith, Wesley Matthews, Harris Barnes, Dirk Nowitzki and Yogi Ferrell. .

I don't know what kind of curse Mark Cuban has suffered in the past few years. The players signed with big contracts have gradually become hydrated.

Let's not rely on the contract given to the rich and handsome Chandler Parsons. Because they have succeeded, throw off the burden.

In the current Dallas Mavericks team, Harris Barnes, who thought he could become the core of the team, only played a good season. This season's statistics immediately declined, and he has no leadership qualities.

Wesley Matthews had limited potential, and Mark Cuban obviously lost a bit this time.

No matter how amazing coach Rick Claire is, he can't move this somewhat old Dallas Mavericks.

After Ye Fei started the game, he mainly found trouble with young players such as Barnes and Matthews, and occasionally found Dirk Nowitzki to match up.

It's just that Ye Fei put on a posture and looked defensively. He just wanted to watch Dirk Nowitzki show off his signature Golden Rooster independence to the home fans.

Had to give up, Dirk Nowitzki failed to grasp several good open opportunities,

He is no longer the young Nuo Tianwang who made the alliance fearful.

After exchanging pleasantries and interacting with each other, Ye Fei started his own business, continued to show off his shot blocks on the court, and showed the power of his [Super Shot Blocker] to the players of the Dallas Mavericks.

In this game, Ye Fei only played less than three quarters and got 25 blocked shots, so he didn't want to continue to make trouble.

Sitting on the sidelines early, Ye Fei wanted to give the Dallas Mavericks a chance. In the last quarter of the game, they were really strong.

Dirk Nowitzki took the lead and scored 13 points in a single quarter, leading the team to a wave of offensive climax.

The Los Angeles Lakers launched a fierce counterattack in the last 5 minutes. The players of the Dallas Lone Ranger withstood the pressure, and finally at home, 107 to 101, defeated the Los Angeles Lakers with difficulty and won a valuable victory in the matinee.

As soon as the game ended, Dirk Nowitzki walked over, put his arms around Ye Fei's shoulders and said, "Thank you, brother."

Everything goes without saying.

Dirk Nowitzki arranged for Ye Fei to have a very rich meal, and the two left the restaurant talking and laughing. Dirk Nowitzki is a good man, Ye Fei didn't take him out with him.

How can you not go out and have a good time when you come to Dallas, which is full of luxury and money?

Bringing his teammates to a nearby casino, and spending a little money to earn enough money to spend tonight Ye Fei took Clarkson and others to a nightclub to have fun.

The feeling of whoring for nothing is really cool.

...asking for flowers...

After staying in Dallas for one day, the Los Angeles Lakers team rushed to the next destination. On the night of January 16, they played against the Memphis Grizzlies in an away game.

The Memphis Grizzlies are actually quite miserable. The last time the two teams played against each other, it happened that Ye Fei was obsessed with stealing.

This time they meet again, Ye Fei is willing to block the opponent again, they are destined to encounter two [extremely uncomfortable games].

Memphis home fans don't like Ye Fei.

As soon as Ye Fei appeared, he immediately attracted countless boos from the home fans, but they did not affect Ye Fei at all.

As soon as the game started, Ye Fei leaped high in the first round of the Memphis Grizzlies' offense, and with a powerful volleyball cap, he slapped the ball into the auditorium, making the auditorium a mess.


In the ensuing game, Ye Fei performed extremely ferociously and gave the Memphis Grizzlies a big blood cap.

However, the Memphis Grizzlies' game rhythm is similar to that of the San Antonio Spurs, with a slow offensive and defensive rhythm. Ye Fei's desire to block shots is not so easy.

Facing the Memphis Grizzlies, Ye Fei wouldn't be able to keep up with the previous game. Ye Fei, with full firepower, led the Los Angeles Lakers and dragged the game to the garbage time early, which led to Ye Fei's final game. The number of blocked shots was fixed at 25 again.

As soon as the game ended, a voice immediately appeared on the Internet.

"Blow it, blow it hard, Ye Shen is invincible, in the end, he didn't block 25 shots in a single game, and he hasn't broken through in three games. I think he is just like that."

"I thought he could make 30+ blocks, but it seems that 25 blocks has reached Ye Fei's limit, but that's it.

"Tsk tsk tsk, those who said that Ye Fei can get 30+ blocks, just ask if your face hurts now? I think he can get 26 blocks in a single game."

"Don't brag about it! 25 blocks in a single game is not the same as losing a game. Ye Fei's strength is like that. He won't get 30+ blocks."

"The 25+ blocks have reached his limit, I'm not bragging, I post this as proof, but if Ye Fei can block more than 25+ in a single game, I'll live broadcast it."

25 blocked shots in a single game seems to have really reached Ye Fei's limit of six. .

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