sports supervillain

1099. Show You Still Want To Rob You

"Give me the ball.

Kyrie Irving got up from the ground, took the initiative to reach out for the ball, quickly dribbled the ball across the half court, and waved to his teammates to open up the space. He wanted to single Ye Fei.

A series of moves, fancy and beautiful, but after more than ten seconds of dribbling, he still failed to break through Ye Fei's defense. Ye Fei didn't lose his position, and kept blocking in front of Kyrie Irving. There was no other way, Kyrie Irving wanted to forcefully break through Ye Fei's defense.

Ye Fei was waiting for this moment, deliberately selling a loophole, and Kyrie Irving accelerated forward.

"Leave the ball to me."

Hearing an angry shout, Kyrie Irving only noticed that Ye Fei brushed past him, and then his hands were empty, the ball was out of his control, and was cut away by Ye Fei in an instant. react to.

After successfully stealing the ball from Kyrie Irving, Ye Fei did not retreat and counterattacked, signaling his teammates to slow down.

In the first round, he gave Kyrie Irving an extremely fatal blow on both ends of the offense and defense, but Ye Fei did not stop there.

When it comes to positional warfare, continue to put on a posture, one-on-one, and then find Kyrie Irving.

Unlike Kyrie Irving, who has been dribbling and dribbling, Ye Fei opened up a little breakthrough space, accelerated the ball, and the attack started instantly. With just one touch, Ye Fei dribbled away from Kyrie Irving's defense. JR· Smith, LeBron James closed defense.

I saw Ye Fei's beautiful ball pass, passed between the two, and regained control of the ball.

Seeing Howard, who was helping to defend him, Ye Fei didn't stop at all. He combined the ball and took advantage of the situation. He hit an extremely explosive death dunk, crushed Howard, and smashed the ball into the basket.

A series of beautiful moves made the players of the Cleveland Cavaliers stunned.

"Let me ask you, do you think you are worthy?"

Ye Fei made a dunk, celebrated with a punch, then turned around and taunted Kyrie Irving.

At the beginning, Ye Fei had a fancy show, and Kyrie Irving just wanted to return one. The home fans were all booed down by Ye Fei's manipulations one after another.

Then it was the Cleveland Cavaliers' turn to attack, and the ball continued to be handed over to Kyrie Irving.

Kyrie Irving, who didn't know how to live or die, actually wanted to challenge Ye Fei to a duel. This time, Ye Fei didn't wait any longer.

In terms of ball handling ability alone, Kyrie Irving is really better, but when Ye Fei makes a steal like that, it doesn't matter how you protect the ball.

In terms of physical confrontation ability, Kyrie Irving is worse than Chris Paul. Ye Fei is super oppressive and steals the ball from him abruptly.

Kyrie Irving couldn't resist Ye Fei's steal this time.

After successfully stealing the ball, Ye Fei immediately launched a quick counterattack. JR Smith, who retreated immediately, wanted to block Ye Fei.

I saw Ye Fei dribbled the ball behind his back, changed direction continuously with his crotch, and stunned JR Smith. After passing his defense, Ye Fei ran all the way.

Unwilling, LeBron James wanted to offer a chasing block from behind. Ye Fei waited in the air, fouled deliberately, and sent the ball into the basket after the whistle sounded. LeBron James has already Falling, I can only watch Ye Fei easily send the ball into the basket.


Even at the home court of the Cleveland Cavaliers, Ye Fei was excited to celebrate, and he wanted to slap the Cleveland Cavaliers fans in the face.

Ye Fei, who walked to the free throw line, did not forget to taunt Kyrie Irving: "Is your ball hard to grab? I don't think so, can you do it?"

Kyrie Irving's face was ashen, and Lebron James fed him chicken soup for nothing before the game. Seeing his appearance, James could only get the ball by himself and motioned him to attack two.

Obviously he doesn't believe in his ability, Kyrie Irving is hard to say, but he can only accept it, because as long as LeBron James is in the Cleveland Cavaliers for a day, he is the boss of this team.

It was LeBron James' turn to organize the offense, and the Cleveland Cavaliers finally played a good offensive cooperation. With the help of his teammates, James rushed into the penalty area, shook the defensive player, played a beautiful time difference, easily licked the basket, and got Cleveland Cavaliers, the first point of the game.

In the Los Angeles Lakers offense, Ye Fei held the ball and advanced to half court, signaling Lian to put up a screen. Ye Fei took the opportunity to get rid of Kyrie Irving's defense and went straight to the penalty area. Three opponents surrounded him, and Ye Fei dribbled the ball The crowd flickered.

A wave of dribbling operations, showing the opponent's players turning around, Ye Fei went in and out, like entering no man's land, when the Cleveland Cavaliers' players focused on themselves defensively, Ye Fei made a penetration The highly aggressive NO-LOOK-PASS was stuffed into the hands of the vacant Lian Ge, who took the cake steadily and easily scored two points.

Kyrie Irving has been chasing hard and trying to steal, but he can only be shown by Ye Fei.

The Cleveland Cavaliers sent the baseline ball, Kyrie Irving took the initiative to meet it, and Dwight Howard handed the ball to him.

Lebron James ran to the frontcourt ahead of time to set up, Ye Fei rushed up suddenly, besieging Kyrie Irving at halftime.

The space in the front court is limited, so you can be forgiven for not showing off.

But it's too much for you to steal my ball at halftime.

Kyrie Irving wants to force a show. As a halftime killer, Ye Fei will definitely make Kyrie Irving suffer.

Competing with Ye Fei, Kyrie Irving insisted on breaking through Ye Fei's defense, and meeting him could only be an outrageous and unreasonable steal.

Near the halfway line, Ye Fei directly completed the steal, and Kyrie Irving wanted to snatch it back. Ye Fei made a wave of dribbling (Qianqian is good), and almost knocked him to the ground.

Ye Fei, who passed the defense, stopped at the bottom of the basket for a while, motioned for Kyrie Irving to come up to steal, and then turned around and dunked the ball into the basket.

When turning around, Ye Fei rushed over to Kyrie Irving who was serving and said: "Now do you think you are worthy of fighting with me? If you beg for mercy, I can let you go, why don't you beg me?"

Kyrie Irving replied very stubbornly: "Don't dream, no one can make me succumb, wait and see how I beat you!"

"You can't even pass the midfield, what are you using to beat me?"

Ye Fei continued to taunt: "I used to be an inside player, and I can dribble better than you. I don't know why you have the nerve to lick your face and think that you are the best ball handler in the league. Are you embarrassed? I can dribble even better." Show off better than you, after I finish showing you off, I'm going to kill you, watch it well, study hard."

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