in the live broadcast room.

"The key to order?"

Little Wanda muttered in a low voice, and the expression on her face suddenly became a little strange.

After noticing the abnormality, Tony hurriedly lowered his head and asked:

"What's wrong? What do you think of?"

Little Wanda looked back at the Book of Necronomicon in Tony's hand, and said with some uncertainty:

It is written in this book...... Yog Sototh, one of the Three Pillar Gods, lives in a dimension outside the multiverse, and even the outer gods can't see him. "

"However, if you can find a silver key, you can open an ultimate door to the world that Yog Sothoth inhabits. "

If you can see the true body of Yog Sothoth, you can get it from Him...... The ultimate knowledge of the unimaginable. "

Speaking of this, Loki next to him suddenly interjected coldly:

"Is the price of gaining knowledge to become a madman?"

“............ →_→"

Little Wanda didn't continue, but just looking at her expression, the rest of the people understood.

"The silver key?"

Bruce Wayne pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked:

"What else do you know about that polyhedron and the Daredevil?"

Little Wanda scratched his head and thought hard for a while before replying:

"I once read that there are some special crystals...... It can be used to communicate with beings in another world. "

"After communication, and then put these crystals into the darkness, it is possible to bring that otherworldly ...... Summoned out. "

Hearing this, Tian Xiaoban said a little anxiously:

"That guy is such a fool, wouldn't it be okay if he didn't close that box?"

Little Wanda glanced at him angrily, and said with a little arrogance:

"Little ghost, you're thinking too simply!"

"That polyhedron obviously has magical powers, and it can restrain the gaze of humans!"

"If he doesn't close the box, he may indulge in endless illusions in the crystal forever until he starves to death!"

Hearing Xiao Wanda's words, Tian Xiaoban stomped his feet unconvinced:

"What's the difference, he's haunted by the Daredevil anyway, and he's not dead in the end?"

At this time, Bruce Wayne said faintly:

"This Mr. Robert, although he died at the hands of the Night Demon, at least he still left all the relevant records!"

"That way, the rest of humanity will know about the horrors of Nyaratotip, and the dangers of that polyhedron!

Hearing this, there was a moment of silence in the live broadcast room.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[By cracking the secret text on the reporter's notes, Robert learns a terrifying ancient secret.] 】

[It turns out that the "shining partial octahedron" of that one, derived from the dark "Yogs" star, is not something on Earth at all. 】

In ancient times, this polyhedron was brought to earth by the old, one. 】

After the demise of the civilization of the ancients. 】

[This crystal continued to change hands among all kinds of strange creatures, and finally fell into the hands of the pharaoh of Egypt thousands of years ago. 】

[In order to store the crystals that can summon the night demons, the pharaoh built a temple without any windows for this box!]

And as time passed, the civilization of the pharaohs also came to an end. 】

[Thousands of years later, this box was dug up from the ruins of the temple by archaeologists!]

[In this way, this polyhedron that can summon the night demon has reappeared.] 】

[And just after Robert cracked the secret in the notebook, a new horror came.] 】

[In early July, the local newspapers were running a horrific story. 】

[According to the reaction of residents near the church, there has been a stranger since ...... After entering the church, there was an unprecedented sound of collision and scraping in the steeple room of the church, as if some monster was stirring inside!]

[And there are also residents who faintly see that in the shadows of the church, something is peeking out!]

[That thing, it seems to be checking the sky outside...... Is it already dark!]

[However, since the streets of the town are lit all night long, the monster still doesn't seem to have left the church.] 】

[And seeing the news from the newspaper, Robert also breathed a sigh of relief, and there were street lights that stayed all night outside the neighborhood where he lived. 】

If the night demon is really afraid of the light, then he will be safe. 】

[But on July 17, a newspaper report almost scared Robert's guts.] 】

[It turned out that the night before, the power in the city was cut off for an hour due to a thunderstorm.] 】

[And during that hour, all the street lights went out.] 】

[The people near the church swore to the newspaper reporters that in the darkness of that hour, the monster hidden in the spire...... A terrible roar came out of the darkness, shaking the entire mountain peak!]

[And in this hour, people near the church held torches or candles and formed a circle around the outside of the church, forming a "barrier of light"!

[Eyewitnesses claim that they saw with their own eyes that the door of the church shook and almost collapsed!]

[Fortunately, with the restoration of the power supply facilities, the street lights were lit up again!

[Feeling the light, the monster in the church let out a scream and ducked back into the dark spire.] 】

[After reading this report in the newspaper, Robert only felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was almost cold to the bones. 】

[After he used that mysterious polyhedron, a monster that could only appear in the dark really appeared!]

[If it weren't for the residents around the church, they would have known about the characteristics of this monster that they are afraid of light, and they would do everything to form a defensive wall with "light" and stop "it" in the church, but I am afraid that it would have been ruined long ago!]

[But Robert never thought that worse was yet to come.] 】

[In the evening, he read it again from another newspaper...... After learning that there was something wrong with the church, the two reporters went back to Robert's old path despite the obstruction of nearby residents!]

[They went through the railing, then through the cellar, and finally into the church. 】

[After entering, they immediately found that the dust that had accumulated in the porch for a long time had been wiped off. 】

[Some of the chairs, as well as the cushions on them, are also scattered. 】

[The weirdest thing is that there is an indescribable stench inside the church!]

[It's as if some strange beast has broken into, made a fuss, and then left.] 】

[On top of that, there used to be some windows in this church, but now they're all blocked by cushions and the like, so that the outside light can't get in at all.] 】

[Next, the two reporters also enter the minaret's chamber through the stairs.] 】

[But the reporters only saw the stone pillar and the 7 chairs that were staggering,]

[Other than that, there is only darkness and a pungent stench.] 】

[Nothing else was found.] 】

[After leaving, the reporter posted a report arguing that the so-called demon was just a prank.] 】

[After reading this report, Robert was so frightened that he almost trembled.] 】

[On that stone pillar, there should have been a "shining home remedic trioctahedron"!]

[Moreover, in the secret room at the top of the tower, there is a skeleton. 】

[However, these are all gone!]

[In a panic and anxiety, Robert frantically calls the power company and asks them to assure him...... No matter what kind of thunderstorm there is, there must be no power outage. 】

["If there were no accidents, there would be no power outages, but ...... Tonight is a thunderstorm......"]

[On the other end of the phone, the power company answered with some hesitation. 】

["Even if it's a thunderstorm, you can't cut off the power, otherwise ......"]

[Before Robert finished speaking, with a thunderclap, the power supply was cut off instantly. 】


[Everything around is plunged into darkness. 】

[Robert stiffened, and cold sweat flowed down. 】

Although extremely frightened, he did not sit still, but quickly found all the candles in the house and lit them. 】

[And the moment some of the candles went out, Robert immediately smelled it...... A pungent stench. 】


[Robert shuddered with fright, and hurriedly lit a match, lighting another candle nearby.] 】

[Just a few minutes later, power was restored.] 】

[But from that night onwards, Robert's spirit fell into a state of collapse.] 】

[He began to be paranoid that he had established some kind of spiritual connection with the monster hidden in the black,]

[Possibly, from the beginning...... It's that monster who lured him to the church!]

[In this state, Robert began to sleepwalk and have a confused memory, and eventually had to tie himself to a chair with a rope!]

[And on the night of July 30th, Robert's nightmare finally turned into reality.] 】

[That day, when he fell asleep, he suddenly found ...... I came to a completely dark space. 】

[In this pitch-black space where he couldn't see his fingers, Robert couldn't see anything, only a terrible stench from his nose.] 】

[I don't know what motive, he actually groped in the direction where the stench came from!]

[In the process of moving forward, countless towering stone pillars appeared in front of Robert, and there were strange sculptures all over them!]

[At the end of his sight, he found an infinite abyss darker than the darkness. 】

[Countless black worlds and endless galaxies are constantly rotating in this abyss. 】

[At this time, a strange memory suddenly appeared in Robert's mind.] 】

[He remembered the ultimate chaos mentioned in the ancient legend, that is, the Lord of Blind Foolishness, Azathoth. 】

[Azathos is surrounded by a large number of dancers who have no mind and no form. 】

Only the magic flutes in the claws of these dancers can calm Azathoth. 】

[Robert didn't know either...... Where exactly do these memories come from? 】

[In his trance, he was suddenly awakened by a series of fireworks!]


[Robert looked left and right, only to realize that he had left the house at some point and came to the steeple of the Church of the Damned!]


[Robert let out a terrible scream and fled the church as if he was desperate!]

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