"Good fellow, this outer god is too evil. "

Seeing the description on the screen, Peter Parker quickly glanced back at the Necronomicon and swallowed involuntarily.

To impart such dangerous knowledge to mankind is to look forward to ...... Humanity will self-destruct in the future!

The guy who did this kind of thing is really an out-and-out evil god!

At this time, Bruce Wayne also looked down at little Wanda and said in a deep voice:

"Now it is certain that this book is the trap of the evil gods!"

"So I suggest...... You leave this book in the custody of a professional so that it does not cause the destruction of the world!"

“............ (ㄒoㄒ)"

Hearing Master Wayne's words, although little Wanda was full of reluctance, he nodded slightly, and handed the Necronomicon in his hand to Tony next to him.

Seeing that this little girl had become so obedient, Tony was also secretly relieved, and hurriedly took the Book of Necronomicon.

Considering that this book can't be read by anyone except little Wanda, it shouldn't cause any trouble if it were to be stored in Kama Tajli......

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The eerie narration voice also sounded again.] 】

["Nyara Totepu will divide and stir up trouble in the human world. "】

But sometimes, there are some stupid humans who take the initiative to summon "his" doppelganger. "】

["This kind of action, without exception, will lead to tragic ruin!"]

["Legend has it that one of the items that summons Nyara Totep is the "Shining Home Cubes Octoptahedron"!]

["Next, there is a story related to it. "】

[On August 9, 1935, a man named Robert Black was found dead in his home. 】

[The room where he died was locked from the inside, and Robert's expression was distorted, and almost half of his body was charred as if it had been burned by fire.] 】

[Considering that there was a storm last night, many people think that this unfortunate unlucky bastard...... It was supposed to be struck by thunder in the storm and electrocuted alive. 】

[But there is a problem with this hypothesis. 】

[Robert Blake was sitting in a chair by the window, facing out the window and died.] 】

[But the window glass in front of him didn't even crack in the slightest.] 】

[In that case, the thunder that scorched his corpse...... Where did it come from?]

[It was discovered that right in front of Robert's desk, there was a diary he had written.] 】

[But after investigation, it is believed that what is written in this diary is not what happened in reality, but a "story" created by this man.] 】

[After all, Robert Black is a writer who compiles and paints strange works on mysterious themes such as horror, superstition, mythology, dreams, and ghosts...... and painter. 】

[In the diary, people found the trajectory of Robert Blake's movements over the past year.] 】

[A year ago, he chose to come to this small city called Providence. 】

[Blake rented the second floor of an apartment and settled here.] 】

[Through the window at the front of the apartment, Robert can overlook the large view outside the window, and a small town on the opposite mountain peak.] 】

[In addition to creation, his favorite pastime is to pick up a telescope and watch the scenery of the town in the distance. 】

[Of all the scenery, the one that inspired Robert the most was a black majestic church in the town. 】

[The more he observed the church, the more interested Robert became.] 】

[Although this church is solemn and imposing, it has never been lit up. 】

[And, for some unknown reason, even the surrounding pigeons and swallows never settle on this church.] 】

[It's as if the very existence of this church can make these birds feel terrifying!]

[In April, Robert could no longer suppress his curiosity. 】

[He decided to leave the apartment and head to the town on the top of the mountain to find out inside the church!]

[After entering the town, Robert couldn't find his way to the church for a while, so he asked the townsfolk nearby for directions. 】

[But as soon as they heard the word church, the faces of the townspeople changed color:]

["Excuse me, I don't know what you're talking about!"]

["We don't have a church in our town......"]

[Seeing that Robert was in a hurry to ask, the postman in the town first made a strange finger movement, and then turned around and fled. 】

[Looking at the postman in front of him who was full of horror and turned around and ran, Robert suddenly felt that something was wrong. 】

[But when he looked in the direction where the postman's finger was pointing, he suddenly found ...... A black minaret!]

[That's the bell tower of the church!]

[He finally found this kind of building.] 】

[Looking all the way to the spire, Robert came to the door of the church.] 】

[I saw that this church was huge and looked lifeless.] 】

[The whole building is overgrown with weeds and surrounded by black iron railings, but the railings have long been covered with thick rust and have obviously been abandoned for a long time. 】

Robert circles around the iron railings around the church. 】

[Eventually, he finds a patrol officer on the edge of the corner.] 】

[Robert stepped forward and asked the patrol officer about this church.]

[The patrol officer was reluctant to say it at first, but under constant questioning, he told the story. 】

"I advise you not to think of entering this place, the people of the town...... I didn't even dare to mention the name of this church. "】

[The patrolman's eyes widened, his pupils constricted slightly, as if he recalled some terrifying fact. 】

"This church was once inhabited by unimaginable evil! You would never want to deal with those things. "】

[Years ago, this church was once the lair of a heretical sect. 】

[This sect uses mysterious sorcery to summon some kind of terrifying "foreign object" from the unknown dark abyss!]

[Later, a respected priest came here, and only then did he drive away these terrifying foreign objects!]

[It is said... These evil monsters are afraid of the light,]

[The priest expelled them by "light."] 】

[According to the patrol police, no one in this town dares to approach this church, but hopes that this building will collapse naturally after a long period of disrepair!]

[So, those things in the dark abyss...... You will be able to sleep naturally. 】

[After that, the patrol officer left, as if he didn't want to stay near the church for too long.] 】

[Robert, who had heard all this, stood in place and was messy in the wind. 】

["It's the twentieth century, why are the people in this town still so superstitious?"]

[Although he is a writer who specializes in writing stories about ghosts and spirits, Robert doesn't believe in ghosts at all!]

[Seeing that the people in the town didn't dare to approach this church at all, Robert felt ...... This just gave him the opportunity to sneak in!]

[Robert found a broken spot on the iron railing and wanted to go straight in.] 】

[At this time, he seemed to sense something, and suddenly looked back.] 】

[I saw several townsfolk hiding in the distance, all of them making the same gesture with their right hands as the previous postman, and the muscles on their faces were twisted, obviously full of fear.] 】


[Immediately after, a series of ...... came from the street. The sound of windows slamming shut. 】

[Not only that, but a woman also ran out into the street and brought home a few children who were watching the excitement. 】

[Soon, the whole street was empty, and everyone went back to their homes, and closed the doors and windows so tightly that they didn't even dare to look at Robert again.] 】

【“............ Superstitions here are also too serious. "】

Robert shook his head and without hesitation slipped through the hole in the railing. 】

[When he came to the door of the church, Robert found that the door was locked, and it was so strong that it could not be pushed open. 】

[In desperation, Robert had to go around the church, hoping to find some entrance.] 】

And his luck was really good, and he soon found an open cellar window. 】

[Through the window, Robert saw a deep darkness that led to nowhere.] 】

As if summoned by something, he did not hesitate to climb through the window and enter the interior of the church. 】

["A lot of gray ......"]

[I saw that the cellar was full of dust and cobwebs, as well as all kinds of broken debris. 】

And in the corner on the right, there is an arch. 】

Robert pushes open the archway and climbs up the back stairs to the first floor of the church. 】

[After arriving on the first floor, Robert immediately began to explore. 】

[I saw that everything here was covered with a thick layer of dust. 】

Robert walked through the main hall of the church to the back of the worship room. 】

[In this worship room, Robert finally saw something that made him change color in a horrified way.] 】

[It was a few large bookshelves that reached all the way to the ceiling, and there were a large number of books that had been corrupted and broken, on them,

[But from the cover, Robert can still recognize the names of these books!]

[These...... It's all terrifying and dark things that have long been banned!]

[The history of some ancient books can even be traced back to the birth of mankind...... Even the "Dark Ages" before the birth!]

[However, except for those mysterious ancient books, most of the other books Robert has read.] 】

[For example, the evil "Book of Ebon", the infamous "Ritual of Corpse Food", the abominable "The Secret of the Worm", etc.......]

[Of all these books, the one that shocked Robert the most was an ancient book with human skin as a cover.] 】

[This is the Latin translation of the Necronomicon book!]

[Look at these books.] Robert's heart suddenly lit up with a hint of realization. 】

[This church, once a house, houses evil knowledge that is older than human beings themselves and deeper than the known universe...... Palace!]

[Seeing those mysterious dark texts, Robert's heart was full of excitement. 】

[He casually took a booklet containing alchemy and put it in his pocket, hoping to have a chance in the future...... Come here again and "borrow" all these books. 】

[Next, Robert went up the stairs to the black-pointed interior of the church. 】

[I saw that in the tower room, there was no big bell common in ordinary churches, but a polygonal stone pillar was placed. 】

[On the outside of the stone pillar.] Carved with eerie sculptures and hieroglyphs, an asymmetrical metal box sits atopeutically. 】

[The lid of the box is open, and inside it is an "irregular spherical object" of 10 cm in size.] 】

[It looks like a "shining home remedic octahedron"!]

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