Wolverine: Pushing the Earth out of the solar system, that kind of thing...... Is it really possible?( ̄△ ̄;)

Tony Stark: If you really pool all the resources in the world, in theory, it should be possible.

Tony Stark: But ...... If you have such scientific research strength, it is better to directly build a spaceship and take humans to immigrate to alien planets.

Tony Stark: Why take the whole planet with you? Isn't it too expensive? (⊙o⊙)

In addition to scientists, Tony has a second identity, and that is the CEO of the company.

In his opinion, if only to transfer people on Earth, the cost of building a spaceship ...... Significantly smaller than transferring the entire planet.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I can't figure out why that's happening.

Morty: Yes, if the Earth is really that dangerous, we should make more spaceships and let all mankind escape together!

Jerome Valeska: Hehe, you're thinking too simply.

Jerome Valeska: If you build a spaceship, you have to build one and fly away.

Jerome Valeska: If this continues, there will be fewer and fewer people on the planet!

Jerome Valeska: And the people who stayed on Earth, looking at the people who were taken away by the spaceship, what do you think they would think?

Morty: Ah...... (O_O)

Bruce Wayne: They're going to think ...... Himself was abandoned.

Wanda Maximov: yes! I remember. That's it in the previous "Three-Body World"!

Wanda Maksimov: In that world, the creation of spaceships was strictly forbidden!

Wanda Maximov: Because as soon as the ship is made, there will be people who want to escape, and then the whole human world will fall apart and there will be no way to unite at all...... Resist the Trisolarans!

Jerome Valeska: Bingo! That's what happened.

Jerome Valeska: In the face of a terrifying future like the "end of the solar system", if humanity cannot work together, it will surely die!

Nick Fury: It was to prevent civil strife, that's why all of humanity decided to ...... Take the whole planet with you?

Charles Xavier: It's unbelievable, is humanity so united?

Magneto: Hmph, no kidding, humans are capricious, selfish races!

Magneto: If we had really encountered such a crisis, we would have been in chaos a long time ago!

Wanda Maximov: Che, even if humans are not good things, do you think mutants are saints?

Magneto: Wanda, how can you talk like that? (╬ ̄ ̄)

Charles Xavier: Eric, you have to be realistic......

Bruce Banner: In any case, if the Earth stops rotating and moves away from the Sun, it will cause the temperature to drop dramatically, even to the North and South Poles!

Bruce Banner: In this case, if humans want to survive, they will have to hide underground.

Reed Richards: Not only that, but the speed of the Earth is absolutely impossible to reach the speed of light!

Reed Richards: How many years will it take to fly from the solar system all the way to Centauri?

Robert Killiman: With the Divine Terra...... Traveling to other galaxies, the humans of this universe are really courageous!

Bruce Wayne: Honestly, it's a tough task and a long time horizon that almost 100% of the time will go wrong!

Tony Stark: Hahaha! What if something goes wrong? How can anything be 100% successful in this world?

Tony Stark: Being a scientist means taking risks!

Speaking of which, Tony's veins are filled with the gambler's mentality, and the spirit of adventure...... It's all boiling!

Bruce wayne:............

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The Wandering Earth Project, divided into 5 stages, lasting for 2,500 years!

[And considering that this plan is likely to fail, the Earth government has also spent a lot of money...... In space, a "Navigator" space station was built. 】

[In this space station, countless embryos and seeds of plants and animals are stored, and many astronauts are stationed. 】

[Once the Wandering Earth plan fails, then...... This space station will become the seed of human civilization and continue to survive in space. 】

[However, with the start of the new engine, the earth stops rotating, and the temperature and even the weather of the world will all change drastically!

[In order for human beings to continue to survive, the Earth government has built an underground city under each planetary engine. 】

[Human civilization can only reproduce underground from now on. 】

[But it is conceivable that the underground city cannot accommodate all the people on the earth. 】

[Therefore, only by drawing lots can we decide who is eligible to enter. 】

[An astronaut named Liu Peiqiang is about to board the Navigator space station. 】

[As an astronaut, his children and their guardians...... You can enter the dungeon without going through the lottery. 】

[Liu Peiqiang handed over the opportunity of "guardian" to his father-in-law. 】

[And in order to give the father-in-law a chance to live and take care of his son. Liu Peiqiang even gave up the treatment of his sick wife and sent him to another world in advance. 】

[Because of this, he has a deep apology for his only son Liu Qi. 】

[Before leaving the earth, Liu Peiqiang specially camped with his son to enhance the relationship between father and son. 】

[During the camping, my son looked at the space telescope and saw a strange scene. 】

["Dad, what's that eye on Jupiter?"]

[Liu Peiqiang said with a smile:]

"It's not an eye, it's a big storm on Jupiter."] "】

["Jupiter is actually like a big balloon, more than 90% hydrogen!"]

[Before saying goodbye to his son, Liu Peiqiang left his last sentence:]

["One day, when you can see Jupiter with the naked eye, Daddy will be back!"]

[The so-called "seeing Jupiter with the naked eye" means that the earth is accelerated by Jupiter's gravity in the process of leaving the solar system!

[After saying goodbye to his father-in-law and son, Liu Peixiang got on the spaceship and went to the navigator space station!]

[And the earth is also propelled by 10,000 planetary engines, leaving its original orbit and starting a wandering journey!]

【Time flies ......】

[17 years have passed. 】

[The astronauts stationed on the navigator space station have reached the time of retirement, and Liu Peiqiang can also return to Earth and meet his family. 】

[But he didn't expect that his son "Liu Qi" didn't want to see him. 】

[Because Liu Peiqiang took the initiative to let his wife die, Liu Qi has always resented this father. 】

[The day before Liu Peiqiang returned to Earth, Liu Qi actually took his righteous sister with him...... Got two sets of gear and a fake identity from a black market boss and slipped out of the dungeon all the way!]

[After coming to the surface, the two teenagers were a little dumbfounded when they looked at the snow falling in front of them and the sky was frozen. 】

[They have grown up underground all their lives, when have they ever seen snow with their own eyes?]

[After reacting, Liu Qi took his sister to board his grandfather's minecart and used the key card he stole to start this giant machine!]

[However, the escape journey of this young man and woman has just begun, and they were caught by the traffic police on the road!]

[The worst thing is that in order to get this pair of little ghosts out of prison, my grandfather actually remembered the trick of "bribery"!]

[As a result, I couldn't get people out, but I got myself into it. 】

[Just when this family was arguing in prison, a sudden change occurred!]


[With an earth-shattering loud noise, the entire prison began to crumble!]

[It turned out to be an earthquake!]

[In the terrible earthquake, the prison doors were shattered, and Liu Qi and others also took the opportunity to escape. 】

[After escaping from prison, my grandfather took Liu Qi and others to escape in a minecart. 】

[Halfway through, they all heard a notice from the United Earth Government:]

["Coalition Government Supreme Mobilization!" 】

["Affected by Jupiter's gravity, an earthquake occurred around the world!, causing 4,771 planetary engines to shut down!"]

["In order to avoid a collision between Earth and Jupiter, all departments must be dispatched immediately in accordance with Emergency Plan No. 3. "】

["Must be within 36 hours...... Restart all faulty engines!"]

[Hearing the broadcast, Liu Qi, his grandfather and others looked at each other, and they all felt like a catastrophe was coming. 】

[There are only 10,000 planetary engines in the world, and now ...... More than 4,000 units were broken in an instant!]

[If it can't be repaired within 36 hours, then, the Earth may crash into Jupiter!]

[By then, all mankind will be extinct!]

[At this moment, under the general mobilization of the coalition government, all of humanity entered a state of emergency. 】

[On the ice field, Liu Qi saw with his own eyes that countless heavy trucks were all driving in all directions. 】

[Even their minecarts were urgently requisitioned. 】

[Soon, Earth government personnel brought a kind of "flint" to the minecart and instructed them to drive to the nearest planetary engine. 】

[On the way, my grandfather saw the ...... more than ten years ago. The home where you once lived. 】

[But the city, at this moment, has become a huge ice sculpture. 】

[Just as everyone was driving through this ice sculpture city, Jupiter's gravitational waves were transmitted to Earth again, and a new round of earthquakes was triggered!]


[Under the terrible tremors, the ice in the city ...... Turned into countless huge fragments and fell from the sky!]


[Under the terrible "ice avalanche and snow disaster", Liu Qi and others could only give up the minecart and flee by seizing the road!]

[By the time the earthquake stopped, their convoy had been completely buried by ice and boulders, and they were completely unable to move!]

[And the only thing to be thankful for is that the precious cargo "flint" is still well preserved.] 】

in the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, little Wanda raised her head curiously, looked at Tony and asked:

"Stark, what's that flint? Can you guess?"

Tony's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said calmly:

"An engine that can propel the earth will never be able to drive it with ordinary energy. "

"So I guess, either antimatter energy or controlled nuclear fusion!"

"And if this 'flint' is something used to start the engine, it is likely to be a mini-hydrogen bomb...... Or an antimatter bomb!"

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