Seeing the scene on the screen, everyone in the chat group was surprised.

Morty: That Iron Man, break into the cosmic energy chamber!

Hermione Granger: Cosmic energy? What is that?

Morty: I don't know, but it sounds amazing.

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: Impossible, how could such a thing happen? This is absolutely impossible!( ̄△ ̄;)

Seeing the incredible images on the screen, Swallow Mei almost doubted her life.

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallower: What a supreme being is the Court of Life, how could it be ...... Ask that Tonis Darkk for help?

Ganata, the Star-Swallowing Daughter: If he wants to stop that Kovak, he can erase it with a single thought!

Daughter of the Swallowing Stars, Ganata: No, the court of life can even bring the multiverse to ...... All the kovaks were erased, as if they never existed!

Reed Richards: Erase a person from all the multiverse?Is the Court of Life so strong?(⊙o⊙)

Daughter of the Star Swallower, Ganata: "He" is the ultimate arbiter of the multiverse after the OAA, you say?

Ghost Rider: Miss, this is a strange thing.

Ghost Rider: If that spaceship ...... It's your father's car, so where did he go?

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: I don't know......

Ganata, the Star-Swallowing Daughter: Daddy won't leave the ship alone even when he's eating...... ╥﹏╥

Bruce Wayne: It seems that in that universe, too, something terrible happened!

Wanda Maximov: Hey, what happens to that 616 Stark when he enters the energy pod?

Wanda Maximov: Will he become the second Planet Devourer, and then ...... Everywhere to eat the planet?

Daughter of the Star Swallower, Ganata: What are you kidding, this is absolutely impossible!(▼ヘ▼#)

Star-Swallowing Daughter Ganata: The cosmic power in that energy capsule was stored by my father as emergency food!

Daughter of the Star Swallower, Ganata: If this ultimate cosmic energy is touched by ordinary people, it will immediately be wiped out, and even the soul will be annihilated!

Deadpool: Oh, is it really that good? Then I'd like to try it, if I don't die...... I'm going to be a star-swallowing Deadpool! ^_^

Bruce Wayne: Is it possible that this is how the "Star-Swallowing Deadpool" in the multiverse came about?

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallowers: ............ (⊙_⊙)

Just when Swallow Mei was speechless, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After entering the energy storage bin of the Devourer of Planets, Tonis Darkk seems to have entered another world!]

[Here, it is full of endless stars and vast space. 】

But this is not the real universe. 】

[Or, rather, this is a virtual world formed by super energy.] 】

["Cosmic energy is...... The sum of omniscient matter and concept, and omnipresent space and time. "】

[In this void, Iron Man suddenly had a glimmer of realization in his heart:]

["This kind of energy even breaks the boundaries between dimensions!It can cross the multiverse and create everything!"]

[After feeling all this, Tony Darkk seems to have ...... I'm starting to control this cosmic power!]

[Intentionally or unintentionally, Tony uses the ability of cosmic energy to cross time and space, and begins to examine his past life. 】

[From the pain and helplessness of learning about the death of my parents when I was a child, to the ambition to reform the world and make it better when I am an adult......]

[Tony revisited his life and truly realized himself!]

[And at this moment after Tony's "enlightenment", he was with this cosmic power...... Fusion into one!】

["That's it, I see!"]

[After mastering the energy of the universe, in an illusory world of New York, Tonysdaq turned into an iron giant with a height of thousands of meters. 】

[Looking at the ...... With buildings and humans like toy dust, Tony suddenly understands his mission in life. 】

[He doesn't want to use this cosmic energy to rule anything, but to better "improve" the world!]

[Tony wants to make this world a better place!]

[As a "futurist", this has always been his long-cherished wish!]

[And after making up his mind, Tonysdaq still has an obstacle to overcome. 】

[That's the same as him...... Come to Kovac in this energy universe!]

[At this time, Kovac has become larger than a planet, sitting on a planet in the energy universe, feeling the changes in his body. 】

[That's right, at this moment, this man named Kovac has also mastered the power of the universe. 】

[But in the next moment, Iron Man, who was as huge as her, also appeared in front of him!]

["Kovak! "】

["That's right! I've wanted to kill you for a long time!"]

[Two men who also mastered the power of the universe fought in this energy universe!]


[In the midst of the chaotic battle, the giant Iron Man struck hard, knocking Kovac into a cosmic vortex and disappearing. 】

[However, defeating this strong enemy did not make Iron Man happy. 】

[He felt it, deep down in his heart...... Still a crying child, desperate to get attention from others. 】

[But now...... The situation is no longer the same!]


[Tony punched the planet under his feet so hard that he smashed the entire planet to pieces!]

["Enough, I'm not a kid anymore, and I won't continue to shrink in the corner and feel sorry for myself!"]

[The hands have condensed the endless cosmic power, and Iron Man has begun to imagine...... With such power, what a great thing you can do!]

["Of course, people like Captain Mi ...... Surely they will stop me again. "】

[Iron Man snorted slightly.] 】

[He can already imagine that when he returns to Earth in this posture, those superheroes led by Team Mi ...... What will I be scared again!]

"They'll definitely feel ...... I'm going crazy again!"]

[Iron Man's mind moved, and in front of him, countless superheroes led by Captain America suddenly appeared!]

[These heroes looked at him and shouted accusations, and even raised their weapons and rushed up, as if they wanted to subdue demons and subdue demons!

["Hmph, you know? Maybe this time...... It's time for me to be in control!"

["Super Giant Iron Man"'s hands suddenly bloomed with infinite power!In an instant, these "Fantasy Heroes" were blasted into powder!]


[Feeling the power of the universe that he is enough to create everything, Iron Man laughs proudly.] 】

["When I return to reality, I will definitely use this power to transform the world into a perfect paradise!"

["Perhaps, people like the captain will still worry about me, but as long as they see my new appearance with their own eyes, they will definitely be relieved!"]

When the time comes, I will look into their eyes with a smile and say...... Good morning!"]


[Earth, New York City.] 】

[On this day, there was no zombie virus in New York City, and there was no alien fleet invasion, everything seemed to be so peaceful and serene. 】

[But in the next moment, the streets suddenly resounded with the exclamations and screams of countless people. 】

"God, what's that?"]

[I saw a terrifying scarlet vortex suddenly appear in the sky, and a silver steel giant slowly appeared from the vortex and descended on this city!]

[This iron giant is releasing an endless sense of oppression all over his body, which is terrifying!]

[The size of the giant looks a bit like a planet eater, but the head is exactly the same as Iron Man's suit. 】

[Just when countless people were frightened and fled, this iron giant suddenly shrank back to the size of ordinary humans, and began to appease them:]

["Hey, don't panic, I'm not an enemy. "】

[Soon, superheroes such as Hellcat, led by War Machine Rhodes, also rushed over :]

["Tony, is it really you?"]

"What the hell are you doing? You're scaring these citizens to death. "】

[Iron Man, or ...... "Iron God" Tony, shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly:]

["I admit you have a point, but ...... Don't you think I'm handsome?"


[Colonel Rhodes in the steel suit was full of black lines when he heard it, and he didn't know how to complain for a while. 】

[At this time, from the side, suddenly there was a familiar shout:]

["Tony Stark! long time no see."] "】

[War Machine and the others turned their heads and saw the captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, the Fantastic Four, as well as Black Panther, Thor and others...... They're all here!]

[And Thor wielded a hammer and looked at Tony with an unkind face:]

"You are now...... Friend or foe?"]

[Tony, the god of steel, spreads his hands and utters a line from the time of the alien invasion.] 】

["Hey, calm down, I'm here for peace!"]

[Looking at the steel god whose appearance has changed greatly in front of him, and his strength seems to be boundless, the captain's expression is cold:]

"Tony, you're ...... now" Are you alright?"]

[Seeing this, Tony, the god of steel, suddenly muttered in his heart, and said with an unhappy face:]

["Hey, do you need to be so nervous? I'm just a god of the universe. "】

[Tony stretched out his hand and pointed at Thor:]

["It's not that you haven't seen God, why do you have this attitude towards me?"]

[Looking at the captain with a skeptical face, Tony, the iron god, had to explain, but the captain didn't give up...... Always interrupting him, and finally, Tony finally got angry :]

["Enough is enough!Steve, can you please let me finish speaking!"]

[While speaking, the Iron God also raised his body several meters higher, and the divine power on his body ...... It shocked everyone present!]


[Seeing the captain and the others with a look of surprise on their faces, as if they were facing a great enemy, Tony sighed slightly, suddenly stretched out his hands, and began to release his superpowers:]

["In order to show that I will not monopolize this cosmic divine power, now, I will ...... my wisdom Spread it all over New York!"]

[After releasing the ability, the iron god Tony said triumphantly:]

"From now on, all of New York's ...... They all have the same intelligence and genius as me, and they can all become Iron Man!"

in the live broadcast room.

Tony was dumbfounded, and instinctively blurted out:

"What! Is this guy crazy?"

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