[In order to power this giant mecha, the Foundation directly used SCP-037!, which is a "mini-sun" with a diameter of five centimeters!]

[And in order to ensure that the dragon slaying mecha does not become too bulky, the scientists of the Foundation also use black technology...... Most of its mass has been transferred to the pocket dimension!]

[Moreover, there were some benign accidents during the construction process.] 】

[When the staff tried to adjust the air circulation inside the dragon-slaying mecha, they inadvertently caused the mecha to ...... Creates its own gravitational field. 】

[In other words, this super mecha, which is hundreds of meters tall, can fly in the air at will like a bird. 】

[In order to restrain the regenerative ability possessed by those super monsters, the dragon slayer mecha is also equipped with a 20-meter-long "Cold Iron Sword". 】

[Creatures injured by this weapon will never be able to heal themselves.] 】

[After the physical armament has reached its limit, the Foundation does not stop. 】

[In order to ensure the absolute victory of this battle against monsters, the Foundation also used one of the most mysterious departments within it, the Pataphysics Department!]

[The Pataphysics Department sent 7 poets who were good at classical poetry to station inside the dragon slayer mecha with the pilot.] 】

As soon as the mechs and the evil beasts are fighting, these poets will begin to write and recite poems ...... "destroy the big monsters". 】

[With the blessing of the "Pataphysics Division", these poems will lower the morale of the hostile monsters and weaken the opponent's fighting faith. 】

[This "morale blow" is called the "arrow of a thousand words"!] It is designed to strike the enemy on a spiritual level. 】

[Not only that, but the Department of Pataphysics...... And the most powerful concept hit!]

[Through the global promotion of the subconscious and the "memetic concept", the Pataphysics Department has formed a belief in 1/4 of the world's human beings, that is...... The dragon slayer mecha is destined to kill those giant monsters!]

[It's like a dragon slayer is going to kill a dragon......]

[This is providence!]

[This is God's will!]

[This is the "concept sealing" of the Pataphysics Department!]

[After everything is ready, the dragon slayer mecha is fully loaded with pilots...... And those 7 poets embarked on the journey!]

[Its first target is the sea monster "LSA-Wake-02.] 】

[Just as the dragon-slaying mecha rushed to the monster's side, those poets ...... With the help of the concept speaker of the Pataphysics Department, they began to recite their poems. 】

["Champion! Champion, proud of the glory of the Dragon Slayer!"]

[Under the recitation of poetry that spread all over the world, unbelievable things happened. 】

[The "Arrow of a Thousand Words" of the Pataphysics Department really worked!]

[The giant sea monster began to scream and retreated, as if it was a little timid!]

[Seeing this, the pilot immediately manipulated the dragon-slaying mecha to rush forward, and cut off the head of this monster with one move!]

["LSA-Wake-02" did not die immediately, but grew a second head out of the neck cavity and launched a second attack. 】

[But the dragon slayer mecha with "Concept Seal" and "Arrow of a Thousand Words" is ...... It was simply unstoppable, and it was easy to split the monster in half from the middle and completely end its life. 】

[Seeing that the corpse of the monster no longer moved, the seven poets cheered and jumped for joy again:]

["It's done!Victory!Victory!The dragon slayer returns with honor!"]

[Next, in order to protect humans, the dragon slayer mecha continued to fight the remaining giant monsters, and finally killed the monster queen "LSA-Brasil-01"!]

[Following the death of the Monster Queen, SCP-5391 gradually dies out, and the remaining large monsters, in a state of confusion without a leader, then re-hibernate again.] 】

[This terrible "Behemoth Invasion" apocalyptic scenario was successfully defused by the joint efforts of the SCP Foundation and the "Global Occult Alliance". 】

At this point, the screen gradually dims.

The SCP Foundation ends.

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Why do I feel so familiar to fight monsters with super robots?

Nick Fury: Pacific Rim, huh?

Tony Stark: But this dragon-slaying mech is really interesting, and even metaphysics is used.

Wanda Maximov: Hahaha! It's so much fun to find a couple of poets sitting in mechs and reading poems. ^_^

Rampage Lori Jinx: Don't say it, this trick seems to be really useful.

Rampage Lori Jinx: The poems that those guys read out actually really scared the monsters. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Stephen Strange: Is this the "conceptual attack" of the Pataphysics Division? I don't know how that works...... It's more magical than magic.

Mage Mordo: This SCP world is indeed mysterious......

At that moment, the system's voice rang out again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Target: Deadpool]

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: The strongest Deadpool: "If Deadpool is possessed by Venom"!]

In a parallel universe.

"Wow! I've been by that symbiote!"

Sitting on a somewhat shabby couch, Deadpool takes off his red hood. Exposed his mud-like face, his expression suddenly became a little strange.

"That's not right, my Uncle Wade is already very strong, even if I add that venom, how much stronger can I become?"

"Is this symbiote qualified to make me the strongest Deadpool?"

And at this time, in another universe.

"What a joke!"

Venom emerged from Eddie Bullock's body, opened his mouth and roared loudly:

"I don't want to be attached to that...... Crazy guy!"

"He's all mentally problematic, and after a long time, I might go crazy too!"

Looking at the black symbiote in front of him, Eddie Bullock sighed silently.

To say that it is not normal, this venom ...... How good can it be?

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.] 】

[This is Universe 615.9.] 】

[This universe. It is 0.1 percentage points different from the 616 universe, but the changes caused by it are very amazing. 】

[First of all. The observer in Universe 615.9 is not a bald head, but a "hipster" with a full head of hair and a hat on his head. 】

[Under the narration of this "hipster observer", a large curtain slowly unfolds. 】

[1985.] 】

[Deadpool in Universe 615.9 receives a phone call. 】

[The request on the phone is very simple, but it is enough to stun ordinary people :]

["Please help me kill a cosmic god."] "】


[Deadpool didn't seem surprised at all, just smiled and asked:]

["No problem, I don't know how many of these goods I've killed!"]

["As long as you have enough money, there is no one in this world and I can't kill ......"]

[Before he finished speaking, Deadpool's whole body was immediately enveloped in a ray of light!]


[The next moment, Deadpool leaves Earth and arrives in a spaceship.] 】

[And the purple giant sitting in front of him is none other than the Devourer of Planets.] 】

[It turned out that the client who called Deadpool just now was the "Flame Emperor" among the four messengers of Star Swallowing. 】

[And the Flame Emperor also takes the place of her master...... The Devourer of Planets, who he wants to entrust Deadpool with killing. 】

[That is the most powerful being in the universe, the Beyond!]

[It turns out that the Transcendental played a joke on the Devourer of Planets, and as a result, the Devourer of Planets became furious!]

[Annoyed and angry, I want to kill this kid to vent my anger!]

[However, I don't know what he thinks, he would actually put such a difficult task ...... Please, Deadpool!]

[I heard that as long as you kill the transcendent, you can get a cosmic artifact "Cosmic Cube" from the Planet Devourer, and Deadpool accepted the commission without saying a word. 】

[Seeing this, the "Flame Emperor" simply gave him one, claiming that it could erase any existence in the universe...... The ultimate treasure!]

[This treasure is known as the "Retcon (Expungifier)"!

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly exploded.

Wanda Maximov: Wow! Ganata! Your dad's hand...... Is there such a powerful artifact? Even transcendents can be killed?

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: This ...... I've never heard of this thing. ( ̄△ ̄;)

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallower: And, that's crazy!

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: The Beyonder is even the Eternal God...... How could the helpless existence of the court of life be erased so easily?

PS: After Deadpool erases the Beyond, it's Deadpool who slaughters the Deadpool, who puts on the Infinity Gauntlet, and Marvel Disciple, The Wandering Earth! ^_^

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