[As the name "Alliance" implies, the Global Occult Coalition is an umbrella term for 108 different occult organizations. 】

[All of these organizations are gathered under the same goal, which is to protect humanity from any supernatural threats, and...... Promote positive relationships between humans and the supernatural. 】

[These organizations include the Bavarian Illuminati, the International Center for the Study of Thaumaturgy, the Reformed Templar Order, the United Church of Satan, the Asa Protoss Order, ......]

[All of these occult organizations are united under the "fivefold mission" of the occult alliance. 】

[The first task of the Occult Alliance is to survive!]

[However, it does not refer to the survival of the alliance itself, but to ensure the ...... of humanity Survive the supernatural threat!]

[The second task is to conceal it.] 】

[In this regard, the Occult Coalition is the same as the Foundation.] 】

[They will do their best to hide it from the people...... Paranormal knowledge that can lead to mass panic and even mass casualties. 】

[The third task is protection. 】

[In order to complete the tasks of "protection", "control" and "containment", the Foundation will not care about a small number of individual casualties in many cases. 】

[This is true regardless of whether the casualties are the general public or Foundation personnel.] 】

[But the Occult Coalition is different.] 】

[In action, they will do their best to protect it.] The safety of the individual human being. 】

[This includes, of course, their staff.] 】

[Mission 4, Destruction!]

[This is the biggest difference between the Occult Coalition and the Foundation.] 】

[The Occult Coalition believes that the very existence of a supernatural threat may have an impact on the survival of human beings!]

[So, they won't take any risks to contain these weirdos.] It's just going to wipe them out. 】

[The fifth task, education. 】

[In the face of countless supernatural weirdness, the Occult Alliance will seize every opportunity to expand their knowledge base of paranormal phenomena.] 】

[Many people believe that the Global Occult Coalition is too ruthless in its approach to weirdness, and that it is simply a murderous madman. 】

[However, the Occult Coalition believes that the way the SCP Foundation contains anomalies is tantamount to raising tigers!]

[Once there is a "containment breach", it will cause terrible deaths and injuries. 】

[If, in the first place, the Foundation completely eliminated these weirdness, these tragedies would ...... It is simply avoidable. 】

[Moreover, just by looking at the way the Foundation treats D-class personnel, I know that this organization is probably not qualified to morally criticize others.] 】

[Or ...... The Foundation seems to care more about SCPs than about human cannon fodder. 】

[Similar to the Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition is a pyramid-shaped organization.] 】

[The leadership at the top of the tower is the famous 108-member committee. 】

[The 108 members of the committee are made up of representatives of the 108 organizations that are members of the Occult Coalition.] 】

[However, the actual operation of the Occult Alliance is generally controlled by the "High Command". 】

[Under the High Command, there is also the "Physics Department" for front-line operations, the "Mind Department" for contact with supernatural entities, and the "Mystic Department" for research and development. 】

[In contrast to the Foundation's call all strange beings SCPs, the Superman Alliance directly named them "TE...... i.e. Threat, entity"]

[In the classification within the Occult Coalition, there are so-called Known Threat Entities (KTEs)]

【Unknown Threat Entity (UTE)】

Potential Threat Entity (PTE)

Threat Entity (LTE) removed, i.e., ...... A threatening entity that has been eliminated by the Occult Coalition. 】

[For the Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition is nothing more than a bunch of barbarians who like to destroy everything.] 】

[Probably the most popular example of the Foundation attacking the Super League is the famous "SCP-1609".]

[SCP-1609, a chair that looks somewhat humanoid.] 】

[However, this chair does not cause any damage, and will only automatically teleport to ...... Behind anyone who wants to sit down. 】

[In other words, SCP-1609 is very fond of ...... Let humans sit on it. 】

[Or, as a chair, it would love to be used by humans.] 】

[Moreover, there is no evidence that SCP-1609 has ever caused harm to any humans.] 】

[However, when the Global Occult Coalition learned that such a strange chair existed in the world, they immediately did it...... What you do best. 】

[The Occult Coalition, threw the wooden chair into the lumberjack, turning it into a pile of wood chips and metal shards.] 】

[On the face of it, the Occult Coalition has cleared this potentially threatening entity.] 】

[But, they have only created a disaster for themselves. 】

[Just after the occult alliance eliminated the chair, several of the people involved suddenly and mysteriously died.] 】

[Before they died, they all began to cough and cough up blood, and eventually fell to the ground and died. 】

[After examining the bodies of these individuals, the Occult Coalition doctors found that their lungs were all filled with various jagged metal and wood chips!]

[This directly leads to their lungs...... Teared from within, and a painfully slow death. 】

[Moreover, this pile of sawdust did not stop after killing the members of the occult alliance in question.] 】

["They" then "teleported" to an SCP Foundation base, killing a Foundation guard!]

[After discovering the horror of this pile of sawdust, the Foundation immediately named it ...... SCP-1609。 】

[It took a lot of effort and time for the Foundation to find out where SCP-1609 came from, and eventually, they were able to use a spy hidden in the Occult Alliance...... The truth was discovered. 】

["That's what happened, these barbarians!"]

[After learning about the Global Occult Coalition...... After what had been done to the harmless chair, the head of the Foundation was furious. 】

[Originally, this wooden chair was just a piece of furniture that loved to be "used" by humans. 】

[But now, it's become a pile of murderous sawdust that is self-aware and can be freely teleported!]

[Psychiatrists within the Foundation believe that SCP-1609 may have suffered from severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a previous Lumber Logger incident!]

[Now 1609, there may only be one thought left, and that is to take revenge on any creature related to the Occult Alliance!]

[Unfortunately, the equipment and clothing of Foundation security personnel ...... It's about the same as the Occult Alliance. 】

[Therefore, the Foundation guard who unfortunately encountered 1609 was killed by it because of his "dress". 】

[After discovering all this, the scientists within the Foundation also came up with a genius idea to contain this pile of wood chips. 】

[They decided to place SCp1609 in a flower bed inside the Foundation.] 】

[In this way, 1609's wood chips can be used to grow a variety of flowers and plants.] 】

[Moreover, the staff of the Foundation will come to this flower bed in civilian clothes and praise the flowers growing on the flower bed as much as possible...... How beautiful it is. 】

[In this way, the Foundation can make 1609 feel ...... He is still needed by humanity, and he has come in handy. 】

[For this containment project, the person in charge of handling it also wrote a document to express his inner anger. 】

["SCP-1609 is a perfect testament to the great flaws in the operating procedures of the Global Occult Coalition."] And any Foundation member who disagrees with our containment of dangerous goods can take it as a warning. "】

["Before the Global Occult Coalition intervened, 1609 was completely harmless, it was just a chair that would teleport over when someone wanted to sit down. "】

"It's not dangerous compared to all the weirdness we have to deal with every day. "】

["That's the Occult Coalition throwing it into a lumberjack and shattering it to pieces!"]

["As you can imagine, 1609 was injured, and it was scared, then angry, and went berserk!!"

["The Occult Alliance protects the world by destroying it, which will only make a mess of things!"]

["1609 was originally harmless, but now it has become a lethal weapon, and in the end...... We've got to clean up the mess for them!"

["Thankfully, dealing with 1609 is simple for us. "】

"As long as I don't do anything stupid to it, he won't attack us, and he won't leave. "】

And the most incredible thing is that sometimes 1609 will teleport away, but eventually it will come back, and I now understand why. "】

["The reason why 1609 appears to us is because it is afraid of the person who harms it, which is the Occult Alliance!"]

"It came to us to ask for help. "】

"And now, it may have begun to fear the whole world, and it can only feel safe if it stays in our Foundation. "】

["From 1609, we can clearly find out...... Our "Special Containment Procedures" are far stronger than "Special Sabotage Procedures"!"]

"If you destroy something, it's broken forever!" When you destroy an anomaly, you can't make up for the mistakes you've made. "】

["Fellow Foundation members, the existence of SCP-1609 is a clear proof of this!"]

["It proves to all of us that the Foundation is right and the Global Occult Coalition is wrong!"]

[This document is indeed impassioned, full of accusations and attacks on the SCP Foundation's ideals, as well as accusations and attacks on the Global Occult Coalition.] 】

[However, if you take the position of the Global Occult Coalition, the situation may be completely different.] 】

[In fact, in the eyes of the Occult Coalition, this pile of sawdust, or chairs, was never called SCP-1609, but KTE0937, aka "Chair 6."] 】

[The reason why it is called the 6th piece is because "it" originally belonged to a set of "6-piece furniture.] 】

[These 6 pieces of furniture were made by a "supernatural maker" named "Carpenter" for a confidential client. 】

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