["SCP-2682, originally discovered in the Solstice Country."] "】

"Its appearance looks like an ordinary fruit, called raspberry. "】

["But this fruit began to release strong electromagnetic waves into the surrounding area, and caused the humans next to it to ...... A loud static sound is heard. "】

["When this anomaly reached the SCP Foundation, they immediately sent out staff, cordoned off the area, and contained the ...... It was later named the fruit of SCP-2682. "】

["After placing this fruit in a special containment facility, the Foundation sent a number of D-class personnel to test it. "】

["The first D-class personnel was ordered to touch SCP-2682 with his hand."] "】

[In an instant, his body was torn into countless noodle-like pieces, and was pulled into his body by the raspberry fruit, completely disappearing. "】

["After many tests, the Foundation finally discovered that this fruit ...... Telepaths can be talked to within a 35 meter radius. "】

["In order to gain further understanding, the Foundation sent one of its telepaths to interview him. "】

The results are astounding. "】

["This fruit claims to be from another universe. "】

["The civilization level of their planet has reached the apex of the known universe!"]

["The result is...... The inhabitants of this planet have absolutely nothing to do. "】

["In destitude and boredom, they began to hunt down the gods of the universe, and even conducted scientific experiments on the gods!"]

["The process is not all smooth sailing, and many people just observe the "cosmic gods", and their minds and bodies collapse. "】

But with unimaginably advanced technology, they have learned to capture, imprison, bind, and even torture the gods. "】

["In the end, these people, mad by their thirst for knowledge, tortured the gods of the universe to death, but at the same time gained the knowledge of the gods. "】

["From the knowledge of the gods, they learned everything!"]

["About the origin of the universe, the infinite chaos, and the "twisted screams" that sit in the gap between the worlds...... Howling Demon!"]

["After mastering the knowledge of the gods, these madmen began to distort the laws of the universe according to their own wishes, create their own laws, and even create a new universe!"]

["When these science madmen have done everything they can do, they find out...... The only option left for yourself. It is to leave one's own universe. Go to other dimensions!"]

Only then will it be possible for them to acquire new knowledge. "】

And this raspberry is one of those science madmen. "】

["Before coming to SCP Universe, "it" had gone through 8 universes, but had not learned anything. "】

["After descending on the material world known to man, this scientific madman somehow ...... It was transformed into the form of a raspberry. "】

And in the form of this fruit, it does not seem to have any sentient abilities, neither knowing its own form, nor being able to distinguish the difference between humans and fruits. "】

["However, after communicating with the Foundation's telepaths for a while, this raspberry, who has mastered the ultimate knowledge of countless universes, finally learned the state he is in now. "】

["Bold humans!I've heard what you're thinking!"]

["How dare you laugh at me and say I'm a fruit!"]

["You are wrong, you will be the fruit of knowledge!" will be eaten by me, not me!"]

After uttering this violent statement, this "fruit of blind foolishness" separated a mouth from its body, and then ate the body of its own "raspberry". "】

["The fruit of blindness and foolishness is gone. "】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Morty: A powerful man who killed the gods and could create the universe...... Turned into a fruit?( ̄△ ̄;)

Wanda Maximov: Hahaha! How could you be tortured to death by such a strange thing, and how could there be such a cosmic god with such a crotch?

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallowers: ............ ╥﹏╥

Tony Stark: This must be the power of science! Sure enough, no matter what universe it is, science is the most powerful!

Deadpool: It's too interesting, I don't know...... What does this fruit taste like? O(∩_∩)O~

Tian Xiaoban: You're not serious, a guy touched this fruit, and his body was torn into spaghetti!

Reed Richards: This "science madman" must have changed his body in the process of transversing dimensions, and then he became a fruit.

Reed Richards: But even so, "it" seems to have some kind of superpower and has lost itself.

Bruce Wayne: Hmm...... My concern is that this fruit may not have left that SCP universe.

Bruce Wayne: Perhaps, "it" is trying to find a way to adapt to this universe and make his body really manifest!

Bruce Wayne: By that time, this universe ...... You might all be spoiled by this madman!

Tian Xiaoban: Really? That's terrible!

Reid Richards: You're thinking too seriously, maybe...... That fruit couldn't adapt to the dimension of the Foundation at all, so it fled directly to another universe.

Robert Killiman: Intelligent life can subvert the laws of the universe and even create the universe with the power of science!

Robert Killiman: Even those space necrons, I'm afraid they can't do that......

Big Bone Soup: I thought the Warhammer universe was crazy enough.

Big bones boiled into soup: the original ...... The SCP universe is similar. ╥﹏╥

Charles Xavier: Sigh, how come there are so few normal universes?

Nick Fury: Even these guys who are capable of turning the universe upside down don't seem to understand the Howling Demon.

Nick Fury: What are these blank monsters?

And just as everyone sighed, a new image appeared on the screen.

The strange narration sounded again.

["The vast majority of SCPs contained by the Foundation are extremely terrifying and dangerous existences. "】

As for the existence that can destroy the world, there are countless of them. "】

"But there are always exceptions. "】

["Among the thousands of SCPs, there are also some that are extremely friendly to humans. "】

"They don't want to hurt humans, even ...... Will help humanity as much as possible. "】

["The representative of this kind of friendly SCP is, of course, SCP999...... Tickle Monster. "】

["In one of the most thrilling 682 executions, the Tickle Monster stepped forward, pacified the terrifying monster, and saved the lives of many Foundation staff. "】

["But...... There is another SCP that has done a similar heroic act. "】

["They're SCP-131...... Eyepeas!"]

"These two little monsters look like two enlarged eyeballs. "】

["According to Foundation research, they have only the intelligence equivalent of domestic cats. "】

["But one day, it was these two little monsters who successfully saved the lives of countless people!"]

["This is going to start with two anomalous individuals. "】

["First of all, SCP173, nicknamed Little Peanut!"]

"One of the qualities of this concrete statue is that it cannot move as long as it is stared at by sapient beings. "】

["If not observed, 173 will snap the neck of any sapient creature nearby!"]

["And the second anomalous instance is SCP689, also known as the god of darkness!"]

["These two SCPs have extremely terrifying qualities and terrifying lethality. "】

["But who would have thought that their nemesis...... It's two cute little peas!"]

PS: After the SCP series comes to an end, do you play Cthulhu first, or write all the way from the legend of Thor, the god of thunder, all the way to the story god Loki? ^_^

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