[Just as the souls of countless shamans were mixed into a powerful spiritual power and rushed into the sea of souls...... After the subspace, countless demons rushed up, trying to devour "them". 】

[But these demons were eventually melted by the "soul fire" that came out of this force. 】

[After a year of unscathed "existence" in the subspace, this powerful psionic power has returned to the human world and entered the body of an unborn baby. 】

[This is the origin of the emperor's soul. 】

[That powerful and incomparable soul power became more pure and powerful after being "tempered" by the subspace, and even changed the genes and physiological structure of this baby. 】

[In other words, the Human Emperor has just been born, and he has already become an immortal immortal, and the strongest psychic in the history of mankind.] 】

[Before he reached adulthood, the emperor knew the purpose of his birth. 】

[Next, he spent thousands of years, traveled to all corners of the earth, and witnessed the development of human beings and the various states of the world. 】

[In his travels, the emperor rarely showed his peculiarities. 】

[In the vast majority of cases, he chooses to play a wise man hidden behind the scenes, guiding the progress of history in the shadows. 】

[Just as the emperor was traveling around the world, the mutation in subspace also reached a critical point. 】

[Since the Battle of Heaven, the subspace that was originally as calm as a lake has turned into a turbulent sea of terrifying rage!]

[In fact, subspace is a mirror of the real world.] If the real universe becomes a barren and dead world, then the subspace will also become silent and silent. 】

[Conversely, in the material world, the more extreme the emotions generated by intelligent beings, the stronger the energy born in the subspace!]

[The various extreme emotions born in the Battle of Heaven happen to give the subspace an almost infinite amount of energy supply!]

[These energies gather together like a stream of water, and eventually converge into some self-conscious beings. 】

They are the original subspace demons. 】

[The emotions of intelligent creatures not only evolved demons, but also "nourished" these monsters in turn, making them stronger!]

[The more emotional energy the subspace demons devour, the more they will be affected in turn.] 】

[Those demons who were nourished by the emotions of anger began to become more and more brutal and aggressive. 】

[Those demons who are fed on the emotions of love and pleasure are becoming more and more indulgent and joyful!]

[The most troublesome thing is these monsters that feed on emotional energy.] There is only one instinctive impulse after birth, and that is to seek more similar energies!]

[In other words, it is to get as much out of the material world as possible...... A supply of more "extreme" emotional energy!]

[After the end of the Battle of Heaven, the universe was born again, and various intelligent life forms evolved. 】

Their hatred, their pleasure, their pain, their killing...... are constantly nourishing and expanding the sea of emotions in the subspace!]

[For the subspace demons, these newly born intelligent beings are supreme delicacies. 】

[Those intelligent subspace demons will begin to look for the "weak points" between various subspaces and the material world, and influence these intelligent beings as much as possible. 】

[The so-called weak points are largely those "psionics". 】

[These demons will first try to "give" some rewards to those psionics, such as ...... Let their psionic powers become stronger and their bodies stronger. 】

[When psionics accept these rewards, demons will further influence their minds, causing them to do things they never dreamed of before!]

[The reason why they do this is because...... The "Anger Demon", born of anger, wants more anger and killing!]

[But the scattered anger in the subspace is simply not enough to feed them.] 】

[Therefore, these angry demons can only affect the real world as much as possible, and then create endless "anger" and "killing" in the human world in order to better feed themselves!]

Therefore, those ferocious and tyrannical demons will let these victims kill others in order to strengthen their brutal and aggressive emotions. 】

[Those demons who like to enjoy pleasure will guide their victims...... Try as many ways as possible to stimulate their joyful emotions. 】

[The more extreme those emotions are, the more and stronger the demons can taste in the subspace.] 】

[This extreme manipulation of the emotions of intelligent beings by the Chaos Demon is called "Corruption.] 】

[Along with the corruption of demons, these unfortunate intelligent creatures, from body to mind...... will all undergo irreversible transformations. 】

But this ...... It's not even the end!]

[After that, these demons will also guide their victims...... Believe in something weird. 】

[For example, if you believe in a certain god of killing, you will be blessed by the gods and gain unimaginable power.] 】

[Through this behavior, these demons can get what they really want, which is "faith."] 】

[As long as you get enough of the power of faith of intelligent creatures, then, the demons of the subspace ...... You can get the ultimate transformation and become a true god!]

[Through this operation, in countless years, countless gods of all sizes have been born in the subspace. 】

[These gods will kill each other, fight, and grab territory......]

[Finally, in the medieval period on Earth, in the depths of subspace, unimaginable emotional torrents and powerful desires were mixed with the power of psionic energy to merge together to form three powerful supreme beings!]

[The existence known as the Chaos Evil God by later generations was born!]

[The extreme desire to kill and fight evolved into the god of war and power, "Fear of Abuse". 】

[The extreme love of life created the god of reproduction and life "Nurgle". 】

[The endless thirst for knowledge and wisdom gave birth to the ever-changing god "Tzeentch". 】

[These chaotic evil gods all represent certain emotions and desires of intelligent beings, but they have all gone to the most extreme point!]

[But when these evil gods were just born, their power was not as strong as that of later generations, and there were also various disputes within the subspace. 】

Therefore, the evil gods have not yet devoted their energy to the material world. 】

[In this case, human beings on the earth have a rare opportunity for development. 】

[Time flies. 】

[After the research of countless scientists, in the 15th millennium, mankind finally invented a sub-light speed flying machine!]

Since then, humans have begun to leave the Earth and colonize other galaxies. 】

[Among the first colonists, there was the figure of the emperor. 】

[The emperor first came to a planet called "Morlock" through a sub-light speed spaceship. 】

[Here, he found a subspace portal left over from ancient times.] 】

[The Emperor walked into the portal and entered the subspace in the flesh. 】

[Then, he made a deal with the evil god in the subspace. 】

[No one knows what the emperor gave to the evil god, but when he left the subspace and returned to the material world, he was given a magical technology. 】

[That is the technology that created the "genetic prototype".] 】

[With this technology, the emperor's plan can finally be implemented gradually.] 】

Warhammer World, Planet Cous.

"It's impossible to !!"

Seeing this, Kiliman, who had been trying to stay calm before...... The blood on his face disappeared in an instant,

An unimaginable chill swept through his whole body in an instant! It made his hairs stand on end, and he felt cold all over his body!

"The genetic prototype technology turned out to be the emperor, obtained from the subspace evil god!"

"If that's true, doesn't that mean ......"

"All the other brothers, including himself...... Could it be a product of chaos?"

With this thought, Kiliman suddenly remembered the ...... that had been bothering him all along One thing.

As the commander of the Ultramarines, Killiman occasionally leads the way, joining other men and his men in gang jumping.

In the battle of warships in the universe, the so-called "gang jumping" actually relies on some kind of "teleporter" to complete.

This kind of teleportation relies on the power of subspace to teleport the Space Marines to the enemy's warship.

Every time he used the teleporter to traverse the subspace, Killiman could clearly feel it...... Something strange inside of oneself.

own internal ...... There seems to be some kind of subspace power!

He is a ...... made of reality and subspace A hybrid existence!

At the thought of this, Robert Killiman felt a buzz in his head, as if he had been hit hard!

As a genetic prototype, his mind is as solid as a rock, and even in the face of the spiritual attack of the spirit race, he can bear it hard.

But the impact of this series of facts on Kiliman is too great.

Even if he had a supercomputer-like brain, he was running out of energy!

The psychological shadow is even bigger than it can be imagined.

At this moment, the screen in front of me gradually dimmed.

[End of Warhammer: Part 1]

"No, why is this the end of it?"

Killiman took a breath, and a ...... suddenly welled up in his heart A deep sense of loss.

Until now, he was not sure if everything that was playing on this screen was real!

But that series ...... The galactic war in the ancient era, and even the exposure of the evil mystery of the subspace!

Now Kiliman, it can be said that more than ever, he wants to know, in addition to trading with the subspace evil god, what else has the emperor done?

At the same time, the chat group was also lively.

Wanda Maximov: Extreme emotions are ...... Can you create demons and gods in the "underworld"?

Wanda Maximov: That's an exaggeration.

Deadpool: I think it's okay. If I were in that world, my own emotions ...... And what will be created?

John Constantine: Hmph, do you need to ask? With your vitality that you can't beat no matter how hard you fight, you're definitely going to become a Nurgle believer.

Deadpool: Oh, I wonder what kind of deity that "Nurgle" is, and if it's good for the believers?

Deadpool: If you can take care of me more, it doesn't hurt for me to believe in him!O(∩_∩)O haha~

At this time, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Selected Object: Barry Allen, The Flash:]

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to be: "DC Rebirth"!]

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