["The world has gone crazy!"]

[Although I have seen many terrifying and terrifying dark images, it is still the scene in the desert...... It was Philip Sheldon who was completely convinced of this. 】

[In a humble circus in the desert, the famous motorcycle driver Johnny Blazer made the last performance of his life in front of the audience. 】

[He opens the oil drum, pours it head-on, and then uses a lighter...... Ignited his own head. 】


[In an instant, Johnny Blazer's head turned into a fireball. 】

[But in the midst of his terrible screams, Johnny is still driving the locomotive, galloping in the desert!]

[Philip Shelton, holding up the camera with a trembling hand, took a picture of the horrific image in front of him.] 】

[Just after he took the picture...... For several hours, Johnny Blazer, whose head was on fire, still rode his bike, constantly circling in the desert. 】

[His terrifying screams have never stopped. 】

[In the end, the flames of the heat burned Johnny Blazer's flesh and blood, and burned his head into a skeleton!]

[The most incredible thing is that after being burned like this, Johnny is still continuing to ride and gallop!]

["A dead man...... Performing a motorcycle show!"]

Leaving the circus in the desert, Philip Hilton checks into a hotel. 】

[Of course, Johnny Blazer turned into a corpse in the end. 】

[But the terrifying image of the "Fire Skull Knight" still lingers in his mind. 】

"Everything is crazy, or rather...... Everything is going bad!"]

[After seeing so much...... After the tragedy related to the transhuman, Philip finally came to a terrifying conclusion:]

"It's like Murphy's Law, everything that can get bad is getting worse. "】

["There is no reason to talk about it at all, everything is constantly deteriorating, and there seems to be no end!"]

["The world is striding towards the end of the world! But not only can I not save it, but I can't even see the reason clearly. "】

[In pain and helplessness, Philip fell asleep in the hotel. 】

[Due to the agitation of his mind, he didn't even notice the red scar that appeared on his arm.] 】

[And in the dream, Philip saw a bright age of heroes. 】

[In that era, heroes would soar in the air and fight all kinds of evils. 】

[These heroes even pulled President X out of his White House, forced him to weep bitterly and admit his mistakes, promising to remedy everything.] 】

"That's a ...... A world where good things happen every day!"]

[But when Philip opened his eyes, he could only face ...... Cruelty and desperation in the real world. 】

[He traveled to the Rocky Mountains and interviewed a burly former astronaut...... Ben Graeme. 】

[Many years ago, Ben was good friends with the genius scientist Reed Richards and the Susan Stone siblings. 】

[Reed Richards has a special obsession with studying cosmic rays. Moreover, I want to go into space very much. 】

[One night, an excited Reed knocks on Ben's door to steal a heavy rocket called the "Righteous God" and fly it into space!]

[The most outrageous thing is that Reed Richards even wants "Ben" to go on this crazy adventure with him. 】

["Ben" directly pointed out that the "Righteous God" was not loaded at all...... An engine with lateral displacement in the universe. 】

[Sitting on it and flying into the sky is simply self-destruction!]

[But Reed didn't believe it at all, and even persuaded a university lecturer named Victor von Doom to become a rocket pilot.] 】

[Then Reed, Doom, and Susan Stone stole the rocket, flew into the universe together, and crashed headlong into the storm of cosmic rays!]

[The final result is also imaginable......]

[Susan Stone's younger brother...... Jonistone, charred by the high temperature of cosmic rays. But his body was at least intact, so it was the first to be found afterwards. 】

[Susan Stone became an invisible woman due to the influence of cosmic rays, but the side effect was ...... Her eyes were blind. 】

[Moreover, because Susan is invisible, rescuers didn't notice her at all at first.] 】

[Until Susan fell from the sky and smashed into his brother's body.] 】

[The situation of the ship-driving Doom is more complicated. Some say he's ...... When you wake up, you become an animal, and when you fall asleep, you turn into minerals. 】

[Some people say that his internal organs were turned out、]

[In short, Doom may not be dead, but it is definitely worse than dead.] 】

[As for Reed Richards, who directly caused all this, his body was distorted, alienated, and even elongated by cosmic rays!]

[By the time Reed's body was found, only one ...... had been found. Skeletons with living plasticine limbs!]

[Speaking of this, "Ben" suddenly sighed:]

["If Reed isn't so anxious, wait for the displacement engine to be installed before taking off."] "】

["Or, at that time, I was the pilot of the rocket, and the situation was ...... May vary. "】

[After making this series of interviews, Philip Shelton returned to New York.] 】

[He felt that he had collected enough material to finish the book called "Amazing People".] 】

[However, the strange scars on Philip's arms have also extended from the palm of his hand.] 】

[His skin began to crack, and blood kept pouring out!]

[Looking at the abnormal changes in his body, Philip suddenly thought of a young man. 】

[The young man's name was Peter Parker, and he was a photojournalist who contributed to the Daily Clarion newspaper.] 】

[When Philip was traveling around the country, he also heard that this Peter had been bitten by a radiated spider because he had messed up a college experiment. 】

[After being bitten by a spider, Peter Parker did not gain any superpowers, but contracted a terrible strange disease. 】

[His body began to crack continuously, and countless wounds appeared all over his body, and finally all the blood was drained, and his corpse was scattered on the street!]

[But just before Peter's illness, he visited the Daily Bugle and shook hands with the number one photojournalist, Philip Shelton.] 】

[Peter transmitted this terrible strange disease to Philip!]

["Woo poof!"]

After thinking all of this, Philip suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell to the sky in a small alley in New York City. 】

[He traveled all over the country, and all the photos he took about superhumans were scattered all over the place, and even blown up by the wind!]

[At this point, the screen gradually dims.] 】

["Ruins" ends.] 】

Seeing this, there was an uproar in the chat group.

Wanda Maksimov: No, did Peter get the "spider virus" after being bitten by a spider?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I ...... My variant, too, transmitted the virus to that Mr. Philip!( ̄△ ̄;)

Stephen Strange: It's over, it's over. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Captain Mikoku: It's over? Why do you say that?

Stephen Strange: That Philip, after being infected by the spider virus, traveled all over the country with his illness!

Stephen Strange: How many people he infected along the way!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Oh my God!! (̄口 ̄)!!

Seeing Strange's analysis, countless people in the chat group were stunned.

Tony Stark: That's ...... Is the end of this "world of ruins"?

Tony Stark: That white man, Nick Fury, was ...... ahead of schedule because he knew that such a catastrophe would befall him

Nick Fury: Wait a minute!

Nick Fury: How do I know?

Nick Fury: And, if "I" knew, why didn't I just kill that Philip and continue to let him spread the virus all over the country?

Bruce Wayne: If I'm not mistaken, maybe that President X has some kind of foresight, or ...... He has such people under him.

Bruce Wayne: That's why he said that there will be a change in the United States!

John Constantine: Good guys! We've seen a world with our own eyes...... Towards perdition!

Rocky Odinson: It's better to die sooner rather than later in this twisted and crazy world.

Holy Keisha: If the world is truly completely shrouded in darkness and evil, perhaps, destruction is not the worst outcome, but some kind of redemption!

Rampage Lori Jinx: Phew! Nonsense!(╯‵□)╯(┻━┻

Rampaging Lori Jinx: No matter how dark or desperate, in that world...... There are still people who desperately want to live!

JOHN CONSTANTINE: Sigh. Now we can't do anything.

JHN CONSTANTINE: I can only hope that there are still people in that world who can work hard and survive.

When they heard this, they fell silent......

PS: Next is the beginning of the Marvel Civil War! Dervishesia, DC Rebirth, Dr. Manhattan, Warhammer!

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