Big Bone Soup: No, if they really become Ultraman, why don't they stay on Earth?

After learning that he had Ultraman genes in his body and that he would be one with Tiga in the future, Dagu was always uneasy and even ...... Still a little scared!

Myself...... Are they earthlings? Or are they ......? Count as aliens?

If those three balls of light really mean "New Ultraman", then ...... I am equal to three more of the same kind.

Bruce Wayne: I don't think you need to think too much.

Bruce Wayne: First of all, these three golden balls of light must have been made by those three astronauts.

Bruce Wayne: Relying on their own will, they broke through the control of the monster, and also succeeded in seizing the monster's energy!

Bruce Wayne: That's why Ultraman Tiga was able to take out that compound monster so easily.

Tian Xiaoban: I said...... That monster was so strong in front, why did it become so unbeatable later, it turned out that there was no energy!

Stephen Strange: After taking the monster's energy, they didn't become humans again, they became ...... Photosphere?

Star-Swallowing Daughter Ganata: This is some kind of "energy lifeform", and the bodies of the three astronauts should have been blown apart along with that monster.

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: I'm not sure if I'm going to take this form...... They still have any remnants of consciousness as human beings.

Captain Mikoku: No, they must still have a human consciousness.

Captain Mi Guo: Even the immortal monsters have been defeated by their will! How can such a human being be wiped out by a mere amount of energy?

Rocky Odinson: Hahaha!

Loki Odinson: This time, it's not that Ultraman who saved humanity, it's humanity that saves Ultraman. ^_^

Big bones boiled into soup: What's so funny about this? I'm also human?

Big bones into soup: As long as you can defeat dangerous monsters and protect the peace of the earth, who did it...... Is it important?

Rocky Odinson: ............

Thor: Haha, brother, this human is really good, you have nothing to say now.

Loki Odinson: Hmph, human! Compared to these beautiful words, have you ever thought that such a powerful monster might appear in the future?

Loki Odinson: Even if you become Ultraman, you probably won't be able to beat them!

Big bones boiled into soup: this ...... ( ̄△ ̄;)

As soon as he heard this, Dagu was really a little panicked.

Can you really take on the responsibility of protecting the planet by yourself?

If something goes wrong......

Wanda Maximov: Phew, Rocky, don't scare newcomers here!

Wanda Maksimov: Also, big bones, don't think about it, at least...... You're lucky to be able to join this group and see these images!

Wanda Maximov: It's like ...... Now you know what the weakness of that compound monster is! The next time you run into it, just take a photo of your loved ones!

Hermione Granger: yes, yes, just like you can predict the future, you already have the foresight!

Hermione Granger: In the future, if you run into the monsters that appeared in the video, you can target their weaknesses and ensure victory!

Big bones boiled into soup: a hundred battles to win?is it really that simple?(⊙o⊙)

Hearing this, Dagu's mood ...... Immediately, he went from the trough all the way to the peak! Even his face turned red with excitement.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, a huge monster corpse was suddenly washed up on the shore by the sea. 】

[Moreover, on the shore, the corpse of this monster is actually beginning to decompose, emitting an amazing stench! 】

[Fearing potential marine pollution and various unknown dangers, TPC decided to take the victory team and hoist the monster's corpse and burn it.] 】

[Lina and Dagu, piloting the Feiyan fighter jet to lead the way. 】

[But just as the Feiyan shot the hook, hooked the monster's corpse, and was about to hang it up, Lina suddenly felt that something was wrong. 】

["Why is this monster so light?"]

[Suddenly, the monster's corpse suddenly ruptured, spraying a large amount of foul-smelling slime from the inside, and the corpse itself ...... also fell from the sky. 】

[Immediately after, something even more incredible happened!]


[With a weird roar, the corpse of the monster, which was obviously rotting, actually stood up again!]

[This zombie monster "Silizan" can still move even after he dies!]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Hermione Granger: Uh-uh, what is this? It looks disgusting!╥_╥

Daddy: Zombies! Is this a zombie?

John Constantine: Zombies? What do you say...... Is it the kind of corpse that is controlled by magic?

Daddy: That's right, but Daddy didn't expect that there would be zombies in the monsters.

John Constantine: This monster has nothing to do with spells.

John Constantine: But ...... I'm afraid it's a bit troublesome to be alive after being dead for so long......

Big bones boiled into soup: trouble? What does that mean?

After being reminded by Hermione, the current Dagu decided to do everything possible to gather all kinds of information related to monsters!

Only then will he be able to ...... in future battles Do know yourself and know your opponent, and win all battles!

John Constantine: Zombies resurrected with black magic are difficult to kill with normal methods, after all...... He's dead.

John Constantine: Unless, unless, the person who controls the zombies can be eliminated, or, the corpses themselves are completely burned.

Big bones boiled into soup: burned?

JOHN CONSTANTINE: yes, no matter what kind of corpse it is, once it is burned to ashes, it will not be able to stand up again.

John Constantine: For now, I can only hope that this zombie monster itself will not be fireproof.

Big bones boiled into soup: fireproof !! ( ̄口 ̄)!!

JOHN CONSTANTINE: Ahem, I'm just naming a possibility......

Just when Dagu was frightened, a new image appeared on the screen.

[The resurrected zombie monster began to rush towards the natural gas storage tank in the distance!]

[Although the two Feiyan have exhausted all their weapons, there is no way to kill this ...... Live like a giant slime. 】

[The attacks they unleashed were all devoured by the bodies of zombie monsters. 】

[The only thing to be happy about is that after being attacked, the monster began to abandon the gas storage tank and instead track the Takeoff Swallow.] 】

[Next, the victory team laid a trap, preparing to use a high-frequency generator to dry the slime on the monster's body, and then use a thermoelectric attack to completely end the monster.] 】

[But I didn't expect that during the implementation of the operation, the zombie monster actually swallowed the fly in the body... Play...... Spit it out!]


[With the violent explosion, the entire body of the zombie monster was engulfed in flames.] 】

[However, such an explosion seems to be unable to hurt it at all.] 】

[The victory team's battle this time failed again. 】

[In the face of this monster that seems to be unkillable, Captain Megumi came up with a third plan. 】

[That is to use Feiyan No. 2 to hang up the natural gas storage tank and burn the monster!]

["This monster has no life reaction at all, that is, it is not a living body!"]

"The only way to stop it is to completely burn its body to the ground. "】

[Hearing Captain Meguma's analysis, the top management of TPC finally agreed.] 】

[Next, Lina and Dagu took the Feiyan 2 and began to execute the battle plan!]

[At first, the plan went smoothly, and Lina manipulated the Feiyan 2 to hoist the natural gas storage tank above the monster's head. 】

[But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred!]


[With a strange scream, the monster's neck suddenly stretched out like a giraffe!]


[In the face of this sudden abnormality, Lina, as the operator, turned pale all of a sudden, and almost exclaimed!]

[Under the strange power of the zombie monster, the entire Feiyan 2 was pulled to the ground!

[Seeing that the situation was not right, Dagu hurriedly gave up the driver's position to Lina, and came to the back of Feiyan 2 alone. 】

["Tiga Divine Light Stick!"]

[Da Gu took out the Divine Light Stick from his arms, but unlike the previous times, he didn't let the Divine Light Stick be raised, but put it in front of the murderer!]


[With a flash of light, Dagu transformed into Ultraman Tiga!]

[However, the size of this Ultraman is the same as that of Dagu!]

[Immediately afterwards, Ultraman Tiga jumped directly from Feiyan 2, and then released a flash of light in the air, cutting the tow rope of Feiyan 2!]

[Next, Ultraman Tiga's body began to swell wildly in the air, and soon became the size of a giant again!]

Seeing this operation, many people in the chat group exclaimed.

Hermione Granger: Oh my God! What is that?human-sized Ultraman?( ̄△ ̄;)

Deadpool: Good guys, I didn't expect that to do this. O(∩_∩)O haha~

Bruce Banner: What kind of existence is Ultraman, is he really an alien? or ......

Big bones boiled into soup: incredible, how is this done?∑( ̄△ ̄*||

Tian Xiaoban: I know, I know! It must be a transformed form!

Tian Xiaoban: This time, when Ultraman transformed, he didn't raise the Divine Light Stick, but put it in front of the murderer!

Tian Xiaoban: It must be because of this that the body shape after transformation is different.

Bruce Banner: Huh? What is the principle of this?

Tian Xiaoban: Isn't it common sense that the transformation is different?

Bruce Banner: What kind of common sense is that? (⊙_⊙)

Tony Stark: Interesting! It's so funny, this Ultraman Tiga...... How many secrets are hidden?

And just when everyone was extremely surprised and discussed, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After transforming into a giant form, Ultraman Tiga fell to the ground, only to see the zombie monster and devour the falling natural gas storage monster into his body. 】

[Tiga knew at a glance that as long as he could hit that storage tank, he would definitely be able to cause a violent explosion and flames, and burn this undead monster to the ground!]

[But if the distance is too close, such an explosion will also hurt Tiga himself!]

[Seeing the monster rushing towards him, Tiga directly transformed into a three-color balanced form, and it was a random fight to meet it!]


[The zombie monster's movements are not agile, and it fails to dodge Ultraman's attacks.] 】

[But Tiga's fist hit the monster as if it was hitting the mud, and it was not strong at all!]

[The worst thing is that Ultraman flew up and kicked at the zombie monster, and his entire leg was sunk into his body, and he couldn't pull it out for a while!]


[Sirizan opened his big mouth and aimed at Ultraman, spewing out a miserable green stench, smoking Tiga's staggering ...... Take a few steps back. 】

[Such a disgusting, such a difficult monster, Ultraman Tiga is still the first time to encounter it!]


[Seeing that the general attack was not effective against the zombie monster at all, Ultraman Tiga violently flew the monster out, and then ...... So I made that standard starting hand style. 】

[After many battles, Tiga has finally become proficient in "amplifying moves". 】


[Ultraman's hands draw a semicircle in the air, and then form an L-shape on his chest!]

["Jappelio Ray!"]

[This Ultraman's most powerful ultimate hit the belly of the zombie monster!]


[After being hit by the rays of Japelia, the zombie monster continued to take steps towards Tiga as if it didn't feel anything. 】

[But then, Silizan's movements froze.] 】


[The terrifying explosion shook the heavens and the earth, and the intense rushing flames mixed with the shock wave rushed in all directions!]

[The body of the zombie monster was instantly shattered!

[This immortal monster was burned out in the end!]

PS: Little cheap, Gamora and the new film "The Adam Project" starring Hulk Hulk ...... have come out today! ^_^

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