["Oops! it was this girl who opened the book!"]

[Seeing the appearance of the Ghost Shadow Corps, Daddy yelled and immediately fled. 】

[And Xiaoyu hurriedly looked back at Jackie Chan, counting on him to defeat these ninjas with kung fu. 】

[But Jackie Chan was bewildered:]

["Kung Fu? I can't! Under the rule of the Holy Lord, practicing martial arts is against the law!"

["You're kidding......"]

[Looking at the Jackie Chan in front of him who had braids and didn't know how to fight, Xiaoyu's whole person was messy. 】

[And just when the Ghost Shadow Corps pounced, Jackie Chan grabbed Xiaoyu fiercely and ran out desperately:]

["I don't know how to fight, but I know how to escape!"]

[Just when no one was paying attention, Dad suddenly pressed the mechanism in the library and put Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu in a secret passage. 】

[However, the Ghost Legion, which was able to pass through the wall, still quickly caught up!]

[Even in the chase battle, they grabbed Jackie Chan's braids!]

["Not good!"]

[Jackie Chan, who was caught with braids, was struggling, and suddenly a ghost ninja threw a ninja dart from behind, just cutting off his braids, which allowed Jackie Chan to escape. 】


[Touching his severed braids, Jackie Chan looked afraid, and Xiaoyu said calmly:]

"Your hair should have been cut a long time ago. "】

[Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu finally escaped the pursuit of the Ghost Ninja, who knows...... Messed with the flying dragon in the Holy Lord's Castle again!]

["Wow! That's a dragon!!"]

[Under the attack from both sides, the two finally escaped into the Sage's Magic Pavilion. 】

[But Ghost Ninja...... still relentlessly rushed in through the wall and grabbed Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu. 】


["Uncle Long!"

[At this critical moment, a familiar spell suddenly sounded in Xiao Yu's ears:]

["Demons and monsters leave quickly! Demons and monsters leave ......"]


[Under the power of qi magic, those terrifying ghost ninjas all turned into green smoke and disappeared on the spot!]

[Xiao Yu looked back in surprise, and saw that his father was holding the magic bell in one hand and the seal in the other, and he was chanting a spell and casting spells!]

["Qi Curse!"]

[Coming to Daddy, Xiaoyu asked with a smile:]

["Daddy, didn't you just say...... Haven't you read the magic books in the Library?"

[Daddy turned his head with a proud face:]

[Hmph, I didn't read it, but I just looked at it twice."] "】

[Next, Xiaoyu, who has "memories of the past", takes on the responsibility of a leader!]

[She told Jackie Chan and Daddy that their goal was to go to the No Man's Land, find the history book of the years!, and then change it back!]

[Looking at Xiao Yu with a confident face, Dad suddenly couldn't cry or laugh. 】

["Oh! Even if we can escape from here, how can we go to the uninhabited continent?"


[Thinking of this world, there is no plane at all, Xiaoyu also fell into deep thought. 】

[But after all, Xiaoyu is the girl who once killed the Holy Lord, and as soon as her eyes rolled, she immediately took it to heart!]

["Haha, Daddy, as long as we can get the charm!"]


[Hearing this unheard of term, Jackie Chan and Daddy were a little surprised, while Xiaoyu showed a confident smile:]

["Daddy, let me teach you a ...... You taught me the magic back then!"

[Next, Xiao Yu came to the Holy Lord's Magic Pavilion again, and used the magic materials here to create a jar of green potion. 】

[This...... It's the magic potion that Dad made for Jackie Chan and used it to "catch" the spell in the Holy Body!]

[In that battle, it was because Jackie Chan caught the rat charm in the holy body that he turned the holy lord back into a statue!]

[Applying the green potion to Daddy and Jackie Chan's hands, Xiaoyu explained to them with a smile:]

["There are 12 charms in the body of the Holy Lord, as long as you apply this potion, you can catch these charms!"

[Next, Xiaoyu asked Jackie Chan and them to lead the way, all the way to the Holy Lord's bedroom. 】

[Seeing that the Holy Lord was sleeping, Xiao Yu came to him lightly and stretched out his hand...... I grabbed the chicken charm from the Holy Body!]


[Putting the chicken charm in front of the stunned Jackie Chan and his father, Xiaoyu said with a little pride:]

["Trust me now, huh?"

[Seeing is believing, looking at the chicken charm in Xiaoyu's hand, Jackie Chan and Daddy also hurriedly went up and stretched out their hands to the sleeping Holy Lord. 】

[But no one expected that Jackie Chan would make a move...... The Holy Lord woke up immediately!]

["Jackie Chan, you are so bold!"]


[The Holy Lord shook his hand and knocked Jackie Chan away, and then, the Holy Lord with the dragon head and the human body stood up, aimed at Jackie Chan who fell to the ground, and opened his bloody mouth violently:]


[The terrifying dragon flame spewed out, drowning Jackie Chan in an instant!]

["Uncle Long!"

[Xiaoyu was shocked and desperately wanted to come forward to save people, but her father stopped her in time. 】

[But no one expected that after the Holy Lord's dragon flame spitting, Jackie Chan didn't even burn half of his hair!]


[Looking at the ground that was melted by flames all around, Jackie Chan was suddenly completely confused. 】

[Self...... When did you have this Vajra incorruptible body?]

[Seeing this scene, even the Holy Lord was dumbfounded, and for a moment he exclaimed:]

["How is this possible?"]

[And just when Jackie Chan didn't know why, he suddenly found that his right hand seemed to be holding something. 】

[When he opened his hand, he saw a charm with a dog drawn on it lying in his palm!]

[This is the ...... Immortal Dog Charm!]

[Just now, Jackie Chan relied on the "power of eternal life" of the dog charm, and he was able to withstand the flame spout of the Holy Lord!]

["Damn, you actually stole my charm!"]

[Looking at the dog charm in Jackie Chan's palm, the Holy Lord was suddenly furious and rushed up...... I want to snatch the charm back. 】

["I'm sorry master, I didn't mean to steal from you!"]

[Seeing that he was several meters tall, the holy lord with the dragon head and the human body pounced, and Jackie Chan, who didn't know kung fu, was suddenly frightened!]

[I saw him close his eyes and wave his hands unconsciously!]


[But no one expected that Jackie Chan's hand inadvertently touched the Holy Lord, and he was beaten into the air all of a sudden!]


[The Holy Lord let out a miserable scream, and his body flew backwards like a cannonball, slamming into the wall. 】

["This...... How did I do it?"]

[Looking at the Holy Lord buried by the wreckage of the building in front of him, Jackie Chan's face was full of disbelief, and he almost couldn't believe his eyes for a while. 】

[First the flame was not harmed, and now it has infinite divine power, and he ...... What the hell is going on?]

["Uncle Long!"

[Xiao Yu hurriedly caught up and pulled away Uncle Long's other palm. 】

[I saw that in the palm of this hand, there was a cow charm lying there. 】

[It turned out that just now, after Jackie Chan smeared the magic potion, he grabbed a dog charm and a cow charm from the holy body, and ...... It came in handy right away!]

[Next, Xiaoyu began to count the charms that she and her father "caught":]

["Swift rabbit, volley chicken."] "】

["Invisible snakes, fiery dragons. "】

["It's all useful! "】

[Just when Xiao Yu was excited about the spell they caught, the Holy Lord also stood up from the ruins again!]

["Abominable Human !!"]

["Wow! Forget about the other spells."] "】

[Although the Holy Body still has 6 charms in it, but when he thought that Jackie Chan didn't know martial arts at all, Xiao Yu still pulled his father and the others to retreat quickly. 】

[Although everyone retreated in a panic, Xiaoyu still cleverly let Jackie Chan pick it up...... The magic materials they had collected in the Holy Lord's Magic Pavilion before. 】

[After all, in this world ruled by demons, it is not so easy to find the materials needed to seal demons. 】

[Next, in the face of the attack of the Holy Lord and the terrifying flying dragon, Xiao Yu suddenly had an idea and used it again...... The "Charm Addition" that she had tried many times before. 】

["The chicken charm plus the rabbit charm equals high-speed flight!"]

[Put two charms on the carpet at your feet, and create a magic flying carpet in less than an instant!]


[The magic flying carpet carried Jackie Chan, and Xiaoyu and Daddy flew up in an instant!]

["Xiaoyu, be careful, there's a wall in front."] "】

[Hearing Jackie Chan's exclamation, Xiao Yu picked up the dragon charm without panic and aimed it at the wall in front of him...... Unleashed an explosive flame!]


[With a deafening explosion, a large hole was blasted out of the wall!]

[The flying carpet carried Xiao Yu and the other three all the way out of the Holy Lord's fortress and flew into the sky!]

["Rabbit Charm, speed me up!"]

[Next, Xiao Yu used the rabbit charm to increase the speed of the flying carpet, and left all the evil dragons behind him in an instant!]


[And looking at Jackie Chan and the others who flew away, the Holy Lord who lost the chicken charm and couldn't take off could only grit his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do. 】

["I re-revised history and cleansed your memory, but Jackie Chan ...... You still have a way to resist me!"]

[The Holy Lord gritted his teeth and remade the spell radar, and roared at the sky:]

["Jackie Chan, I won't let you go!"]

"When I find you, I'll take your body...... Erase the memories along with them!"]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Daddy: Haha! No matter what world it is, Daddy, I'm still a magician!

Dad: Moreover, Jackie Chan's kid finally cut off his braids, otherwise...... It's just ugly!

John Constantine: Dad, in this demon world, you do do a good job, but compared to Xiaoyu......

Seeing that even in the demon world, Xiaoyu can still rely on her knowledge and courage...... The clouds and rain turned over, and everyone was surprised.

Hermione Granger: Jade is ...... Even remember the recipe for the magic potion against the Holy Lord, is this a real genius?

Daddy: This magic potion is a very high-end alchemy, and I can't teach it to beginners.

Daddy: It should ...... It was this kid who secretly read books and taught himself.

Hermione Granger: Self-taught ??? ( ̄△ ̄;)

Charles Xavier: If I could have such a smart student, as a teacher...... There should be no regrets.

Magneto: Haha, Charles, if you do meet such a mischievous student, I'm afraid your hair will fall out.

Magneto: Oh, I forgot, your hair is long gone. ^_^

Charles Xavier: Eric you............ →_→

Big bones boiled into soup: Xiaoyu is so powerful! She has brains and guts, just like our captain.

Captain Mi Guo: Well, she really has the style of a general, if she is on the battlefield...... You're sure to be a good commander!

Deadpool: Huh, is your captain a woman?

Big bones boiled into soup: Of course it's beautiful, but once the captain puts on a straight face, everyone will be afraid.

Deadpool: Wow, my heart is throbbing again! O(∩_∩)O

John Constantine: You guy, you can really pull anything to a woman.

Tian Xiaoban: ......... Women are very annoying, but ...... This little jade is really cute.

Tian Xiaoban: What if it ...... I wish I had a girlfriend like that. (●—●)

Wanda Maksimov: Huh, what are you thinking?

Tian Xiaoban: I'm just talking casually, what's the matter with you?

Ganata, the Star-Swallowing Daughter: Is this the youthful relationship between a young man and a woman? It's funny......

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: Little class, you ...... You can also rely on the watch to transform, if you let Xiaoyu meet you, it should be very interesting.

Tian Xiaoban: Huh, can we really meet?

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: Boy, I'm just talking about it.

Tian Xiaoban: ............ ╥﹏╥

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On the flying carpet, Jackie Chan looked at the charm in his hand, and his heart suddenly swelled with pride. 】

[Just now, he confronted the terrifying Holy Lord, and not only was he unharmed, but he also knocked that monster away!]

["Dad, Xiaoyu is right, I am indeed a hero!"]

[Jackie Chan stood up and said excitedly:]

["We should go to that castle now, find the history books, and then correct the history!"

["Oops! what are you talking nonsense?"]

[Seeing that Jackie Chan was obviously getting carried away, Dad first knocked his head hard, and then said solemnly:]

["On the fortress of the Uninhabited Continent, there are countless ghost ninjas guarding it, just a few of us...... I can't beat them at all!"

[At this time, Xiao Yu, who is the commander, also nodded with a serious face:]

["Daddy is right, if we want to complete this task, we must gather more people!"]

"We need ...... Dragon Group!"]

[Xiaoyu remembers very clearly, including him and Jackie Chan, there are three other people in the dragon group. 】

[First of all, they came to the territory of the mountain demon Bogang...... Inazuma country. 】

[Xiaoyu came here, naturally looking for Tru!]

[But before finding Tru, Xiaoyu first gave his father a task, which was to let him be responsible for reciting the spell and opening the gate of hell that sealed Bogang!]

[But before Dad could recite the incantation, they were discovered by Bo Gang.] 】

["Daddy! The spell is on page 94 of this book!!"Hurry up and get ready for the ceremony."] "】

[Xiaoyu is not chaotic in the face of danger, and she is calm...... gave Jackie Chan another instruction:]

["Uncle Long, this is a spell for you! Take them to lure away the demons!"]

[This kind of "Sealing Demon Battle", "Second Week" Xiaoyu has seen too much, and she has long been familiar with it!]

[After so many battles, this little girl has grown into a responsible, capable, clear-headed, and well-planned leader!]

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