["Hello! "】

[Looking at the resurrected brother, the Holy Lord walked up directly to greet him, but Zhongsu asked with an unhappy face:]

["Why did it take so long for you to release me?"]

[The Holy Lord pointed at it casually:]

"Of course it's because...... The Jackie Chan who always messes with me!"]


[Zhongsu's eyes flashed, and he immediately stared at Jackie Chan who was standing on the side:]

["He won't have a chance to make trouble for you in the future!"]


[I saw Zhongsu's hand stretched out, and a strong thunderbolt immediately shot out!]


[Watching the strong thunder sweep over, Jackie Chan was suddenly frightened and turned around and ran. 】


[Wherever the thunder of China and the Soviet Union passed, whether it was furniture or walls, they were all smashed to pieces!]

[But by chance, Jackie Chan jumped off a prop wall and landed in a monster holster made of rubber. 】


[With a thunderbolt, Jackie Chan was buried under the wreckage of a wall, and there was no more movement.] 】

[Mistakenly thinking that Jackie Chan had been killed, Zhongsu immediately took the Holy Lord and others and prepared to go to the palace where he used to live. 】

[But after a while......]


[Getting up from the same pile of debris fragments, Jackie Chan took off the monster holster on his body with difficulty. 】

["It's okay...... Rubber is such a great insulator. "】

[It turned out that he had just escaped the thunderous attack of China and the Soviet Union because he was wearing a rubber holster!] 】

[Zhongsu soon discovered that the palace he built thousands of years ago had been bulldozed by humans...... It was also converted into a parking lot!】

[Next, China and the Soviet Union took a fancy to a large theater with an ancient shape, and decided to treat this theater as their new palace. 】

[The most outrageous thing is that when Zhongsu and the Holy Lord and others walked into the palace, the people around them still thought they were actors in casual clothes, and applauded and cheered at them. 】

[In the crowd, Xiaoyu also saw the huge Zhongsu, and hurriedly called Jackie Chan:]

["Uncle Long, that thunder and lightning demon is in the theater, and he's still discharging!"]


[Jackie Chan in the taxi was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly instructed Xiaoyu:]

["Xiaoyu, you just stay there honestly, don't mess around. "】

[Jackie Chan just put down his phone and sat on the other side of the taxi seat...... hugged his arms and said, "Xiaoyu will definitely not be obedient." "】

[Jackie Chan sighed slightly:]

"I know, but I have to say it. "】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Bruce Wayne: That little jade is so disobedient, I'm worried...... Someday, she'll get herself in trouble.

Carol Danvers: I think it's great that I can be an Air Force pilot, and now a superhero...... It's not obedience!

Bruce wayne:............

Big bones boiled into soup: Wow! It turns out that the monster's holster has such a strong defense, not only can it block thunder and lightning, but even the walls can collapse unscathed!

Deadpool: Hahaha, if the real monster was there, it might be able to beat that soda into elementary particles with a single atomic breath!

Big bones boiled into soup: Ah?atomic breath?( ̄△ ̄;)

Deadpool: yes, no one told you? ...... in our group But there is a real big monster - "Godzilla"!

Big Bone Soup: Big Monsters?Isn't it the kind of humans who put on leather cases and pretend to be, but is it real?(⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maximov: Yes, that Godzilla also lives in the human world, but he doesn't hurt humans at will. It's really weird.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! That's cool, I want to see Godzilla too!

Big bones boiled into soup: a big monster that doesn't hurt humans at will!It's incredible......

[At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.] 】

[Image continues.] 】

[After Jackie Chan and others arrived at the scene, Jackie Chan immediately decided to drag Zhongsu in person, while Daddy and Tru went to prepare the magic ceremony. 】

[And then, just like the previous battle, Jackie Chan jumped left and right to attract the attention of Zhongsu, and Daddy recited the spell:]

["Demons and monsters, get out of here...... Demons and monsters get out of ......"]

[Under the guidance of his father, Xiaoyu rang the divine token specially used to seal Zhongsu...... Castanet!]


[I saw two green rays of light from the castanets of Xiaoyu's hands, which just hit Zhongsu!]


[After being hit by the green light, Zhongsu's body flew into the sky, turned into a meteor, and flew all the way back to the original studio, just falling into the gate of hell that had just opened!]

[Under the joint efforts of Jackie Chan's father and Xiaoyu, the thunder and lightning demon Zhongsu was also sealed again, but in the fight just now, the producer's famous car was also destroyed. 】

[Now, Jackie Chan's hard-won opportunity to make a movie...... It's all in vain!]

[Although they have experienced another failure, the Holy Lord still has not given up. 】

[After some time, one of the Holy Lord's thugs spelled out the Panku treasure box again, and released an illusion map. 】

[But no one expected that this time the gate of hell shown on the map was not on the earth, but on the moon!]

[It turns out that what is shown in the Panku treasure box this time is the location of the Hell Gate of the Moon Demon ...... "Curse Blue"!]

[Fortunately, there is now a trip to "fly in space by rocket" on Earth!]

[When the Holy Lord learned about it, he immediately used Wallon's money. I've made a reservation for myself and all of my men!]

[Jackie Chan, under the warning of Sheriff Black, also rushed to the rocket launch base. 】

[But it's a coincidence, the Holy Lord and Jackie Chan...... All of them were filmed by the TV station, and Xiaoyu also saw them through the TV!]

[It took a lot of effort for Jackie Chan to finally mix the rocket at the last moment, so he was not thrown into space. 】

[But Jackie Chan only had time to catch his breath, and a person appeared behind him. 】

["Wow............ You!Xiaoyu, why did you run up?"]

[Looking at Xiao Yu wearing a cosmic suit behind him, Jackie Chan was stunned. 】

["Hehe, that's thanks to the speed of the rabbit charm!"]

[Looking at the startled Jackie Chan, Xiaoyu proudly showed the rabbit charm in his hand. 】

[It turned out that Xiaoyu was watching, and after seeing Jackie Chan and the Holy Lord on TV, she immediately broke into the warehouse of District 13 and stole the rabbit charm. 】

[Then, the little girl broke into the rocket base like a smoke and successfully mixed with the rocket!]

[At the same time, the Holy Lord and them suffered a greater shock than Jackie Chan!]

[It turned out that after the Holy Lord took the mafia and others to the control cabin of the spaceship, he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him. 】

[I saw that in front of the bridge of the spaceship, there was actually a monkey in a space suit!]

[Fortunately, one of the thugs immediately found out that the entire ship was autopilot.] 】

[This monkey is actually just a test subject.] 】

[Meanwhile, on Earth, Sheriff Black and Daddy and Tru broke into the ground console of the space station.] 】

["This is the 7th level order, from now on, this place will be taken over by my men!"]

[However, because Dad is too old, he can't go to space, so he can only let Tru sit on a spare spaceship and go to the universe to pick up Jackie Chan. 】

[After the spaceship docked with the space station, Jackie Chan seized the opportunity and snatched the Panku treasure box from one of the thugs. 】

[Xiao Yu opened the door of the space capsule and threw the treasure box into the universe!]

["What? Damn!"]

[Through the porthole of the space station, the Holy Lord watched the treasure box fly farther and farther in the universe, and immediately became furious! Immediately ordered the Black Tiger Ah Fu to dispatch! Take the treasure box back. 】

[And the rest of the gangsters were assigned by the Holy Lord to catch Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu.] 】

[But Jackie Chan's movements are sensitive, and Xiaoyu is holding a rabbit charm, so they can't even catch a shadow at all!]

[And seeing the black tiger Ah Fu wearing a space suit and chasing into the universe, Jackie Chan hurriedly rushed out of the universe with full armor!]

[In order to compete for the Panku treasure box, these two people ...... A "cosmic fight" started in space!]

["Tiger claws eat pudding!"]

["Turtle Fist!"]

["Sloth kicks!"]

[Black Tiger Ah Fu shouted the name of the powerful move, but in the weightless state, his fist ...... is as slow as a movie in slow motion, and it can't beat Jackie Chan at all. 】

[No one expected that when Jackie Chan and Ah Fu were fighting, the monkey actually rushed out in a space suit and snatched the treasure box. 】

[And at this moment, Xiaoyu stepped on the spacesuit and slipped due to a moment of carelessness...... Lost the rabbit charm, and was also caught by the Holy Lord. 】

Soon, the monkey returned to the space station with the treasure box, and then ...... Under inexplicable circumstances, the gates of hell in the universe were opened!]


[Accompanied by a green light.] From the open gates of hell. Out came a slender monster dressed in ornate robes. 】

[It is the Demon of the Moon...... Curse Blue!]

[And after appearing, Curse Blue immediately made a terrifying statement:]

["Holy Lord, I just want to control the gravitational pull of the moon now and then push it out of the Earth's orbit!"]

[It turns out that as a demon of the moon, Curse Blue has the superpower of controlling powerful gravity!]

[Moreover, it also has a strange attachment and fascination with the moon!wants to use its gravity to control the moon!]

[And Xiaoyu was shocked when she heard this: "If you do this, the earth's environment will be destroyed by you.] "】

["Hey, hey,"]

[Curse Blue sneered when he heard this:]

"If the earth becomes like that, I will like it more. "】


[The gangsters of the Mafia were a little chilled when they heard it:]

["Original...... This demon wants to destroy the earth!"

[And at this moment, Jackie Chan, who was wandering in space, finally rushed to the door of the space station. 】

[Xiaoyu sees this. Hurriedly rushed to the switch and opened the door!]


[Jackie Chan drove the thrusters and rushed in from the outside like a bowling ball!] 】


[The Holy Lord, Ah Fu and the others were all pushed into the garbage disposal bin by Jackie Chan! ] While Xiaoyu simply cut off the connection between the hatches and put the garbage disposal bin ...... Thrown into the universe!]

[Now, the enemies of Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu are only left with the Demon Curse of the Moon. 】

[But this guy...... Probably the strongest of all demons!]

[In the face of Curse Blue, Uncle Long and Xiaoyu didn't dare to confront it head-on, so they could only turn around and run away and hide in the space station. 】

[But in the face of this situation, Curse Blue directly released a big move.] 】

["Let him take a good look at how strong my control over gravity is!"]

["Boom, boom!"]

[Under the gravitational impact of the curse blue, the rotation of the space station stopped, and all artificial gravity disappeared!]


[After the gravity disappeared, Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu all floated!]

[Seeing that the situation was extremely critical, an oxygen cylinder suddenly floated from the side. 】

["Good opportunity!"]

[As soon as he saw this oxygen cylinder, Xiaoyu's smart head immediately came up with another ghost idea. 】

["Look at the move! This is the rabbit charm torpedo!"]

[Xiaoyu stuffed the rabbit charm onto the oxygen cylinder, and then asked Jackie Chan to ...... Push the oxygen cylinder out hard!]


[Under the acceleration of the rabbit charm, this oxygen cylinder shot out at a lightning and thunderous speed, hitting the curse blue in front of it!]


[Curse Blue only had time to let out a muffled snort, and was hit by the oxygen cylinder and flew out and fell into the universe!]

[But Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu, looking through the porthole of the space station, their faces stiffened again. 】

[I saw that the curse blue controlled the gravitational force and let himself fall on the moon!]

[This guy is a demon of the moon!]

[Once he enters the home of the moon, no one knows what will be done. 】


[I saw Curse Blue pressing his hands on the surface of the moon, and a powerful magic force instantly covered the entire moon!]

[This demon actually wants to change the shape of the moon itself!]

["This, we need Daddy's Qi Spell now."] Seeing this terrible scene, Jackie Chan hugged his head and shouted. 】

[Xiaoyu shook her head helplessly:]

["Now that I'm in the universe, where am I going to find the Qi Spell?"]

And at this moment, a red lotus flower suddenly floated between the two of them. 】

["This is ......"]

[When Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu were wondering, a familiar voice came from behind the two of them:]

["This is what the immortals used to defeat the Moon Demon Curse Blue...... Token of the gods!"]

[The two looked back and saw Tru wearing a spacesuit, and he didn't know when he also came to this space station!]

[It turns out that this is Daddy's backup plan!]

[Let Tru replace him and put the gods as tokens...... And the things you need to perform the magic ritual and bring it to the universe!]

[But just as they were about to use the qi spell, Daddy gave instructions through the communicator:]

["Oops, the demon must be within the area of influence of the Qi Spell in order to be expelled!"]


[Jackie Chan was dumbfounded. 】

[Now that the curse blue is on the moon and he is in the space station, how can he get there?]

[And Xiaoyu's smart head melon...... It worked again in time. 】

"Look at this. "】

[Watching Xiaoyu point to ...... The rabbit charm embedded in the oxygen cylinder torpedo, Jackie Chan suddenly became big]

[Next, Jackie Chan directly put the rabbit charm on the spaceship, speeding up the spaceship itself!]


[The speed was instantly increased countless times, and the spacecraft rushed to the moon at an astonishing high speed, and finally landed on the surface of the moon!]

["Xiaoyu, you and Tru are preparing to do magic together, and I'll go out and entangle the curse blue!"

[As usual, Jackie Chan made a division of labor, but as soon as he stepped out of the spaceship, he was caught by Curse Blue. 】

[And at this moment, the father in the earth control tower also recited a spell to the communicator:]

["Demons and monsters leave quickly! Demons and monsters leave quickly!"]

[But surprisingly, the curse blue was still standing in place, not affected at all but sneered:]

["Hahaha, human! If you want to seal me with a god token, you should at least take off your helmet!"]

[It turns out that the divine token that seals the curse blue is the lotus, but this lotus is located in Jackie Chan's spacesuit at the moment!]

["Damn! I'm fighting with you!"]

[Seeing that the entire earth may be threatened, Jackie Chan gritted his teeth, simply held his breath, and took off his oxygen tube. 】


[In an instant, the red lotus flower spewed out of Jackie Chan's oxygen tube and shot straight at the curse blue!]


[Under the urging of qi magic, the petals of the lotus flower are all separated, like magic bullets...... Shot into the body of the curse blue!]


[Under the desperate screams of Curse Blue, his body was completely wrapped in magic and flew into the universe!]

[And the gate of hell also happened to open, and it was swept in!]

[Moon Demon Curse Blue, under Jackie Chan's sacrificial adventure, has finally been sealed!]

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