Captain Mi Guo: Is that so? Those Mafia people have really lived for so long!

Loki Odinson: Hehehe, that's funny, these mortals didn't die of old age, and they were really lucky.

Tian Xiaoban: What's going on? Why can't I understand what you're talking about?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Little class, this is not difficult to understand, the Black Hand Gang with a few gangsters should be in the wormhole of time...... Fall into a farther time and space!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Due to the loss of the crystal ball, they can't travel back again, so they can only slowly ...... Lived to the "modern age".

Rampage Lori Jinx: Looking at the appearance of these unlucky ghosts, I'm just afraid of ...... They're nearly 100 years old! or even older! It's incredible!

Tian Xiaoban: Although I don't understand it very well, that rabbit charm is really amazing!

Tian Xiaoban: Not only is it fast, but it can also travel through time and space, even the flash star can't compare!

Bruce Banner: Ahem, the Rabbit Charm was able to travel through time because it was shot by that Dr. Kepler's ray!

Wanda Maximov: yes, little class. If you really want to travel back in time, maybe you should find a scientist and ask him to shoot at you with a super ray! ^_^

Wanda Maximov: Maybe you can really go back to the Cretaceous and see dinosaurs!

Tian Xiaoban: Looking at dinosaurs?

Little Wanda was originally ridiculing the small class, but when this child heard "dinosaurs", he took it seriously!

Barry Allen, The Flash: Hey, kid, don't be kidding!

Barry Allen, the Flash: Didn't you see it? That little jade can't come back when she goes back to the past! Even if there is such a ray, do you want to live with dinosaurs for the rest of your life?

Tian Xiaoban: Then forget it. My Dinosaur ...... ╥﹏╥

Wanda Maximov: I like robots, I like dinosaurs, boys...... What a strange creature.

Morty: It's incredible, Dad, you were so strong when you were younger.

Daddy: Hehe, never doubt Daddy's words.

Dad: And Dad wasn't young at the time, he was in his 50s......! Those few gangsters, Daddy can kill them all alone.

Hermione Granger: In your 50s? You're so old and you don't know anything about magic? So what are you......

Daddy: Hah, Daddy knows what you want to ask, I started learning magic from Master Fang, and I'm over 60 years old!

Hermione Granger: Started learning magic in your 60s! ( ̄口 ̄)!!

Stephen Strange: Daddy, you're a role model for us and other spell practitioners!

Hearing Daddy's words, all the mages in the group ...... The wizards, all dumbfounded.

When the average person reaches the age of 60, he is almost ready to die!

And this dad is still learning from scratch...... Something so complicated by magic!

The most outrageous thing is that he even learned it!

John Constantine: Good fellow, Dad, I remember seeing in the footage that you created a potion for Jackie Chan that could capture the spell in the Lord's body.

John Constantine: Could it be ...... Did you study alchemy in addition to magic?

Dad: It's not called alchemy, it's called alchemy or alchemy! It took me a lot of time to get to practice.

John Constantine: ............ I'm speechless. (⊙_⊙)

Hermione Granger: Dad, you're really my idol! I'm going to study as hard as you do and become an amazing wizard!

And in the ...... of the crowd When I was shocked by my father's achievement, a new image appeared on the screen.

[On this day, in the base of the Mafia. 】

[The statue of the Holy Lord is complaining to Valon again, saying that he doesn't know when...... to be able to collect all the spells. 】

And at this moment, suddenly two thugs walked in with a newspaper. 】

[Glancing at the newspaper from a distance, the tone of the Holy Lord immediately changed:]

["You two come closer, show me the back of that newspaper again!"]

[When he saw the statue on the back of the newspaper, the Holy Lord was obviously shocked. 】

"It's really ...... Statue of Lope!"]

[It turned out that this man named Luo Pei was the one who sealed the Holy Lord and put the 12 spells in his body...... Mages scattered all over the world!]

[However, the "Lope" published in the newspaper is just a statue made of clay. 】

[Varon grabbed the newspaper and looked carefully at the photo of the statue, and found that there seemed to be a strange inscription engraved on the statue's leg. 】

[As soon as the Holy Lord heard this, he immediately issued an order:]

["These runes may also contain information related to other charms. "】

["So...... Bring me that clay statue with you!"

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Hermione Granger: Lope?

Daddy: Daddy used to read his name in an old book.

Daddy: Luo Pei is a mage of the Ancient Lin Dynasty, and his strength is said to be very strong!

Daddy: Unexpectedly, he is the one who seals the Holy Lord.

Stephen Strange: Daddy, no! I remember you said before that the people who sealed the Lord were legendary immortals...... Lu Dongbin!

Stephen Strange: But in the video just now, the Holy Lord said it himself...... It was Lope who sealed him in the stone statue and scattered the 12 charms all over the place!

Wanda Maximov: yes, Dad! I guess you're mistaken!

Daddy: Don't doubt Daddy's words!

Daddy: It is very clear in the ancient book that Lu Dongbin sealed the Holy Lord.

Daddy: But it doesn't seem to be written in the book...... How exactly is it sealed.

Bruce Wayne: I see! I think, it should be.

Bruce Wayne: The Holy Lord has been sealed twice, once by Lu Dongbin and once by Lope!

Wanda Maximov: Hahaha! I'm laughing at it, I've been sealed so many times! This dragon head monster still wants to rule the world?

Wanda Maximov: Who gave them courage?

Daddy: Don't underestimate the Holy Lord!

Daddy: Whether it's Lu Dongbin or Luo Pei, they are just seals, and they didn't kill the Holy Lord because they were worried...... The evil that hides behind the Holy Lord!

Wanda Maximov: Huh? What's that?


While the group was arguing, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Even the Holy Lord didn't expect that this statue of Lope, which was on display in the museum, was being sent to Daddy's antique shop at the moment, and Daddy was responsible for translating the inscription on the statue. 】

[But just when Daddy was seriously translating, Xiaoyu rushed in from outside on a scooter. 】


[Xiaoyu, who rushed into the antique store, hit the statue of Lope head-on, knocking the statue to the ground.] 】

[Jackie Chan's face changed: "Xiaoyu, what are you doing?"

["Uncle Long, I think you did something?"

[Since he did something wrong, Xiaoyu actually beat him up:]

["You put a lump of garbage on the floor and almost caused me to fall."] "】

[Jackie Chan wanted to cry without tears when he heard it. 】

"It's not rubbish, it's a priceless antique! I borrowed it from the museum with some difficulty."] "】

["Uh...... I'm just kidding. Xiao Yu walked up to the statue with an embarrassed face, and wanted to say something, but in the next moment, the entire statue of Lope shattered! 】

[Next, the gangsters of the Mafia first went to the museum, but they didn't find the statue, and then they came to the daddy antique store. 】

[But even here, they did not see the shadow of the statue.] 】

[It turned out that in order to make up for her mistakes, Xiaoyu, who was in trouble, collected all the fragments of the statue and brought them to District 13. 】

[After entering Area 13, Xiaoyu first went to the warehouse and stole the horse charm stored here, and then used the power of the horse charm to ...... the statue fragments It's back to its original appearance!]

["Great, Uncle Long should be satisfied now. "】

[Next, Xiaoyu wants to find out the secret of the inscription on the statue's leg to further please Daddy and Jackie Chan.] 】

[But she's not an archaeologist either, so she can't read it at all.] 】

[However, Xiaoyu's brain hole is indeed extraordinary. 】

[In order to decipher the inscription, she actually ...... from the storeroom Took out the rat charm!]

[Xiaoyu is ready to resurrect Lope, and then go and ask him directly!]

["Turn stillness into movement!"]

[Xiao Yu raised the rat charm, and then the next moment. The spell flew into the statue! and finally the entire statue ...... They all radiate a brilliant light!]


[Xiao Yu's eyes were closed with a flickering light, and when she opened her eyes again, she saw only the statue...... has become a living person!]


[This fighter who once sealed the Holy Lord has really come back to life!]

["Where is this?"]

[Lope, who has changed from a statue to a human, was a little chaotic at first. 】

[But soon, he noticed the horse charm in Xiaoyu's hand.] 】

"There are other spells, and they are not far from here. "】

"But how? I didn't put these spells...... Are they all scattered around the world?"]

[Sensing the existence of the spell, Luo Pei came directly to the secret room where the spell state was stored in Area 13:]

["Energy Scroll!"]

[I saw a scroll fly out of Luo Pei's sleeve and robe and open it, shooting out a green light from it!]


[The doors of the 13th Chambers are made of sturdy alloy, but they are ...... I was completely shattered by this beam!]

["There are so many charms gathered here!, but many are missing!"]

["The rat charm and the dog charm are gone. "】

[Looking at the spells stored by Area 13, Loppe immediately made a decision:]

"I have to make sure these charms ...... It will not fall into the hands of those who are most evil!"

[Lope directly took all the charms collected by Jackie Chan and stored in Area 13.] 】

[Then, he used the "Energy Scroll" to blast a big hole in the ceiling and flew out directly. 】

[And after the bald sheriff Black saw this scene, he thought that Loppe was a minion of the Mafia, and Xiaoyu was the one who wanted to stop him. 】

[After hearing all this, Xiao Yu didn't dare to tell the truth, so she could only smile awkwardly...... Bowed his head. 】

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Big bones boiled into soup: I ...... I read it wrong!

Big bones boiled into soup: That clay statue actually came to life!∑( ̄△ ̄*||

Daddy: Daddy was shocked, too!

Daddy: It's a rat charm! This is the power to turn stillness into movement, to turn still life into a living thing!

Bruce Wayne: It's amazing how your clay statue has not only become a living person, but can also perform magic!

Daddy: Luo Pei was originally a strong man in both magic and martial arts! Whether it was magic or fighting skills, he was the most powerful in his time!

Tony Stark: Not only can you resurrect statues, but you can also perfectly replicate the abilities of the opponent!

Tony Stark: It's incredible!

Bruce Wayne: I'm thinking about it now...... Would it be ...... if I made a statue of Clark and put all the rat charms in it? Can you get a Superman?

Clark Kent: ??? Bruce, what are you going to do with me?

Bruce Wayne: I'm just using an analogy, don't overthink it.

Clark Kent: It's hard for me not to think too much about you...... →_→

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Daddy, did Jackie Chan get the Rat Charm?

Daddy: I've gotten it, and now, along with other spells, it's being stored in District 13.

Wanda Maximov: It's so interesting, if ...... If only I could get one of these charms!

Big Bones into Soup: Able to put together broken clay statues and turn them into living people!

Big bones into soup: Is this the magic of another world...... (O_O)

At this moment, Da Gu only felt that his three views had been subverted.

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After Jackie Chan learned that Xiaoyu had an accident, he looked for Lope everywhere and wanted to get the charm back. 】

[In the end, although Jackie Chan found this resurrected clay man, he couldn't convince him at all. 】

["You actually dare to ask for a Saint Seiya...... Hand over the spell in your hand!"]

[Seeing that after hearing Uncle Long's request, Luo Pei mistakenly thought that he was a wrongdoer who wanted to snatch the charm, so he directly unfolded his spell and beat Uncle Long out of the air. 】

["Energy Scroll!"]

["Boom, boom!boom!"]

[Facing Lope, who floats in the air with the magic power of the scroll, and then constantly releases green "light cannons", Jackie Chan can only escape everywhere with his agile skills, and he has no power to fight back at all!]

["Oops!"] 】

[However, Lope did not hurt Jackie Chan's life, but threw him into a cell and locked him up. 】

[The gangsters of the Mafia Gang...... Seeing all this from afar, he hurriedly ran back and informed the Holy Lord and Varon. 】

[Varon laughed when he heard this:]

Isn't that ironic, the man who turned you into a statue in the first place is now a living person. "】

["Shut up!"]

[The Holy Lord first scolded Varon, and then immediately came up with a cunning idea. 】

[That is, let these gangsters dress up as ancient saints and deceive Lope!]

[And at this moment, Xiaoyu also found Luo Pei, but even if she tried her best, she couldn't convince this statue that thought she was a "Saint Seiya". 】

[But just when Xiaoyu was full of helplessness, three men in strange costumes suddenly appeared in front of them. 】

"Hello! "】

[The three thugs in ancient clothes began to tell Luo Pei all kinds of rhetoric:]

["We, like you, are also the saints of the Lin Dynasty!"]

["Just look at our clothes!"]

PS: After the adventures of Jackie Chan, it's Ultraman Tiga! ^_^

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