In the live broadcast room, everyone looked at each other, and their eyes were full of astonishment.

From the previous images, they have vaguely guessed that these so-called "Autobots" should be Transformers...... Favor the good side.

His own compatriots were captured by aliens and may be dismantled for experiments, but because he doesn't want to hurt humans on Earth, he won't be saved?

This can no longer be described as "kindness"!

The most outrageous thing is that in Optimus Prime's words, he seems to ...... Already see Bumblebee as a dead man!

Is there really such a Virgin in the world?

And, or an alien robot?

"I think the programs of these Autobots may be ...... when they are made I made some special settings. "

Tony frowned and said:

"If that's the case, it can explain Optimus Prime's actions. "


Young Master Wayne said thoughtfully:

"These Autobots ...... Are they all set to not harm alien intelligent races?

Tony spread his hands indifferently:

"Who knows, but for now, they do to humanity...... It's too good to be too good. "

Hearing this, most of the rest of the people in the live broadcast room nodded secretly.

Although intellectually, they know...... Optimus Prime didn't want to hurt the earthlings, but this ruthless sacrifice of Bumblebee still made everyone a little frightened.


This is, Loki suddenly snorted coldly again:

"How these Autobots don't want to hurt humans, I think...... It's better to be a servant of the human race and let them do it!"

"In this way, they can do good deeds without harming humans, which is really a double win. "

"Uh...... Wouldn't it?"

Hearing Loki's spicy sarcasm, even Tian Xiaoban, who had always been ignorant, instinctively shook his head.

As a boy, Xiaoban also likes robots very much, so when he saw Optimus Prime and others appear, he was so excited that his face turned red.

Therefore, he is particularly unacceptable...... The "prospect" described by Rocky.

Isn't it good to be a friend of humans with such a powerful and handsome robot?

How is it possible to go and be a servant?

Just when Tian Xiaoban looked puzzled, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

Sam and his girlfriend Michaela were taken to a space beneath the Ho Buddha Dam by those of the mysterious organization. 】

[Deep underground, they finally saw an iron giant frozen in ice...... Megatron. 】

[It turns out that thousands of years ago, when Megatron entered the Arctic Circle, he was affected by gravity, causing him to fall into the ice and finally freeze. 】

[Later, because Sam's great-great-grandfather discovered it, Megatron fell into the hands of the Rice people.] 】

["What we see now is the origin of modern technology!"]

[A secret service leader, standing in front of the frozen Megatron, said triumphantly:]

["Microchip, laser, spaceship, and even a car......"]

["It's all from the reverse engineering research of this robot."] "】

["Without him, there would be no scientific civilization we have now!"]

[Moreover, in addition to Megatron, under this dam, there is even a source of fire stored in it!]

[Next, these agents ...... It brought Sam and the others to a huge cube like a building!]

["Our agency, called Sector 7, and the first generation of Sector 7 agents, discovered this cube in 1913. "】

"We know that it comes from an alien planet, because the pattern on this cube is exactly the same as that of the frozen giant. "】

["It is precisely in order to cover up the energy waves emitted by this cube that President Ho Fo built this dam on it, using cement as thick as four football fields!"]

[But these District 7 agents, never dreamed that along with Sam and others, the Decepticon agents were "confused" and also mixed into the underground of the dam!]

[After seeing the source of the fire hidden here, the confusion immediately notified...... Decepticons currently lurking on Earth ......]

["The location of the source of the fire has been discovered!"]

["Got it!"]

[Soon, as Megatron's number one lieutenant, the Red Spider, who turned into a fighter, launched a rally order against the Decepticons on Earth. 】

["I'm the Red Spider!All the Decepticons assemble!Seize the source of the fire!"]

[On the highway, a speeding police car responded:]

["The barricades are already on the road!"]

[In the middle of nowhere, a huge Tank crashes over a barbed wire! 】

["Come and report for duty with noise!"]

["The bulldozer has departed!"]

["Vertigo is coming!"]

[In the communication channel of the Decepticons, the cheers one after another condensed into one sentence:]

["Long live Megatron!"]

[And among all these Decepticons, the Red Spider, which transformed into an F22 fighter, was the fastest, and the first one reached the dam!]

["Click...... Click...... Cha...... Boom!"]

[In an instant, the fighter transformed into a hideous and ugly robot. 】

["Red Spiders Attack!"]

[After turning into a human form, the Red Spider immediately opened fire on the electric field around the dam, destroying the dam's power supply system. 】

[Due to the lack of electricity, the air conditioner at the bottom of the dam began to shut down, and the ice on Megatron's body ...... It also gradually melted. 】

[Not only that, but the confusion that had already infiltrated the underground of the dam ran to the computer room and began to operate the computer to further thaw Megatron!]

[Soon, under the attack of the Red Spider and the confused inside and outside, the refrigeration unit for Megatron was completely shut down. 】

[In this terrible situation, the agents of District 7 finally relented. 】

[They take Sam to Bumblebee's side, and Sam convinces Bumblebee and relies on it...... The huge source of fire has shrunk into a small piece of "Rubik's Cube"!]

[And at this moment, the frozen Megatron...... A red light flashed in his eyes!]


[After thousands of years of ice, the leader of the Decepticons finally let out a roar of freedom:]

["I'm Megatron!"]

["Boom Boom ......"]

[The ice device in the underground warehouse was completely destroyed by the angry Megatron, and countless employees of District 7 are frantically fleeing for their lives!]


[Immediately after, Megatron transformed into an alien flying machine and flew directly out of the dam!]

["Click...... Click...... Cha...... Boom!"]

[Under the blue sky outside, Megatron changed into a human form again, and roared domineeringly:]

["Where is the source of the fire?"]

["I will always be loyal to you, respected Megatron!"]

[The red spider hurriedly came up and said cautiously:]

["The source of the spark was taken away by humans. "】


[Megatron's mechanical face also revealed a look of hatred for iron and steel:]

["You've let me down again, Red Spider!"]

["Find those people for me!"]

[At the same time, Sam and Bumblebee, who were holding the Rubik's Cube, were also on the highway and joined Optimus Prime and the others who rushed here. 】

[But it didn't take long for the barricades, bulldozers...... Wait for the Decepticons to catch up too!]

["Click...... Click...... Cha...... Boom!"]

[On the main road, the "bulldozer" directly transformed into a giant robot, and rushed straight over without any scruples!]


[Seeing the enemy's fierce attack, Optimus Prime also turned into a human form from a large truck and met the bulldozer head-on!]


[The collision of two Transformers destroyed the nearby overpass!]

[And in the face of the bulldozer, after a few moves, Optimus Prime directly flashed a golden-red blade from his right arm!]


[In an instant, Optimus Prime slashed with precision...... Stabbed into the head of the bulldozer and killed the Decepticon in one move!]

[This is the commander of the Autobots!]

[The Power of Optimus (Prime)!]

[And just as Optimus Prime took out the bulldozer, Bumblebee and the rest of the Autobots.] Also rushed to a nearby city. 】

[But the red spider incarnated as F22 has appeared in the sky above the city!]


[Aiming at the Autobots on the ground, the red spider did not hesitate, and directly released a series of flying... Bounce!]

["Boom...... Ryu!"]

[The terrifying explosion was deafening, and the entire street was blown up by the explosion!]


[Ironhide and Bumblebee, all of them were rushed out by the power of the explosion, and they rolled out of the ground in a row!]

[Due to the damage caused by the explosion, the bumblebee fell to the ground and couldn't even stand up for a while!]

[The destructive power of the red spider is so strong!]

And at this moment, as if the situation was not bad enough, the noise of the Tank car was also amazing...... Crushed all the way from the main road!]

[Fortunately, at this critical moment, the Autobots "Hengcannon" and "Jazz" also arrived at the scene!]

["Decepticons! Look at my awesomeness!"]

[The "horizontal artillery" rushed directly to the noisy body and started a hand-to-hand battle with him! And the "ambulance" also rushed to help, and the battle was won or lost for a while. 】

[But in the next second......]


[A steel giant taller than all the Decepticons suddenly fell from the sky!


[That is, when they saw this steel giant, the ambulance and others were shocked. 】

["It's Megatron coming, retreat, everyone retreat!"

[The horizontal cannon escaped a little slower, and was bombarded to the ground by Megatron, and the whole person was shocked and flew out, looking embarrassed. 】


[Immediately afterwards, Megatron changed into the form of an alien plane, and directly took the Autobot "Jazz" hostage and flew to a high-rise building. 】

"Megatron! you're nothing remarkable. "】

[Although he has fallen into the hands of the enemy, Jazz is still unforgiving. 】

[And looking at the Autobot who was trampled under his feet, Megatron did not hesitate, and directly grabbed Jazz with both hands and tore it left and right!]


[Jazz's body...... was torn in half by Megatron!]

[The leader of the Decepticons is so powerful!]

[Even Optimus Prime's lieutenant was killed by him in an instant!]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Morty: I'll go! Whether it's Optimus Prime or Megatron, these two guys are so strong!

Big bones boiled into soup: yes, ordinary Transformers, if you face them, you will die!

Nick Fury: It seems that Optimus Prime is the only one who can win against Megatron.

Rocky Odinson: Hahaha! If you say it the other way around, it's the same thing!

Tian Xiaoban: Well, why do these robots have to fight? They are all people from the same planet! They should be able to live in peace.

Robert Killiman: Kid, it's not uncommon for wars to happen, even between people.

Seeing this, Kiliman can finally be sure that these mechanical lifeforms, known as "Autobots", are indeed a group of benevolent beings.

"Hmm...... Good Autobots and evil Decepticons?"

"No! That's too simplistic. "

Kiriman pondered for a moment, and quickly made his own judgment.

In his opinion, the Decepticons are a group of unscrupulous people who want to maintain their own survival no matter what.

And the survival goal of the Autobots seems to be to fight against the Decepticons, or rather...... Save other intelligent races in the universe.

"According to Tony earlier, the thinking patterns of these mechanical lifeforms may have been set 'at the factory'. "

"So...... Who is the 'Creator' who made them, is it also a mechanical lifeform, or is it ......?"

Just as Killiman was lost in thought, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Due to the arrival of the Decepticon Megatron, the Autobots suddenly fell into an absolute disadvantage, and at this moment, a large red truck also drove into the battlefield. 】

["Optimus Prime! you're here!"]

[As if telepathically, Megatron was the first to notice the existence of Optimus Prime!]


[Megatron transforms into an alien fighter in an instant, and then crashes straight into Optimus Prime, and the two crash into a building together!]

["Bang bang bang!"

[The entire building was hit by these two powerful Transformers. 】

[Next, Megatron and Optimus Prime entered hand-to-hand combat!]

[Megatron roars loudly as he fights:]

["Humanity is not worth your saving!"]

[Optimus Prime sneered: "They also have the right to live!"]

["Haha! Then you will die with them!"]

[These two Transformers leaders have fought each other too many times, and they are very familiar with each other's fighting methods. 】

[Megatron found an opportunity to throw Optimus Prime far away, and then put his hands together and turned into an alien giant gun!]


[Optimus Prime struck first and hit Megatron with one shot, and Megatron also used the giant spear that had just been fused to hit Optimus Prime with a backhand blow, knocking Optimus Prime flying!]

[When these two strongest Transformers were fighting, Sam was holding the source of fire and desperately trying to escape from the battlefield!]

Immediately after, the system's emotionless voice rang out.

【New Q&A starts!】

[Question: Who killed Decepticon leader Megatron?]

[This question is a special question, and all people in the live broadcast room and chat group can answer it.] 】

[Please start answering! Everyone only has one chance to answer]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty!]

PS: After the end of the Transformers series, it will be Tiga, Warhammer 40000, Jackie Chan Adventures, and Demon Chapter!

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