in the live broadcast room.

"Wow, it's turned into a steering wheel, it's a bit like a Transformer. "

Looking at the shapeshifter on the screen, little Wanda also screamed in surprise.

Living with Tony, the little girl has of course seen Megatron transform into an airplane.

Hearing Xiao Wanda's words, Tian Xiaoban seemed to have forgotten the previous dispute, and hurriedly asked curiously:


Glancing at Xiaoban with some disgust, little Wanda said casually:

"It's a living ...... A robot that can transform!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Wanda suddenly stood up a little proudly.

"The Transformer I know can transform into airplanes and spaceships!"

As a boy, of course Xiaoban loves robots!

"...... which can become a spaceship Living robots, so handsome!"

So as soon as he heard Xiao Wanda's words, Xiao Ban's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes lit up with little stars.

"What's so good about a living robot?"

Little Wanda shook her head:

"It's just a cold machine, compared to ...... Your watch is much more interesting. "

Looking at the green "little broken watch" that Xiao Ban was carrying on his left hand, Xiao Wanda's eyes also showed some envy.

She appreciates ...... more than Transformers This watch!

It's exciting to be able to transform yourself into all kinds of strange aliens!


Looking at little Wanda's eyes looking at Omnitrix, Tony Slark also sighed secretly.

Since getting that Necronomicon book, little Wanda's personality seems to have become more and more strange, and ...... I love those weird creatures more and more!

Warhammer World, Planet Cous.

"A living robot? Is this artificial intelligence...... Or is it an alien alien?"

Killiman looked at the picture-in-picture in the lower right corner of the screen, his brow twitching slightly, and it quickly returned to its original state.

"Are these human beings fearless because of ignorance?"

More than 10,000 years ago, human civilization developed to an unimaginable level!

Due to the rapid development of science and technology, human beings have gradually put all their labor, as well as the vast majority of work, ...... It's all handed over to a robot controlled by artificial intelligence!

According to the records in the history books that remained, human beings at that time had almost completely ruled the entire galaxy.

All alien races, either forced to conclude a peace treaty with them, or ...... It can only be conquered, or destroyed!

That era, known to later generations as the Dark Ages, was also called the Golden Age!

However, such a dazzling, unprecedentedly prosperous and prosperous world of mankind was finally destroyed in the hands of mankind itself.

Or rather, it was destroyed in the creation of man.

Artificial intelligence.

In order to make robots better serve humans, humans have created extremely efficient artificial intelligence.

Later, humans tried to ...... Use artificial intelligence to manage the entire human society!

But for unknown reasons, humans have created artificial intelligence...... In the end, he chose to betray his creator!

Under the control of artificial intelligence, all the robots are built·· It's the other way around.

A war between humans and robots broke out.

Although humanity won the victory against the robots after spending unimaginable and terrible costs, the galactic empire established by humans began to fall apart.

Since then, AI technology has been completely banned by humanity.

Creating a robot with the ability to think is a felony!

It is precisely because of his understanding of this history that Kiliman is particularly incomprehensible, and these people in the live broadcast room ...... Appreciation and envy for intelligent robots!

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The transformation monster transformed by Xiaoban not only has the ability to transform, but also has extremely strong strength, and it is easy to defeat those robbers. 】

[But then, Xiaoban got a "bad news" from his grandfather. 】

[They are about to go to Aunt Vera's...... Spend some time!】

["No, that boring old woman!

[No matter how Xiaoban lamented, as a child, he could only obediently follow his grandfather to his aunt's house. 】

[But when Grandpa's camper drove into my aunt's neighborhood, Xiaoban inadvertently ...... through the window I saw an incredible scene. 】

[An old man with white hair actually did a backflip from the roof and landed on the ground steadily!

[But when he told Xiaowen about this, Xiaowen scoffed, and even used the water spray gun in his hand to tease Xiaoban when he got out of the car. 】

[After meeting his aunt, Xiaoban suddenly felt extremely bored, so he could only find an excuse and hide in the bathroom. 】

["Those old people are so boring, I must escape!"]

[Seeing the little broken watch that was already full of transformation energy, Xiao Ban suddenly had a plan. 】

[He first pressed the button on the watch strap and raised the control screen.] 】

[Immediately after, the small class began to choose the object of transformation.] 】


[At the moment of pressing the button, a green light suddenly enveloped Xiao Ban's whole body!, transforming him into a qualitative and intangible, like an enlarged version of the ghost's monster!]

[This is a ghost!]

[This ghost transformation is not only able to become invisible, but can even penetrate solid objects, including walls!]

[After teasing Xiaowen for a while, Ghost Xiaoban immediately left his aunt's house and came outside. 】

"There must be something fun to do here. "】

[The ghost class looked left and right, and suddenly saw an electric golf cart. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the old people in this neighborhood were all shocked to see it...... A golf cart with no one driving, galloping down the road!]

["Hehe! that's funny."] "】

[While driving, Xiaoban suddenly smelled the aroma of apple pie, so he stopped the car and came to the window of a house. 】

[Just as he found the apple pie, he saw an old woman in the window beating flies with a fly swatter. 】

[But when the flies stopped on the ceiling, this old woman turned out to be like a frog...... He jumped to the ceiling as well, and when he opened his mouth, he swallowed the fly in his stomach!]

["No, old woman ninja!"]

[Seeing such a strange scene, the ghost class ...... His eyes widened in shock. 】

[Shocked by the sight in front of him, Xiaoban lost his appetite and turned around to leave. 】

[But at this moment, he suddenly found that an old man also drove an electric car over. 】

[But just in time, I ran into an electric sprinkler on the grass to sprinkle water!] 】


[Seeing the splash of water, the old man seemed to see a ghost, and hurriedly manipulated the electric car to dodge desperately. 】

["What the hell does this old guy want to do?"]

[Seeing the old man's strange movements, the ghost shadow class was curious again, so he followed. 】

[I saw that after the old man came to his destination, he stopped the car, his legs suddenly became several meters longer, and he directly crossed a wire door!]

"This hellish place is getting weirder and weirder. "】

[Although Xiaoban was a little scared, because he had transformed into an invisible ghost, he still passed through the wire door with confidence, ready to continue to follow the old man. 】

[But he didn't expect that in the next moment, a red light suddenly lit up on his body. 】

["Di Di Di!"

["Oh no! It's time to transform!"]

[Before Xiaoban could react, his body changed from a ghost to a child.] 】

[And the most terrifying thing is...... The old man not far away was standing in place, his head turned 180 degrees at once, and he looked at the little class behind him!]

["Oh my God!"]

[Seeing the old man make such an "inhuman" action, Xiaoban was suddenly frightened, desperately turned his head and climbed up the wire door, and fled as if he was dead. 】

[After escaping to the street, Xiaoban first got into the old man's electric car and prepared to escape back to his aunt's house. 】

[No one expected that the old man who was chasing after him...... His hands stretched out several meters, and he grabbed the railing of the electric car and pulled the car back. 】

["Let go of me!"]

[In a panic, Xiaoban noticed the golf club in the electric car, and quickly picked up one and hit the old man's hand hard. 】


[The old man let go in pain, and Xiaoban hurriedly accelerated, but the old man desperately jumped on the roof of the electric car again!]


[Under the threat of the old man, Xiaoban didn't drive the car well for a while, and the whole car overturned on the side of the road!]

[As soon as Xiaoban climbed out of the car, he was grabbed by the old man's outstretched "rubber arm". 】

["Wow! no!"]

[Xiaoban desperately wants to transform, but the transformation energy has not been accumulated enough, and it is about to be in danger. 】

[At this moment, the sprinkler on the nearby lawn suddenly operated.] 】

["Boom la la ......"]


[Seeing that the splash was about to be sprinkled on himself, the old man was suddenly shocked, threw down the small class, and fled as if he was dead. 】

[Looking at the fleeing monster, Xiaoban breathed a sigh of relief in shock:]

"This guy ...... Are you afraid of water?"]

[Xiaoban hurriedly fled back to his aunt's house and told his grandfather and Xiaowen about the strange things he had encountered. 】

[Listening to what Xiaoban said seemed to be true, Grandpa decided to go to the old man's house to see for himself. 】

[After going to see it, I didn't find anything unusual, so Xiaoban had to go back to my aunt's house and sleep honestly. 】

[On the morning of the second day, Xiaoban accidentally discovered that my aunt not only became in a trance, but also extremely afraid of water!]

["Oh no, she's become like that weird old man!"]

[Finding that the situation was not right, and they couldn't count on their grandfather anymore, Xiaoban and Xiaowen decided to sneak in...... The tunnel door that the old man wanted to enter yesterday!]

[Just halfway through, Xiaoban and Xiaowen met the old man...... Suddenly launched an attack on them!]

[Xiaoban and Xiaowen had just escaped to a street corner when they met their grandfather. 】

["Hehe, small class...... Follow me and you'll be fine. "】

[Grandpa has a weird smile on his face, and then ...... His hands stretched out several meters!]

[This grandfather turned out to be a monster too!]


[Xiaoban turned around and ran with Xiaowen, but as soon as he ran onto the road, he saw a few old people lifting a car...... Smashed at them!]


[Xiaoban and the two finally escaped the crushing of the car, but they didn't die...... This car actually crushed that "monster grandpa" underneath!]

[In the next moment, a pile of green slime-like substance suddenly emerged from the bottom of the car, and with a whirl in the air, it turned into the appearance of grandpa!]

[It turns out that these old men are not only not human, but also a slime monster!]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Hermione Granger: Shapeshifters, these old men are shapeshifters!

Hermione Granger: But I've never heard of this slimy shapeshifter!

Wanda Maximov: Hahaha! It's so funny, these monsters are all rubber people, don't you think ...... What does it have to do with Reed Richards? ^_^

Reed Richards: ............ I'm still a human being, not a slime monster. (▼へ▼メ)

Agent J: Wait a minute, could these old men all be aliens?

Agent J: It's like...... The Zerg alien I encountered before.

Wanda Maximov: No, the big bug you ran into peeled off human skins and used them as clothes...... Wear it on the outside.

Wanda Maximov: There's no resemblance to this slime shapeshifter.

Agent J: Ahem, I just said...... The slime could just be aliens.

Robert Killman: Putting the Human Skin ...... Alien bugs draped over the body?

Robert Killiman: Did you destroy this alien alien?

Agent J: Well, I blasted it to pieces with my own hands and saved the galaxy.

Robert Killiman: Well done! There is absolutely no mercy on this alien alien that is harmful to humanity.

Agent J: Uh...... Thank you for your affirmation.

Tian Xiaoban: What should I do? If Grandpa really turns into an alien monster...... (ㄒoㄒ)

Robert Killiman: Young man, don't panic, no matter how strong these alien enemies are, at least ...... You know the details of them by now!

Robert Killiman: With enough intelligence, you only need to plan for it, and even enemies who are much stronger than you may not be defeated!

Tian Xiaoban: Ah...... I don't understand much, but what you say makes a lot of sense.

Captain Rice: This Mr. Killiman is right!

Even if the aliens do come, you will have the equipment to transform into them, which is much stronger than the average person!

Tian Xiaoban: Okay! If I really run into these weird slime monsters, see that I don't become a four-handed overlord and break them all!(╬ ̄ ̄)=○

Jerome Valeska: Sigh, this kid's brain really doesn't work.

Tian Xiaoban: Huh? (⊙o⊙)

Captain Mikoku: Xiaoban, you already know the weaknesses of these monsters, so you should attack them!

Tian Xiaoban: Yes, I remember, it's water! They are afraid of water!

Tian Xiaoban: Xiaowen, that guy always seems to have a water spray gun next to him! That's a special weapon for slime monsters!

Just when Xiaoban suddenly realized, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the face of those monster old men's pressing step by step, Xiaoban finally accumulated enough transformation energy at the last moment!]


[A yellow light flashed, and the little spot turned into a super beast that had no eyes, but could hear and locate through sonar!]

[With a casual effort, the super beast removed the trash can pressed against the entrance of the tunnel. 】

[Then, it carried Xiaowen into the tunnel together.] 】

[But in the tunnel, the super beast Xiaoban encountered that "monster grandfather" again!]


[Two monsters, just in a hollow in the ground!]

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