in the live broadcast room.

Looking at the appearance of little Wanda jumping to his feet, Tony Stark sighed slightly in his heart and didn't say anything.

Based on his experience, Tony quickly judged...... Why did the little spider do this?

First of all, it must be because of Peter Parker's kind nature, he can't bear to see these supervillains sent back to die.

But beyond that, there's ......

At this moment, Loki suddenly sneered:

"It's really wonderful, that woman named Aunt Mei wants to kill her nephew?"

Everyone looked back at Loki, only to see him spread his hands and say nonchalantly:

"The one named Peter the Kid is not a pure idiot. "

"At first, he also wanted to send these visitors from the other world back. "

"But what did that Aunt May say to him? She said that Peter did it purely for himself, that he was too selfish!"

In the end, the irony in Loki's tone was undisguised:

"This woman, she doesn't even ask whether these people are good or bad, whether they will cause harm to others, and just wants to keep them?"

"What kind of thinking is this? Are all earthlings so stupid?"

"He's so kind-hearted, just invite these criminals home!"

Hear Loki's sarcasm. Little Wanda was a little angry at first, but after thinking about it, she gritted her teeth with hatred and muttered in a low voice.

"This idiot ......"

She remembered very well that after the Green Goblin Osborne appeared, he directly threw out a Green Goblin bomb, causing a sea of fire on the bridge!

This act alone proves that this guy is definitely a dangerous criminal!

And what Doctor Octopus did, not to mention.

Peter Parker's kid may really be dazed by Aunt May's words! Even these evil criminals must be saved!

At this time, Bruce Wayne suddenly whispered:

"Not all of these people are incurable bad people. "

"That 'sandman' obviously still has a conscience, and Peter even fought alongside him!"

"His final decision to save people may have something to do with it. "

"This ......"

Hearing this, Xiao Wanda was also deflated, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Peter, this kid...... It's really a bad guy!

Now I can only hope that what he did will not make any mistakes......

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After snatching the box of Emperor Weishan, Spider-Man hurriedly left the basement with Ned and MJ. 】

[Doctor Strange, who was imprisoned in an invisible cage, was surprised at first, and then shook his head with some regret:]

"So I never wanted children. "】

[Spider-Man held the box of Emperor Weishan in his hand, and the first one rushed out of the Supreme Sanctuary. 】

[But when he swept away the spider silk and tried to escape, the light of the portal suddenly flashed in front of him.] 】


[Before the little spider came to her senses, she was ...... by the portal It was passed back to the door of the sanctuary again. 】

[Doctor Strange's face showed the affection of watching a child mess around, and said lightly:]

"Give me the box."] "】


[The little spider wanted to shoot a magic beam at Doctor Strange again, but as soon as she reached out, she found that the magic on her arm armor had disappeared!]

[Seeing that the situation is not good, Spider-Man wants to use spider silk to escape again, but Doctor Strange unfolds his magic whip and pulls him over with a wave of his hand.] 】


[Doctor Strange didn't plan to talk nonsense with this little ghost anymore, and slapped Spider-Man directly in front of him, and beat Peter Parker's soul out of his body!]

[This is the true biography of the ancient one, the soul master!]

[In the future timeline, even Hulk Hulk couldn't withstand the blow of the Ancient One Mage, and was brutally beaten into a spirit!]

["Oh my God!

[Suspended in the air as a spirit, Peter Parker was so frightened that he almost "lost his soul". 】

["You're not dead, you're just a spirit separated. "】

[Doctor Strange still has room to say this to Peter's spirit, and then reaches for the box.] 】

[But in the next moment, the unthinkable happened.] 】


[Obviously he has lost his soul, but the little spider's body is still making dodge movements sensitively, and he forcibly dodges Doctor Strange's outstretched hand. 】

["How is that possible?"]

[Doctor Strange reached out to grab the box several times, but couldn't grab it, and his face suddenly became very exciting. 】

["You...... How did you do that?"]

"I don't know. "】

[Peter Parker in the spirit state was also surprised and delighted. 】

[Out of some sixth sense, Peter vaguely guessed...... The reason for this may be related to your own spider sense. 】

[But no matter what, Peter seized the opportunity and "swam back" into his body in the air. 】


[Spider-Man, who regained control of his body, jumped up and pointed at Doctor Strange and said:]

"It was probably the coolest thing I've ever experienced in my life!...... Don't do it again. "】

[As soon as the words fell, Spider-Man shot out the spider silk and swung away.] 】


[Seeing the little spider fleeing, Doctor Strange didn't have time to think about what happened just now, so he directly grabbed his levitation cloak and threw it into the air. 】


[As soon as the little spider shot out spider silk in the air, the levitation cloak immediately attached to his body, restricting his movements. 】


[Seeing this, Doctor Strange, who chased closer, stretched out his right hand and made a gesture in the air, and then turned it around forcefully. 】

["Click, click, click"]

[The space is like glass, and cracks appear visible to the naked eye, and then the whole thing cracks open!]


[The little spider directly smashed into the space, and then fell into a strange world. 】


[In this mirror world, all the high-rise buildings have begun to distort and deform, and even completely overturned!]


[In this upside-down, dream-like world, the little spider is running desperately with spider silk. Several times...... They were almost crushed by the moving buildings. 】

[Eventually, he managed to jump onto a speeding train, but Doctor Strange caught up with him.] 】

["This...... What kind of place is this?"]

[The little spider held the box of Emperor Weishan in one hand, and asked boldly. 】

["This is a mirror dimension that I control. "】

[Doctor Strange speaks as he reaches out his hand and waves it in the air.] 】


[For a moment, the sky and the earth were all turned upside down!]

[A large number of high-rise buildings appeared in the sky, and the roofs rushed to the ground!]

[And the train that Peter was in actually drove all the way into the void and drove in the air!]

[Dumbfounded by the situation in front of him, the little spider had to use his mouth cannon stunt again, trying to convince Doctor Strange.] 】

[And Doctor Strange has shown the utmost patience :]

"Peter, you must know that there are countless people in the multiverse who know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, and if we don't solve this problem, all of those people will come to our world. "】

[The little spider shook his hand:]

"I understand what you're saying, but I can't send them back to die. "】

[Doctor Strange's patience is finally running out :]

"Peter, you can't change their fate, just as you can't change their nature. "】

[After finishing speaking, Doctor Strange did not continue to talk nonsense, and directly urged the magic to "divide" the train under Peter's feet into several cars, from front to back, left and right...... Wrap Peter up!]

[Seeing that the situation was not good, the little spider hurriedly wanted to leave, but as soon as Doctor Strange stretched out his hand, two portals wrapped the little spider. 】


[The little spider began to fall endlessly in these two portals, depending on the situation...... Such a fall can even last indefinitely!]

[At the beginning, Loki fell into this portal trap and fell helplessly down for half an hour!]

[Doctor Strange seized the opportunity and shot a magic whip, entangled the box of Emperor Weishan, and tried to pull it over.] 】

[But the little spider also shot out a spider silk and stuck the box.] 】

[Now, Doctor Strange and the little spider start a tug-of-war in the air.] 】

[And in the process of this tug-of-war, the two golden portals that trapped the little spider were also pulled closer and closer, and finally merged together. 】


[The vibration caused by the collision of portals shattered a large area of the mirror dimension!]

[A strong shock shook Doctor Strange and the little spider out of the air.] 】

["The Box of Emperor Weishan!"]

[Doctor Strange only had the box in his heart, and hurriedly flew over with his levitation cloak, grabbing the box of Emperor Weishan in his hand with one hand. 】

[And the little spider suddenly noticed it in the process of chasing after him...... There was something strange about the boulders floating nearby. 】

["Is this shape an Archimedes spiral?"]

In other words, the so-called mirror dimension is just geometry. "】

["Wonderful, if it's geometry, it can be like this!"]

[As if thinking of something, the little spider didn't even chase Doctor Strange, and directly aimed at the boulder next to him, and kept shooting out spider silk. 】

["First square, then square, then divide by pi...... Then draw the ...... according to the curve"]

[And in the meantime, Doctor Strange is ready to leave :]

["It's game over, Peter!I'll pick you up when I've solved the problem."] "】


[With a wave of his hand, Doctor Strange opened a golden portal directly in front of him, but just before he could enter the door......]

["Hey, Strange, guess what's cooler than magic?"]

[Accompanied by the laughter of the little spider, countless spider silks suddenly shot out from all directions!]

[And where these spider silks land...... It's just one person, and that's Doctor Strange. 】

[It turns out that the little spider just used the terrain here to set a mathematical trap!]

[And Doctor Strange, who didn't expect this trick at all, was completely trapped. 】


[Covered in spider silk, Doctor Strange can't even make a spell casting gesture.] 】

["Wait...... Don't ......"]

[Doctor Strange was about to warn the little spider, but the box of the Emperor of the Visanne ...... It's been pulled away by a spider's silk. 】

[Not only that, but the little spider even pulled the hanging ring on Doctor Strange's finger as well.] 】

[Without this thing, even the Supreme Mage would not be able to escape from the mirror dimension for a while!]

"I'm sorry, sir. "】

[The little spider flips over and jumps out of the portal that Doctor Strange has opened for himself.] 】

"I have to give it a try. "】

[In the basement of the Supreme Sanctuary, seeing the little spider suddenly jump out, his good friends and MJ hurriedly rushed up. 】

["What happened?"]

[Looking at his friend and girlfriend, Peter Parker said with a look of disbelief:]

["I can't believe myself, I just got into a fight with Doctor Strange!"]

["Moreover, I actually won!"]

Kama Taj.


"Just kidding. "

"That little hairy boy actually won the Supreme Mage!"

"Something must be wrong!"

Seeing that scene on the screen, countless magic apprentices gasped!

Even veteran warlocks like Master Wang Da and Master Mordo opened their eyes wide, and a violent wind and waves suddenly churned in their hearts!

That's the Supreme Mage, the most powerful mage on Earth, responsible for defending the entire physical world from the invasion of the Demon God of another dimension.

Such an existence failed so easily!

How is this possible?


The Ancient One mage sighed without a trace, glanced at it, stood on the side, and Strange with a face that was difficult to see was extremely difficult, and his heart suddenly wavered faintly.

Based on what she had seen with Agamotto's Eye before, Doctor Strange was supposed to be the best of all mages.

But this scene on the screen is ...... Apparently all proving another thing.

This Doctor Strange ...... Very unreliable!

Just because of a little hairy child's words, he decided to wash away the memories of people all over the world, but after the spell was messed up, he broke the barrier between the multiverses instead!

And now, the dignified Supreme Mage has been defeated at the hands of a teenage child!

The future of the earth is placed on such a man...... Is it really okay?

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[In the basement, Peter Parker decides to help these visitors from the other world and treat their "problems". 】

[Dr. Octopus is very upset to hear this, and thinks that he does not need treatment.] 】

[Dr. Lizard earnestly claims that this "treatment" will come at a cost.] 】

[And Peter seems to be ...... because of the victory he just had over Doctor Strange Get a little carried away! Insist on taking these supervillains away. 】

Otherwise, they will have to stay here and wait for Doctor Strange to return. 】

[Fortunately, Peter still has a bit of intelligence, and he entrusted MJ with the box of Emperor Weishan, who can send all the villains back to the original world, and instructed her to press the button immediately if something goes wrong with her. 】

[Moreover, Peter also gave the hanging ring he snatched from Doctor Strange to the fat friend Ned. 】

[Next, this little spider did something shocking. 】

[He took all the supervillains out of the underground prison of the Supreme Sanctuary and brought them all to ...... In the safe room where Aunt May was. 】

in the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, everyone was stupid.

Their eyes widened and their expressions stiffened.

"This, this, this ......"

Tony Stark's eyes were glazed, and he could barely believe his eyes for a moment.

Just now, Loki was sarcastically claiming that Aunt May was really that kind...... Why not bring those villains home?

But now it seems that he really underestimated the kindness of the earthlings...... Or the level of stupidity.

"My God......"

Peter grabbed his hair and looked like he was about to die.

After seeing so many images, he ...... the nature of these villains It can be said that it is well understood.

Perhaps, they were ordinary people before, but now they ...... All criminals with twisted minds!

Bringing these guys home is literally "luring wolves into the house"!


Loki suddenly laughed wildly next to him, laughing and clapping as he could.

"Wonderful, that's wonderful. "

"I ...... Take back my words!"

Everyone looked back and saw Loki wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes and saying intermittently:

"This Peter boy, like her aunt, is a genius!"

"Next, they can either really 'reform' and cure these villains, or ...... All of them have to die at the hands of these people!"

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