Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Hahaha, this Thanos is too pitiful.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Obviously green by her favorite goddess of death, she has to go with her rival to save people!

Rampage Lori Jinx: Is this also the overlord of the universe? (*^▽^*)

Thanos Thanos: ...... Shameful rubbish!

Sitting on the throne on Temple 2, Thanos clenched his fists and the muscles on his face twitched slightly.

At this moment, his heart was indeed full of anger.

However, this anger is not directed at Deadpool, but at the uncompetitive "self"!

As Jinx said, the "Thanos" on the screen is really pitiful to a pathetic degree!

The goddess of death apparently didn't have him in her mind at all, and even if she was kidnapped, she would just go to the Deadpool for help.

This is simply a grandiose cultivation for that infatuated Thanos!

However, even if it was ignored to such an extent, the purple potato monster not only couldn't forget the goddess of death, but even teamed up with the "lower animal" in the leotard to rescue her!

This guy ...... Isn't there a sense of self-esteem?

What a shame!

While Thanos was furious, the other people in the chat group had already changed the topic.

Ghost Rider: Who is this who can kidnap the Goddess of Death? Is it the Beyonder?

Ganata, the Daughter of the Swallowing Stars: Hmm...... I remember that in that 616 universe, the transcendent killed the goddess of death and then ...... No one in the universe can die!

Stephen Strange: No, if the enemy is a transcendent, how could the goddess of death ask Deadpool to save her?

Deadpool: Hahaha! Are you looking down on me Uncle Wade?

Deadpool: What's so great about that Beyonder, it's a silly boy who hasn't seen the world.

Deadpool: If I do run into him, I promise to take him in and become my little brother!

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallower: You...... Do you want the Transcendent to be your little brother?( ̄△ ̄;)

Deadpool: What's wrong?

Stephen Strange: Words ...... I still remember when that transcendent first came to Earth, it was like...... did take refuge in a gang boss.

John Constantine: Oh my god, if you really get the Beyonder and Deadpool together, the world will be over!

Deadpool: Hahaha! Now you all know I'm good. ^_^

Deadpool: Wait and see, whether it's the Beyonder or something, that variant of mine will be able to defeat the enemy, save the Lady of Death, and then claim her for yourself!

Carol Danvers: Claiming the goddess of death for your own?

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallower: ∑( ̄△ ̄*|||What a crazy remark this is! What is even more terrifying...... I couldn't even think of anything to contradict him.

Ghost Rider: Miss, don't be like that madman.

And just as everyone was clamoring, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[616 Universe.] 】

[After losing the goddess of death, even bacteria and viruses cannot die in the entire universe. 】

[Therefore, those patients who could have been cured can now only struggle in the pain of dying, unable to survive or die. 】

[As for those carnivorous animals, they can't kill their prey, they can only starve constantly.] 】

[And the most terrifying thing is that even after the planets explode, the aliens on these planets can't die!

["This extremely bad situation is all because of the loss of you!"]

[On his own spaceship, Thanos fell into the chaotic universe and unconsciously gritted his teeth. 】

[He couldn't understand why the troubled goddess of death didn't ask for help from him, but ...... Choose that disgusting sludge monster!]

[But no matter how angry Thanos is, in order to save the goddess of death, he can only pinch his nose and cooperate with Deadpool.] 】

[Based on the information that Deadpool got from the goddess when he was in a near-death state before, Thanos deduced the ...... The goddess may now be on some remote planet. 】

[On this planet, they did not find the goddess of death, but they found a group of fanatical believers of the goddess. 】

[Not long ago, these guys sacrificed half of their members. Summoned the incarnation of the goddess of death to the planet. 】

[But later, someone snatched the incarnation of this goddess of death and imprisoned her!]

[It turns out that this is the beginning of things!]

[After finding out part of the truth about the disappearance of the goddess of death, Deadpool suddenly said to Thanos smugly:]

["Hahahaha, we're like the Avengers, we've become a team."] "】

["And I am the most fashionable one in the team, commonly known as the façade...... Ouch!"]

[Before Deadpool finished pretending to be forced, Thanos' punch with a sandbag fell on his head. 】


[Thanos had long looked at the kid unpleasantly, but now that he found an opportunity, he immediately beat him up and beat Deadpool to the point of being inhuman. 】

["Uh-uh...... You hit people like a little girl. "】

[Deadpool, with broken tendons and broken bones, lies on the ground. But the lips are still unforgiving. 】

[Next, I learned that Deadpool and Thanos teamed up for the Guardians of the Galaxy...... Also rushed to the planet to try to stop them. 】

[In order to save the goddess of death, Thanos didn't have time to entangle with these people, and left immediately after a chaotic fight. 】

[And then, Deadpool suddenly meets another old enemy from before...... Francis. 】

[Originally, it was this man who belonged to Weapon X who turned Wade Willison into the monster he is like today. 】

However, Thanos would not allow anyone to stop their actions, and immediately defeated Francis. 】

[Next, they learned from Francis that the real mastermind was behind it...... It could be Mephisto, the king of hell!]


[Hearing this name, Thanos immediately became furious. 】

[Originally, after he obtained the Infinity Gauntlet and 6 Infinity Stones, this Mephisto first pretended to surrender to him, but then betrayed and wanted to snatch his glove!]

[Deadpool also guessed that it may be Mephisto who kidnapped the goddess of death!]

[The reason why Mephisto did this was to make the entire universe ...... Become a living hell where "no one can die"!]

[After coming to this conclusion, in order to stop Mephisto, Deadpool returned to Earth with Thanos. 】

[Through the practice of a certain mage, these two "love rivals" who are deeply in love with the goddess of death entered a gate of hell and came to hell alive!]

[Upon his arrival in Hell, Deadpool discovers a skeleton. 】

"Wow, my goddess, I have finally found you. "】

[Deadpool hurriedly rushed up and wrote a deep text on this skeleton. 】

[In the end, it was the wizard who told him:]

["Deadpool, that's not your goddess, it's the ferryman of Hades...... Charon. "】

["I'll go!"]

[Hearing this, Deadpool hurriedly pushed the skeleton away and spat desperately. 】

[Only then did Thanos and the others discover that a great war had begun in hell, and various forces were fighting each other!]

[These evil spirits in hell...... As soon as I saw Thanos and other "living people", I immediately turned all my attention. 】

["Those are living beings!"]

["Kill them and devour their flesh and blood!"]


[Seeing countless dead spirits killed, Thanos was not afraid, and directly urged the cosmic power in his body to kill all sides in hell!]

[Halfway through the fight, Thanos encountered an unexpected enemy. 】

[That is the mother who was killed by his own hands. 】

["O my son of sin!"

[As a Titan, the Mother of Thanos wielded a giant sword and bravely killed her. 】

["At the beginning...... If I had strangled you to death when you were born, I wouldn't have suffered so much later!"

[But in an instant, a sword light flashed violently, and Thanos's mother's eyes flew, and her head flew up!]

[It's Deadpool!]

[This guy rushed out from the side, and with a knife in his hand, he "hacked" Thanos's mother to death again. 】

["Humph! well chopped!"]

[Watching Deadpool kill his mother, Thanos instead developed some liking for him. 】

[Just when the two were fighting frantically in hell, a voice full of cunning suddenly sounded in hell. 】

"Oh, how honored I am to welcome you both to my hell. "】

[I saw a big devil with a red body, walking in front of Thanos with a calm expression, as if a host was welcoming guests. 】

[This person is none other than Mephisto, the king of hell.] 】

[But Thanos didn't care about politeness at all, he directly grabbed Mephisto's neck, lifted him up, and forced the goddess of death to find out the whereabouts!]


[Surprisingly, even though he was choked by Thanos, Mephisto laughed nonchalantly :]

["Titans, use your brains!"]

["Everything that happens in this universe is not a conspiracy against you!"]

["And think about it, if the goddess of death is gone, then no one in the universe will die, so who else will go to hell?"]

Mephisto spreads his hands and points to the battlefield around him. 】

["How do you think this war came about?"]

["It's because there is no new necromancy to replenish, the lords of hell ...... I had to fight among myself. "】


[Listening to Mephisto's words, Thanos hesitated for a moment. 】

[And Deadpool is simply claiming that he thinks...... Mephisto wasn't lying this time. 】

[But at this moment, the wizard who cast a spell to bring Thanos and Deadpool to hell suddenly trembled, opened his mouth violently, and spewed out a black smoke from his mouth. 】

[It's Mephisto's son, the Blackheart Demon!]

[I don't know when this guy ...... Actually infiltrated the wizard's body!]


[After the blackheart demon appeared, he immediately punched Deadpool away. 】

[But then, he had another argument with Thanos, and then fled in the scuffle.] 】

[Although this appearance is a bit nonsensical, Deadpool, who was knocked to the ground by him, suddenly came to his senses after a while, grabbed Thanos's shirt and shouted:]

"I saw it, I saw it. "】

[It turned out that the punch of the black-hearted demon just now sent Deadpool into a near-death state. 】

And in this state, he saw the goddess of death again. 】

[This deity, who represents the concept of death in the universe, is now imprisoned in a cage. 】

[And beside the goddess of death, there is a powerful existence full of endless stars, like the universe itself. 】


[After listening to Deadpool's description, even Thanos was shocked. 】

[There is only one such existence in the universe!]

[That is the head of the five gods of creation, the eternal god who represents the universe!]

[The eternal self is the universe itself!]

[So, if the goddess of death is imprisoned in a world of nothingness "beyond eternity", it means...... The place where she is, you are no longer in the 616 universe. 】

[No normal person in the universe would challenge the eternity equivalent to the universe itself, but Thanos and Deadpool...... All lunatics. 】

[After learning that the Goddess of Death was imprisoned for eternity, they immediately borrowed Mephisto's magic and teleported to a place outside the universe. 】

[Out of some incredible luck, Eternity didn't notice them at this time.] 】

[This is because, due to the absence of the goddess of death, the universe has become a mess. 】

[In order to solve this chaos, the Lord of Order and the King of Chaos...... Their messengers, the intermediaries, were sent to persuade Eternity to release the Goddess of Death. 】

[But the Eternal God seems to have made up his mind, and no matter how much the intermediary tries to persuade him, he just refuses to let him go.] 】

And just when the attention of the Eternal God was attracted by the middleman, Thanos rushed to the cage where the goddess of death was held without hesitation. 】

["My goddess, I have finally seen you!"]

[Thanos was extremely excited to pay tribute to the goddess who was in prison, but the goddess didn't even look at him, just looked at Thanos's back. 】

["Oh, Wadewill!"

["My love, my hero, you have finally come to save me!"]

["Yes, my darling, I'm coming!

[Hearing the affectionate call of the goddess of death, Deadpool hurriedly rushed to the front of the cage and stretched out his mouth. 】

["You !!"]

[Seeing these two guys in front of him, Thanos' eyes turned red. 】

[He risked his life and did not hesitate to come outside the universe just to see ...... You sprinkle dog food in front of my eyes?]

[And this is no longer sprinkling dog food in front of me, it's just killing a single dog!]

["Enough!, you tiny earth worm, damn the big garbage!

["O goddess! I refuse to admit your love for her!"]

[Thanos roars and throws a punch, knocking Deadpool flying, and by the way, breaking the cage where the Goddess of Death is kept.] 】

[But the toss between this pair of love rivals finally alarmed the Eternal God. 】

["Well, you are so bold! How dare you break into my territory!"]

[The Eternal God seems to be a little abnormal, and as soon as he sees Thanos, he immediately clenches his fists. 】

["Stupid Titans!And the bugs on Earth, watch me blast you to atoms with the 'Fist of Everything'!"]

["Be careful!"]

[Seeing that Eternity, who was the elder brother, raised his fist, the goddess of death hurriedly urged her divine power to meet her. 】


[With a loud bang, both Thanos and Deadpool are shaken away.] 】

[However, none of them died. 】

[After all, if the god of death doesn't want people to die, then who can kill them?]

[And just after Thanos and Deadpool stood up, they suddenly felt ...... There is a lot of power in me. 】

[This is the divine power of the goddess of death!]

"Go, my messenger. "】

[The goddess of death stands aside, stretching out her hand to the Eternal God.] 】

["I have given you the power of death!"]

["Now...... Go punish my brother!"]

["Hahaha! Goddess! You finally know my worth."] "】

[Thanos doesn't seem to care at all...... He became the revenge tool of the goddess of death, and after obtaining the divine power of death, he rushed forward with excitement and smashed the face of the eternal god with a punch!

["I'll make you bow your head for me, eternity!"]

["Just like when I had the Infinity Gauntlet!"]


[Eternal eyes shot out a "cosmic divine light" and repelled "Death Thanos":]

["You were in charge at the beginning. Hold the power of the entire universe!But now you're nothing more than a slave!"]

[Eternity had just knocked Thanos away, and another fist hit him in the head again. 】


[This punch actually made the Eternal God scream. 】

[And the person who threw this punch was Deadpool who had obtained the power of death!]

"It's incredible, it's unbelievable."] "】

[A punch repels the Eternal God, and Deadpool clenches his fist and screams in surprise.] 】

"I can almost feel it...... Planets and stars, explode in my fist!"

[Just in Thanos and Deadpool, who have obtained the power of death...... In the process of scuffling with Eternity, Thanos suddenly discovers the truth of the matter. 】

[From his eternal body, he felt the breath of the Black Heart Demon!]

[It turned out to be Mephisto's son, who found an opportunity to take advantage of the situation and manipulated the Eternal God、]

And used him to imprison the goddess of death. 】

[The reason why the Blackheart Demon did this was to make no one die in the universe again, weaken the area made of necromancy, and then complete his father's ...... Mephisto's Revenge!]

[But just after discovering the real murderer, Thanos fought more and more, and finally went crazy!]

["It is because of your existence that this universe exists, and my life has become so tragic. "】

["So I'm going to kill you and put an end to all this!"]

[Thanos seems to have been infected by the divine power of the goddess of death and has become tyrannical and murderous. 】

And what he wants to do now...... It turned out to be to kill the Eternal God and thus end the entire universe!]

["Hey, if you destroy the universe, how am I going to watch the latest series?"]

[Seeing that Thanos was going to "destroy the world" in a fit of rage, Deadpool hurriedly stepped forward to stop it. 】

[The two death messengers fought. 】

[During the battle, the goddess of death actually withdrew the divine power from Deadpool. 】


[Turning back and taking a deep look at his favorite goddess, Deadpool seemed to sense something, then laughed and rushed towards Thanos again. 】

["Hahaha, it looks like I'm going to save the universe again!"]

["Phew, you scum, get out of here. "】

[Thanos grabbed the powerless Deadpool and threw him into the body of death.] 】

[And in the Eternal Body, Deadpool meets a strange villain.] 】

[It is the "United Force", the source of the power of the Eternal God. 】

[Sensing that eternity is being manipulated, the united forces can only make a helpless choice in order to save their master.] 】

["Do you have a sense of justice and responsibility? No, hey, forget it, I have no other choice anyway......"]

["United Forces" lent all of its cosmic power to Deadpool!]

[And outside at this time, "Deathbringer Thanos" seems to have defeated Eternity and is laughing wildly :]

["Hahaha! now...... I'm the only man in the world worthy of the goddess of death!"

["Oh, really?"

[Hearing the voice behind him, Thanos looked back and was taken aback. 】

[I saw that Deadpool had changed into a set of blue and white tights, and released endless cosmic power on his body. 】

[Looking at Deadpool in front of him, who seemed to be the incarnation of the universe, Thanos almost couldn't believe his eyes for a while. 】

"You are...... Captain Universe?"]

PS: In the next chapter, we will start playing Heroes No Home, Three Spiders in the same frame!

Then there are new live broadcasts, new group members, new videos! ^_^

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