[Hagrid first takes Harry to a hidden cauldron bar. 】

[Here, everyone was shocked when they heard the name "Harry Potter", and their eyes on Harry changed. 】

["Mr. Potter, welcome back!"]

["It's such an honor to meet you!"]

[Watching the people in the bar come up one by one to shake their hands, Harry has his mouth open with a confused smile on his face.] 】

[He didn't understand why these people heard his name at all...... That's it!]

[In the face of Harry's doubts, Hagrid simply said:]

["This matter...... It's best to have Dumbledore tell you. "】

[Hagrid took Harry to a wall behind the Leaky Cauldron and tapped twice on the wall with his umbrella, and the wall suddenly parted to the left and right, revealing a way forward. 】

[I saw that the road was full of bustling pedestrians, and on both sides of the road, there were all kinds of shops everywhere. 】

[This is the famous Diagon Alley, and all the shops on both sides are magic shops, selling magic items. 】

[Looking at the dazzling array of goods in the surrounding shops, Harry Potter was worried that he had no money to buy it because he had no money in his pocket. 】

[Hagrid takes Harry to the only bank in the wizarding world, Gringotts Bank.] 】

[The bank staff here are all goblins.] 】

[After opening the vault in the name of Harry's parents, Harry looked at the mountain of gold coins piled up in the vault, and the whole person was stunned. 】

[He never dreamed of it...... I'm so rich!]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Hermione Granger: "That's amazing, is this the money Harry's parents left behind?"

Hermione Granger: Worthy of the parents of the legendary "Harry Potter", what a Monopoly. (⊙o⊙)

Tony Stark: Gold? Do you wizards trade this currency?

Hermione Granger: The Golden Galleon currency system has been around for a long time, and is said to be more than a thousand years old.

Hermione Granger: However, the Wizarding Bank has also opened an exchange between Modern Currency and Wizard Currency.

Hermione Granger: My parents...... It's just to exchange some gold galleons with ordinary currency, and that's why I bought a magic book.

Loki Odinson: Hahaha! Let me guess that your parents probably didn't even have a hundredth of the Harry Potter coins.

Hermione Granger: ............ (╯_╰)

Rocky Odinson: Remember this unwillingness, little girl!

Hermione Granger: Oh? Have you ever felt that way?

Rocky Odinson: ...... Hmph! I don't know what to do. ( ̄dish ̄)

Thor: Hmh, that's not right, Loki, since childhood...... My father has never treated you badly, you can have everything you want.

Rocky Odinson: Shut up, you idiot! All I want more than anything else is that you never speak!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[With the money, Hagrid took Harry to the Ollivanders Wand Shop. 】

[This wand shop is said to have been established BC!]

[It can be said...... It's a long history that is a little abnormal. 】

[And Ollivander's wand is not chosen by the master, but by "them" to choose the master. 】

[After entering the wand shop, Harry Potter also met the wand-maker, who is known as the number one in the wizarding world...... Ollivanders. 】

[Ollivander gave Harry several wands, but none of them were "chosen."] 】

[Seeing this, Ollivander seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly went to get a wand made of phoenix feathers. 】

[And as soon as Harry Potter came into contact with this wand, a ray of light suddenly shot in all directions. 】

["Hoo ......"]

[Seeing this, Ollivander first took a deep breath before telling Harry.] 】

[The core of this wand, and another ...... All made from the feathers of the same phoenix. 】

[10 years ago, it was another wand, a lightning-bolt-shaped scar on Harry Potter's forehead!]

[In other words, the wand that Harry Potter is holding now is the same as the Dark Lord's wand!]

Harry is taken aback, but eventually buys the wand. 】

[Hagrid takes Harry to King's Cross Station, gives him a ticket, and tells him to board the train at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters and head to Hogwarts.] 】

[Harry looks confused and looks at the ticket, trying to ask Hagrid what happened, but finds ...... The giant is gone. 】

[Arriving at Platform 9, Harry notices that someone is pushing a cart towards the stone pillar between platforms 9 and 10, and then disappears directly.] 】

[With the encouragement of a middle-aged woman with a child, Harry Potter also pushed the car in his hand and rushed towards the stone pillar, but he actually passed through!]

[It turns out that this stone pillar is an illusion!]

[And behind the illusion is the "Platform Nine and Three-Quarters" that leads to Hogworth!]

[After getting in the car, Harry met the middle-aged woman's son named Ron. 】

[In the carriage, the two boys talked happily and seemed to have become friends. 】

[While the two were chatting while eating snacks, a little girl with brown hair suddenly barged in. 】

"You two...... Have you seen a toad?"]

Ron was about to cast his magic wand in his hand when he shook his head. 】

[Seeing this, the little girl asks to see Ron's magic.] 】

[Ron also wanted to take the opportunity to pretend to be forced, so he held his wand and said the spell he learned from his brother.] 】

["Sunshine, daisy, sweet cream, turn this stupid mouse yellow!"]


And then, nothing happened. 】

["Are you sure it's a real spell?"]

[The little girl raised her chin and a hint of sneer in her eyes, and proudly walked to the front of Harry Potter and sat down. 】

"I've also learned a few simple spells, but they all work well. "】

[As soon as she finished speaking, the little girl aimed her wand directly at Harry's broken glasses.] 】

["Fix it!"]


[In the next second, the damage on the glasses suddenly disappeared.] 】


[Harry's eyes widened as he looked at the new glasses.] 】

[This little girl...... Looks like you're about the same age!How do you already know how to cast spells?]

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Deadpool: Hahaha, this little Lori is so tugging, her nostrils are up!

Wanda Maximov: I don't like her, she's so arrogant, as if no one looks down on her.

Charles Xavier: This kid is a little too expressive.

Charles Xavier: The kid named Ron had just failed to cast a spell, and the girl immediately performed a successful spell in front of him.

Charles Xavier: It's all about ignoring the other person's pride.

Charles Xavier: But, kids, it's not too unusual.

Magneto: Charles, your problem is that you're too good a teacher.

Charles Xavier: Wry smile, I know that, too.

Morty: This girl is really nasty, it's like a school ...... Look down on my girl!

Hermione Granger: I'm so annoying, I'm so sorry. (▼へ▼メ)

Morty: Huh? Is this you?

Hermione Granger: Huh!

Sitting on the chair in the bedroom, Hermione felt very aggrieved when she remembered the comments of everyone in the group just now.

I just learned some magic in advance, so I wanted to perform in front of those little ghosts and deter them......

Isn't that annoying?

Or is it not understood...... Is it the fate of genius?

Just when Hermione felt a little sorry for herself, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[It didn't take long for the train to carry the newborns in the carriage to the final station. 】

[Reform came to greet them as a guide, and took the students on the boat.] 】

[It turns out that Hogwarts School is on a lake and can only be reached by rowing boat!]


[Looking at the glorious Hogwarts Castle, the mage apprentices who changed into robes were all shocked. 】

[After entering Hogwarts School, the students are greeted by Professor McGonagall, the Deputy Headmaster. 】

[For these fledgling children, Professor McGonagall explained to them the "sorting system" and "points system" of the college.] 】

[Every student, before officially enrolling, must wear a living hat and let this hat decide...... Which Hogwarts house should they join. 】

[Since there were 4 people who joined forces to found Hogwarts School, the school was also divided into 4 houses. 】

[That is, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.] 】

[Every student, through performance, can earn points for their own college.] 】

[Those who perform well will be given extra points, and those who perform poorly will be deducted.] 】

[At the end of each academic year, the points of the 4 houses will be settled, and the college with the highest score will win the House Cup.] 】

[Hearing this, Harry Potter immediately remembered that he was at the entrance of the gate just now...... The 4 large hourglasses seen. 】

[The four hourglasses are held by four animals.] 】

[And these animals are lions, eagles, badgers and snakes that represent the four schools.] 】

[After saying this, Professor McGonagall seemed to have something to do and left first.] 】

And at this moment, a little blonde boy came to Harry Potter.] 】

["It seems that the rumors are true, Harry Potter has really come to Hogwarts."] "】

[Looking at Harry, the little boy has an undisguised arrogance on his face:]

["I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy!"]

[Hearing the name, Ron, who was standing beside Harry, suddenly let out a sneer.] 】

[Malfoy was annoyed when he heard it:]

["Do you think my name is funny?"]

[Malfoy glares at Ron, uttering a bunch of sarcastic words.] 】

"Look at your red hair and old robes...... I knew it was a Weasley. "】

[After finishing speaking, Malfoy also stretched out his hand to Harry and said with disdain on his face:]

"You'll soon find out that some wizard families ...... It's higher than the others. "】


["You wouldn't want to be friends with these inferior people!"]

["I can be your friend!"]

[But looking at this guy who had just insulted Ron, Harry refused him without hesitation.] 】

["I'm sorry, I can tell the difference between good and bad!"]

[And this is the first meeting between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.] 】

[They...... Since then, they have made a feud!]

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