Deadpool: Oh, so the rich guy is the boss.

Ghost Rider: I've been suspicious of him for a long time!

Ghost Rider: Such a rich man spends so much money just to build a ...... A city where humans and Pokémon coexist?

Ghost Rider: Is this a kid?

Nick Fury: What did that Howard do so much to kidnap Mewtwo back for?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Does he want to control this monster and then use it to do bad things?

Bruce Wayne: No, that's too inefficient.

Bruce Wayne: Once upon a time, Howard's son...... Judging from Roger's capture of Mewtwo, the humans in this world have very powerful technology.

Bruce Wayne: If Mewtwo really fights humanity head-on, I'm afraid it won't be long before it is defeated.

Tony Stark: Uh-huh, if I had to say, purely from a weapons point of view, those giant turtles are more dangerous than this Mewtwo.

Tony Stark: If those big turtles rush towards the city, they won't be able to stop them unless they use black weapons.

Nick Fury: It's a bit puzzling to think of it that way.

Nick Fury: Such a Pokémon is called the strongest, but it's not an invincible weapon.

Nick Fury: What did Howard do with it?

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: Maybe this guy is like Gao Tianzun, he likes to collect strong people and watch them fight to pass the time.

Garnata the Star-Swallower: After all, he can't move his legs anymore, and he spends all day in a wheelchair, so he doesn't seem to have anything else to do.

Bruce Wayne: Can't move?

Seeing Swallow Mei's speech, Young Master Wayne seemed to vaguely think of something, but he couldn't come to a conclusion for a while.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[On this side, Tim returned to Lyme City and went to the Howard tycoon as soon as possible.] 】

[But as soon as he entered the door, he saw Howard wearing a familiar neural connector on his head.] 】

["What? you are ......"]

[Tim was confused when he saw a spherical device rise up in Howard's office.] 】

[And inside this device, there is a captured Mewtwo!]

["Quick...... Run!"]

Mewtwo looked at Tim, and before he could say this, a large amount of purple mist suddenly erupted from the round container. 】

[These are all "R Potions"!]

[And in the next moment, the neural connectors on Howard and Mewtwo's heads lit up at the same time.] 】


[With the flickering of light, Howard suddenly closed his eyes and fainted directly in the wheelchair. 】


Mewtwo lets out an eerie laugh as she steps out of the circular instrument.] 】

[Pressing Howard, who fainted in a wheelchair, Mewtwo said terrible words in a hoarse voice:]

["It worked, it really worked!"]

["My body is still in a wheelchair, let my mind ...... But in Mewtwo's body!"]


[Looking at "Mewtwo" in front of him, Tim's face was full of shock, and he seemed to understand what had happened. 】

["Tim, you did a good job!"]

["Mewtwo" nodded with a serious face:]

["Thanks to you and Harry's Pikachu, I was able to catch Mewtwo. "】

[Upon hearing this, Tim finally suddenly realized:]

["Mewtwo didn't cause the car accident, it's you!"]


[Thinking that it was done, "Howard Mewtwo" did not mean to cover it up, and said directly and proudly:]

["Your dad should have taken the money and left, but he had to ask questions, and even sent his Pikachu...... Help Mewtwo escape!"]

["It's really self-defeating!"]

["You...... You killed my father!"

[Tim was shocked and angry when he heard this, but in the next moment, Mewtwo restrained him with his superpower just as soon as he stretched out his hand. 】

[And next, Howard Mewtwo also revealed his ultimate plan.] 】

"It's never just about healing me. "】

["My plan is to open up a new path for all mankind!"]

["Mewtwo's superpower can transfer human souls to Pokémon's body. "】

["And the only prerequisite for doing all this...... Even Pokémon must enter a berserk state!"]

[Looking at Tim, who was firmly bound in front of him, Howard Mewtwo sneered:]

["That's why I developed 'R gas'!"

[Hearing this, Tim instinctively looked down the street below the building.] 】

[It turns out that at this time, a celebration is being held on the street outside.] 】

[Everywhere there are joyous crowds and giant balloons.] 】


[Tim shouts as if he had just woken up from a dream:]

["You put R gas in a balloon!"]

[But "Howard Mewtwo" didn't talk nonsense with Tim anymore, he directly knocked the kid away, and then flew out into the street :]

["O people of Lyme City!"]

["Howard Mewtwo" floats in mid-air and shouts at the people of the city:]

["I've finally found the antidote!"]

["Not for myself, but for all mankind!"]

"Pokémon can evolve into stronger versions, and you will do the same in the future. "】

["Humans and Pokémon...... From now on, it can be one!"]

[As soon as Howard's words fell, Mewtwo immediately urged his superpowers to smash all the balloons in the air. 】


[According to a series of cracking sounds, the terrifying purple mist suddenly poured out of the balloon, and spread wildly in all directions!]

[And then, Howard Mewtwo emitted a bright light in his hand, and as long as the humans who were hit by the light were all sucked into the bodies of their Pokémon companions!]

[Mewtwo's superpower can actually "force" fuse humans and Pokémon into one!]

[Just because she couldn't dodge, even the female reporter who was traveling with Tim was fused into the duck. 】

[And just when "Howard Mewtwo" was committing murder in the city, Pikachu happened to be back in the city. 】

["Reachable! Reachable!"]

[Looking at the duck in front of him screaming and rushing towards him, Pikachu's eyes widened at first, and then said in disbelief:]

["No, Howard became Mewtwo, and...... He also turned humans into Pokémon?"]

["This really shattered my worldview!"]

[Although shocked, now that the culprit is known, Pokémon is determined to sabotage Howard's plan. 】

[It first followed the rope and climbed up to a ...... The large balloon that was emitting purple gas began to gather thunder and lightning energy desperately. 】

["Okay! Pikachu!"]

[Pikachu stands on the balloon and yells.] 】

["That energy is in your body, and all you need now is to light the first spark!"


[Pikachu jumped into the sky violently, bursting with electric light, and as soon as the thunder arrived, it hit the balloon below. 】


[The balloon filled with purple gas suddenly exploded, along with the gas...... Turned into a flame in the sky. 】

["Huh, that's Harry's Pikachu?"]

["Do you think you can stop the process in the future?"]

[Seeing that Pikachu wanted to continue to blow up more balloons, Howard Mewtwo was furious, rushed over directly, and fought Pikachu head-on!]


[It was just an energy collision, and Pikachu was suddenly beaten and flew out.] 】

[Mewtwo's power is too strong, it's not something it can compete with at all.] 】

[In desperation, Pikachu had to ride the Warrior Eagle and desperately escape in the city. 】

[At this time, in Howard's office, Tim finally got up from the ground, and suddenly heard a cry for help from the cabinet next to him. 】

[When I opened the cabinet, it turned out to be Howard's son...... Roger. 】

[It turned out that this unlucky son had already been imprisoned by his father. 】

[But after a while, another Roger actually appeared from the side.] 】


[Tim was looking confused, this Roger suddenly turned into a different person, and finally changed into a pink monster like a soft mud monster.] 】

[Seeing this, Tim suddenly realized. 】

["Changeling, it turns out that you are a changeling!"]

[In Pokémon, Variegates are a special species. 】

[They can not only transform into humans, but also into other monsters. 】

But their flaws are also obvious. 】

[That is, no matter what creature it becomes, the eyes will always be two small black dots, and they will be punctured at a glance.] 】

[Because of this, this changeling monster always wears sunglasses when he transforms into Roger.] 】

[Next, this Changeling Monster and Tim have a fight.] 】

[Although at the last moment, the Changeling Monster was beaten away by Roger himself, who broke free. 】

[But this guy didn't give up, and turned into a warrior eagle again and flew back. 】

[Finally, during the battle, the Changeling accidentally broke the jar of purple mist that was stored. 】

[After inhaling the aerosol, it had to change back to its original form.] 】

[An ordinary ooze monster is not a threat.] 】

[After defeating the Changeling, Tim walks in front of Howard's body in front of the wheelchair and reaches out from his head to remove the nerve connector.] 】

["No, no!"]

[At this time, Howard Mewtwo had completely defeated Pikachu, but he never thought that he was just distracted by Pikachu. 】

[Seeing that the nerve connector was taken down, Mewtwo suddenly closed his eyes and fainted, and Howard also opened his eyes in a wheelchair. 】

["What did you do?"]

[Howard fell to the ground, crawling helplessly, his eyes showing extreme frustration and anger. 】

[His decades of hard work have now all been put to waste. 】

[And after Mewtwo was freed, in just an instant, all the humans who were "fused" in the city were restored to their original state. 】

[And in the face of Tim, Mewtwo also told the last and most amazing truth. 】

["The father you've been looking for has actually been with you all along. "】

"What?" 】

[Tim was stunned at first, then turned his head to look at Pikachu at his feet in disbelief, and his expression became wonderful.] 】

[It turned out that at the scene of the car accident, Mewtwo did not capture her father, but used superpowers...... Erased his father, Harry, and fused with Pikachu!]

[And under Mewtwo's superpowers, Harry and Pikachu are separated again!]

[Until this point, everyone in front of the screen ...... only to see Harry's true face. 】


Looking at the handsome old man with a slightly pale beard on the screen, Deadpool was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud:

"Okay, I'll just say, a variant of Uncle Ben...... How could it be a mouse?"

Immediately after, Deadpool ran directly to the group and shouted loudly.

Deadpool: Did you see it? Isn't Uncle Ben's variant handsome? ^_^

Tony stark:............ You guy, your skin is really not ordinarily thick.

Hermione Granger: Honestly, this uncle...... It does look pretty good.

Wanda Maximov: Leave him alone, this Deadpool has long since turned into a sludge monster. No matter how handsome it is, it's a thing of the past.

Wanda Maksimov: In comparison...... What's going on in this video at the end?

Wanda Maksimov: Is there something wrong with the villain's brain?

Wanda Maximov: As soon as the controller is taken off, it will be turned into its original form, so why didn't he just kill that Tim?(╬ ̄ ̄)

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