["You! It's you!"]

[In "The Nether", looking at his father who didn't know if he was a human or a ghost in front of him, Bruce Banner suddenly became angry. 】

[And looking at the angry son in front of him, Brian Banner is very relaxed. Laughing and telling a series of terrible secrets. 】

[It turns out that this "nether", which is deeper than hell, is the source of gamma energy. 】

[All the monsters and things related to the Hulk were born here.] 】

[And after they die, they will also come here and be resurrected through this place!]

[Monsters born through gamma rays generally don't die so easily!]

[Not long ago, Brian Banner was here and saw his daughter-in-law...... Betty!】

[And Betty has been here before, so she has become the harpy who is red all over.] 】

[Not only that, Urusbana even saw his dead mother in this "netherworld". 】


[Seeing his mother's figure getting farther and farther away, Bruce Banner shed tears of grief and cried out loudly. 】

[His heart-rending cry did not call back his mother, but instead woke up another guy in his body!]


[With a roar, in the real world, Hulk ...... It's resurrected in the same place full of blood and demons!]

[It turned out that Betty dug out the Hulk's heart just now, just to make him return to the Nether by killing him, and then resurrect him again. 】

[This "hard reboot" can eliminate the effect of the "Anti-Hulk Abomination" acid, allowing the Hulk's self-healing ability to work again.] 】

[But Betty later eats the heart of the Hulk, and it seems that she is really venting her anger.] 】

[This woman still has a lot of resentment towards Bruce Banner. 】


[As soon as the Hulk woke up, he found that the Harpy Banshee that Betty had incarnated had been united with the "Hulk Abomination". 】

[Hulk hurriedly rushed forward and suppressed the abomination with World War II.] 】

[Next, the Hulk instructed Betty to cut open the monster's stomach and take out his stomach that was secreting acid. 】

[Under this trick, Abomination was finally completely defeated. 】

[Next, General Reginald of the Shadow Base refused to accept defeat and directly sent troops to attack the Hulk. 】

[But in the face of the power of the Hulk, the human army is like a toy, easily crushed!]

[After repelling Reginald's attack, the Hulk also managed to rescue his friend Rick Jones from the body of abomination, and then retreated with his wife Betty. 】

[In the face of this complete fiasco, General Reginald is finally furious. 】

[And in addition to anger, what swelled up in his heart was more frustration and unwillingness. 】

[In order to fulfill the last wish of his mentor General Ross, Reginald will do whatever it takes to defeat the Hulk!]

[But that green monster can't seem to be killed!]

[Now...... All his plans have failed, and he is already exhausted!]

[In the midst of this desperate situation, a terrifying thought suddenly appeared in Reginald's heart. 】

[To defeat the monster, perhaps...... Only you become a monster!]

[Driven by this almost crazy thought, General Reginald came to the face of the successfully recovered "Hulk Abomination Suit"......]

[Then, he put on this suit and became one with the abomination!]

[Reginald, the new Hulk Abomination!]

[Then, it didn't take long for a group of enemies to break into Shadow Base 2, where Reginald was located. 】

[These guys are known as "Team Alpha", and there are also "absorbers", Samson and other old friends of the Hulk. 】

[However, in front of Reginald, who had been prepared for a long time, these guys who thought they were superheroes were simply a group of turtles in an urn!]

[And just when "Reginald Hate" was triumphant and thought that he had won the battle, the entire Shadow Base 2 suddenly shook violently!]



Reginald looks up in disbelief, his face full of horror. 】

["Impossible, Hulk has never been to this base, there is no way he knows the location here!"]

[But in the next moment, a giant green fist that was harder than steel opened a big hole in the roof!]


[It's the Hulk!]

[It turned out that after rescuing Li Ke Jones, the Hulk got the location of this Shadow Base No. 2 from his mouth!]

[With Betty, who has turned into a harpy, the Hulk descends from the sky and kills all the way in!]

[A scuffle, suddenly broke out!]

["Hahaha! you guy...... Is that the commander here?"]

[Looking at the hideous and terrifying Reginald in front of him, Hulk laughed out loud:]

["You're just a cheap version of Ross, an unruly Bronski!"]

["A beggar's version of my !!"]

["Shut up! I'm more advanced than you!"]

[In the face of sarcasm, Reginald was furious and squirted a mouthful of green acid directly at the Hulk!]


[Under the corrosion of this anti-hulk acid, the entire hulk's face was melted away.] 】

[And the effect of the acid continues to deteriorate, if it continues like this...... Soon, the entire head of the Hulk will be melted!]


[Looking at the wailing Hulk, a smug smile appeared on Reginald's face. 】

[But in the next moment, his expression immediately froze.] 】

[I saw the Hulk stretch out his hands, grab the skin on his forehead, and tear it down. 】


[With the sound of cracking, the Hulk actually tore off his face alive, and even tore it all the way to the murderous mouth!]

[This green monster actually tore off all the skin stained with acid.] 】

[And the Hulk, who was torn off a large piece of skin, not to mention the skull, even the chest cavity and internal organs...... It's even exposed! It looks terrifying. 】

[The most terrifying thing is that even with such a serious injury, the Hulk still did not die. 】

[And without acid, his self-healing function is starting to kick in again!]


[I saw that as soon as the Hulk stretched out his hand, he threw out the skin that he had torn off!]

[And these skins are still stained with the acid that Reginald squirted!]


[A small soldier next to him was accidentally splashed by the acid on his skin, just for a moment...... The head was dissolved into a pile of mud!]

[Seeing that "Reginald Hate" was stunned by his actions, the Hulk took the opportunity to swing his fist, and a single punch sent him several steps backwards.] 】

["Damn, you monster!"]

["Reginald Abomination" was shocked and frightened, opened his mouth violently, and squirted acid at the Hulk again!]

[But this time, the Hulk has already learned the lesson!]

[I saw him flash sideways, and Reginald's acid sprayed onto a group of subordinates next to him. 】

[Looking at his subordinates who were dissolved into slag by his own acid, the already completely crazy "Reginald Hate" snorted disdainfully:]

["This is a battlefield!It's all because these guys weren't careful!"]


[Hearing such cruel and ruthless words, the eyes of everyone in the Shadow Base who looked at Reginald changed. 】

[Ever since this guy turned himself into a monster, those subordinates ...... All that's left for him is fear. 】

And now, to the fear, anger and disgust are added. 】

[A thought flashed through many people's hearts. 】

[This monster...... Is it really still our chief?]

[And at this moment, a woman's voice suddenly came from the radio inside the base.] 】

["Attention all units!, I am the head of the Science Department...... Charlene McGowan. "】

["I hereby remove General Reginald from command. "】

["He...... He's lost his mind!"]

[It turns out that when the Hulk and Reginald were fighting, his wife Betty and Rick Jones had infiltrated the interior of the Shadow Base and captured the director of Charlene McGowan. 】

[However, the female supervisor still has a residual loyalty to Reginald, so she refuses to betray it.] 】

[But Reginald's cold words just now also completely let Shalene see his true colors. 】

[This guy has completely become a monster, and he is no longer the human he knows. 】

[Since the female supervisor was originally the No. 2 commander of this base, as soon as she gave the order, the already wavering military spirit completely collapsed. 】

[No one is willing to fight for that "monster" anymore, everyone can only watch the two green monsters in a daze, and fight to the death in the base. 】

[In the midst of the fierce battle, Reginald seized the opportunity again and sprayed a large mouthful of acid on Hulk's face. 】


[This blow melted Hulk's head!]

[But at the same time, the Hulk used his last strength to crush Reginald's eyeballs and even hurt his brain!]

[These two green monsters fell, and they suddenly died together, and they came to the terrifying "Nether" together. 】

[And just when Reginald looked at this strange world and looked confused, Bruce Banner's body]

[The Ash Hulk soul has awakened again.] 】


["The Ash Hulk" takes control of Bruce Banner's body, comes behind Reginald, and breaks his neck in one fell swoop.] 】

[Now, this guy who only wants to hunt down the Hulk will never be resurrected.] 】

[After the Hulk was resurrected in the real world again, he saw Reginald's cold corpse at first glance. 】

[After this battle, the Hulk not only killed the commander of the Shadow Base, but even directly controlled the Shadow Base through the female supervisor!]

[Like a victorious king, the Hulk sat on the first position of this shadow base and became the supreme commander here!]

[He became the final victor. 】

[But it is precisely because of this victory that the Marvel 616 universe is not ...... Even the fate of the entire Marvel multiverse has changed!]

[The screen dims.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Loki Odinson: Damn, that damn green monster, how is it that it doesn't die?(╬ ̄ ̄)=○

Wanda Maximoff: Hehe, not only did they not die, but they even became the leaders of the anti-Hulk group. Doesn't it make you angry? (*^▽^*)

Loki Odinson: Phew, a monster mixed with a bunch of humans, doomed to no good results!

Nick Fury: To be honest, I can't figure out what the Hulk wants to do next with this Shadow Base in possession of it?

Nick Fury: His enemies must have been destroyed, right?

Rocky Odinson: Huh!

Loki Odinson: This green monster has a bad brain, maybe he's already insane!

Bruce Banner: Honestly, if the Hulk does get smart, I don't even know...... What will he do?

At this moment, the screen that had been darkened suddenly lit up again.

[Video continued]

[This is the future in countless billions of years. 】

[After countless hours, the entire Marvel multiverse has come to its end. 】

[But in the dark universe, there seems to be another person still alive.] 】

[That's Bruce Banner.] 】

[With a dazzling light, in the absolute darkness where you can't see your fingers, a radiant figure suddenly appeared!]

["Bruce Banner from Earth, you have been baptized by the energy of creation and become the last survivor of the 'Eighth Firmament'!"]

["I am the cosmic consciousness, and whenever the multiverse dies, I will find the last life form in the universe and merge with it. "】

["I've done this many times since First Firmament created the multiverse. "】

["In the 'Seventh Firmament', I once fused with a Ta'a named Garland, thus allowing him to survive the collapse of the Seventh Multiverse!

["Earth's Bruce Banner, after merging with me, you will ...... What kind of existence has it become?"]

[Cosmic Perception gushed about his tirade, but as soon as he was halfway through his words, he suddenly noticed something unusual. 】

[I saw a corpse lying next to Bruce Banner.] 】

[This person's name is "Mr. Immortal", and he is a strong man with eternal immortality. 】

But now, he has become a corpse. 】

[Looking at the cosmic perception with a surprised face, Bruce Banner's face suddenly showed a hideous smile:]

["In my eyes, there is no immortal ......"]

"Whether it's Mr. Immortal, or the Devourer of Planets, or Franklin Richards, they've all been killed by me. "】

【"Next...... That's you!"]


[Looking at Bruce Banner, who released infinite coercion in front of him, cosmic consciousness suddenly widened his eyes. 】

[Only then did he feel ...... Something seems to be wrong with this only survivor in the multiverse!]

["You...... How could you possibly kill them?"]

["Hahaha! "】

[Bruce Banner laughed, and his upper body began to twist and deform, transforming into a huge green monster!]

[This big green monster grabbed the cosmic consciousness, and then opened its bloody mouth violently, taking this existence beyond the multiverse...... Put it in your mouth!]

["No, no, no!!"

[The cosmic consciousness that was eaten alive let out a final scream. 】

[At the last moment of his life, he finally realized the true face of the monster in front of him. 】

[Not Bruce Banner, not Hulk, but under all things.] 】


["He" is located outside the multiverse and is the ultimate embodiment of destruction!]

[The Hulk possessed by "Him" has also transformed into the most terrifying Hulk!]

["He" will destroy all of the multiverse and make it impossible to respawn again!]

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