And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Rampage Lori Jinx: It's unbelievable that Harry Osbourne died for Parker!

Rampage Lori Jinx: Is there something wrong with this person's brain? Parker not only disfigured him, but even blew him up in one eye!

Rampaging Lori Jinx: Why? Why did he go out of his way to help Parker? (⊙_⊙)

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): Harry ...... I......

Standing in his bedroom, Parker's face was full of shock, and the expression on his face froze completely.

He never dreamed that Harry would take him so seriously, even at the cost of his own life!

In contrast, he sent his father, Norman, to prison......

"That's not right!"

Parker shook his head slightly, a hint of bitterness in his eyes.

Norman Osborne has committed a terrible crime, and there is no way to go to prison.

But since then, he has rarely seen Harry because of his weak heart, and now it seems that ...... Instead, a big mistake was made!

Gritting his teeth, Parker made a decision immediately.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to see Harry and tell him everything!"

After seeing everything on the screen, Parker felt that he couldn't lie to Harry anymore.

If, after knowing the true identity of Spider-Man, he decides to hate himself, there is no way to do it!

Ganata, the Star-Swallowing Daughter: Is this the friendship between boys? It's so exciting, I get excited.

Garnata, the Daughter of the Swallowing Stars: A little more, a little more like this! (*^▽^*)

Deadpool: Well, I think the little green goblin and the little spider are very handsome. The picture of the two of them standing together...... Even more beautiful!

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: Uh-huh, I didn't expect that...... You ugly bastard, you can understand my feelings.

Ghost Rider: Miss, you ......

Star-Swallower Ganata: What? Don't you think Deadpool is ugly?

Ghost Rider: No, you...... Forget it, when I didn't say anything.

Wanda Maximov: Inexplicably, such a weak Spider-Man...... What's so good?

Wanda Maximov: Even one-on-one, he can't beat Venom!

Venom: Hahaha! My Venom Uncle is amazing, you have finally seen it!

Venom: A little spider doesn't even look in my eyes.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Hmm, didn't you just say that the black symbiote wasn't you?


Rampage Lori Jinx: Hey, but that Eddie Brook is really in love with you.

Rampage Lori Jinx: The Last ...... The two of them even died together.

Venom: Phew, this idiot, if you have the ability, kill that Spider-Man!

Jerome Valeska: I think, isn't it because you're afraid of noise?

Jeromer Valeska: You blame Eddie, it seems to be the wrong person.

Venom: Damn, I hate Spider-Man!

At this moment, the screen that had been dim suddenly lit up again.

The sound of the system also sounded again.

[Continue to open the "strongest" live broadcast series.] 】

[The content of this live broadcast is "The Strongest Hulk: Immortal Hulk"!]

MCU Universe, the mansion of Tonysdark.

"Immortal Hulk again!"

Hearing the sound of the system, Bruce Banner, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly became nervous.

Through the video played before, he already knew that the Bruce Banner of the 616 universe was actually the host of "under all things"!

If "Under All Things" can open the green door through Banner and descend to the earth, then the real universe will completely collapse!

And last time, with the help of the Hulk, he finally thwarted the advent of "under all things".

But, this existence, which can be compared to OAA, will it be so easy to admit failure?

Will the content broadcast this time also be related to "Under All Things"?

Even under Bruce Banner's nervous gaze, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Bruce Banner finally escaped from the hell controlled by "under all things" and returned to the world. 】

[And the first thing he did after he "came to life" was to call his wife...... Betty Rose. 】

[When Betty received a call from her dead husband, Betty was shocked. 】

[But before she can meet her husband, she has one more thing to do. 】

[That is, to attend his father's ...... General Ross's funeral. 】

[At the funeral, a black soldier named Reginald made a special speech.] 】

[He considers himself to be General Ross's former subordinate and regards him as a father.] 】

[But this Reginald has another identity, that is, the "anti-Hulk organization"...... The head of the Shadow Base!]

[After the funeral, Iron Man Tony Stark ran to Betty again. 】

[Tony first said a bunch of nonsense, and wanted to invite the widow to take his own private jet home.] 】

[And as soon as she heard this, Betty's face immediately pulled down:]

"Tony, that's you...... Use an anti-hulk laser to beat my husband into a dry corpse, right?"]

[After leaving these words, Betty threw down the iron-faced Tony, turned around and left.] 】

After attending her father's funeral, Betty hurriedly took a plane to a remote place. 】

[Outside the cabin deep in the forest, she finally finds her husband, Bruce Banner. 】

[Looking at the dead and alive bastard in front of her, Betty was full of anger and rushed forward with her fists clenched. 】

[But as soon as they rushed to Banner's side, the two hugged each other again.] 】

[Just had a deep article with her husband, Betty immediately whispered in Banner's ear again:]

["It's not safe here, let's go first."] "】

[It turned out that Betty had been followed for a long time, and the person who followed him was General Ross's protégé...... Reginald's men. 】

[And this subordinate is in the dense forest, holding a handful...... A large-caliber sniper rifle with a far-infrared scope, ready to take out Bruce Banner with one shot!]

[Reginald, who was in the rear base, sensed that this subordinate was murderous, and hurriedly tried to stop it, but it was too late......]


[The subordinate pulled the trigger fiercely, and through the infrared scope, he hit the head of a person in the room!]

[But in the next moment, this subordinate heard an extremely terrifying roar. 】

["Hulk...... Smash!"]

[It turned out that because he couldn't distinguish the object of infrared imaging, the shot he fired just now exploded Betty's head!]

[And seeing Betty die tragically in front of him, Bruce Banner was also completely crazy. 】

In a fit of rage, he not only turned into the Hulk, but also rushed towards the man who shot him. 】


[This subordinate is not an idle person, and he actually turned into a ray gun with his right hand! 】

[Even though he was so badly injured, Hulk continued unaffected, and he was about to tear this subordinate to shreds!]


[At this moment, a green-haired man suddenly appeared from the side, grabbed the subordinate, and threw him out of the dense forest. 】

"Bruce, calm down. "】

[It turned out that this green-haired man's name was Samson, and he was previously a psychiatrist at the Hulk. 】

[After getting involved with the Hulk, Samson was also affected by the green gate "under everything", giving him the superpower to transform into a monster. 】

[This time, it was Betty who called her and asked him to help Bruce Banner.] 】

[Seeing the Hulk who lost half of his head and fell into madness, Samson could only fight him once. 】

[Fortunately, with the recovery of the Hulk's head injury, the green monster also managed to regain his senses. 】

[The two return to the hut and find Betty's body gone.] 】

[Seeing this, the Hulk breathed a sigh of relief. 】

[He knew that Betty, as a female Red Hulk, also contained the power of gamma rays in her body. 】

[Just a sniper rifle headshot, how can you kill her?]

Sensing that Betty might be safe, the Hulk joins forces with Samson to track down the guy who shot and plotted against him.] 】

[According to the judgment of the Hulk, the gunman is likely to come from the "Shadow Base" that dismantled him before and even "bottled and studied". 】

[Next, the two of them came to the original location of the Shadow Base. 】

[However, the tunnels dug up when they escaped through the Hulk...... When I entered the base, I found that it was already full of all kinds of strange green monsters!]

[Hulk didn't know that this "Shadow Base One" had already been designed as a huge trap. 】

[That General Reginald is in another "Shadow 2 Base" at this time, monitoring them remotely through hidden cameras!]

[Seeing that the Hulk had gone deep into the trap, Reginald gave an order, and the inside of the "Shadow Base No. 1" suddenly shone brightly!]

[Through previous experiments and observations, the Shadow Base has confirmed that the current Hulk can only appear at night, and its biggest nemesis is the sun!]

[And these lit searchlights contain strong ultraviolet rays!, just like artificial sunlight, specially designed to restrain the "Immortal Hulk".] 】


[Under the illumination of the ultraviolet lamp, the Hulk let out a terrible cry!]

And his body, like a candle in the heat, began to melt. 】

[Under the sun, "Immortal Hulk" will transform into Bruce Banner again!]

[This...... It's Reginald's trap!]

["Hahaha! Monster! You have today, too."] "】

[Seeing that the Hulk had disappeared, the gunman from the Shadow Base also rushed out with his subordinates. 】


[The gunman first shot Samson in the head, then through Bruce's stomach.] 】


[Caught in an ambush by the enemy, Bruce Banner can only desperately flee. 】

[Unable to transform and seriously injured, Bruce Banner can be said to have fallen into a desperate situation. 】

[But under this extreme adversity, there is another personality hidden in Bruce's body...... I actually woke up!]

[That's "Ash Hulk" Joey!]

[A long time ago, this "Ash Hulk" used to be in Las Vegas, dealing with gangsters all day long, and his personality was treacherous and cunning. 】

[After changing his personality, Bruce Banner immediately changed from a scholar to a sinister street fighter. 】

[He used cunning means to escape from the pursuers. 】

[Noticing that Bruce Banner's behavior pattern has changed, Reginald, who gave orders at "Shadow 2 Base", also responded.] 】

[He changed the frequency of the "ultraviolet light" emitted, making it extremely dangerous and directly causing harm to the human body. 】

[And Bruce Banner's body has no self-healing ability!]


[Feeling those "high-intensity ultraviolet rays" shining on his body, it was like a sharp knife!] Bruce Banner couldn't hold back anymore and let out a miserable scream. 】

[But even in the face of such a disadvantage, "Ash Hulk" Joey's brain computing speed is faster. 】

"Fool! Use artificial sunlight against me and doom you to failure. "】

["Joey" took control of Bruce's body, hacked into the computer in the Shadow Base, and changed the ultraviolet light emitted!]

[Before the light could change, the gunman rushed straight in.] 】

[Under Reginald's strict orders, the gunman immediately pulled the trigger as soon as he saw Bruce Banner!]

["Da Da Da!"

[A storm of bullets quickly knocked Bruce into a honeycomb!]


[Seeing Bruce Banner fall in a pool of blood, the gunman laughs and turns his right hand into a chainsaw, trying to slice Banner's body to pieces again...... Put it in a bottle!】

["Bang!"] 】

[But in the next moment, Bruce punched the gunman and sent him flying.] 】

["Idiot, do you think these lights can hurt me?"]

[Bruce Banner has an arrogant smile on his face, and the gunshot wounds on his body are healing at an alarming speed!]

[It turned out that after he hacked into the computer of the Shadow Base just now, he did not turn off the ultraviolet light, but continued to strengthen the wavelength of this light!]

["Hmph! Let me tell you a common sense of physics. "】

["By intensifying the wavelength of ultraviolet rays, you can get X-rays!"]

["The wavelength of X-rays, if it is strengthened, do you know what you will get?"]

[Bruce Banner laughs out loud, and the laughter is full of smugness:]

["That's gamma rays!!"]

[It turns out that these ultraviolet rays, which were originally used to fight the Hulk, have all turned into gamma rays!]

And this ...... It's the source of the Hulk's power!]

[Bruce Banner used his scientific mind to take advantage of the enemy's trap in turn!]


[With a terrible roar, Bruce Banner's body immediately underwent a terrifying change!]

[Under the illumination of the super gamma rays that have been strengthened to the extreme, the power of the Hulk ...... Erupted at an unprecedented level!]

[I saw Bruce Banner transform into a green monster with 6 heads and 4 arms!]

[The current Hulk can be said to have been strengthened to an unbelievable level!]

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