"Let's sort things out. "

Seeing everyone's stunned looks, Bruce Wayne frowned, and first said:

"From the current point of view, the Foundation of that world should have discovered the existence of 3125 and drawn up a plan for it. "

"The person responsible for carrying out this plan in secret is Dr. Hughes, who created Containment Chamber 3125. "

"And the core of this plan is to transform humans into some kind of conceptual existence to use against 3125!"

Hearing Master Wayne say this, Magneto suddenly shook his head:

"It's useless to say that. "

"That Dr. Hughes may have been dead long ago, and that weapon ...... Maybe it wasn't made at all. "

And although that woman fought for her life, in the end, she was just sent to die in vain. "

And Tonysdark, who was beside him, also frowned slightly:

"I probably already understand...... The essence of the concept weapon. "

"In order to amplify the concept of human beings and use it to restrain the existence of that extradimensional concept, the object must not be ordinary people. "

Tony said word for word.

In other words, the person who can become such a conceptual weapon must have a bitter hatred for 3125 and a persistent desire to fight. "

Peter Parker blurted out as he listened to it:

"Isn't that the Maria?"

"But, she's dead. "

Upon hearing this, both Tony and Bruce fell silent.

In order to be able to enter that subterranean space alive, Marianne was injected with the most powerful memory enhancer in the Foundation.

While the potion made her immune to all antimemetic effects, it would eventually burn out her brain entirely.

In any case, this woman is dead.

Bruce Wayne took a deep breath, and there was a hint of regret in his tone.

"To fight against the existence of that kind of high-dimensional concept, the concept of ordinary people is definitely not enough. "

"So, even logically, that Director Marianne is the best person to do, if she does die......"

Young Master Wayne didn't continue, but everyone heard what he meant.

Ordinary people don't know about the existence of 3125 at all, so it's not useful at all.

And because of the explosion of the antimemetic bomb, now that earth ...... All memories of 3125 will be erased.

By the time the enemy attacks, they don't even know what has happened to them!

In this case, the battle has not yet been fought, and the outcome has already been decided.

And at the same time. In various locations of the multiverse, exclamations rang out one after another.

"The feeling of being able to strike first...... And wipe out all conceptual creatures that are aware of their existence!"

"It's terrifying!"

"In the multiverse, there is still such an existence. "

"It seems...... The Earth where that Foundation is located is completely finished!"

"No, that foundation, maybe there is still a way to create a miracle......"

And just as everyone was arguing, the voice of the system sounded again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Selected Object: Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1)]

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: "Spider-Man 2"]

"Huh? Is it me?"

In his room, Parker's eyes widened in surprise.

For so long, there has been no system, and one more time to favor him makes him think ...... I have been forgotten.

And looking at the screen that was lit up again, a strange idea also germinated in Parker's heart.

I don't know what I will do in the future...... Is there a chance that you will marry Mary Jane?

Also, is the superhero career of becoming Spider-Man going well?

In other universes, those superheroes have become admired by everyone, and they shouldn't be too bad.

Just as Parker looked expectantly, a new image finally appeared on the screen.

[After defeating the villain Green Goblin, Parker continued to act as Spider-Man to save the people. 】

[But becoming a superhero didn't bring him any good, but instead made a mess of his life.] 】

[After Uncle Ben's death, Parker's family became more and more stretched, and he himself ...... I also had to work part-time to earn money in my spare time. 】

[However, Parker's heart is still too good, as long as even in the process of delivering pizza, as long as he sees someone in danger, he can't help but disguise himself as Spider-Man...... Go to the rescue!]

[But this will only make his pizza never arrive in time.] 】

[And after this happened again and again, the owner of the pizzeria angrily fired Parker.] 】

[Spider-Man is unemployed.] 】

[In desperation, Parker had to take his own photos of himself as Spider-Man, and then sell them to the daily Clarion newspaper, where he got a few hundred dollars from the annoying boss. 】

[But I didn't expect that this amount of money was not even enough to pay off the arrears he had advanced at the newspaper before.] 】

[And being Spider-Man not only made Parker poor, but even affected his grades in school.] 】

[A devastated Parker returns home depressed. 】

[But I saw that my good friend Harry and Mary Jane were already waiting for him in the living room.] 】


[Looking at the cake and friends in front of him, Parker's face is full of surprise. 】

[Recently, he has been living a anxious life, and he has forgotten that today is his birthday. 】

[Mary has now become a successful drama actress, and Harry Osborne has become the head of the Osborne Enterprise.] 】

[In contrast, Parker seems to have achieved nothing.] 】

[After the birthday party, Aunt May took out $20 as a birthday present and gave it to Parker.] 】

[Looking at the banknote in his hand, Parker's expression suddenly became a little ugly. 】

[He knows that the situation at home is not good now, but he can't share Aunt Mei's worries. 】

[Leaving Aunt May's house, Parker returns to his rented apartment in the city. 】

[But because he had defaulted on his rent before, the $20 he had just received was also taken away by the landlord.] 】

[Back in his room, Parker sat on the pass in a daze, as if he couldn't believe it...... 's own life will fall to this point. 】

[However, even though he was extremely depressed, Parker still had no intention of abandoning his studies.] 】

[In order to complete his dissertation, he asked his friend Harry Osborne to introduce him to a famous scholar, Dr. Otto Octavis.] 】

[Dr. Ott's life's research is to master the power of controlled black fusion, so that human beings can have infinite energy. 】

[During the conversation, Parker points out flaws in the Doctor's algorithm, but the haughty Dr. Otto disagrees.] 】

[Next, Mary Jane invites Parker to Broadway to see her show.] 】

[Parker happily puts on his suit and prepares to dress up.] 】

[But on the way, he encountered another group of robbers.] 】

[Warm-hearted Parker, he can't sit idly by and watch this gang of villains wreak havoc in the city, so he has to take them down first.] 】

[But because of this, he missed the entrance time for Mary Jane's performance, and he couldn't pass through the doorman even though he had a ticket in his hand.] 】

[Parker can only stand alone outside the door, waiting for the show to end.] 】

[But when it was over, he saw Mary Jane come out of the theater and be with another young man.] 】

[Parker, whose face was full of doubts about life, gradually moistened his eyes. 】

[He couldn't understand why Mary Jane was giving him a ticket and inviting him if he wasn't interested in him?]

[At this moment, the sound of a police car came from the side again.] 】

[Looks like there's something going on in the city again.] 】

[Not wanting to see this scene of dog abuse in front of the theater again, Parker turned his head and rushed into the alley and changed into Spider-Man's clothes. 】

[Maybe ordinary people's lives are not for him, he Peter Parker...... can only be a lonely Spider-Man. 】

[Parker originally wanted to vent his frustration by arresting criminals, but somehow, when he was wandering around the city, he suddenly found out...... I can't shoot spider silk from my body!]


[Being in the air, Parker could only fall from the sky in embarrassment and fell on the roof of a building. 】

[When people are unlucky, they will stuff their teeth even if they drink cold water......]

[Unable to release the spider silk, Parker could no longer fly the eaves and walk the wall at will, so he had to take the elevator downstairs. 】

[And the worst thing is that he actually met someone else in the elevator! The other party kept asking him questions!]

["Where did you buy this spider suit?"]

["I...... I made my own ......"]

[This scene is really embarrassing and wants to pick the ground with your toes. 】

[A few days later, Parker is invited to Harry Osborne's company to see Dr. Otto's latest experiment.] 】

[In order to personally manipulate this epoch-making experiment, Dr. Otto also specially invented 4 mechanical tentacles. 】

[These tentacles are connected to the nerves in his spine!] so that Dr. Ott can control them with his mind. 】

[Moreover, these mechanical tentacles all possess extremely excellent artificial intelligence!] Only with a suppression chip invented by the Doctor can they be forced to accept the control of Dr. Bootto.] 】

[Through these tentacles, Dr. Otto confidently began his experiment. 】


[With the flow of magnetic fields and lasers, a small-scale artificial sun began to form in front of everyone's eyes.] 】

[But in the next moment, the magnetic force of this artificial sun began to expand wildly, sucking in all the iron products on the surrounding people. 】


[Soon, the energy in the artificial sun broke through the constraints of the magnetic field and began to destroy the experimental site.] 】

["Turn it off, turn it off!"]

[Fearing that the experiment would cause a tragedy, Harry Osborne screamed and ordered Dr. Otto to stop the experiment.] 】

[But fearing that his life's work would be ruined, Dr. Otto insisted on carrying out the experiment.] 】

[But in the next moment, a strong stream of energy passed through the mechanical tentacles and struck Dr. Otto.] 】


[Under the terrible energy fluctuations, the suppression chip around Dr. Otto's neck is destroyed, and the person faints to the ground.] 】

[Parker's disguised Spider-Man also intervened in time to unplug the power of the experimental equipment and stop this tragedy that could turn into a big explosion. 】

[Dr. Otto, who was seriously injured, was taken to the hospital, and in order to save him, the doctor took out a chainsaw and prepared to cut off the mechanical tentacles attached to his back. 】

[But just before the doctor was ready to do it......]


[Those tentacles actually moved on their own, knocking all these doctors flying!]




[Just when the operating room was in chaos and the doctors were dead and wounded, Dr. Otto was lying on the operating table...... He was still unconscious. 】

[Dr. Otto, who finally woke up from a coma, was shocked when he looked at the corpses and bloodstains all over the ground. 】

[He left the hospital barefoot and dizzy, and walked out into the street. 】


[A taxi rushes straight at and is about to crash into Dr. Otto.] 】


[In the next second, the octopus tentacles on his body actually flew an entire taxi out in order to protect himself. 】

[Due to the destruction of the chip, the doctor's thoughts at this time have been affected by the tentacles. 】

[Dr. Otto arrives at a building by the sea in a daze, and makes a decision here.] 】

[He wants to restart the artificial sun experiment to prove himself right!]

[On the second day, the whole city was shocked by the tragedy that happened in the hospital last night!]

[And the boss of the Clarion Daily is even more excited:]

["Mad scientists turned monsters, this headline is amazing."] "】

[The boss turns back to an employee:]

["What name should we give this monster?"]

[The employee replied without thinking:]

"Doctor Octopus. "】

[The boss laughs:]

"That's a terrible name. "】

[The employee pondered for a while, and came up with a new name:]

["It's better to call Doctor Strange."] "】

[The boss of the Clarion Daily lit up:]

"That's a cool name...... However, it seems that someone has already called it that. "】

["Why don't you call it Doctor Octopus, what do you think of my name?"]


[The employee is speechless.] 】

[While the boss of Clarion Daily was still struggling with Dr. Otto's nickname, Parker was taking Aunt May to the bank to apply for a loan. 】

[But if you don't die, Doctor Octopus actually came to this bank and wanted to rob the vault!]

[He wants to get the money in the coffers so he can raise money for his research.] 】


[I saw that with a wave of Doctor Octopus's tentacle, he demolished the bank's vault door and threw it out!]

["Aunt Mei be careful!"]

[At the last moment, Parker hurriedly pushed Aunt May away, and she was not hit by the door of the vault. 】

[Next, Parker hurriedly fled to a place where no one was, changed into Spider-Man's outfit, and prepared to stop Doctor Octopus.] 】


[During the fight, Parker's ability to shoot spider silk inexplicably fails, causing him to fall to the ground and be caught by Doctor Octopus's tentacles.] 】

["Prepare to die!"]

[Controlled by tentacles, Doctor Octopus has changed his temperament greatly, and he is about to pinch Spider-Man's head!]


[At the moment of life and death, Spider-Man desperately shoots out spider silk, grabs two tables and smashes them at Doctor Octopus.] 】


[Although Dr. Octopus stopped one of the tables with his tentacles, he was accidentally smashed by the other table and flew out of the bank, all the way to the street!]

[Next, Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus start a scuffle in front of the bank.] 】

[And at this moment, the police also rushed over and surrounded Doctor Octopus.] 】


[Seeing that the situation was not right, Dr. Octopus's eyes flashed fiercely, and he stretched out his tentacles violently and grabbed Aunt Mei as a hostage. 】

"No shooting. "】

[Seeing the murderer using an old woman as a shield, the policemen hurriedly put down the guns in their hands. 】

"No one is allowed to follow me. "】

[Leaving this sentence coldly, Doctor Octopus manipulated his tentacles and climbed all the way to the building!]

[He's trying to escape from the building!]

["Damn! Aunt May!"]

[Seeing that his only relative was captured by Doctor Octopus, Spider-Man even had red eyes, and hurriedly chased after him, blocking in front of Doctor Octopus. 】

"Give me that old lady. "】


[Looking at the anxious Spider-Man in front of him, the corner of Dr. Octopus's mouth showed a sly smile, and he directly let go of the tentacles on Aunt May. 】


[Seeing Aunt Mei fall straight down, Spider-Man hurriedly shot out the spider silk and pulled her up. 】

[Just because he rescued people, Spider-Man also showed a flaw and was pressed on the building by Doctor Octopus and beaten up. 】


[During the fight between the two, a large amount of construction debris slid down from the building, almost hitting pedestrians on the ground. 】

["Be careful!"]

[Seeing the debris falling from the sky, a white-haired old man hurriedly pulled a young woman in front of him back. 】


[A huge cement splinter smashed right into that woman's original position!]

[It's really dangerous and dangerous. 】

And seeing this scene, countless people in the multiverse were shocked.

"The old white-haired man...... Isn't it Stan Lee?"

"Unbelievable, I actually saw this multiverse creator god again!"

"He's really fine, and he's still saving people!"

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