Bruce Banner: It's unbelievable that the administrator has transformed himself into an informational, conceptual being!

Bruce Banner: And then in that conceptual fortress, waiting for countless billions of years!

Wolverine: If it weren't for that, this Administrator would have gone insane if he had been immortal.

Wolverine: How can a normal person's mind last so long?

Captain Mi Guo: This man's will is really amazing.

Captain Mi Guo: I don't hesitate to turn myself into data and wait until the end of the universe in the form of a concept!

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallower: It's unthinkable that humans can do this. (⊙o⊙)

At this moment, the horror in Swallow Mei's heart is really difficult to describe in words.

In her opinion, the Black Moon located in another dimension was at least at the level of the Five Gods of Creation!

But...... Such an existence ended up dying at the hands of a human being!

Beaten to death by a "conceptualized" ashtray!

This kind of thing, for Swallow Sister...... It's simply subverting the three views!

Morty: I also think that the administrator's behavior is remarkable.

Morty: But that's because he doesn't have any other way.

Dr. Manhattan: In the face of high-dimensional evil gods, if you can't "ascend" yourself, then you can only find opportunities...... "Dimensionality reduction" of the other party!

Dr. Manhattan: That Black Moon, I probably never thought that a human would set such a trap for him!

At the same time as he said this, Manhattan's always calm and waveless heart lake also caused some ripples for a while.

As he mastered the quantum power of his own "modification of everything", Manhattan's "self-knowledge" became more and more distant from human beings.

Humanity, the earth, and even the entire universe, in his eyes...... It's like a book that can be modified at will.

And in the eyes of that black moon, all the life forms in the physical universe should be like this.

But such a high-dimensional existence beyond human imagination died at the hands of human beings in the end!


Standing next to Dr. Manhattan, Dr. Strange suddenly laughed heartily.

"This is the wisdom and courage of mankind!"

Dr. Demonic gave Manhattan a glance and said softly:

"Maybe we're not human anymore, but you won't...... Have you forgotten all the memories of being human?"


Manhattan, who was covered in blue, didn't answer, but his eyes still flickered slightly.

At that moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

The strange narration also sounded again.

["Thousands of SCPs have been documented in the SCP Foundation. "】

["However, due to the specific nature of some Scps, they cannot even be successfully stored in the database!"]

["The most typical of these is SCP-055."] "】

["SCP-055's object class is Keter, but according to the object name, it is "Unknown."] "】

["To date, no one in the Foundation knows what kind of SCP 055 is!"]

["There are even rumors...... SCP-055 doesn't exist at all. "】

["The reason this is because 055 is an antimemetic SCP!"]

["Anyone can enter 055's room and observe, record, photograph, make audio and video...... Do everything you can. "】

["Regardless of what to do, if someone comes into contact with information related to SCP-055, the associated memories will quickly disappear from their minds."] "】

["If someone looks at a picture of 05, when he puts it down...... Within seconds, you'll forget everything you've seen. "】

["055 is normally contained in a 5 meter × 5 meter containment chamber. "】

["But no one knows when and how the Foundation contained this SCP. "】

["And those Foundation personnel who are responsible for observing 055 in the containment chamber through the camera will also be exhausted after work, as if they have run a marathon, and at the same time...... I don't remember what I ever saw. "】

["Although nominally, the Foundation has managed to contain this SCP."] "】

["But, the Foundation doesn't even know what 055 looks like!"]

[Because 055 is so weird, although the Foundation is completely unclear whether "it" is dangerous or not, it still gives it a "keter" level object class. "】

["However, in addition to 055, there are many more bizarre SCPs in the Antimemetics Division!"]

["Because of this, working in the Antimemetics Department will never bring you any good memories......]


["On this day, a young researcher was eating lunch in the cafeteria of the Foundation base. "】

["In the morning, he had just worked 4 hours, but he felt as if he had been working for 4 months, almost exhausted. "】

["The most outrageous thing is that after a morning of work, the young researcher found out...... He doesn't seem to remember much about his work. "】

["The clearest thing in my mind is just an inexplicable sentence. "】

["This isn't your first day at work!"]

["What's that?"

The young researcher shook his head, shook his useless thoughts out of his mind, and casually opened his Foundation-specific mobile phone. "】

["He saw 5 SCP objects, and the others were meaningless jokes. "】

Just as he was about to eat, the young researcher accidentally glanced into the cafeteria and suddenly felt something strange. "】

"The restaurant at this base is very large, and it can accommodate at least 200 people at the same time. "】

"It's lunchtime, but there are no more than 20 people eating in the restaurant. "】

At this moment, a man in a fashionable suit walked into the dining room, and he glanced at the young researcher and walked directly towards him. "】

["Walking up to the young researcher, the man in the suit calls himself Gray. "】

["Looking at Gray's majestic appearance in a suit and leather shoes, the young researcher instinctively felt that he must be the director of this base. "】

But soon, he noticed that something was wrong. "】

["Gray doesn't wear the Foundation badge on his suit. "】

["A supervisor would never make such a low-level mistake. "】

["You...... Who the hell are you?" the young researcher's face froze, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. "】

Gray didn't answer his question, but said with a smile: "

["Your life experience is quite wonderful, you have traveled the world and know 4 languages......]

"But now, you only remember one. "】

["Soon...... You won't know even one anymore......]


[The more the young researcher listened, the more wrong he became, and he turned around and pushed the other colleagues around him, trying to warn them. "】

["But his push is like pushing into the mud, and he is not strong at all. "】

Next, he shouted to the other people in the restaurant, but there was still no response. "】

The people in the restaurant all ignored him completely, and continued to eat, drink, and laugh there. "】

It's as if they didn't see anything, they didn't hear anything. "】

Just when the young man was panicking, Mr. Gray, who was in a suit and leather shoes, asked with a smile: "]

["Do you remember your father?"

The young man instinctively shook his head: "]

["I don't have a father, my mother raised me alone"]

The smile on Mr. Gray's face grew more confident. "】

He glanced at the rest of the people in the restaurant: "]

["They appreciate your insight, originally...... I'm going to send you to deal with those anomalous antimemes. "】

"But, none of them will remember you. "】

["You...... It doesn't exist!"]

["Oh my God!"]

Looking at Gray with a smile on his face in front of him, the young man felt as if he had been poured a basin of ice water from his head, and his whole body trembled. "】

["This guy! is probably an antimeme!"

["Reverse ........."]

The young man blinked and found ...... I've forgotten the term. "】

And at this moment, an idea flashed through his mind like lightning.

["Today...... Is it really his first day on the job?"]


["Intense terror swept over the young man's body like a tidal wave!"]


["I can't stay with this person anymore!"]

"With the instinct to survive, the young man turned around and fled the restaurant. "】

He fled all the way to the elevator. "】

"The elevator is cleaned very clean, like a mirror. "】

["As soon as he came to the front of the elevator, before the young man could press the button, he saw an unfamiliar face on the elevator door. "】

["!!Who is this?"]

["Looking at that face, the young man trembled, and then all the blood on his face disappeared. "】

["He stood in front of the elevator door, so the face of the person on the elevator ...... It must be his own!"]

["But...... He didn't even recognize his own face!"]

"The memories of young people are constantly being devoured. "】

"Soon, he won't remember anything. "】

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