Looking at the reception between Iron Woman and Captain Mi Guo on the screen, the chat group was also lively.

Captain of the United States: This, this ...... (⊙o⊙)

Loki Odinson: Whahahaha! This is so handsome, Iron Man married to Captain Rice!

Loki Odinson: Bless you all the time together. o( ̄▽ ̄)d

This time, Loki really raised his eyebrows.

The female Loki who appeared in the live broadcast before, the crocodile Loki, has always been a shadow in his memory.

But now...... Someone is as unlucky as him, or even more so than him!

At least. That female Loki doesn't seem to have a boyfriend, let alone married!

Nick Fury: Hmm...... Gender aside, if these two people can really be combined, they will definitely unite all the superheroes on the planet.

Tony Stark: What are you talking about, you black braised egg?(╬ ̄ ̄)=○

Tony Stark: Even if I did become a woman, I wouldn't go looking for ......

Tony Stark: Bah, what am I talking about! I'm definitely crazy!

Carol Danvers: Is there one more thing, have you noticed? That Iron Man is called Natasha Stark!

Bruce Banner: yes! It's incredible!

Bruce Banner: Could it be that in another universe, Tony Stark and Natasha are "combined"?

Tony Stark: Damn, can you please shut up?(╯‵□)╯(┻━┻

In all fairness, Tony didn't think about it...... and Natasha "combined".

But it's definitely not in this form!

Stephen Strange: Ahem, Tony, you don't have to be so excited.

Stephen Strange: To be fair, your variants, male and female, are of the same rank.

Stephen Strange: In contrast, my variant is not only incapable of healing both hands, but also self-exiled to the dark dimension, and will never return to Earth for the rest of his life.

Tony Stark: Bitter smile, Strange, you don't have to talk about it to comfort me.

That being said, Tony was also slightly relieved after seeing Strange's speech.

After all, there are countless multiverses in this world,

Even if there are some "strange variants", what is it?

"Hmm...... Speaking of which, that Supreme Mage Tony's magic suit really has earth-shattering power!"

When I think about it, I might as well master that kind of ...... The magic that even Dom can defeat!The depression in Tony's heart has been replaced by excitement!

"It's decided, after leaving the live broadcast room. Let's start researching that magic steel suit!"

At this moment, the voice of the system suddenly sounded.

Next, the "on-demand rush answer" session will begin.

If a member wants to watch any of the multiverse content on demand, they can ask for it.

Hearing this, the members in the live broadcast room and chat group were a little shocked.

"Any multiverse on demand?"

"So you can see whatever you want?"

"It's so interesting, I'll want to broadcast it!"

"I want it too!"

"Wait! And me. "

"And ......"

After countless requests from countless people. The sound of the system rang out again.

Wanda Maximoff gets on-demand access, please select the multiverse on demand.

"I, wahaha! I won. "

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Wanda shook his head and laughed, looking at the people around him for a while.

In fact, everyone in the live broadcast room made a request for on-demand, but in the end, ...... Only this little girl was selected by the system.

Rolling his eyes, little Wanda thought for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his head and asked a question that no one had guessed.

"System! I wonder who founded that SCP Foundation?"

"SCP Foundation?"

Tonis Darker glanced at little Wanda with some surprise.

He really didn't expect that the little girl would choose to ask such a question.

However, hearing little Wanda's words, Tony's heart was also filled with curiosity.

What is the origin of that mysterious Foundation that not only covers the world, but even involves other dimensions?

After a few seconds of silence, the system's voice rang out again.

Wanda Maximoff consumes 100 live streams! 】

[The video starts playing.] 】

Immediately after, a strange narration sounded in everyone's ears.

["Everything in the world has a source, a beginning. "】

["And an organization as large as the SCP Foundation is naturally no exception. "】

["But few people believe that this Foundation, which is strong enough to resist the most terrifying monsters in the multiverse, originally originated in ...... A document. "】

["This happened many years ago. "】

[At the time, the name "SCP Foundation" didn't even exist. "】

["The predecessor of this huge organization was just a nameless organization that dealt with all kinds of unusual events. "】

[In those days, the so-called "special event" may have been just a nightmare for someone to have a nightmare and then insist that the things in the dream really happened. "】

["Some people think that his cat is actually a pharaoh who has lived for thousands of years. "】

["And this organization is dealing with these trivial things all day long. "】

"But one day, everything changed. "】

["On this day, the administrator of this organization found a stack of papers on his desk. "】

He asked everyone around him, but no one knew where the stack of papers came from. "】

["On the cover of this document, there is a line of text. "】

["Confidential Report on Special Items"]

["Special items?"]

The manager sighed slightly, guessing what was recorded in it...... Is it the old woman's daydream?"]

Out of boredom and a hint of curiosity, the administrator turned to page 1 of the document. "】

["But just one glance, the contents of the document completely attracted him. "】

["Quite different from the reports he had seen before, the contents of the document were terrifying, eerie, and even chilling!"]

[On page 1 of the document, there is a large ball of flesh with an iron hatch that can be opened. "】

["If someone opens this hatch, they will find that the inside of the meat ball is ...... Seems to be a medium sized ordinary apartment. "】

["The apartment inside this meat ball is very ordinary, and there is no difference from an ordinary living room. "】

And there is some furniture in the room. "】

But if someone walks in and takes a closer look, they will find out...... All of this furniture is made of carved human bones, woven human hair, and even human bodies!"

["Moreover, any human who steps into this apartment will be absorbed by the apartment itself, and then "transformed" into new "living furniture"!"]

["The most terrifying thing is that no one knows whether these humans who have been transformed into furniture are dead or still in this form...... Alive!"]

["Gollum."] "】

After reading the first page of the document, the manager swallowed slightly, and for a moment lost the desire to continue reading. "】

["Good guys!"]

["Such a terrifying and terrifying anomaly, let alone seen it, the manager has never even heard of it before. "】

However, even if the document says that this "meat ball apartment" is written, it does not necessarily mean that it is real. "】

["Perhaps, this is the material written by some open-minded novelist. "】

While comforting himself like this, the manager threw the document into the drawer next to him. "】

Soon, he forgot about it. "】

But it didn't take long for the phone in the office to ring. "】

The manager picked up the phone, and after a few seconds, his expression immediately stiffened. "】

["On the other end of the phone, a low-level agent of the organization is excitedly reporting to him......"]

["They found a huge spherical object!"]

["Moreover, there is an iron door on this object."] "】

["After opening the iron door, there is a very ordinary apartment room inside. "】


["The manager was taken aback and instinctively screamed:"]

["Don't go in, you must not go into that room!"]


"The low-level agent was a little confused. "】

["It turned out that except for him, who came to report to his superiors, the rest of the agents on the scene ...... It's all in that apartment!"]

["The manager was shocked and wanted to get those people to come out quickly, but it was too late. "】

["According to the reports of the only remaining agents on the scene, all the agents who entered the meat ball apartment mysteriously disappeared. "】

[After transporting the Meatball back to the Nameless Agency, the Remaining Agent discovered through observation that the Meatball's apartment was ...... And a couple of more pieces of furniture!"]

Upon learning of this, the administrator immediately ordered that the meat ball apartment be sealed off to the deepest room of the base, and no one was allowed to approach it. "】

["By now, the manager can be sure that this meat ball...... It's what is written in that mysterious document!"]

["This incident was called the "first containment" by later generations. "】

["That weird ball of meat that was contained was also named SCP-002!"]

in the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, everyone was slightly surprised.

"A meatball room that transforms living people into furniture, and a mysterious document that records it all?"

Bruce Wayne pondered for a moment, and a thought suddenly popped into his mind.

"This document...... Is it some kind of prophetic instrument?"

"He will predict in advance that the SCP that will appear next!"

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