Seeing this, no one in the chat group replied for a while, and everyone seemed to be confused.

After a long time, someone spoke weakly.

The Flash Barry Allen: This ...... I can't be mistaken, right?

Barry Allen, The Flash: The Beyonder, it was so easy to ...... Doctor Doom took away his power?( ̄△ ̄;)

Barry Allen, The Flash: What the hell is going on?

Reed Richards: Incredible, is Victor that strong?

Stephen Strange: Reed, there should be a Victor von Doom in your world.

Reed Richards: Well, yes.

Reed Richards: But after learning about his plot, I've been with ...... Susan and the others teamed up to send Victor to prison.

Stephen Strange: It's strange, if that Victor is really so weak, how can he take the power of the Beyonder?

Bruce Wayne: I don't know how powerful the Beyonder is, but there's one possibility, and that's ...... He did it on purpose.

Stephen Strange: Huh?

Bruce Wayne: After defeating Doom, the Beyonder did not kill him, but began to retrieve his life and memories.

Bruce Wayne: That is to say, this extremely powerful being has a ...... on human life Hot.

Bruce Wayne: So, it's possible that the Beyonder deliberately gave his power to Doom.

Bruce Wayne: He wanted to see what a human would do when he was given infinite transcendent powers.

Jerome Valeska: Hahaha!

Jerome Valeska: Such a bold game, and it really ...... Only those who transcend the universe can afford to play!

Nick Fury: Is giving all your power to Doom just for a game?

Stephen Strange: Beyonder brings together all the superheroes and villains on Earth to play a game of battle against each other!

Stephen Strange: At the end of the day, we don't know what the transcendent is, and with human values, we may not be able to measure "Him" at all.

Starlight: Wait a minute, if this guy really gives up all his powers, then he's going to die...... Or become a mortal?

Stephen Strange: Bitter smile, you think too highly of me, how can I be qualified to answer such a question.

Dr. Manhattan: It depends...... What is the "essence" of that transcendent?

Deadpool: Wow! Blue Eagle! You're finally bubbling.

Dr. Manhattan: If the transcendents are some kind of aggregate of "transcendent energies," giving up that energy might actually allow it to dissipate.

Manhattan Dr.: But ...... If its ontology is something else. The situation could be completely different......

Loki Odinson: Hmph! I really don't want such a strong energy, why don't you give it to me?

Wanda Maximov: Hahaha! Don't you see the Dr. Doom, even if the Beyonder gives him a chance, he won't be able to catch it!

Loki Odinson: Phew, I'm a god, how can a mere mortal compare to me?

At that moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[It's been a while since the end of the last secret war.] 】

[A number of superheroes have also returned to Earth and lived a stable life. 】

But they don't know that there is another realm outside of their own universe. 】

[For this "transcendent realm", the entire 616 universe is just like a drop of water in the ocean!]

[And the incarnation of the transcendent realm has entered the 616 universe at this moment!]

[Neither time nor space means anything to "him".] 】

[And "he" has only one goal, that is, the earth in the solar system!]

[Soon, with a loud "boom", a meteor fell to the earth!]

[This loud noise also alarmed one person, that is, the molecular people who lived not far away...... Owen Jones. 】

[Since the last time he was "enlightened" by Dr. Doom in the "Fighting Realm", the Molecular Man has completely walked out of his past demons. 】

[Now he has almost infinite power, and he can distort and rewrite everything in the world. 】

[However, Owen Reese, who has a flat mentality, just wants to be an ordinary person and live a plain life with his girlfriend. 】

[Hearing the sound of a meteor landing, the molecule man ran to the balcony to take a look, but he was taken aback. 】


[I saw an overwhelming meteor fragment, like a torrential rain hitting the city, as if it was about to raze the entire city to the ground. 】

["Be careful!"]

[Not wanting to turn the city he lives in into ruins, Owen hurriedly used his superpowers to control all the fragments in an instant. 】

[But in the next moment, the molecular man suddenly saw a person standing on a boulder flying from outer space!]

[Just glanced at that person, Owen Riston trembled with fright!]

"Oh my God......! It's the Beyond!"]

["He actually came to earth!"]

[At the same time, Professor X Charles Xavier also sensed the arrival of the transcendent, and hurriedly informed Captain Mi Guo to get the Avengers ready. 】

[But these superheroes never imagined that at this moment, the Beyonder was descending on the apartment of the molecule man Owen Jones in a rather strange gesture. 】

[I saw that on the sofa in Owen Rees's apartment, there was a muscular weirdo. 】

[If you look closely, you will find that this person ...... He wears Iron Man's helmet, Doctor Doom's mask, and Cyclops glasses on his head. 】

[Wearing Thor's vest and Captain Mi's tights. 】

[Obviously, the Beyonder is the ...... that appeared in the previous secret wars.] Those superhero dresses are all focused on themselves. 】

[And after revealing his true body, the transcendent only asked Owen Reese a question:]

"I want to understand the meaning of life. "】


[The Molecule Man casually took a clay statue from the table, turned it into an apple, and then replied while eating the apple:]

["I think it's useless to just talk about this kind of thing, if you want to know what life is, then you have to experience every part of life. "】

["Did you experience it, I see!"]

[After receiving the guidance of the Molecule Man, the Transcendent teleported away.] 】

[And the molecule man continued to sit on the sofa with a big grin, watching TV with his girlfriend, as if it hadn't happened.] 】

[Next, the transcendents wander around the earth, meeting people and asking them what the meaning of life is. 】

[In the face of this elusive and powerful superpowerhouse, but his mind is like a blank piece of paper, a superhero in the Marvel world...... All of them have a headache. 】

[Like Peter Parker, Reed Richards couldn't give the right answer, so they could only talk nonsense and send the transcendent away.] 】

[But in the process of inquiry, the transcendent finally understood the common sense on the earth, turned himself into a blonde and blue-eyed human man, and changed into a more reliable clothes. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the Beyonder learns from Luke Cage that the meaning of life is money. 】

[After receiving this answer, the Beyonder stretched out his hand and turned the entire building into pure gold!]

[And his ability to "turn gold" was also targeted by gang leaders with ulterior motives. 】

[This gang leader, although he has gained a lot of wealth by using the power of the transcendent, he has indeed taught the transcendent a lot of things. 】

[And after getting enough money, the gang leader decided to retire and ignore the world, and suggested ...... The transcendent leaves himself and goes outside to roam freely. 】

[After learning a street wisdom from the gang leader, after the transcendent "went it alone", he immediately used his ability to control Jin and made him bow down to him. 】

[Having tasted the sweetness of controlling others, the transcendent simply strode forward directly, using his ability to control the entire rice country and even the whole world!]

[At the moment when the transcendent had his thoughts, all the human beings in the world, whether they were superheroes or supervillains, were all surrendered to his thoughts. 】

[Only one person is an exception.] 】

[That's Irving Jones, the molecule man.] 】


[A molecular man watching TV with his girlfriend.] His gaze changed suddenly. 】

[He stared at his girlfriend and suddenly muttered in a low voice:]

["All mankind...... All the molecules in the world, except myself...... All of them are affected by some kind of force. "】

["The only one who can do this kind of thing is the transcendent!"

"But it's none of the business with me. "】

[Shaking his head, the molecule man raised his hand and cleared the Beyonder's control over his girlfriend.] 】

[Then, the two "only two" people who broke free from the control of the transcendent continued to sit on the couch and watch TV.] 】

[It seems that although he has infinite power, the molecular man only wants to be an ordinary person. 】

And after ruling the entire Earth, the Beyonder soon became bored again. 】

[You can get what you want, such a life...... What's the point, exactly?]

[In extreme boredom, the transcendents wandered around the earth at will, and even deliberately unlocked the mind control of the superheroes, allowing them to fight with themselves. 】

Even so, he quickly got bored. 】

[With nothing to do, the transcendent even drove his girlfriend across space and came to the lair of the Celestial God Group in the depths of the universe. 】

[Here, with a wave of his hand, he smashed all the Celestial Groups into scum. 】

[Originally, the transcendent was ready to use such a feat to please his new girlfriend. 】

[But this human woman was frightened by this terrifying cosmic war!]

[In desperation, the transcendent can only teleport this woman back to Earth and continue to have fun by himself.] 】

[Next, the Beyonder even tries to become a superhero!]

[But his strength is still too strong, and he can do what he wants immediately, so he finally gave up.] 】

After traveling around Earth, the Beyonder came to the Holy Sanctuary of the Supreme and sought guidance from Doctor Strange. 】

And Doctor Strange lived up to his expectations and explained to the Transcendent those high gods in the universe. 】

["In addition to the five gods of creation, there is also the Lord of Chaos in the universe...... Lord of Order...... and the highest court of life. "】

["These cosmic gods represent the basic laws of the universe......"]

After learning all this, the Beyonder went back to his freewheeling life. 】

[One day, when he had nothing else to do, he told a reporter who came to visit him about the gods. 】

[When this man named David learned of all this, he came up with an unimaginable bad idea to the Beyond. 】

[He advises the transcendent to destroy the goddess of death, who represents the law of death!]

[In this way, no one will ever die in the entire universe again.] 】

[And at this moment, in front of the molecule who was spending a small life with his girlfriend, a big bald head appeared. 】

[It's the Interferer Yoathu!]

[Looking at this annoying big bald head, the molecule man immediately straightened his face. 】

[But the interferer has an old face and makes a request to Owen Jones!]

["If you continue to let the transcendents behave recklessly, the entire universe will be a mess of it by him!"]

["Before something irreparable happens, I ask you...... Go stop him. "】

[In the face of the unreasonable molecule with a face full of love, the interferor Yuatul even knelt down on one knee and bowed his bare head to him. 】

["In the entire universe, only you can compete with the transcendent, I beg you!"

[But the molecule man just wanted to hide in the city at the moment, and he didn't want to save the world at all, so he simply rejected him. 】

["Listen, bald guy, I don't want to worry about this, if you really want to stop the transcendent, I suggest you go find someone else. "】

[Seeing this, Yuatu had no choice but to teleport away and go somewhere else to find rescuers. 】

[At this time, under the persuasion of that David, the Beonder finally held a public press conference. 】

[At the press conference, David publicly announced to countless media and bodies in the audience...... The transcendent is about to destroy the feat of the Goddess of Death!]

[Next, the transcendent also used his divine power to summon the goddess of death to this venue.] 】

["Hehe, to wipe out the death of the whole universe, even I have to pay some price, but maybe it's all worth it. "】

[Sitting at the table, the transcendent took a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass. 】

[Then, he poured most of his divine power into this glass of wine, and then handed it to the goddess of death who he had summoned. 】

["Haha, as long as you drink this glass of wine, the concept of death ...... It will be completely wiped out of this universe!"]

And just as the transcendent took out this glass of wine, a great demon suddenly appeared from behind him, and his body was red. 】

[Mephisto, King of Hell!]

[It turns out that this big devil has been waiting for this opportunity. 】

["Hahaha, Beyonder!, now, most of your energy has been poured into the wine!"]

["My men! Kill this idiot!"]

["Who do you say is an idiot?"]

Even if most of the energy is lost, the transcendent is still a transcendent being. 】

[I saw that with a wave of his right hand, all of Mephistopheles' subordinates were reduced to nothing. 】

[At this moment, a big bald head with countless supreme beings appeared in the venue. 】

"Stop, Beyonder. "】

[Juatul the Interfer looks at the Beyonder and says in a humble voice:]

["I have brought all the most powerful beings in the universe to you, just so that you can listen to me and wait. "】

[I saw that behind Yuatul, there were densely standing high-ranking gods. 】

[From the Eternal God to the Lord of Order, even the "Court of Life" has appeared in this small venue!]

[But in the face of the transcendent, all of them can only speak in a good voice, and no one dares to take a step beyond the thunder pool. 】

["You must not kill the goddess of death, O transcendent. "】

["Otherwise, the laws of this universe will be subverted by you. "】

[And in the end, the Eternal God even stepped forward and wanted to replace the goddess of death and drink the cup of "Mortal Wine" that contained most of the transcendent's energy!]

[However, the will of the transcendent has been decided. 】

Neither the Eternal God nor the Court of Life could convince him. 】

[In the face of those cosmic gods who pleaded bitterly, the transcendent directly handed the "Mortal Wine" to the goddess of death and ordered her to drink it!]


[In the face of the transcendent, the goddess of death doesn't even seem to have the courage to resist, so she can only drink this glass of wine obediently. 】


[In an instant, the goddess of death disappeared without a trace like a wisp of green smoke. 】

[And seeing this scene, the most frightened of all the gods and demons was actually Mephisto. 】


[Mephisto let out an earth-shattering scream, and the whole person seemed to be about to collapse.] 】

If there is no more death in this world, then who will go to his hell?]

[An empty hell, do you still need a king?]

[At the same time, in a certain apartment.] 】


[The molecule man looked at a pot of brand-new flowers, and his face changed suddenly. 】

[He remembers very well, these flowers ...... I should be dead!]

[But now, they are alive again!]

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