[Facing Kratos, Hercules wears the ...... "Nemean Gauntlet" that he got during his previous heroic journey!]

[Immediately after, these two powerful demigods started a death match in the square of Mount Olympus!]

["Bang, bang, bang, bang......"]

[After a fierce battle, Hercules finally repelled Kratos!]

[However, perhaps because of the influence of "jealousy", Hercules did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but turned around and shouted loudly to Hera, the queen of heaven on the high platform:]

["Queen!, do you see how the god of war trembles under my feet?"]

["I ......"]

[Before he could finish speaking, Kratos rushed up from behind and kicked Hercules in the leg, knocking him to his knees.] 】


[Before Hercules could react, Kratos took it from him...... Snatched the mighty lion's head fist and launched a strong attack on him in turn!]

["Boom, boom!boom!"]

[Kratos knocks Hercules to the ground, then raises his fist and slams him in the face.] 】


[Due to the excessive force, Kratos even ...... Hercules' head Shattered along with the floor of the square!]

[Two people...... In other words, Kratos and Hercules' bodies fell into the sewers below the square. 】


[Along the sewers, Kratos came to the ...... who had died at his hands The temple of Poseidon, the god of the sea. 】

[After entering the temple, Kratos saw a statue of a young girl in the secret room in the distance of the temple. 】

[This statue is exactly the same as the "Pandora" cast by the god of fire Hertostus in hell. 】

[After killing the enemies in the temple, Kratos discovers that the winch mechanism next to him can pull up the iron gate leading to the secret room. 】

[But as soon as he lets go, the gate will fall again.] 】

In desperation, Kratos began to look for a way to break the game in the temple. 】

[At the end, he met a woman, and that was Poseidon's daughter. 】

[Looking at this woman, Kratoston timepiece took it to heart.] 】

[He directly pulled the winch first and raised the gate.] 】

[Immediately after, Kratos puts the woman under the winch and asks her to hold the handle of the winch.] 】

"Don't ...... Kratos-sama! Ahhh

[With a miserable cry, Poseidon's daughter was churned into meat sauce by the winch. 】

[Kratos didn't even look back, and rushed directly into the secret room of the temple.] 】

[In this secret room, he once again encountered Pandora's "little flame". 】

"Kratos, I knew you were coming. "】

[Through the flames, Pandora tells Kratos that he only needs to find the maze...... You'll be able to find her!]

[Next, under the guidance of Abrodi, the goddess of love, Kratos returned to Hell through a portal and met Hephaestus, the god of fire. 】

[Hearing Kratos trying to find Pandora, Hephaestus was furious at first, but after a while he suddenly calmed down.] 】

[Then he looks at Kratos with a strange gaze and claims...... You can create an artifact that is enough to kill Zeus!]

[But in order to forge this weapon, Kratos must travel to Tartarus, the lowest part of the underworld, to obtain the legendary "Onfalos Navel Stone.] 】

[Although some generals were skeptical, but at the thought of Zeus, who could be hated with a blade, Kratos finally agreed to the conditions of the fire god and decided to go to Tartarus. 】

Here he met Zeus's father, Kronos, the king of the Titans. 】

[It turned out that after Kratos took away Pandora's treasure box, Zeus did not let go of this "negligent" father, and knocked him down to Tartarus, the lowest level of the underworld. 】

["The murderer of Gaia, Mother Earth, you guy...... How dare you appear in front of me!"]

[I don't know what the reason is, the first time I saw Kratos, Kronos already knew that he killed Gaia, and he turned his face and did it directly!]

[Seeing that the huge Titan King wants to crush himself, Kratos is not afraid!]

[He has a lot of experience in fighting against such a huge enemy.] 】

[But even Kratos didn't expect that halfway through the fight, the King of the Titans actually opened his mouth and swallowed Kratos into his stomach!]

[Even if he was swallowed, Kratos did not have the slightest fear, but unfolded the Blade of Chaos and slashed and killed Kronos in the stomach!]


[Feeling the sharp pain coming from his abdomen, Kronos felt regret at this time!]

[He seems to have swallowed something terrible!]


[With a blue light, I saw Kratos raise the Olympus Excalibur, and one piece slashed Kronos's belly!]

[Moreover, when Kratos came out of Kronos's belly, he even held the "Onfalos Navel Stone" in his hand!]

[And until this time, Kronos finally knew how powerful Kratos was]

[In extreme pain, the former Titan King had to bow his head and beg Kratos for mercy:]

"You've got what you want, let me go."] "】

[But seeing that the enmity between the two sides has been settled, Kratos naturally wants to cut the grass and eradicate the roots.] 】

[Next, he first used the iron chain used by Zeus to bind Kronos and pierced the jaw of the Titan King!]

[Then, Kratos climbed all the way to Kronos's forehead and stabbed him into the center of his eyebrows with the Olympus Excalibur in his hand!]


[The terrifying energy of the Olympus Excalibur instantly penetrated Kronos's brain!]


[In the earth-shattering screams, this titan giant, whose body was taller than the mountain peak, finally fell to the ground and never moved again. 】

And when Kratos left Tartarus and returned to Vulcan, Vulcan was surprised after just one look at him. 】

["Kratos, you're back alive!"]

[It turns out that Hephaestus, the god of fire, was a hope from the beginning...... Kronos can replace him and kill the Spartan in front of him!]

[In this way, Kratos will no longer be able to beat his daughter "Pandora" idea.] 】

[But seeing that even the "King of Titans" was not Kratos' opponent, the Vulcan had no choice but to use the "Onfalos Navel Stone" to create a divine weapon...... Vengeful Whip!]

[Just as Kratos was looking at the brand-new weapon in his hand, Vulcan suddenly made a move, injecting his divine power into the vengeful whip, wanting to use this pre-set mechanism...... Kill Kratos!]


[And just at the last moment, Kratos rushed to the side, raised the "revenge whip" in his hand, and stabbed into the god of fire. 】


[With the help of this method, Kratos actually turned a strong energy ...... In turn, it leads to the god of fire!]

[Immediately after that, Kratos activated the nearby mechanism and gave Hephaestus the final blow!]


[After the blood sprayed wildly, Hephaestus said to Kratos with his last strength:]

["My Beautiful Pandora......"]

"Please...... Leave him alone. "】

[Although he heard the pleading of the god of fire, the hard-hearted Kratos did not look at him again, but just left hell and returned to Mount Olympus. 】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively again.

Starlight: Oh my God, this Kratos is too much! !

Morty: yes!

Hermione Granger: The Vulcan looks so pathetic, he just wants to protect his daughter...... ╥﹏╥

Kratos: Hmph, he tried to kill me, did he let me stand and let him kill?

Wolverine: Well, whatever the reason, since you've already been killed, you have to be ready to be killed.

Wolverine: That's the law of the battlefield.

Starlight: Even if you don't talk about the battlefield, that Poseidon's daughter...... What's going on?

Starlight: He's not Kratos' enemy, and he didn't attack him, why should he die?

After all, he can be regarded as a righteous hero, and Starlight really can't accept Kratos' murderous behavior.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Isn't it just killing a woman?

Captain Mikoku: No, it's one thing to kill an enemy on the battlefield. Kill a woman who has no power to resist...... Absolutely wrong!

Kratos: Where is all this nonsense, I will kill if I like, can you handle it?

Captain of the United States: You !!

Wonder Woman Diana: Sigh.

Wonder Woman Diana: War in the Age of Mythology is so cruel.

Wonder Woman Diana: If one side wins, the other side goes from god to worshipper...... They could all be killed!

Diana, Wonder Woman: I don't like it, but ...... That's the reality!

Hermione Granger: Mythical wars? It's terrifying, it's even scarier than the "wizarding wars" in the books. (ㄒoㄒ)

Jerome Valeska: More than that, I want to know now that if Kratos really killed Zeus, the Greek world would ...... Will it collapse completely?

God of War Kratos: ............

This time, even Kratos was surprisingly speechless.

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After returning to Mount Olympus, Kratos meets Hera again. 】

[It was this woman who seemed to have drunk too much and was already drunk and lost her mind. 】

Kratos didn't want to pay attention to him. Who knows, Hera, who fell into half-madness. He actually opened his mouth and scolded:]

"You're a coward, you've ruined everything, look at what the world has been made of by you. "】

["I see...... You won't find that little slut Pandora either!"]

[Hearing that Hera actually scolded Pandora, Kratos finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart!]


[He rushed straight up and grabbed Hera's throat and broke her neck with a little force!]

[Now, another god of Olympus, died at the hands of Kratos.] 】

[And Hera died, the plants of the Greek world...... They also began to die one after another. 】

[The disasters in the world have added another weight. 】

[After killing Hera again, Kratos rushed all the way into the Temple of Olympus, and it took a lot of twists and turns to finally find Pandora, who was imprisoned. 】

Next, the two of them went to the location of Pandora's Box together. 】

[Along the way, Kratos killed countless demons and monsters in order to protect Pandora. 】

[Because of this short time together, a trace of father-daughter love arose between the two. 】

[In the end, after countless hardships and dangers, Kratos finally took Pandora to the Sacred Flame Hall where Pandora's box was stored. 】

[Looking at the blazing Olympus flame in front of him, Kratos unexpectedly felt a trace of hesitation rise in his heart. 】

[If Pandora rushes into the flames, then she will be reduced to nothing!]

[Thinking of this, Kratos forgot about revenge for a moment and reached out to grab Pandora's hand. 】

["Pandora, don't!"]

[Pandora, who was pulled by Kratos, started to resist angrily:]

["You know what I'm here for, you brought me here for this!"]

["Let go of me now!"]


[Kratos has a shaken look on his face and says slowly:]

["I'll think of something else!"]

["There is no other way!"]

[Pandora struggles desperately, and then suddenly screams:]

["You hurt my hand!"]


[Upon hearing this, Kratos involuntarily let go of his hand, and Pandora took the opportunity to throw himself into the flame. 】

[But halfway through, she suddenly bumped into a person.] 】

[It turned out to be Zeus!]


[Zeus grabbed Pandora's neck casually and said to Kratos:]

"O my foolish son. "】

["Your pursuit of Pandora, and your pathetic act of revenge on your family...... It has brought terrible disaster to Olympus!"]

Zeus casually pointed at the devastated Temple of Olympus and roared angrily. 】

["Look what you've done!"]

[Kratos's face was filled with murderous intent, and he said coldly:]

"I can only see...... Someone who is about to be destroyed by me!"]

["Hmph! Extremely ignorant!"]

[Zeus casually threw Pandora out of his hand, threw the little girl to the ground and knocked her unconscious.] 】

[Seeing this, Kratos was furious and started a new fierce battle with the father in front of him!]

[In this fierce battle, Kratos and Zeus almost destroyed the entire Olympus Temple. 】

[But halfway through the fight, Pandora actually woke up and wanted to jump into the flame again.] 】

[Kratos was shocked when he saw it, and hurriedly stepped forward to grab her. 】

[And at this moment, the injured Zeus also rushed over, and shouted anxiously:]

["Kratos, you can't let her die! you've lost your daughter!"]

["Is it ...... Are you going to lose her now?"]


[Hearing Zeus's heartfelt words, Kratos finally lost his mind. 】

[He let go of Pandora and rushed towards Zeus with blood-red eyes, wanting to fight him. 】

And at this moment, Pandora also fell into the flames. 】


[With a bright light, the Olympus flame disappeared completely, and only Pandora's Box remained in the temple.] 】


[Kratos stepped forward to open the box with a heavy face, only to find that it was empty. 】

[According to Athena, there should still be a mysterious and powerful power left in this magic box that can help him defeat Zeus.] 】

[But now it seems that this statement is completely false.] 】

["Hahaha! empty?"]

[At this time, Zeus's ridicule sounded behind Kratos again:]

["After you have given so much and sacrificed so much, it turns out that ...... All you can get is another failure!"]

["You !!"]

[Because of Pandora's death and the empty box, Kratos is already deep in pain and disappointment, and Zeus's irony ...... It directly made his anger value explode!]

[Following Zeus, Kratos came to the top of Mount Olympus, and this father and son fought the final battle to the death here!]


And just as the two were fighting, a giant suddenly appeared and pinched the pavilion where the two were fighting. 】

[It turns out that it is Gaia, the mother of the earth!]

[She's not dead yet!]


[An enraged Gaia squeezes hard, crushing the pavilion where Kratos and Zeus were. 】

[And the two also took the opportunity to jump into Gaia's body. 】

[In the heart of Mother Earth, this father and son have started to fight again!]

[Due to the special properties of Gaia's heart, whenever Kratos and Zeus are seriously injured, they will absorb the energy in the heart to recover their injuries, so the battle situation began to drag on. 】

[Love stood at the end, Kratos finally seized the opportunity and pierced Zeus with the Olympus sword! and even ...... him and Gaia's hearts. Let's string it together!]


[The screams of Gaia, the mother of the earth, and Zeus, the king of the gods, rang out at the same time. 】

[After being pierced in the heart, Mother Earth's body began to crumble. 】

[And the wreckage formed by Gaia also completely destroyed Mount Olympus.] 】

[Just when Kratos thought he was done, pulled out the Olympus Excalibur, and was about to leave......]


[Zeus, who had died, appeared in front of him in the form of a ghost like Athena!]

["I can create you, and of course I can destroy you!"]

[The ghost Zeus stretched out his big hand and grabbed Kratos' neck fiercely, as if he was going to take this opportunity to strangle him!]

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