[Image continues.] 】

[On Mount Olympus.] 】

[Seeing that the Titans actually launched a strong attack, the gods also jumped down directly and fought with the Titans. 】

[Helios, the god of the sun, sits on his chariot of fire and surveys the sky. 】

Hercules leads his undead legion head-on against the Titans. 】

Hades, the king of Hades, used his death hook to pull one titan-after another into the underworld. 】

[But for Zeus's brother, Poseidon, the king of the sea, simply jumped down!]


[Like a shooting star, Poseidon pierced a Titan, and then plunged himself into the water below Mount Olympus. 】

[Entering the water, Poseidon immediately summoned his giant seahorse mount, and grabbed Gaia, the mother of the earth, to pull her off Mount Olympus!]

[Kratos finally killed these seahorses, and Poseidon also showed his true body in front of him!]


[Riding the terrifying seahorse, Poseidon held the Trident of the Sea King and roared loudly:]

["This is the last time you defy the gods, and I will destroy you completely!"]

["Don't talk nonsense!"]

[In the face of the huge Poseidon divine body, Kratos cleverly joined forces with Gaia!]

[With the help of Gaia's left fist, he ...... Poseidon's true body Shot out of the body of a god made of water. 】

[After losing the control of the main body, the seahorse mount and countless monsters conjured up by Poseidon all turned into sea water and dissipated into the air. 】

["Damn!, why didn't Zeus kill you sooner?"]

[Severely injured by Kratos, Poseidon was covered in blood, half-kneeling on the ground, barely able to stand up. 】

"Hmph, get ready to die. "】

[Kratos was full of murderous energy, walked up to Poseidon, and was a punch and kick without mercy!]


[In the face of Poseidon, who had almost no power to resist, Kratos did not spare his hand, and soon beat him into a human form. 】

[Immediately after, Kratos first knocked out Poseidon's eyes, then twisted his neck, and finally ...... and threw his body off the cliff!]

[Poseidon, the king of the sea, one of the main gods of Olympus!]



[Just after Poseidon's death, the endless sea water was released from his corpse and turned into earth-shattering waves, which were pushed in all directions with overwhelming momentum!]

[And the sea level in the entire Greek waters has begun to rise wildly!]

[One city after another...... All of them are submerged in the sea!]

[In the face of such a sudden disaster, countless human beings, before they even had time to escape, were drowned by the sea!

[Seeing the appearance of Zeguo on the ground in an instant, Kratos was also a little surprised. 】

[But at this moment, Gaia, the Mother of Earth, also crawled to his side and yelled at Kratos:]

["The end of Zeus is at hand, climb on top of me, let's go up together!"]

[Eager for revenge, Kratos climbed to the top of Olympus with Gaia. 】

[Then here they saw, Zeus waiting with his hands folded. 】

["Hmph...... Father, what are you going to do next?"]

[Kratos got down from Gaia and walked towards Zeus with a sneer on his face, as if he had already eaten him.] 】

["This time, you can't hide behind Athena."] "】

["Arrogant little ghost!"]

[Zeus was annoyed and roared violently:]

["This is the last time you will be rude to the gods!"]

[After roaring, Zeus jumped directly above the clouds!]


[I saw him condense super lightning and release it when it was aimed at Kratos and Gaia!]


[Zeus is worthy of being the king of the gods, and this blow alone almost broke one of Gaia's arms! 】


[In the process of falling, Gaia desperately grasps a boulder on the edge of Mount Olympus, while Kratos is attached to her, unsteady on her feet, and is about to fall. 】

["Gaia, I'm about to fall!"]

[Hearing Kratos' cry for help, Gaia, the Mother of Earth, said casually while climbing up:]

"If I help you, we both have to die. "】

["Moreover, you are just a pawn of mine, and I saved you in the first place so that you can serve the Titans. "】


[Hearing Gaia's words in a hurry, Kratoston was taken aback.] 】

In addition to the horror, a wave of anger also rose from Kratos's heart. 】

[Whether it's the gods of Olympus or the Gaia clan, these guys are all using themselves!]

But at this moment, Gaia struggled to climb up, and a shock from his body sent Kratos flying. 】


[In mid-air, even the Olympus Excalibur flew out of his hand, and Kratos struggled weakly and fell into the abyss. 】


[I don't know how long it took to fall, Kratos finally fell into a familiar river again.] 】

[River Styx. 】

[This is the hell ruled by Hades!]

Kratos is dead again. 】

[Soaked in the water of the River Styx, which is enough to wash everything away, Kratos's divine power is all in vain. 】

[But even the River Styx, which even the gods fear, does not seem to be able to dissolve his soul.] 】


Kratos struggles to climb ashore from the River Styx, but in the midst of Hades' Hades-ruled Hades, he suddenly meets another acquaintance. 】

[That is the goddess of wisdom who was killed by his own hands and has turned into an undead...... Athena!]

[In the face of the vengeful Kratos, Athena claimed that the death of the Olympian gods would bring terrible disasters to the people of Greece. 】

But Kratos doesn't care about it:]

["Just let them suffer, what does it have to do with me? I just want to kill Zeus!"]

[At this time, Athena said words that Kratos couldn't believe:]

["Zeus is not as easy to kill as Ares, if you want to destroy the king of the gods, you must first find the source of his power...... It's the Olympus Flame!"

Kratos' eyes widen and his face is full of surprise and asks:]

["At the beginning, you died to save Zeus, but now you want to kill him, what are you thinking?"]

[The ghost Athena claimed that it was only after she died that she saw through the truth of the world.] 】

[As long as Zeus is alive, mankind will always be in the shadow of the gods, without hope. 】

[Therefore, in order to save humanity, Kratos should destroy the Olympus Flame and then kill Zeus!]

[Listening to Athena's inconsistent words, Kratos is full of suspicions.] 】

[However, for Athena's sake of upgrading his weapons, he decided to listen to her for the time being.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Hermione Granger: Oh my God! Dead a sea god, the sea is rising!

Hermione Granger: If this Kratos ...... If you really kill Zeus, will the sky collapse?

Wonder Woman Diana: I also killed God of War with my own hands, it seems ...... There wasn't much of a collapse.

Stephen Strange: Every world is different.

Stephen Strange: But that Athena feels a little weird to me.

Bruce Wayne: It's really weird, she used to die trying to save Zeus, but after she died, her attitude changed completely!

Bruce Wayne: I suspect there might be some conspiracy on this woman!

Rocky Odinson: You see everything is a conspiracy......

Jerome Valeska: No, I think Bruce has a point.

Jerome Valeska: That change in Athena is so unusual!

Kratos, God of War: Damn, Zeus, old ghost...... How can it be so powerful?

At this moment, Kratos really doubted his life.

It turned out that he thought that as long as he could travel back in time and call the Titans, he could completely destroy Olympus.

But now it seems that not only is the Titans unreliable, but Zeus's strength is indeed above him!

If this continues, how can I get revenge?

At this time, Kratos suddenly thought of the "godkiller power" that he had obtained by answering the question before

Servant of Death Cage!

If there is really no other way, then he will have to take the risk and kill the other gods of Olympus, turning their bodies into servants of death!

Although this approach is extremely dangerous, only in this way can he have confidence...... Go to war with all of Olympus!

Just as Kratos weighed in and drew up his plan, a new image appeared on the screen.

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