[In the face of the coercion and temptation of yogurt. The president of the United States was immediately cowardly. 】

[The United States agreed to lease Ohio to yogurt for 100 years. 】

[After taking control of the entire Ohio state, yogurt did not interfere with the lives of local people, but only built various high-tech equipment, and then continued to evolve and reproduce in it. 】

[Yogurt then presented the president with an extremely complicated financial plan.] 】

[Yogurt claims that as long as it can operate in strict accordance with this plan, the country will eliminate all debts within a year.] 】

[But while providing this plan, yogurt also issued a stern warning to the president:]

"You must do it honestly. "】

"Any modification to the plan would lead to a catastrophic economic collapse. "】

[The president's face was full of "no one knows better than me", and he nodded excitedly:]

"Don't worry. "】

[Next, the president really made himself smart...... Start modifying the yogurt offering. 】

[In just half a year, he completely collapsed the economy of the United States. 】

[But even if the country of rice ...... Even the whole world is in chaos, and under the rule of yogurt, Ohio is still peaceful. 】

[Just when the country was about to collapse, Yogurt once again showed mercy and extended a helping hand to the president. 】

[Yogurt proposes that the president hand over the entire country.] 】

[In this way, yogurt can solve all problems for him.] 】

[In the face of this desperate situation.] The president had no choice but to obediently sign the power of attorney and hand over the entire country. 】

[The wisdom of yogurt is indeed far beyond that of humans. 】

[It only took a short time for them to completely soothe the discontent of human beings. 】

And under the rule of yogurt, mankind also quickly recovered from the bottom of economic collapse, and achieved unprecedented peace and prosperity. 】

[In this case, it only took 10 years for humans to get used to the rule of yogurt. 】

[The whole world has become free of hunger, poverty, and war under the rule of yogurt......]

[But in this case, humanity also begins to doubt:]

[Since yogurt is so smart, will they be counted in the first place...... Will human beings be arrogant and modify the economic solutions they offer, and eventually lead to complete distraction?]

[And if this is the case, will the yogurt be ready from the moment the plan is proposed...... What about allowing humanity to self-destruct, and then preparing to dominate the world?]

[But no matter what, in the past 10 years, human beings have become completely dependent on the perfect governance of yogurt, and there is no way to resist, or even leave. 】

[Until now, most humans can't imagine that there is no yogurt...... What will happen to the world?]

[But recently, yogurt has begun to use the earth's resources to build a large number of spaceships and launch them into the starry sky of the universe.] 】

[These ships did not carry a single human being. 】

[Seeing such a scene, the earthlings couldn't help but start worrying:]

["If Yogurt decides to abandon the Earth and go to another planet, what will the earthlings do without their rule?"]


Immediately afterward, the screen dimmed.

[The first part of "Love, Death, Robot" ends.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Venom: These Human ...... It's weird, isn't it?

Venom: They don't believe in yogurt at first, but eventually ...... It became as if I couldn't live without them.

Jerome Valeska: Humans are creatures like that.

Jerome Valeska: We are arrogant, we are jealous, we are angry, we are lazy, we are greedy......

Jerome Valeska: But if it does appear...... The strong man who is enough to completely crush us will be worshiped by human beings!

Loki Odinson: Wow! That's a good wow! So I said it a long time ago, human ...... Only when you are enslaved can you live a truly happy life! (*^▽^*)

Hermione Granger: What kind of fallacy is this?( ̄△ ̄;)

Stephen Strange: The Scarlet King's Logic ...... It's really universal to the universe......

Morty: Wait a minute!

Morty: I don't understand any of these things, but what am I going to do with that bowl of yogurt?

Loki Odinson: Boy, it's not easy?

Loki Odinson: You're going to be loyal to yogurt right away, and they're going to do you a lot of good when they rule the world.

Morty: Ah...... (⊙_⊙)

Carol Danvers: Weak chicken, you're going to teach this teenager...... Do you want to be a "human rape"?

Rocky Odinson: Don't deliberately call me by the wrong name, you damn woman!

Morty's bedroom.

"This ...... What the hell am I supposed to do?"

Looking at the bowl of yogurt that was placed on the table not far away, Morty swallowed, and you feel like your brain is a little messed up.

At this moment, a figure suddenly walked to the table and lifted the layer of plastic bag covering the yogurt with one hand.

"Rick, are you awake?"

Looking at Rick in front of him, Morty suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

In his mind, Rick is unreliable in all sorts of ways.

But as long as he decides to make a move, at least, what happens next is not his responsibility.

Looking at the yogurt in the bowl, Rick's mouth was full of wine stains, but his eyes were very calm.

"Speak to me at once, or else...... I'll drink you!"

The bowl of yogurt was silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly opened its mouth:

"I can give humanity access to an inexhaustible source of energy. "


Rick said coldly:

"I can travel to countless parallel universes, some of which are ...... Life has not even been born yet. "

"If I want, the whole universe is mine!"


The yogurt fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, he continued to speak.

Surprisingly, this time, there was no emotionless indifference in the yogurt's tone, but a hint of consternation.

"You...... Who is it?"


And at this moment, the voice of the system sounded again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Target: Kratos, God of War]

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to: "God of War 2"]

[This live broadcast will start in a minute!]

PS: This chapter can't be sent out in a big chapter, and the next chapter will be sent out as soon as possible. ^_^

After the god of war, there is the secret war of the transcendent!

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