"I'm going to be a madman?"

Sitting in the basement, Jerome was shocked at first, then clenched his teeth, the muscles on his face twitched slightly, and there was a hint of fierceness in his eyes.

From an early age he thought ...... People other than themselves are all idiots.

After framing his own brother Jerome and leaving the garbage circus, Jerome's arrogance has reached its peak!

But...... If what Bruce Wayne said is right, such a "higher than human" self would actually become a green-haired, white-skinned, and laughing freak after a series of accidents?

"What are you kidding?"

Sitting in his chair, Jeromer let out a low angry cry, and his expression suddenly became gloomy.

But in the next moment, the anger on his face disappeared in an instant, and then the corners of his mouth rose sharply, revealing a shuddering smile:

"Hmph, wow, I want to see who has the ability...... Turn me into a clown!"

An eerie sneer echoed through the basement.

[At this moment, a new image appears on the screen.] 】

[Image continues.] 】

[In the dilapidated amusement park, the clown looks gloomily at the glass in front of him and takes his thoughts back from his memories. 】

[At this time, the operator who sold the dilapidated amusement park was already very excited, and even sat on an elephant rocking chair like a child!]

["I promise, you will never regret buying this place!"]

"Look...... These rides are still very useful. "】

[Aha, you're right, so let's ...... Let's shake hands and make a deal!"]

[Looking at the operator sitting in the elephant rocking chair in front of him, the gloom on the clown's face was instantly swept away, and it was replaced by a chilling and eerie smile. 】

[After shaking hands with the operator, the clown gently removes the bloody poison needle from his hand.] 】

["It's a pity...... I'm not going to pay you a penny. "】

[After shaking hands with the clown, the operator's body instantly became like a clay sculpture of wood,]

[If someone looks at his face at this time, they will immediately see a crazy smiling face that is extremely hideous!]

[The most terrifying thing is that although he is laughing, he does not show any laughter! 】

[This is the clown's "poison of laughter"!]

[As long as you are poisoned by this kind of poison, the dead person will have this terrifying smile on their faces!]

[At the same time, in the Batcave, Batman also happens to be holding a poker ghost card in his hand.] 】

[Staring at the smiling face of the clown on this ghost card, he gently put the playing card down, turned around and walked to the computer screen.] 】

[Batman called up all the information of the Joker. 】

[However, his action is actually meaningless, because it can be clearly seen on the screen...... Clown's name, age, relatives...... It's all "unknown". 】

[This madman is like jumping out of a stone!]

[At this moment, the screen turns, and suddenly Director James Gordon's house is again.] 】

["Abominable clown!"]

[Gordon curses under his breath as he raises his scissors, preparing to cut out the newspaper about the Joker's escape, as if to be collected as a source.] 】

["Every time we put him in prison, I pray to God that he will stay in that place forever. "】

["But he always escapes!"]

["We can only sit and continue to pray, he won't do anything too terrible!"]

["This feeling is really terrible......"]

[That being said, Director Gordon is still very skilled in cutting out the relevant newspapers.] 】

[It seems that he doesn't know how many times he has done something like this. 】

[At this moment, the daughter of Director James Gordon...... Barbara Gordon walked over with two cups of hot cocoa. 】

["Dad, how many times have I said that you can't leave your work in the office?"]

[Although he was still complaining, Barbara still put Director Gordon's cup of cocoa in front of him. 】

[This short period of time between father and daughter is particularly warm. 】

[But just then, there was a knock on the door of Director Gordon's house.] 】

[Ahh "】

[Barbara Gordon did not hesitate at all, holding her hot cocoa in one hand, walked to the door and opened the door. 】

[Just after Barbara opened the door, the smile on her face suddenly stiffened. 】

[I saw that it was not his friend standing outside the door, but a pale, ghost-like clown!]

[Moreover, there are not only two fierce subordinates standing behind the clown, but also a revolver in his hand!]


[Before Barbara could react, the Joker pulled the trigger, and a bullet hit her straight in the waist.] 】


[With a miserable scream, Barbara's blood splattered and fell backwards!]


[Because the impact of this shot was too great, Barbara took a few steps back and slammed into the glass table, crushing the table. 】

[For a moment, blood flowed from her body, staining the ground red. 】


[Looking at his daughter who fell to the ground, Director Gordon's face turned pale and hurriedly rushed forward. 】


[Looking at the grief-stricken Director Gordon, the clown laughed proudly:]

["Don't worry, this girl is not so easy to die, she is a strong girl. "】

["But...... If she hurts her spine, she may not be able to walk in the future. "】

["You damn scum!!"]

[Hearing that his precious daughter might become a cripple, Director Gordon lost his mind for a while!]

[He raised the scissors he used to cut the newspaper in his hand and rushed towards the clown, as if he wanted to stab him to death on the spot!]

[However, the two big men who followed closely behind the clown immediately rushed up and punched and kicked Director Gordon. 】


[After all, Director Gordon is old, and he can't beat these two strong men, and he was soon knocked to the ground by random punches. 】

[Just as Director Gordon was being flattened, the clown actually walked into the living room alone and found the wine bottle and glass. 】

Next, he poured himself a drink while admiring the scene in front of him. 】

[Seeing that her father was knocked down first, and then carried out by two people, Barbara Gordon, who was lying in a pool of blood, gritted her teeth and looked at the clown, and asked in pain:]

["You...... Why are you doing this?"]

["Hey, hey......"]

[With that chilling smile on the clown's face, he slowly squatted down, holding the wine glass in one hand and Barbara's shirt with the other:]

"I just want to prove one thing. "】

["Other...... This cup is a sin!"

[At the moment when the clown held the wine glass, he suddenly remembered again...... That incident from many years ago. 】

[He was also in the bar at the time, holding a wine glass.] 】

[But the man of that year has not yet become a clown. 】

[However, because his wife was about to give birth, the impoverished middle-aged man finally decided...... Take a risk!]

["I'll tell you first, if it weren't for the last resort, I would never do such a thing. "】

[Looking at the sides of the table, the two gangsters who were not good at first glance, the middle-aged man seemed to be making excuses for himself, and said endlessly:]

"I was working as a research assistant in that factory, and it was a good job. "】

["And guess what? I quit my job and decided to become a comedian because...... I think I've got a talent for it!"]


[Putting the wine glass on the table, the middle-aged man smiled bitterly:]

["Look at the way I look now, I don't have the talent to make people laugh!"]

["Otherwise, how could I have come to work with you on this case?"]

"Hey, watch your tone. One of the gangsters said with some dissatisfaction. 】

[Another gangster whispered to comfort the nervous man:]

["It's alright, man, we just need you to lead the way, through the chemical plant where you worked, and into the card company next door to the factory."] "】

["There's a lot of money in that place!"]

[Speaking of which, another gangster in a suit and leather shoes suddenly opened the bag he was carrying:]

["Just in case, make sure that absolutely no one can associate you with the robbery...... When doing things, you have to wear this. "】

[The middle-aged man turned his head and saw a red hood in his bag. 】

[Looking at this weird red hood, the middle-aged man seems to be a little worried. 】

[Seeing this, the other two gangsters hurriedly cheered him on:]

"It's alright, man. "】

["Wait until next Friday to do this ticket, and then ...... Saturday morning."] You're a rich man!"]

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Hermione Granger: "Why! Did this man who sinned because of his wife and children end up being that crazy clown?

Hermione Granger: That's pathetic, too.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Little girl, what do you know? This world is like this! Either you eat someone else, or you will be eaten!

Hermione Granger: "You...... Do you think he should go for a robbery?

Rampaging Lori Jinx: Nonsense! If you don't rob it, will you wait to see your wife and children starve to death?

Rampaging Lori Jinx: However, this stupid man, no matter how you look at it, is the kind of unlucky guy who is "eaten"!

Rampage Lori Jinx: If I want to guess, it must be those two gangsters who succeeded in grabbing the money, and by the way, they did him and swallowed his money!

Rampage Lori Jinx: This kind of thing is too common here in Zaun!

Barry Allen, The Flash: Encountering this tragic betrayal, although he narrowly escaped with his life, he still went crazy and became a crazy clown?

Barry Allen, The Flash: What a sad story.

Jerome Valeska: Hmph! I think it's an idiot's story.

Jerome Valeska: You quit a good job because you wanted to be a comedian?

Jerome Valeska: It's not madness, it's stupidity!

Bruce Wayne: You...... It's from the clown's point of view. What are the evaluations made?

Jerome Valeska: Hahaha, whatever I will become, I'm a calm and rational person now!

Jerome Valeska: In my opinion, the man who was tricked into robbery was a fool!

Jerome Valeska: I don't think he's virtuous either...... What an incredible super-criminal he can become!

Listening to Jerome's undisguised arrogant words, Master Wayne's eyebrows also jumped.

Indeed, although the "down-and-down middle-aged man" was thin, he was the same as the one with a white face full of oil paint and the corners of his mouth cracked...... A crazy clown with green hair, who bears no resemblance at all!

If only because of betrayal, a person ...... Will there be such a big change?

Just as Bruce Wayne was confused, a new image appeared on the screen.

[The screen turns and I come to the hospital.] 】

[After the doctor's diagnosis, Barbara Gordon, who was seriously injured, has permanently paralyzed her legs due to spinal injuries. 】

[And, according to the police report, the Joker even ripped off Barbara's clothes after knocking her down.] 】

"We found a lens cover in the house, which didn't match all the cameras in the house. "】

["So...... That pervert, should have slapped her ......]

[Facing Batman with a cold look in front of him, the bald police officer couldn't say any more. 】

[Next, Batman forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart and let the bald officer leave the ward. 】

[Not long after, a series of frightened shouts rang out in the room. 】

"Dad, that madman, he took my dad away."] "】

He also said that he intended to prove a point. "】

["Oh my God, what will the Bruce Joker do?]

"What the hell will he do to my dad. "】

[Looking at the tears on his face, he didn't even care about his own injuries, but was worried about James Gordon's Barbara, Batman was speechless for a while. 】

[At this time, the screen shifts to the abandoned playground again.] 】

[A couple of strangely dressed dwarfs stripped James Gordon of his clothes and put a collar around his neck!]

["What are you doing?"]


[James Gordon just wanted to resist, but was stabbed in the body by a dwarf holding an electric baton!]

Driven by high-voltage electricity and collars, Director Gordon staggered to the lawn of the abandoned playground. 】

[A group of strange-looking people have gathered here.] 】

[Among them, there are big fat people, conjoined people, and hairy people covered in hair, plus these dwarfs around them, it can be said that all kinds of weirdos have gathered. 】


[Looking at the embarrassed and frightened James Gordon in front of him, the clown sitting high on the "throne" of the circus laughed wildly again:]

["Do you know? 'Remembering' is a very scary thing. "】

["Because no one knows what a terrible place ...... 'it' will take you!"]

["But no matter how painful it is, how unbearable the memory is. You still have a way out of 'madness'!"

[Looking at those dwarfs and tying Director Gordon to a tour bus, the clown still had a grim smile on his face, but his words suddenly became cold to the bone:]

["Remember, 'madness' is always open to you!"]


[At this time, the picture suddenly turned again, coming to the past.] 】

[On Friday night, when he was about to carry out the robbery, the middle-aged man and the two gangsters met again in the bar. 】

[However, no one expected that at this moment, two policemen walked into the bar and called the middle-aged man out. 】

[Just when the middle-aged man was beating the drum in his heart, thinking that the plan had been revealed, the police told him a terrible bad news. 】

[His wife, because of an inexplicable accident, died not long ago. 】

[If you add her unborn child, this is one corpse and two lives!]

[After hearing this terrifying news, the middle-aged man's face was as white as paper, as if he couldn't give up, and walked back to the bar in a trance. 】

[In this case, he would have wanted to quit the robbery.] 】

[After all, the reason why middle-aged men join the gang is to grab enough money so that their wives and children can live a good life!]

[But now, his goal is gone!]

[However...... Those two gangsters didn't allow such a good guide to leave. 】

[So, they simply tore their faces directly and forced the middle-aged man to rob with them!]

["Listen to me, such a big deal, if you want to escape, it won't end well!"]

["Tonight, after we finish this vote, tomorrow ...... You can give your wife a beautiful burial!"]

[Faced with the ferocious threat of the two gangsters, the middle-aged man could only reluctantly agree. 】

[After the gangsters left, the man who had lost everything held his head and cried bitterly on the bar. 】

[The collapse of an adult man is often in an instant. 】

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