[Video continued]

The calm narrator sounded again. "】

["After deciding to serve the gods, Kratos became a thug of the Olympian gods...... Even killers!"]

"For many years, he killed his enemies for the sake of the gods, and his hands were once again covered with blood. "】

["After fulfilling countless missions to the gods, Kratos finally began to get tired of it, and he began to question Athena, who had assigned him the task:"]

["When will my own killing be ended?"]

["When will my nightmare stop?"]

But he could never get a definite answer, so he could only reluctantly continue his task. "】

After Kratos served the gods for more than 10 years, Ares, the god of war, has finally begun his new project. "】

["Ares used his divine power to raise an army of the undead, and ordered these undead to launch an attack on Athena's city-state. "】

"While Ares was attacking Athens, Kratos was at sea at the moment, hunting the infamous Hydra...... Hydra. "】

["The reason why the Spartan revenant will go to great lengths to kill this sea monster is because it has been ordered by the sea god Poseidon. "】

["The current Kratos has long since become a tool man of the Olympian gods, and he is assigned to do all the dirty work and tiring work. "】

["He has lived like this for 10 years. "】

["However, this originally simple journey to kill sea monsters suddenly had an accident. "】

["Because Ares sent his own army of the undead to Athens, and the ship that was attacked by the Hydra was not far from Athens,"]

["So...... When Kratos boarded the ship, the first thing that caught his eye was not a sea monster, but a group of undead soldiers. "】

["Kratos, who has killed countless people, how could he take these undead creatures in his eyes, I saw him unfold the Chaos Twin Blades, and kill this group of undead in an instant. "】

And in order to ensure that Kratos ...... can completely destroy the sea monster that has been bothering him for a long time, the sea god Poseidon, and also endow the Spartan revenant with a kind of divine power!"

["This is Poseidon's Wrath!"]

["Although he gained divine powers, Kratos discovered ...... during his journey against the undead and sea monsters His reputation is worse than he imagined. "】

"The crew of the ship hated him, and some would rather lock themselves in the cabin than be rescued by Kratos. "】

["I know who you are, and I know the sins you have committed, and I would rather die than have you come to save me!"

Facing the crew who were hiding in the cabin and yelling at themselves, Kratos could only turn away silently. "】

However, Kratos, who has killed countless people, is not a good-tempered person. "】

["Or, it is not without reason that so many people hate him, and even fear him. "】

After finally encountering the true form of Hydra Hydra, Kratos saw an amazing scene at a glance. "】

["The captain of this sea ship turned out to be a whole person...... I swallowed one of Hydra's heads!"

And around the captain's neck, there is a glittering golden key. "】

Seeing this, Kratos immediately unleashed the Chaos Twin Blades and fought with the Hydra, which had several heads. "】

["The most powerful thing about the hydra is that it has the largest head, which can heal other heads. "】

As a battle-hardened Spartan revenant, Kratos quickly sensed this. "】

["He first used the ship's mast and nailed the other two heads, and then concentrated his fire and killed the largest head of the Hydra!"]

["Now, the rest of the nailed heads also exploded at the same time!"]

["Hydra Hydra died at the hands of the Spartan Spirit. "】

[But surprisingly, after the death of the Hydra, Kratos actually heard the voice of a cry for help from the throat of one of the heads. "】


After hearing this voice, Kratos rushed into the throat of the Hydra without hesitation, all the way down the esophagus. "】

["Soon he found out that the captain who had been swallowed by the Hydra before was still in his monster's esophagus and did not fall into his stomach. "】

Looking at the golden key hanging in front of the captain, Kratos stretched out his hand, grabbed the key directly, and lifted him up. "】

["The captain who escaped death looked at Kratos with a look of gratitude on his face:"]

"Thank God that you have finally come to my rescue. "】

Kratos put his face in front of the captain and said coldly: "

"I'm not here to save you. "】

["As soon as the words fell, Kratos snapped the key rope!"]

["No, no, no......"]

The captain let out a terrible scream, and rolled into Hydra's esophagus, apparently falling into his stomach. "】

Seeing this scene, the chat group suddenly became lively again.

Deadpool: I'll go! And this kind of operation, I'm served.

Captain Rice: What are you kidding, Kratos, why did you kill him? That captain and you don't have a grudge?(▼Dish▼;)

Starlight: Snatched the key and killed someone, ...... Isn't this the same as a robber who kills people and extorts goods?

Loki Odinson: Ahahaha! What made you ...... Is this Kratos the delusion of a good guy?

Rocky Odinson: He was a brutal warrior who killed people and set fires, and "bandits" are not even enough to describe him!

Kratos: Hmph, stupid little god, as a Spartan, I'll take your word ...... Understood as complimentary.

Rocky Odinson: What do you say?

Bruce Wayne: According to historical legend, the Spartans didn't produce anything in the first place, and they would grab whatever they wanted!

God of War Kratos: Isn't it normal for the strong to take the things of the weak?

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): This ...... You snatched the captain's key in order to rob him of his treasure?

Kratos: No kidding, I just wanted to use his key to open his captain's room. And control the steering wheel of the entire ship, right in the captain's room!

Kratos, God of War: Only then can I operate this ship to Athens.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): Just for that, you killed him? (⊙_⊙)

Kratos: Otherwise, what do you think...... Am I really going to look down on a captain's possessions?

Kratos: Boy, in your eyes, I'm so superficial?

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): ............ ( ̄△ ̄;)

Deadpool: I'll go, Kratos, you have a point, I'm speechless. O(∩_∩)O haha~

Nick Fury: The mythical Hydra turned out to be like this.

Natasha Romanoff: yes, it seems that the real Hydra is much easier to deal with than the Hydra hidden in the human heart.

Captain of the United States: ............

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] "】

The calm narration also sounded again. "】

After eliminating Hydra Hydra, the goddess Athena once again made a promise to Kratos. "】

"As long as he can destroy ...... Ares, the god of war wreaking havoc in the city of Athens, the Olympian gods will fulfill their promise for years to make Kratos' nightmare disappear. "】

["This is the last mission that the gods have issued to Kratos. "】

["Because the god king Zeus forbade the gods of Olympus to fight each other, the gods entrusted Kratos with the difficult task of killing the god of war. "】

["Operating the ship to the port of Athens, Kratos fought all the way to the shore, defeating Ares' undead soldiers and terrifying monsters. "】

"In the city of Athens, Kratos encountered visions of the prophetess of Athens. "】

"The prophetess told Kratos that he should go to the east of the city of Athens. "】

"As soon as she gets there, she will tell Kratos how to defeat Ares. "】

["On Kratos' way to the east of Athens, he saw the "God of War Prototype", a giant-like Ares!"]

["In front of Ares, the mortal army is like ants, trampled by him at will. "】

["Looking at Ares's fierce appearance, all kinds of new and old hatreds suddenly surged into Kratos's heart. "】

However, he didn't have the ability to kill Ares now, so Kratos could only suppress the anger in his heart and continue to search for the trace of the prophetess. "】

After arriving to the east of the city of Athens, Kratos was surprised to find that the prophetess had been taken away by the demon birds under the command of Ares. "】

In order to complete his mission, Kratos had to return to Athens again to find the prophetess. "】

And in this killing journey, Abrodi, the goddess of love and beauty, also gave Kratos an oracle. "】

She instructed Kratos to kill one of the Medusa queens entrenched in the city and cut off her head. "】

"In this way, Kratos has the ability to release petrified rays. "】

And Zeus, the king of the gods, also gave Kratos the magic power to release lightning. "】

["Relying on the divine power bestowed by these gods, the Spartan revenant has become more powerful and more ferocious!"]

["In the city of Athens, whether it is a monster or an ordinary person, as long as they stand in front of Kratos, they will be killed by him without any scruples. "】

["In this sense, some of the crew on that ship preferred to lock themselves in the cabin rather than touch Kratos...... Probably a smart move. "】

"Passing through the city of Athens, Kratos came to the temple where the prophetess was, but he met an old man digging a grave outside the temple. "】

Kratos asked with some curiosity, who is this old man digging graves for, who knows...... The old man suddenly pointed at him and laughed:]

["Hahaha! this is your grave, huh?"]

"Are you cursing me?" Kratos asked angrily.

With a weird smile on the old man's face, he shook his head slightly:]

["Actually...... I'm here to save you. "】

["Under normal circumstances, the murderous Kratos would definitely cut off the head of this crazy old man with a single sword. "】

["But now that the task is on his side, he doesn't bother to entangle with this old madman. "】

"All the way to the temple, Kratos rescues the prophetess who is hanging in mid-air. "】

After so many twists and turns, the prophetess finally told Kratos that the only way to defeat Ares, the god of war, was to obtain the Pandora's box that the gods had sealed in the Lost Desert. "】

["In that year, Zeus led the Olympian gods and defeated his father...... Kronos, King of the Titans. "】

"Since then, Kronos has been burdened with ...... The temple where Pandora's Treasure Box is located crawls forever in the misty desert. "】

After breaking into the Lost Desert, Kratos killed all the Banshees in the desert and blew the horn to attract Kronos who was crawling in the desert. "】

Next, Kratos crawled on Kronos's body for three days and three nights with amazing willpower and physical strength before climbing to the Pandora Temple. "】

["After entering the temple, Kratos received the oracle of the moon goddess Artemis, and obtained a new divine power:]

["Artemis' Blade!"]

["The reason why these Olympian gods are so generous with Kratos is that they hope for this Spartan revenant...... Be able to follow God's plan and successfully kill Ares, the god of war!"

Next, Kratos underwent the trial of Hades, the king of Hades, in the temple of Pandora, and killed the mechanical bull monster Minotaur. "】

["After passing the trial, Kratos obtained the divine power of Hades from Hades...... Hades Legion!"]

Through countless hardships and dangers, Kratos finally found the purpose of his trip in the Pandora Temple...... That Pandora's box of infinite power!"

["But just when Kratos got Pandora's Box, Ares, who was in the city of Athens, actually noticed all this from the air!"]

["Hmph, little Spartan, you have found Zeus's treasure box. "】

["But you don't have a chance to open the box anymore!"]

["Pandora's Box...... It's mine!"]

[With a sneer, the giant-like Ares casually picked up a broken stone pillar on the ground, and regarded this pillar as flying... The projectile was thrown. "】

["Goodbye Spartans, you will rot in the abyss of Hades...... Forever!"]

["With Ares' angry shout, the pillar in his hand instantly crossed a distance of thousands of meters and shot straight into the Pandora Temple!"]


["This pillar carries infinite divine power, penetrates Kratos's body unbiasedly, and nails him to the wall of the temple!"


["Encountering a fatal blow, Kratos's blood spurted wildly, only to feel that his eyes were black, and the strength of his body gradually lost. "】

["The last scene he saw was when Ares's demon bird flew into the temple and took the Pandora's box that he had managed to obtain...... I grabbed it and flew away. "】

["The artifact that I worked so hard to get was actually cheaper than Ares in the end!"]


In intense pain and unwillingness, Kratos took his last breath. "】

["Kratos is dead!"]

["His soul left the world and came to the hell ruled by Hades!"]

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